
ISessionSendReply Method

Sends a Reply Message (see SetAsReplyMessage() on IMessage). If messageToReply is non-null, the following message properties are copied to replyMessage: ReplyTo is copied to Destination, unless ReplyTo is null.CorrelationId, unless it is null. If messageToReplyTo is null, the application is responsible for setting the Destination and CorrelationId on the replyMessage.


Namespace: SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging
Assembly: SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging (in SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging.dll) Version: 10.27.0
ReturnCode SendReply(
	IMessage messageToReplyTo,
	IMessage replyMessage


messageToReplyTo  IMessage
The received request message to reply to.
replyMessage  IMessage
The reply message to send to the requestor.

Return Value

The return code from sending the reply.


OperationErrorException Thrown when the operation fails to complete. Possible sub-codes:
ObjectDisposedException Thrown when the session is already disposed (terminal state).
FatalErrorException Thrown when an unrecoverable error occurs.
ArgumentNullException Thrown if replyMessage is null.

See Also