
Stats_Rx Enumeration

An Enumeration of the various receive statistics. Used as a key in the receive stats dictionary. See GetRxStats in IStatsAccessible.


Namespace: SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging
Assembly: SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging (in SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging.dll) Version: 10.27.0
public enum Stats_Rx


DirectBytes0 The number of bytes received as Direct messages.
Bytes1 Deprecated; use DirectBytes instead.
DirectMsgs2 The number of Direct messages received.
Msgs3 Deprecated; use DirectMsgs instead.
NonEmptyReads4 The number of messages discarded due to header incompatibilities.
DiscardMsgIndication5 The number of received messages with discard indication set.
DiscardSMFUnknownElement6 The number of messages discarded due to the presence of an unknown element or unknown protocol in the SMF header.
DiscardMsgTooBig7 The number of messages discarded due to msg too large.
AcksSent8 The number of acknowledgments sent for Guaranteed messages.
DiscardsDuplicate9 The number of Guaranteed messages dropped for being duplicates.
DiscardsNoMatchingFlow10 The number of Guaranteed messages discarded due to no match on the flowId.
DiscardsOutOfOrder11 The number of Guaranteed messages discarded for being received out of order.
PersistentBytes12 The number of persistent bytes received on the flow. On the session it is the total number of persistent bytes received across all flows.
PersistentMsgs13 The number of Persistent messages received on the flow. On the session it is the total number of Persistent messages received across all flows.
NonPersitentBytes14 The number of Persistent bytes received on the flow. On the session it is the total number of Persistent bytes received across all flows.
NonPersistentMsgs15 The number of Persistent messages received on the flow. On the session it is the total number of Persistent messages received across all flows.
ControlMsgs16 The number of control (non-data) messages received.
ControlBytes17 The number of bytes received in Control (non-data) messages.
TotalDataBytes18 The total number of data bytes received.
TotalDataMsgs19 The total number of data messages received.
CompressedBytes20 The number of bytes received before decompression.
ReplyMsg21 The reply messages received.
ReplyMsgDiscard22 The reply messages discarded due to no outstanding request.
CacheRequestOkResponse23 The cache requests completed OK.
CacheRequestFulfillData24 Cache requests fulfilled by live data.
CacheRequestErrorResponse25 Cache requests failed due to solCache error response.
CacheRequestDiscardResponse26 Cached request response discarded due to errors in response format.
CacheMsg27 Cached messages delivered to the application.
FoundCutThroughSync28 Deprecated: Cut-Through Forwarding Mode is not supported. On a cut-through Flow, the number of times the Flow entered cut-through delivery mode.
LostCutThroughSync29 Deprecated: Cut-Through Forwarding Mode is not supported. On a cut-through Flow, the number of times the Flow left cut-through delivery mode to resynchronize with the Guaranteed message storage on the appliance.
LostCutThroughSyncGM30 Deprecated: Cut-Through Forwarding Mode is not supported. On a cut-through Flow, the number of times the Flow left cut-through delivery mode to resynchronize with the Guaranteed message storage due to receiving a Guaranteed message that was not previously received as Direct.
OverflowCutThroughSyncBuffer31 Deprecated: Cut-Through Forwarding Mode is not supported. On a cut-through Flow, the number of times the synchronization buffer overflowed, delaying synchronization.
AlreadyCutThrough32 Deprecated: Cut-Through Forwarding Mode is not supported. On a cut-through Flow, the number of Guaranteed messages discarded because they had already been received on the cut-through Flow.
DiscardFromCutThroughSync33 Deprecated: Cut-Through Forwarding Mode is not supported. On a cut-through Flow, the number of messages discarded from the synchronization list other than those discarded due to overflow.
DiscardMessageFlowUnboundPending34 On a transacted flow, the number of messages discarded because the flow is in a UNBOUND pending state.
DiscardMessageTransactionRollback35 On a transacted flow, the number of messages discarded after a transaction rollback and becomes a message comes in with prevMsgId=0.
DiscardTransactionResponse36 On a transacted session, the number of transaction responses discarded due to reconnection.
AcceptedAcksSent37 The number of messages settled with outcome Accepted.
FailedAcksSent38 The number of messages settled with outcome Failed.
RejectedAcksSent39 The number of messages settled with outcome Rejected.

See Also