
IBrowser Methods


DisposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable)
GetNext If there is at least one message available in the Browser’s local message buffer, return it immediately. Otherwise wait up to WaitTimeout(in BrowserProperties) until one is available.
GetNext(Int32) If there is at least one message available in the Browser’s local message buffer, return it immediately. Otherwise wait up to WaitTimeout(as specified in BrowserProperties) until one is available. - If timeout is < 0, return immediately if there are no messages available locally - If timeout is equal to 0, wait forever. This blocks the calling thread; to unblock it, call Dispose.
GetNextNoWait As the name implies, this method returns a message if there is at least one available in the Browser's local buffer; otherwise, it returns null.
HasMore Returns true if there is at least one message available in the Browser's local message buffer. Note: If this method returns false, it does not mean that the queue is empty; subsequent calls to HasMore or GetNext might return true and a IMessage respectively.
Remove(IMessage) Remove a message from the appliance queue endpoint that this Browser is bound to, given its IMessage reference.
Remove(Int64) Remove a message from the appliance queue endpoint that this Browser is bound to, given its ADMessageId.

See Also