
Source file src/solace.dev/go/messaging/pkg/solace/subcode/subcode_generated.go

Documentation: solace.dev/go/messaging/pkg/solace/subcode

     1  // pubsubplus-go-client
     2  //
     3  // Copyright 2021-2024 Solace Corporation. All rights reserved.
     4  //
     5  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     6  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     7  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8  //
     9  // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10  //
    11  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15  // limitations under the License.
    17  package subcode
    19  // Code generated by subcode_generator.go via go generate. DO NOT EDIT.
    20  const (
    21  	// Ok: No error.
    22  	Ok Code = 0
    23  	// ParamOutOfRange: An API call was made with an out-of-range parameter.
    24  	ParamOutOfRange Code = 1
    25  	// ParamNullPtr: An API call was made with a null or invalid pointer parameter.
    26  	ParamNullPtr Code = 2
    27  	// ParamConflict: An API call was made with a parameter combination that is not valid.
    28  	ParamConflict Code = 3
    29  	// InsufficientSpace: An API call failed due to insufficient space to accept more data.
    30  	InsufficientSpace Code = 4
    31  	// OutOfResources: An API call failed due to lack of resources (for example, starting a timer when all timers are in use).
    32  	OutOfResources Code = 5
    33  	// InternalError: An API call had an internal error (not an application fault).
    34  	InternalError Code = 6
    35  	// OutOfMemory: An API call failed due to inability to allocate memory.
    36  	OutOfMemory Code = 7
    37  	// ProtocolError: An API call failed due to a protocol error with the broker (not an application fault).
    38  	ProtocolError Code = 8
    39  	// InitNotCalled: An API call failed due to solClient_initialize() not being called first.
    40  	InitNotCalled Code = 9
    41  	// Timeout: An API call failed due to a timeout.
    42  	Timeout Code = 10
    43  	// KeepAliveFailure: The Session Keep-Alive detected a failed Session.
    44  	KeepAliveFailure Code = 11
    45  	// SessionNotEstablished: An API call failed due to the Session not being established.
    46  	SessionNotEstablished Code = 12
    47  	// OsError: An API call failed due to a failed operating system call; an error string can be retrieved with solClient_getLastErrorInfo().
    48  	OsError Code = 13
    49  	// CommunicationError: An API call failed due to a communication error. An error string can be retrieved with solClient_getLastErrorInfo().
    50  	CommunicationError Code = 14
    51  	// UserDataTooLarge: An attempt was made to send a message with user data larger than the maximum that is supported.
    52  	UserDataTooLarge Code = 15
    53  	// TopicTooLarge: An attempt was made to use a Topic that is longer than the maximum that is supported.
    54  	TopicTooLarge Code = 16
    55  	// InvalidTopicSyntax: An attempt was made to use a Topic that has a syntax which is not supported.
    56  	InvalidTopicSyntax Code = 17
    57  	// XmlParseError: The broker could not parse an XML message.
    58  	XmlParseError Code = 18
    59  	// LoginFailure: The client could not log into the broker (bad username or password).
    60  	LoginFailure Code = 19
    61  	// InvalidVirtualAddress: An attempt was made to connect to the wrong IP address on the broker (must use CVRID if configured) or the broker CVRID has changed and this was detected on reconnect.
    62  	InvalidVirtualAddress Code = 20
    63  	// ClientDeleteInProgress: The client login not currently possible as previous instance of same client still being deleted.
    64  	ClientDeleteInProgress Code = 21
    65  	// TooManyClients: The client login not currently possible because the maximum number of active clients on broker has already been reached.
    66  	TooManyClients Code = 22
    67  	// SubscriptionAlreadyPresent: The client attempted to add a subscription which already exists. This subcode is only returned if the Session property SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_IGNORE_DUP_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR is not enabled.
    68  	SubscriptionAlreadyPresent Code = 23
    69  	// SubscriptionNotFound: The client attempted to remove a subscription which did not exist. This subcode is only returned if the Session property SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_IGNORE_DUP_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR is not enabled.
    70  	SubscriptionNotFound Code = 24
    71  	// SubscriptionInvalid: The client attempted to add/remove a subscription that is not valid.
    72  	SubscriptionInvalid Code = 25
    73  	// SubscriptionOther: The broker rejected a subscription add or remove request for a reason not separately enumerated.
    74  	SubscriptionOther Code = 26
    75  	// ControlOther: The broker rejected a control message for another reason not separately enumerated.
    76  	ControlOther Code = 27
    77  	// DataOther: The broker rejected a data message for another reason not separately enumerated.
    78  	DataOther Code = 28
    79  	// LogFileError: Could not open the log file name specified by the application for writing (Deprecated - ::SOLCLIENT_SUBCODE_OS_ERROR is used).
    80  	LogFileError Code = 29
    81  	// MessageTooLarge: The client attempted to send a message larger than that supported by the broker.
    82  	MessageTooLarge Code = 30
    83  	// SubscriptionTooMany: The client attempted to add a subscription that exceeded the maximum number allowed.
    84  	SubscriptionTooMany Code = 31
    85  	// InvalidSessionOperation: An API call failed due to the attempted operation not being valid for the Session.
    86  	InvalidSessionOperation Code = 32
    87  	// TopicMissing: A send call was made that did not have a Topic in a mode where one is required (for example, client mode).
    88  	TopicMissing Code = 33
    89  	// AssuredMessagingNotEstablished: A send call was made to send a Guaranteed message before Guaranteed Delivery is established (Deprecated).
    90  	AssuredMessagingNotEstablished Code = 34
    91  	// AssuredMessagingStateError: An attempt was made to start Guaranteed Delivery when it is already started.
    92  	AssuredMessagingStateError Code = 35
    93  	// QueuenameTopicConflict: Both Queue Name and Topic are specified in solClient_session_send.
    94  	QueuenameTopicConflict Code = 36
    95  	// QueuenameTooLarge: An attempt was made to use a Queue name which is longer than the maximum supported length.
    96  	QueuenameTooLarge Code = 37
    97  	// QueuenameInvalidMode: An attempt was made to use a Queue name on a non-Guaranteed message.
    98  	QueuenameInvalidMode Code = 38
    99  	// MaxTotalMsgsizeExceeded: An attempt was made to send a message with a total size greater than that supported by the protocol.
   100  	MaxTotalMsgsizeExceeded Code = 39
   101  	// DblockAlreadyExists: An attempt was made to allocate a datablock for a msg element when one already exists.
   102  	DblockAlreadyExists Code = 40
   103  	// NoStructuredData: An attempt was made to create a container to read structured data where none exists.
   104  	NoStructuredData Code = 41
   105  	// ContainerBusy: An attempt was made to add a field to a map or stream while a sub map or stream is being built.
   106  	ContainerBusy Code = 42
   107  	// InvalidDataConversion: An attempt was made to retrieve structured data with wrong type.
   108  	InvalidDataConversion Code = 43
   109  	// CannotModifyWhileNotIdle: An attempt was made to modify a property that cannot be modified while Session is not idle.
   110  	CannotModifyWhileNotIdle Code = 44
   111  	// MsgVpnNotAllowed: The Message VPN name configured for the session does not exist.
   112  	MsgVpnNotAllowed Code = 45
   113  	// ClientNameInvalid: The client name chosen has been rejected as invalid by the broker.
   114  	ClientNameInvalid Code = 46
   115  	// MsgVpnUnavailable: The Message VPN name set for the Session (or the default Message VPN, if none was set) is currently shutdown on the broker.
   116  	MsgVpnUnavailable Code = 47
   117  	// ClientUsernameIsShutdown: The username for the client is administratively shutdown on the broker.
   118  	ClientUsernameIsShutdown Code = 48
   119  	// DynamicClientsNotAllowed: The username for the Session has not been set and dynamic clients are not allowed.
   120  	DynamicClientsNotAllowed Code = 49
   121  	// ClientNameAlreadyInUse: The Session is attempting to use a client, publisher name, or subscriber name that is in use by another client, publisher, or subscriber, and the broker is configured to reject the new Session. When Message VPNs are in use, the conflicting client name must be in the same Message VPN.
   122  	ClientNameAlreadyInUse Code = 50
   123  	// CacheNoData: When the cache request returns ::SOLCLIENT_INCOMPLETE, this subcode indicates there is no cached data in the designated cache.
   124  	CacheNoData Code = 51
   125  	// CacheSuspectData: When the designated cache responds to a cache request with suspect data the API returns ::SOLCLIENT_INCOMPLETE with this subcode.
   126  	CacheSuspectData Code = 52
   127  	// CacheErrorResponse: The cache instance has returned an error response to the request.
   128  	CacheErrorResponse Code = 53
   129  	// CacheInvalidSession: The cache session operation failed because the Session has been destroyed.
   130  	CacheInvalidSession Code = 54
   131  	// CacheTimeout: The cache session operation failed because the request timeout expired.
   132  	CacheTimeout Code = 55
   133  	// CacheLivedataFulfill: The cache session operation completed when live data arrived on the Topic requested.
   134  	CacheLivedataFulfill Code = 56
   135  	// CacheAlreadyInProgress: A cache request has been made when there is already a cache request outstanding on the same Topic and SOLCLIENT_CACHEREQUEST_FLAGS_LIVEDATA_FLOWTHRU was not set.
   136  	CacheAlreadyInProgress Code = 57
   137  	// MissingReplyTo: A message does not have the required reply-to field.
   138  	MissingReplyTo Code = 58
   139  	// CannotBindToQueue: Already bound to the queue, or not authorized to bind to the queue.
   140  	CannotBindToQueue Code = 59
   141  	// InvalidTopicNameForTe: An attempt was made to bind to a Topic Endpoint with an invalid topic.
   142  	InvalidTopicNameForTe Code = 60
   143  	// UnknownQueueName: An attempt was made to bind to an unknown Queue name (for example, not configured on broker).
   144  	UnknownQueueName Code = 61
   145  	// UnknownTeName: An attempt was made to bind to an unknown Topic Endpoint name (for example, not configured on broker).
   146  	UnknownTeName Code = 62
   147  	// MaxClientsForQueue: An attempt was made to bind to a Queue that already has a maximum number of clients.
   148  	MaxClientsForQueue Code = 63
   149  	// MaxClientsForTe: An attempt was made to bind to a Topic Endpoint that already has a maximum number of clients.
   150  	MaxClientsForTe Code = 64
   151  	// UnexpectedUnbind: An unexpected unbind response was received for a Queue or Topic Endpoint (for example, the Queue or Topic Endpoint was deleted from the broker).
   152  	UnexpectedUnbind Code = 65
   153  	// QueueNotFound: The specified Queue was not found when publishing a message.
   154  	QueueNotFound Code = 66
   155  	// ClientAclDenied: The client login to the broker was denied because the IP address/netmask combination used for the client is designated in the ACL (Access Control List) as a deny connection for the given Message VPN and username.
   156  	ClientAclDenied Code = 67
   157  	// SubscriptionAclDenied: Adding a subscription was denied because it matched a subscription that was defined on the ACL (Access Control List).
   158  	SubscriptionAclDenied Code = 68
   159  	// PublishAclDenied: A message could not be published because its Topic matched a Topic defined on the ACL (Access Control List).
   160  	PublishAclDenied Code = 69
   161  	// DeliverToOneInvalid: An attempt was made to set both Deliver-To-One (DTO) and Guaranteed Delivery in the same message. (Deprecated:  DTO will be applied to the corresponding demoted direct message)
   162  	DeliverToOneInvalid Code = 70
   163  	// SpoolOverQuota: Message was not delivered because the Guaranteed message spool is over its allotted space quota.
   164  	SpoolOverQuota Code = 71
   165  	// QueueShutdown: An attempt was made to operate on a shutdown queue.
   166  	QueueShutdown Code = 72
   167  	// TeShutdown: An attempt was made to bind to a shutdown Topic Endpoint.
   168  	TeShutdown Code = 73
   169  	// NoMoreNonDurableQueueOrTe: An attempt was made to bind to a non-durable Queue or Topic Endpoint, and the broker is out of resources.
   170  	NoMoreNonDurableQueueOrTe Code = 74
   171  	// EndpointAlreadyExists: An attempt was made to create a Queue or Topic Endpoint that already exists. This subcode is only returned if the provision flag SOLCLIENT_PROVISION_FLAGS_IGNORE_EXIST_ERRORS is not set.
   172  	EndpointAlreadyExists Code = 75
   173  	// PermissionNotAllowed: An attempt was made to delete or create a Queue or Topic Endpoint when the Session does not have authorization for the action. This subcode is also returned when an attempt is made to remove a message from an endpoint when the Session does not have 'consume' authorization, or when an attempt is made to add or remove a Topic subscription from a Queue when the Session does not have 'modify-topic' authorization.
   174  	PermissionNotAllowed Code = 76
   175  	// InvalidSelector: An attempt was made to bind to a Queue or Topic Endpoint with an invalid selector.
   176  	InvalidSelector Code = 77
   177  	// MaxMessageUsageExceeded: Publishing of message denied because the maximum spooled message count was exceeded.
   178  	MaxMessageUsageExceeded Code = 78
   179  	// EndpointPropertyMismatch: An attempt was made to create a dynamic durable endpoint and it was found to exist with different properties.
   180  	EndpointPropertyMismatch Code = 79
   181  	// SubscriptionManagerDenied: An attempt was made to add a subscription to another client when Session does not have subscription manager privileges.
   182  	SubscriptionManagerDenied Code = 80
   183  	// UnknownClientName: An attempt was made to add a subscription to another client that is unknown on the broker.
   184  	UnknownClientName Code = 81
   185  	// QuotaOutOfRange: An attempt was made to provision an endpoint with a quota that is out of range.
   186  	QuotaOutOfRange Code = 82
   187  	// SubscriptionAttributesConflict: The client attempted to add a subscription which already exists but it has different properties
   188  	SubscriptionAttributesConflict Code = 83
   189  	// InvalidSmfMessage: The client attempted to send a Solace Message Format (SMF) message using solClient_session_sendSmf() or solClient_session_sendMultipleSmf(), but the buffer did not contain a Direct message.
   190  	InvalidSmfMessage Code = 84
   191  	// NoLocalNotSupported: The client attempted to establish a Session or Flow with No Local enabled and the capability is not supported by the broker.
   192  	NoLocalNotSupported Code = 85
   193  	// UnsubscribeNotAllowedClientsBound: The client attempted to unsubscribe a Topic from a Topic Endpoint while there were still Flows bound to the endpoint.
   194  	UnsubscribeNotAllowedClientsBound Code = 86
   195  	// CannotBlockInContext: An API function was invoked in the Context thread that would have blocked otherwise. For an example, a call may have been made to send a message when the Session is configured with ::SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_SEND_BLOCKING enabled and the transport (socket or IPC) channel is full. All application callback functions are executed in the Context thread.
   196  	CannotBlockInContext Code = 87
   197  	// FlowActiveFlowIndicationUnsupported: The client attempted to establish a Flow with Active Flow Indication (SOLCLIENT_FLOW_PROP_ACTIVE_FLOW_IND) enabled and the capability is not supported by the broker
   198  	FlowActiveFlowIndicationUnsupported Code = 88
   199  	// UnresolvedHost: The client failed to connect because the host name could not be resolved.
   200  	UnresolvedHost Code = 89
   201  	// CutThroughUnsupported: An attempt was made to create a 'cut-through' Flow on a Session that does not support this capability
   202  	CutThroughUnsupported Code = 90
   203  	// CutThroughAlreadyBound: An attempt was made to create a 'cut-through' Flow on a Session that already has one 'cut-through' Flow
   204  	CutThroughAlreadyBound Code = 91
   205  	// CutThroughIncompatibleWithSession: An attempt was made to create a 'cut-through' Flow on a Session with incompatible Session properties. Cut-through may not be enabled on Sessions with SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_TOPIC_DISPATCH enabled.
   206  	CutThroughIncompatibleWithSession Code = 92
   207  	// InvalidFlowOperation: An API call failed due to the attempted operation not being valid for the Flow.
   208  	InvalidFlowOperation Code = 93
   209  	// UnknownFlowName: The session was disconnected due to loss of the publisher flow state. All (unacked and unsent) messages held by the API were deleted. To connect the session, applications need to call ::solClient_session_connect again.
   210  	UnknownFlowName Code = 94
   211  	// ReplicationIsStandby: An attempt to perform an operation using a VPN that is configured to be STANDBY for replication.
   212  	ReplicationIsStandby Code = 95
   213  	// LowPriorityMsgCongestion: The message was rejected by the broker as one or more matching endpoints exceeded the reject-low-priority-msg-limit.
   214  	LowPriorityMsgCongestion Code = 96
   215  	// LibraryNotLoaded: The client failed to find the library or symbol.
   216  	LibraryNotLoaded Code = 97
   217  	// FailedLoadingTruststore: The client failed to load the trust store.
   218  	FailedLoadingTruststore Code = 98
   219  	// UntrustedCertificate: The client attempted to connect to an broker that has a suspect certficate.
   220  	UntrustedCertificate Code = 99
   221  	// UntrustedCommonname: The client attempted to connect to an broker that has a suspect common name.
   222  	UntrustedCommonname Code = 100
   223  	// CertificateDateInvalid: The client attempted to connect to an broker that does not have a valid certificate date.
   224  	CertificateDateInvalid Code = 101
   225  	// FailedLoadingCertificateAndKey: The client failed to load certificate and/or private key files.
   226  	FailedLoadingCertificateAndKey Code = 102
   227  	// BasicAuthenticationIsShutdown:  The client attempted to connect to an broker that has the basic authentication shutdown.
   228  	BasicAuthenticationIsShutdown Code = 103
   229  	// ClientCertificateAuthenticationIsShutdown:  The client attempted to connect to an broker that has the client certificate authentication shutdown.
   230  	ClientCertificateAuthenticationIsShutdown Code = 104
   231  	// UntrustedClientCertificate: The client failed to connect to an broker as it has a suspect client certificate.
   232  	UntrustedClientCertificate Code = 105
   233  	// ClientCertificateDateInvalid: The client failed to connect to an broker as it does not have a valid client certificate date.
   234  	ClientCertificateDateInvalid Code = 106
   235  	// CacheRequestCancelled: The cache request has been cancelled by the client.
   236  	CacheRequestCancelled Code = 107
   237  	// DeliveryModeUnsupported: Attempt was made from a Transacted Session to send a message with the delivery mode SOLCLIENT_DELIVERY_MODE_DIRECT.
   238  	DeliveryModeUnsupported Code = 108
   239  	// PublisherNotCreated: Client attempted to send a message from a Transacted Session without creating a default publisher flow.
   240  	PublisherNotCreated Code = 109
   241  	// FlowUnbound: The client attempted to receive message from an UNBOUND Flow with no queued messages in memory.
   242  	FlowUnbound Code = 110
   243  	// InvalidTransactedSessionID: The client attempted to commit or rollback a transaction with an invalid Transacted Session Id.
   244  	InvalidTransactedSessionID Code = 111
   245  	// InvalidTransactionID: The client attempted to commit or rollback a transaction with an invalid transaction Id.
   246  	InvalidTransactionID Code = 112
   247  	// MaxTransactedSessionsExceeded: The client failed to open a Transacted Session as it exceeded the max Transacted Sessions.
   248  	MaxTransactedSessionsExceeded Code = 113
   249  	// TransactedSessionNameInUse: The client failed to open a Transacted Session as the Transacted Session name provided is being used by another opened session.
   250  	TransactedSessionNameInUse Code = 114
   251  	// ServiceUnavailable: Guaranteed Delivery services are not enabled on the broker.
   252  	ServiceUnavailable Code = 115
   253  	// NoTransactionStarted: The client attempted to commit an unknown transaction.
   254  	NoTransactionStarted Code = 116
   255  	// PublisherNotEstablished: A send call was made on a transacted session before its publisher is established.
   256  	PublisherNotEstablished Code = 117
   257  	// MessagePublishFailure: The client attempted to commit a transaction with a GD publish failure encountered.
   258  	MessagePublishFailure Code = 118
   259  	// TransactionFailure: The client attempted to commit a transaction with too many transaction steps.
   260  	TransactionFailure Code = 119
   261  	// MessageConsumeFailure: The client attempted to commit a transaction with a consume failure encountered.
   262  	MessageConsumeFailure Code = 120
   263  	// EndpointModified: The client attempted to commit a transaction with an Endpoint being shutdown or deleted.
   264  	EndpointModified Code = 121
   265  	// InvalidConnectionOwner: The client attempted to commit a transaction with an unknown connection ID.
   266  	InvalidConnectionOwner Code = 122
   267  	// KerberosAuthenticationIsShutdown: The client attempted to connect to an broker that has the Kerberos authentication shutdown.
   268  	KerberosAuthenticationIsShutdown Code = 123
   269  	// CommitOrRollbackInProgress: The client attempted to send/receive a message or commit/rollback a transaction when a transaction commit/rollback is in progress.
   270  	CommitOrRollbackInProgress Code = 124
   271  	// UnbindResponseLost: The application called solClient_flow_destroy() and the unbind-response was not received.
   272  	UnbindResponseLost Code = 125
   273  	// MaxTransactionsExceeded: The client failed to open a Transacted Session as the maximum number of transactions was exceeded.
   274  	MaxTransactionsExceeded Code = 126
   275  	// CommitStatusUnknown: The commit response was lost due to a transport layer reconnection to an alternate host in the host list.
   276  	CommitStatusUnknown Code = 127
   277  	// ProxyAuthRequired: The host entry did not contain proxy authentication when required by the proxy server.
   278  	ProxyAuthRequired Code = 128
   279  	// ProxyAuthFailure: The host entry contained invalid proxy authentication when required by the proxy server.
   280  	ProxyAuthFailure Code = 129
   281  	// NoSubscriptionMatch: The client attempted to publish a guaranteed message to a topic that did not have any guaranteed subscription matches or only matched a replicated topic.
   282  	NoSubscriptionMatch Code = 130
   283  	// SubscriptionMatchError: The client attempted to bind to a non-exclusive topic endpoint that is already bound with a different subscription.
   284  	SubscriptionMatchError Code = 131
   285  	// SelectorMatchError: The client attempted to bind to a non-exclusive topic endpoint that is already bound with    a different ingress selector.
   286  	SelectorMatchError Code = 132
   287  	// ReplayNotSupported: Replay is not supported on the Solace Message Router.
   288  	ReplayNotSupported Code = 133
   289  	// ReplayDisabled: Replay is not enabled in the message-vpn.
   290  	ReplayDisabled Code = 134
   291  	// ClientInitiatedReplayNonExclusiveNotAllowed: The client attempted to start replay on a flow bound to a non-exclusive endpoint.
   292  	ClientInitiatedReplayNonExclusiveNotAllowed Code = 135
   293  	// ClientInitiatedReplayInactiveFlowNotAllowed: The client attempted to start replay on an inactive flow.
   294  	ClientInitiatedReplayInactiveFlowNotAllowed Code = 136
   295  	// ClientInitiatedReplayBrowserFlowNotAllowed: The client attempted to bind with both ::SOLCLIENT_FLOW_PROP_BROWSER enabled and ::SOLCLIENT_FLOW_PROP_REPLAY_START_LOCATION set.
   296  	ClientInitiatedReplayBrowserFlowNotAllowed Code = 137
   297  	// ReplayTemporaryNotSupported: Replay is not supported on temporary endpoints.
   298  	ReplayTemporaryNotSupported Code = 138
   299  	// UnknownStartLocationType: The client attempted to start a replay but provided an unknown start location type.
   300  	UnknownStartLocationType Code = 139
   301  	// ReplayMessageUnavailable: A replay in progress on a flow failed because messages to be replayed were trimmed from the replay log.
   302  	ReplayMessageUnavailable Code = 140
   303  	// ReplayStarted: A replay was started on the queue/topic endpoint, either by another client or by an administrator on the message router.
   304  	ReplayStarted Code = 141
   305  	// ReplayCancelled: A replay in progress on a flow was administratively cancelled, causing the flow to be unbound.
   306  	ReplayCancelled Code = 142
   307  	// ReplayStartTimeNotAvailable: A replay was requested but the requested start time is not available in the replay log.
   308  	ReplayStartTimeNotAvailable Code = 143
   309  	// ReplayMessageRejected: The Solace Message Router attempted to replay a message, but the queue/topic endpoint rejected the message to the sender.
   310  	ReplayMessageRejected Code = 144
   311  	// ReplayLogModified: A replay in progress on a flow failed because the replay log was modified.
   312  	ReplayLogModified Code = 145
   313  	// MismatchedEndpointErrorID: Endpoint error ID in the bind request does not match the endpoint's error ID.
   314  	MismatchedEndpointErrorID Code = 146
   315  	// OutOfReplayResources: A replay was requested, but the router does not have sufficient resources to fulfill the request, due to too many active replays.
   316  	OutOfReplayResources Code = 147
   317  	// TopicOrSelectorModifiedOnDurableTopicEndpoint: A replay was in progress on a Durable Topic Endpoint (DTE) when its topic or selector was modified, causing the replay to fail.
   318  	TopicOrSelectorModifiedOnDurableTopicEndpoint Code = 148
   319  	// ReplayFailed: A replay in progress on a flow failed.
   320  	ReplayFailed Code = 149
   321  	// CompressedSslNotSupported: The client attempted to establish a Session or Flow with ssl and compression, but the capability is not supported by the broker.
   322  	CompressedSslNotSupported Code = 150
   323  	// SharedSubscriptionsNotSupported: The client attempted to add a shared subscription, but the capability is not supported by the broker.
   324  	SharedSubscriptionsNotSupported Code = 151
   325  	// SharedSubscriptionsNotAllowed: The client attempted to add a shared subscription on a client that is not permitted to use shared subscriptions.
   326  	SharedSubscriptionsNotAllowed Code = 152
   327  	// SharedSubscriptionsEndpointNotAllowed: The client attempted to add a shared subscription to a queue or topic endpoint.
   328  	SharedSubscriptionsEndpointNotAllowed Code = 153
   329  	// ObjectDestroyed: The operation cannot be completed because the object (context, session, flow) for the method has been destroyed in another thread.
   330  	ObjectDestroyed Code = 154
   331  	// DeliveryCountNotSupported: The message was received from endpoint that does not support delivery count
   332  	DeliveryCountNotSupported Code = 155
   333  	// ReplayStartMessageUnavailable: A replay was requested but the requested start message is not available in the replay log.
   334  	ReplayStartMessageUnavailable Code = 156
   335  	// MessageIDNotComparable: Replication Group Message Id are not comparable. Messages must be published to the same broker or HA pair for their Replicaton Group Message Id to be comparable.
   336  	MessageIDNotComparable Code = 157
   337  	// ReplayAnonymousNotSupported: The client attempted to start replay on a flow bound to an anonymous queue.
   338  	ReplayAnonymousNotSupported Code = 158
   339  	// BrowsingNotSupportedOnPartitionedQueue: Browser flows to Partitioned Queues are not permitted.
   340  	BrowsingNotSupportedOnPartitionedQueue Code = 159
   341  	// SelectorsNotSupportedOnPartitionedQueue: Egress selectors are not permitted when binding to a Partitioned Queue.
   342  	SelectorsNotSupportedOnPartitionedQueue Code = 160
   343  	// SyncReplicationIneligible: A guaranteed message was rejected because the broker has been configured to reject messages when sync replication mode is ineligible. A transaction commit failed because replication became ineligible during the transaction.
   344  	SyncReplicationIneligible Code = 161
   345  	// EndpointShutdown: The client has attempted to publish to a topic that matched a queue or topic endpoint subscription which has its ingress flow shutdown.
   346  	EndpointShutdown Code = 162
   347  	// AdAppAckFailedNotSupported: Fail and Reject message settlement outcomes not supported on the Solace Message Router.
   348  	AdAppAckFailedNotSupported Code = 163
   349  	// InvalidDurability: The client has attempted to bind a flow to a durable queue or topic endpoint with SOLCLIENT_FLOW_PROP_BIND_ENTITY_DURABLE disabled.
   350  	InvalidDurability Code = 164
   351  )