solace.messaging.connections package

solace.messaging.connections.async_connectable module

This module provides abstract classes that define the interface for asynchronous connection on a solace.messaging.messaging_service.MessagingService

Asynchronous connections actions return a concurrent.futures.Future object rather than wait for the connection to complete.

class solace.messaging.connections.async_connectable.AsyncConnectable

Bases: ABC

An abstract class that provides an interface for asynchronous connections.

abstract connect_async() Future

Connects asynchronously with a PubSub+ event broker. This method initiates the connection process on the solace.messaging.messaging_service.MessagingService. The connection proceeds asynchronously, with the success or failure status available in the returned concurrent.futures.Future object.

This method initiates the connect process on the solace.messaging.messaging_service.MessagingService. The connection proceeds asynchronously, with the success or failure status available in the returned concurrent.futures.Future object.


An object that the application may use to determine when the connection attempt has completed.

Return type:


abstract disconnect_async() Future

Initiates the disconnection process on a solace.messaging.messaging_service.MessagingService instance. The disconnection process proceeds asynchronously with the completion notice available in the returned concurrent.futures.Future

Once disconnect is complete, the MessagingService can not be connected again.


An object that your application can use to determine when the disconnection process has completed.

Return type:



PubSubPlusClientError – If the messaging service cannot be disconnected.

solace.messaging.connections.connectable module

This module provides abstract classes that define the interface for synchronous connection on a solace.messaging.messaging_service.MessagingService instance.

Synchronous connections do not return until the connection operation is complete.

class solace.messaging.connections.connectable.Connectable

Bases: ABC

An abstract class that provides a interface for synchronous connections.

abstract add_reconnection_attempt_listener(listener: ReconnectionAttemptListener) Connectable

Registers a solace.messaging.messaging_service.ReconnectionAttemptListener to receive notification of reconnection attempts. Reconnection attempt notifications are generated when an established connection fails and the API begins the reconnection process.


listener (ReconnectionListener) – The listener to register with the reconnection attempt.


An object representing a synchronous connection.

Return type:


abstract add_reconnection_listener(listener: ReconnectionListener) Connectable

Registers a solace.messaging.messaging_service.ReconnectionListener to receive notification of successful reconnection. Reconnection notifications are generated when an established connection fails and is subsequently successfully reconnects.


listener (ReconnectionListener) – The listener to register.


An object representing a synchronous connection.

Return type:


abstract connect() Connectable

Initiates the synchronous connection process with a PubSub+ event broker on a solace.messaging.messaging_service.MessagingService instance. In order to operate normally this method needs to be called on a service instance. After the method returns, the MessagingService has been successfully connected.

abstract disconnect()

Initiates the disconnect (synchronous) process on the solace.messaging.messaging_service.MessagingService. The method does not return until the disconnect process completes. After the disconnect process completes, the Messaging Service can not be connected again.

abstract property is_connected: bool

Determines whether a service is currently connected and indicate the current state of the solace.messaging.messaging_service.MessagingService.


True if service is connected to a PubSub+ event broker, otherwise False.

Return type:



PubSubPlusClientError – If the state of the service cannot be determined.

abstract remove_reconnection_attempt_listener(listener: ReconnectionAttemptListener) Connectable

Remove a solace.messaging.messaging_service.ReconnectionAttemptListener


listener (ReconnectionListener) – The listener to deregister.


An object representing a synchronous connection.

Return type:


abstract remove_reconnection_listener(listener: ReconnectionListener) Connectable

Removes a solace.messaging.messaging_service.ReconnectionListener.


listener (ReconnectionListener) – A reconnection listener to remove.


An object representing a synchronous connection.

Return type:
