
Source file src/solace.dev/go/messaging/pkg/solace/message/message.go

Documentation: solace.dev/go/messaging/pkg/solace/message

     1  // pubsubplus-go-client
     2  //
     3  // Copyright 2021-2024 Solace Corporation. All rights reserved.
     4  //
     5  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     6  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     7  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8  //
     9  // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  //
    11  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15  // limitations under the License.
    17  package message
    19  import (
    20  	"time"
    22  	"solace.dev/go/messaging/pkg/solace/message/sdt"
    23  )
    25  // Message represents the common functionality between an Inbound and Outbound message.
    26  type Message interface {
    27  	// Message is of type Disposable. If the message has any underlying resources from the backing
    28  	// messaging implementation, these can be freed using Disposable.Dispose(). If Disposable.Dispose()
    29  	// is not called on the Message, finalizers attempt to clean up any underlying resources.
    30  	// Calling Dispose() is optional, but is recommended because it improves garbage collection performance.
    31  	// After Disposable.Dispose() is called, Message is considered unusable and all any subsequent function calls
    32  	// return nil or empty data.
    33  	Disposable
    35  	// GetProperties returns a map of user properties.
    36  	GetProperties() sdt.Map
    38  	// GetProperty returns the user property at the given key, and a boolean indicating if its present.
    39  	// Will return nil if not found. Property may be present and set to nil.
    40  	GetProperty(key string) (value sdt.Data, ok bool)
    42  	// HasProperty return whether a user property is present in Message.
    43  	HasProperty(key string) bool
    45  	// GetPayloadAsBytes attempts to get the payload of the message as a byte array.
    46  	// This function return bytes containing the byte array and an ok flag indicating if it was
    47  	// successful. If the content is not accessible in byte array form, an empty slice is
    48  	// returned and the ok flag is false.
    49  	GetPayloadAsBytes() (bytes []byte, ok bool)
    51  	// GetPayloadAsString attempts to get the payload of the message as a string.
    52  	// This function returns a string containing the data stored in the message and an ok flag
    53  	// indicating if it was successful. If the content is not accessible in string form,
    54  	// an empty string is returned and the ok flag is false.
    55  	GetPayloadAsString() (str string, ok bool)
    57  	// GetPayloadAsMap attempts to get the payload of the message as an SDTMap.
    58  	// This function returns a SDTMap instance containing the data stored in the message and
    59  	// an ok indicating if it was success. If the content is not accessible in SDTMap
    60  	// form, sdtMap is nil and ok is false.
    61  	GetPayloadAsMap() (sdtMap sdt.Map, ok bool)
    63  	// GetPayloadAsStream attempts to get the payload of the message as an SDTStream.
    64  	// This function returns a SDTStream instance containing the data stored in the message and
    65  	// an ok indicating if it was success. If the content is not accessible in SDTStream
    66  	// form, sdtStream is nil and ok is false.
    67  	GetPayloadAsStream() (sdtStream sdt.Stream, ok bool)
    69  	// GetCorrelationID returns the correlation ID of the message.
    70  	// If not present, the id argument is an empty string and ok is false.
    71  	GetCorrelationID() (id string, ok bool)
    73  	// GetExpiration returns the expiration time of the message.
    74  	// The expiration time is UTC time of when the message was discarded or
    75  	// moved to the Dead Message Queue by the broker.
    76  	// A value of zero (as determined by time.isZero()) indicates that the
    77  	// message never expires. The default value is zero.
    78  	GetExpiration() time.Time
    80  	// GetSequenceNumber returns the sequence number of the message.
    81  	// Sequence numbers may be set by the publisher applications or
    82  	// automatically generated by the publisher APIs. The sequence number
    83  	// is carried in the Message metadata in addition to the payload, and
    84  	// can be retrieved by consumer applications. Returns a positive
    85  	// sequenceNumber if set, otherwise ok is false if priority is not set.
    86  	GetSequenceNumber() (sequenceNumber int64, ok bool)
    88  	// GetPriority returns the priority value. Valid priorities range from
    89  	// 0 (lowest) to 255 (highest). Returns the priority, otherwise ok is false if priority is not set.
    90  	GetPriority() (priority int, ok bool)
    92  	// GetHTTPContentType returns the HTTP content-type set on the message.
    93  	// If not set, returns an empty string and ok is false.
    94  	GetHTTPContentType() (contentType string, ok bool)
    96  	// GetHTTPContentEncoding returns the HTTP content encoding set on the message.
    97  	// If not set, returns an empty string and ok is false.
    98  	GetHTTPContentEncoding() (contentEncoding string, ok bool)
   100  	// GetApplicationMessageID returns the Application Message ID of the message.
   101  	// This value is used by applications only and is passed through the API unmodified.
   102  	// If not set, returns an empty string and ok is false.
   103  	GetApplicationMessageID() (applicationMessageID string, ok bool)
   105  	// GetApplicationMessageType returns the Application Message Type of the message.
   106  	// This value is used by applications only and is passed through the API unmodified.
   107  	// If not set, returns an empty string and ok is false.
   108  	GetApplicationMessageType() (applicationMessageType string, ok bool)
   110  	// GetClassOfService returns the class of service of the message. Class of Service is
   111  	// represented by an integer with:
   112  	//  0 | COS_1
   113  	//  1 | COS_2
   114  	//  2 | COS_3
   115  	GetClassOfService() (cos int)
   117  	// String implements fmt.Stringer. Prints the message as a string. A truncated response
   118  	// may be returned when large payloads or properties are attached.
   119  	String() string
   120  }