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Config-Sync ReferencePurposeThis guide describes the automatically synchronized configuration properties available in the Solace Router Command Line Interface (CLI).
The configuration properties not shown in this guide are not automatically synchronized.
The Config-Sync feature can be used for Solace appliances or Virtual Message Routers (VMRs) to automatically synchronize:
- configuration properties between Solace routers in high-availability (HA) pairs
- replication-enabled Message VPNs on one replication site with the corresponding Message VPNs on its mate replication site.
ConventionsThe following conventions are used in the product documentation:
- All commands that end in "*" indicate that this command and all commands under it have the same config-sync behavior.
COMMAND HA REPLICATED VPNs acl-profile * YES YES authentication access-level default * YES NO authentication access-level ldap * YES NO authentication allow-direct-shell-login YES NO authentication auth-type YES NO authentication brute-force-protection * YES NO authentication certificate-authority * YES NO authentication client-certificate-authority * YES NO authentication client-certificate-revocation-checking YES NO authentication ldap-profile * YES NO authentication oauth-profile * YES NO authentication oauth-profile-default YES NO authentication radius-domain YES NO authentication radius-profile * YES NO authentication replace-duplicate-client-connections YES NO authentication user-class access-level default * YES NO authentication user-class access-level ldap * YES NO authentication user-class auth-type YES NO authentication user-class radius-domain YES NO bridge YES YES bridge max-ttl YES YES bridge remote authentication auth-scheme YES YES bridge remote authentication basic * YES YES bridge remote deliver-to-one * YES YES bridge remote message-vpn * YES YES bridge remote retry * YES YES bridge remote subscription-topic YES YES bridge shutdown YES YES bridge ssl * YES YES client-profile * YES YES client-username * YES YES clock synchronization * YES NO clock timezone YES NO compression * YES NO config-sync synchronize * YES NO console login-banner YES NO distributed-cache * YES YES dns * YES NO hardware message-spool defragment-spool-files * YES NO hardware message-spool event * YES NO hardware message-spool max-cache-usage YES NO hardware message-spool max-spool-usage YES NO hardware message-spool transaction * YES NO hardware topic-routing * YES NO jndi * YES YES logging command YES NO logging event * YES NO logging facility * YES NO logging max-json-message-size YES NO logging millisecond-timestamp YES NO logging retention YES NO management-message-vpn YES NO memory-event nab-buffer-load-factor * YES NO memory-event subscriptions-load-factor * YES NO memory-event subscriptions-memory * YES NO message-spool * YES YES message-vpn YES NO message-vpn alias YES YES message-vpn authentication * YES YES message-vpn authorization * YES YES message-vpn bridging * YES YES message-vpn dynamic-message-routing * YES YES message-vpn event * YES YES message-vpn export-policy * YES YES message-vpn jndi * YES YES message-vpn max-connections YES YES message-vpn max-subscriptions YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session expiry-interval YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session owner YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session queue YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session queue consumer-ack-propagation YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session queue dead-message-queue YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session queue event * YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session queue max-bind-count YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session queue max-delivered-unacked-msgs-per-flow YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session queue max-message-size YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session queue max-redelivery YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session queue max-spool-usage YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session queue max-ttl YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session queue reject-low-priority-msg YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session queue reject-low-priority-msg-limit YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session queue reject-msg-to-sender-on-discard YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session queue respect-ttl YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session shutdown YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session subscription * YES YES message-vpn mqtt mqtt-session subscription-list YES YES message-vpn mqtt retain * YES YES message-vpn proxy * YES NO message-vpn replication ack-propagation * YES YES message-vpn replication bridge authentication auth-scheme YES NO message-vpn replication bridge authentication basic * YES NO message-vpn replication bridge compressed-data YES NO message-vpn replication bridge message-spool * YES NO message-vpn replication bridge retry-delay YES NO message-vpn replication bridge ssl YES NO message-vpn replication bridge unidirectional * YES YES message-vpn replication queue * YES YES message-vpn replication reject-msg-when-sync-ineligible YES YES message-vpn replication replicated-topic * YES YES message-vpn replication shutdown YES NO message-vpn replication state YES NO message-vpn replication transaction-replication-mode YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point client-profile YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point queue-binding * YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point rest-consumer YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point rest-consumer authentication auth-scheme YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point rest-consumer authentication aws * YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point rest-consumer authentication http-basic * YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point rest-consumer authentication http-header * YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point rest-consumer authentication oauth-client * YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point rest-consumer authentication oauth-jwt * YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point rest-consumer local * YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point rest-consumer remote * YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point rest-consumer shutdown YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point rest-consumer ssl * YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point service YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point shutdown YES YES message-vpn rest rest-delivery-point vendor YES YES message-vpn rest ssl * YES YES message-vpn semp-over-msgbus * YES YES message-vpn service * YES YES message-vpn shutdown YES YES message-vpn ssl * YES YES message-vpn telemetry-profile * YES YES mqtt * YES NO ntp-server YES NO proxy * YES NO replication * YES NO routing dynamic-message-routing cluster YES NO routing dynamic-message-routing cluster authentication basic * YES NO routing dynamic-message-routing cluster authentication client-certificate matching-rules * YES NO routing dynamic-message-routing cluster authentication client-certificate shutdown YES NO routing dynamic-message-routing cluster link * YES NO routing dynamic-message-routing cluster shutdown YES NO routing dynamic-message-routing cluster ssl * YES NO routing mode YES NO routing multi-node-routing shutdown YES NO routing shutdown YES NO schedule * YES NO service amqp * YES NO service event * YES NO service health-check * YES NO service mqtt * YES NO service rest * YES NO service semp * YES NO service smf event * YES NO service ssl * YES NO service virtual-hostname * YES NO service web-transport listen-port YES NO service web-transport shutdown YES NO snmp-server * YES NO ssl allow-tls-version-1.0 YES NO ssl allow-tls-version-1.1 YES NO ssl cipher-suite * YES NO ssl crime-exploit-protection YES NO ssl domain-certificate-authority * YES NO ssl standard-domain-certificate-authorities YES NO syslog * YES NO system topic-routing acl-topic-matching-mode YES NO username * YES NO web-manager * YES NO Copyright 2005-2025 Solace Corporation. All rights reserved.The information contained herein is the property of Solace Corporation. and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by Solace Corporation, the holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose it only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect it, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential information, but with noless than reasonable care.
Except as expressly authorized in writing by Solace Corporation, the holder is granted no rights to use the informationcontained herein.
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