
IContext Methods


CreateSession Creates a session instance. Session properties to customize the session, and message receive and the session event delegates must be provided for the session. The message receive delegate is invoked for each received message on this session. The session event delegate is invoked when session events occur, such as the session going up or down. Both delegates are invoked in the context of the context thread to which this session belongs.

Note: disposing the corresponding context (IContext) or any of its contained context timers (TimerTask), sessions (ISession) or flows (IFlow) must not be performed from within the registered delegates (messageEventHandler or sessionEventHandler).

DisposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable)
Start Starts the context if it is not already started or disposed.
Stop Stops the context if it is not already stopped or disposed.

See Also