SolOS-TR Message Bus Management Syslog Events

Table of Contents

System-wide SolOS syslog Events

Guaranteed Messaging syslog Messages


This event is sent when the number of delivered but not yet acknowledged guaranteed messages exceed the maximum available for the message broker.

The maximum value depends on the model and cannot be modified. Refer to the 'SolOS System Limits and Alerts' section for the maximum value.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Delivered Unacked Msgs Utilization' field of 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output. The current value is expressed as a percentage of the maximum value.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_DELIVERED_UNACKED_MSGS_EXCEED: - - Delivered unacked limit <limit> exceeded


This event is sent when the number of delivered but not yet acknowledged Guaranteed messages rises above the set threshold.

The threshold value can be changed under 'configure hardware message-spool event delivered-unacked'. It defaults to 80%.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Delivered Unacked Msgs Utilization' field of 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output. The current value is expressed as a percentage of the maximum value.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_DELIVERED_UNACKED_MSGS_HIGH: - - Delivered unacked threshold <thresholdPercentage>% reached: <currentUnackedMsgsPercentage>%


This event is sent when the number of delivered but not yet acknowledged Guaranteed messages falls below the clear threshold.

The threshold value can be changed under configure hardware message-spool event delivered-unacked. It defaults to 60%.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Delivered Unacked Msgs Utilization' field of 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output. The current value is expressed as a percentage of the maximum value.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_DELIVERED_UNACKED_MSGS_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Delivered unacked threshold <thresholdPercentage>% cleared: <currentUnackedMsgsPercentage>%


This event is sent when the amount of active disk partition usage required exceeds the maximum available for the message broker.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Active Disk Partition Usage' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_DISK_USAGE_EXCEEDED: - - Disk usage limit <size> kB (<thresholdPercentage>%) exceeded


This event is sent when the amount of active disk partition usage required reaches or exceeds the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value, use the 'hardware message-spool event disk-usage thresholds set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_DISK_USAGE_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Disk Usage - Set Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Active Disk Partition Usage' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_DISK_USAGE_HIGH: - - Disk usage threshold <threshold> kB (<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <actual> kB (<actualPercentage>%)


This event is sent when the amount of active disk partition usage required falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value, use the 'hardware message-spool event disk-usage thresholds clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_DISK_USAGE_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Disk Usage - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Active Disk Partition Usage' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_DISK_USAGE_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Disk usage threshold <threshold> kB (<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <actual> kB (<actualPercentage>%)


This event is sent when the number of egress flows on the message broker reaches or exceeds the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'hardware message-spool event egress-flows thresholds 'set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_MAX_EGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Egress Flows - Set Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Egress Flows - Currently Used' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_EGRESS_FLOWS_HIGH: - - Egress flows threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentEgressFlows>


This event is sent when the number of egress flows on the message broker falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'hardware message-spool event egress-flows thresholds 'clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_MAX_EGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Egress Flows - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Egress Flows - Currently Used' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_EGRESS_FLOWS_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Egress flows threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentEgressFlows>


This event is sent when the number of endpoints on the message broker reaches or exceeds the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'hardware message-spool event endpoints thresholds 'set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_MAX_ENDPOINTS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Endpoints - Set Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Queue and Topic-endpoint Spools - Currently Used' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_ENDPOINTS_HIGH: - - Endpoints threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <numEndpoints>


This event is sent when the number of endpoints on the message broker falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'hardware message-spool event endpoints thresholds 'clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_MAX_ENDPOINTS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Endpoints - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Queue and Topic-endpoint Spools - Currently Used' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_ENDPOINTS_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Endpoints threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <numEndpoints>


This event is sent during start-up, when the flash is deemed unable to be relied upon to perform a successful save.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_FLASH_FAILED: - - ADB flash failed


This event is sent when the number of ingress flows on the message broker reaches or exceeds the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'hardware message-spool event ingress-flows thresholds 'set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_MAX_INGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Ingress Flows - Set Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Ingress Flows - Currently Used' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_INGRESS_FLOWS_HIGH: - - Ingress flows threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentIngressFlows>


This event is sent when the number of ingress flows on the message broker falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'hardware message-spool event ingress-flows thresholds 'clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_MAX_INGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Ingress Flows - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Ingress Flows - Currently Used' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_INGRESS_FLOWS_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Ingress flows threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentIngressFlows>


This event is sent when the number of egress flows exceeds the maximum available for the message broker.

The maximum value is fixed at 16000 and cannot be modified.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Egress Flows - Currently Used' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MAX_EGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED: - - Egress flows maximum exceeded: <maxEgressFlows>


This event is sent when the number of endpoints exceeds the maximum available for the message broker.

The maximum value is fixed at 16000 and cannot be modified.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Queue and Topic-endpoint Spools - Currently Used' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MAX_ENDPOINTS_EXCEEDED: - - Endpoints maximum exceeded: <numEndpoints>


This event is sent when the number of ingress flows exceeds the maximum available for the message broker.

The maximum value is fixed at 16000 and cannot be modified.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Ingress Flows - Currently Used' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MAX_INGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED: - - Ingress flows maximum exceeded: <maxIngressFlows>


This event is sent when the guaranteed message cache usage exceeds the maximum usage limit configured for the message broker.

To set the maximum usage limit associated with this event use the 'hardware message-spool max-cache-usage' Config EXEC CLI command. The default is 10% of available NAB resources.

To view the maximum usage limit see the 'Max Cache Usage' field of the 'show message-spool detail' User EXEC CLI command output.

To view the current value that the maximum usage monitors, see the 'Current Cache Usage' field of the 'show message-spool detail' User EXEC CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MAX_MSG_CACHE_USAGE_EXCEEDED: - - Guaranteed Message Cache Usage Limit (<maxCacheUsage>) exceeded, cache misses occurring


This event is sent when the broker detects a sustained low level of available Guaranteed message buffers which may impact the broker's ability to process incoming Guaranteed messages.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MESSAGE_BUFFER_LEVEL_LOW: - - A sustained low level of available Guaranteed message buffers has been detected.


This event is sent when the level of available Guaranteed message buffers has returned to normal such that the broker's ability to process incoming Guaranteed messages is no longer impacted.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MESSAGE_BUFFER_LEVEL_LOW_CLEAR: - - The level of available Guaranteed message buffers has returned to normal.


This event is sent when the guaranteed message cache usage on the message broker rises above the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'hardware message-spool event cache-usage thresholds set-value/set-percentage' Config EXEC CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_MAX_MSG_CACHE_USAGE_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Cache Usage - Set Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' User EXEC CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Cache Usage' field of the 'show message-spool detail' User EXEC CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MSG_CACHE_USAGE_HIGH: - - Guaranteed Message Cache Usage Threshold <threshold>.<thresholdTenths> (<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <actual>.<actualTenths>


This event is sent when the guaranteed message cache usage on the message broker falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'hardware message-spool event cache-usage thresholds clear-value/clear-percentage' Config EXEC CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_MAX_MSG_CACHE_USAGE_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Cache Usage - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' User EXEC CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Cache Usage' field of the 'show message-spool detail' User EXEC CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MSG_CACHE_USAGE_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Guaranteed Message Cache Usage Threshold <threshold>.<thresholdTenths> (<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <actual>.<actualTenths>


This event is sent when the amount of system-wide resources required to track queued guaranteed messages is exhausted. No new guaranteed messages will be accepted by the message broker.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Message Count Utilization' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MSG_COUNT_UTILIZATION_EXCEED: - - Message Count Utilization Limit (<threshold> %) exceeded: <percentage> %


This event is sent when the amount of system-wide resources required to track queued guaranteed messages rises above the configured high threshold.

The threshold value can be changed under 'configure hardware message-spool event message-count'. It defaults to 80%.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Message Count Utilization' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MSG_COUNT_UTILIZATION_HIGH: - - Message Count Utilization Threshold (<threshold> %) reached: <percentage> %


This event is sent when the amount of system-wide resources required to track queued guaranteed messages falls below the configured clear threshold.

The threshold value can be changed under 'configure hardware message-spool event message-count'. It defaults to 60%.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Message Count Utilization' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MSG_COUNT_UTILIZATION_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Message Count Utilization Threshold (<threshold> % ) reached cleared: <percentage> %


This event is sent when the message spool changes state. The most common states are 'AD-Active' and 'AD-Standby'.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MSG_SPOOL_CHG: - - Message spool on <virtualRouter> Virtual Router operational state change from <oldState> to <newState> <reason>


This event is sent when message spool defragmentation has ended.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MSG_SPOOL_DEFRAG_END: - - Message spool defragmentation for virtual router <virtualRouter> has ended with exit condition <defragExitCondition> (<defragExitConditionInfo>)


This event is sent when message spool defragmentation has started.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MSG_SPOOL_DEFRAG_START: - - Message spool defragmentation for virtual router <virtualRouter> has started.


This event is sent when the aggregate size of all messages enqueued within the system (both ADB and disk) reaches or exceeds the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value, use 'hardware message-spool event spool-usage thresholds set-value|set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_MSG_SPOOL_QUOTA_EXCEED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'SpoolUsage (MB) - Set Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value associated with the event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Persistent Store Usage (MB) - Total' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MSG_SPOOL_HIGH: - - <qtype> <qname> message spool threshold <threshold> kB (<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <value> kB


This event is sent when the aggregate size of all messages enqueued within the system (both ADB and disk) falls below the clear threshold.

To set the threshold value, use 'hardware message-spool event spool-usage thresholds clear-value|clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_MSG_SPOOL_QUOTA_EXCEED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'SpoolUsage (MB) - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value associated with the event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Persistent Store Usage (MB) - Total' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MSG_SPOOL_HIGH_CLEAR: - - <qtype> <qname> message spool threshold <threshold> kB (<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <value> kB


This event is sent when the aggregate size of all messages enqueued within the system (both ADB and disk) exceeds the configured maximum.

To set the maximum value use 'hardware message-spool max-spool-usage' Config CLI command. The default is 60000 MB.

To view the maximum value, see the 'Maximum Spool Usage' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

To view the current value associated with the event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Persistent Store Usage (MB) - Total' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_MSG_SPOOL_QUOTA_EXCEED: - - <qtype> <qname> message spool quota (<quota> kB) exceeded, messages discarded


This event is sent when the system starts up and the ADB is unable to restore its image from non-volatile memory. When this happens, the Flash Card State will be 'Restore Failed' and the message-spool will not be operational.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_RESTORE_FAILED: - - ADB failed to restore image from flash


This event is sent when the number of spool files required exceeds the maximum available for the message broker.

To view the current value associated with the event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Spool Files Utilization' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_SPOOL_FILES_EXCEEDED: - - Spool files limit (<thresholdPercentage>%) exceeded


This event is sent when the number of spool files in use reaches or exceeds the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value, use 'hardware message-spool event spool-files thresholds set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum available (see the SYSTEM_AD_SPOOL_FILES_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Spool Files (%) - Set Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value associated with the event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Spool Files Utilization' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_SPOOL_FILES_HIGH: - - Spool files threshold (<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <actualPercentage>%


This event is sent when the number of spool files in use falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value, use 'hardware message-spool event spool-files thresholds clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum available (see the SYSTEM_AD_SPOOL_FILES_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Spool Files (%) - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value associated with the event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Spool Files Utilization' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_SPOOL_FILES_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Spool files threshold (<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <actualPercentage>%


This event is sent when the number of transacted sessions exceeds the maximum available for the message broker.

The maximum value is fixed at 16000 and cannot be modified.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Transacted Sessions - Currently Used' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSIONS_EXCEED: - - Transacted sessions limit <limit> exceeded


This event is sent when the number of transacted sessions active on the message broker reaches or exceeds the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'hardware message-spool event transacted-sessions thresholds set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSIONS_EXCEED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Transacted Sessions - Set Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Transacted Sessions - Currently Used' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSIONS_HIGH: - - Transacted sessions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentSessions>


This event is sent when the number of transacted sessions active on the message broker falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'hardware message-spool event transacted-sessions thresholds clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSIONS_EXCEED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Transacted Sessions - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Transacted Sessions - Currently Used' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSIONS_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Transacted sessions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentSessions>


This event is sent when the amount of system-wide resources required to support the current number of messages pending in transacted sessions exceeds the total resources available.

The maximum value is fixed at 100% and cannot be modified.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Transacted Session Resource Utilization' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSION_RESOURCE_UTILIZATION_EXCEEDED: - - Transacted Session Resource Utilization limit (<limit> %) exceeded


This event is sent when the amount of system-wide resources required to support the current number of messages pending in transacted sessions reaches the configured high threshold of the total resources available.

The threshold value can be configured in 'configure hardware message-spool event transacted-session-resources'. The threshold defaults to 80%.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Transacted Session Resource Utilization' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSION_RESOURCE_UTILIZATION_HIGH: - - Transacted Session Resource Utilization Threshold (<threshold> %) reached: <percentage> %


This event is sent when the amount of system-wide resources required to support the current number of transacted sessions falls below the configured clear threshold of the total resources available.

The threshold value can be configured in 'configure hardware message-spool event transacted-session-resources'. The threshold defaults to 60%.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Transacted Session Resource Utilization' field of the 'show message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSION_RESOURCE_UTILIZATION_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Transacted Session Resource Utilization Threshold (<threshold> % ) reached cleared: <percentage> %


This event is sent when the number of transactions exceeds the maximum available for the message broker.

The maximum value is fixed at 50000 and cannot be modified.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Transactions - Currently Used' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_TRANSACTIONS_EXCEED: - - Transactions limit <limit> exceeded


This event is sent when the number of transactions active on the message broker reaches or exceeds the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'hardware message-spool event transactions thresholds set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_TRANSACTIONS_EXCEED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Transactions - Set Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Transactions - Currently Used' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_TRANSACTIONS_HIGH: - - Transactions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentSessions>


This event is sent when the number of transactions active on the message broker falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'hardware message-spool event transactions thresholds clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_AD_TRANSACTIONS_EXCEED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Transactions - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Transactions - Currently Used' field of the 'show message-spool detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AD_TRANSACTIONS_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Transactions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentTransactions>

Adb syslog Messages


This event message is sent when the appliance detects a component failure on the ADB.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ADB_CRITICAL_HARDWARE_FAILURE: - - Slot <fabric>/<slot> Critical hardware failure detected on <cardTypeAndDevNum> info <infoStr>


This event message is sent when the appliance detects an error in the ADB firmware.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ADB_CRITICAL_HARDWARE_SOFT_FAILURE: - - Slot <fabric>/<slot> Critical hardware soft failure detected on <cardTypeAndDevNum> info <infoStr>


This event message is sent when the appliance detects a non-service affecting hardware condition on the ADB (for example, a degraded capacitor).

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ADB_NONCRITICAL_HARDWARE_NOTIFICATION: - - Slot <fabric>/<slot> Non-critical hardware notification detected on <cardTypeAndDevNum> info <infoStr>

Authentication syslog Messages


This event is sent when an attempt by the administrative connection to bind to a LDAP server fails. Further attempts to authenticate using this server will fail if this issue continues to recur.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_ADMIN_BIND_FAIL: - - Profile: <profileName> admin connection bind to LDAP server <hostname> failed. Reason: <error>


This event is sent when the administration connection to a LDAP server has gone down.

Note: The connection status is not polled; it is determined when an attempt is made to use the connection.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_ADMIN_CONN_DOWN: - - Profile: <profileName> admin connection to LDAP server <hostname> down. Reason: <error>


This event is sent when the administration connection to a LDAP server has gone up.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_ADMIN_CONN_UP: - - Profile: <profileName> admin connection to LDAP server <hostname> up.


This event is sent when the bind connection to a LDAP server failed to be established or was disconnected after being established. Attempts to authenticate using this server will fail if this issue continues to recur.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_BIND_CONN_DOWN: - - Profile: <profileName> bind connection to LDAP server <hostname> down. Reason: <error>


This event is sent when the bind connection to a LDAP server has gone up.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_BIND_CONN_UP: - - Profile: <profileName> bind connection to LDAP server <hostname> up.


This event is sent when an attempt to download the CRL file for a Certificate Authority failed.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_CRL_DOWNLOAD_FAILED: - - CA: <caName> failed to download the CRL file. Reason: <reason>


This event is sent when an attempt to download the CRL file for a Certificate Authority.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format


An attempt to retrieve discovery endpoints for an OAuth Profile failed.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_DISCOVERY_FAILED: - - Unable to refresh discovery endpoints for Profile <profileName> from URI <uri>. Reason: <reason>


An attempt to retrieve discovery endpoints for an OAuth Profile succeeded.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_DISCOVERY_SUCCESS: - - Refresh discovery endpoints for Profile <profileName> completed from URI <uri>.


Two OAuth Profiles have the same issuer. As the issuer is used to uniquely identify the Profile on login, only the first Profile will be used.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_DUPLICATE_ISSUER: - - Profile <profileName> has same issuer as Profile <otherProfileName> (<issuer>). The first profile will be used.


An attempt to download an OAuth Profile JWKS failed.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_JWKS_DOWNLOAD_FAILED: - - Unable to refresh JWKS for Profile <profileName> from URI <uri>. Reason: <reason>


An attempt to download an OAuth Profile JWKS succeeded.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_JWKS_DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS: - - Refresh JWKS for Profile <profileName> completed from URI <uri>.


This event is sent after a sequence of consecutive failed SEMP authentication attempts for an internal username causes authentication for the username to be temporarily locked out.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_SEMP_USERNAME_LOCKOUT: - - Username <username> temporarily locked out from SEMP authentication due to <maxFail> consecutive failed authentication attempts in <failInterval> seconds. Lock will be released in <lockDuration> seconds.


This event is sent when a user ends a CLI, shell, scp, or sftp session. With LDAP or RADIUS authentication, username is the remote user, user is the local user. With su, username is the current user, user is the target user.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_SESSION_CLOSED: - - <sessionType> session <sessionUniqueId> closed for user <username> (<user>)


This event is sent when a user unsuccessfully attempts to authenticate for a CLI, SEMP, shell, scp, or sftp session.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_SESSION_DENIED: - - Denied <sessionType> session <sessionUniqueId> <authenticationType> authentication for <username> (<user>). Reason: <reason>


This event is sent when a user starts a CLI, SEMP, shell, scp, or sftp session. With LDAP or RADIUS authentication, username is the remote user, user is the local user. With su, username is the current user, user is the target user.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_SESSION_OPENED: - - <sessionType> session <sessionUniqueId> <authenticationType> authentication opened for user <username> (<user>)


This event is sent when a CLI user is denied access to the support account from the CLI.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_SHELL_ACCESS_DENIED: - - CLI username '<username>' has failed to login to the shell with shell login name '<user>'. Reason: <reason>


This event is sent when a CLI user with admin privileges successfully accesses the support account from the CLI through the 'shell' CLI command.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_SHELL_ACCESS_GRANTED: - - CLI username '<username>' has logged into the shell with shell login name '<user>'


This event is sent when a connection with Transport Layer Security (TLS) enabled fails to start TLS with an LDAP server.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_TLS_START_FAIL: - - Profile: <profileName> failed to start tls with LDAP server <hostname>. Reason: <error>

Cfgsync syslog Messages


This event message is sent when Config-Sync feature is operationally down, that is, the conditions from being up are not met. See description from SYSTEM_CFGSYNC_UP event for further information.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CFGSYNC_DOWN: - - The Config-Sync feature is operationally down.


This event message is sent when Config-Sync feature is operationally up, that is, the following conditions are met:

All tables (Virtual Router and Message VPNs) are in sync with respect to the configured mate message broker for redundancy, if redundancy is enabled. That is in both direction, i.e. the status received from the redundant mate and the status sent to the redundant mate are both in sync.

All replication enabled tables (Message VPNs) are in sync with respect to the configured virtual router for replication, if replication is enabled. That is in both directions, i.e. the status received from the replication mate and the status sent to the redundant mate are both in sync. Since the replication site can be an HA pair, with both member of a pair being able to push configuration, only the configuration coming from the AD active virtual router is considered for monitoring.

There are no Config-Sync stale databases for the monitored tables. That is, messages were recently received from the mate and disaster recovery site.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CFGSYNC_UP: - - The Config-Sync feature is operationally up.

Chassis syslog Messages


This event is sent when the available storage for a monitored storage element falls below the set threshold.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Available' field of the 'show storage-element <storage-element-name> detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_LOW: - - Storage element <name> (<path>) low available storage (<threshold> 1K-blocks) reached: <available> 1K-Blocks


This event is sent when the available storage for a monitored storage element rises above the set threshold.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Available' field of the 'show storage-element <storage-element-name> detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_AVAILABLE_STORAGE_LOW_CLEAR: - - Storage element <name> (<path>) low available storage (<threshold> 1K-blocks) cleared: <available> 1K-Blocks


This event is sent when an appliance blade is taken offline.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_BLADE_DOWN: - - Blade <fabricAndSlot> (<type>) down


This event message is sent when the appliance detects a critical hardware failure during Power-On Self Test (POST)

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_BLADE_POST_CRITICAL_FAILURE: - - Slot <fabric>/<slot> Critical hardware failure: <bladeStr> Power-on Self Test (POST) failed


This event message is sent when the appliance detects a recoverable hardware failure during Power-On Self Test (POST)

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_BLADE_POST_NONCRITICAL_NOTIFICATION: - - Slot <fabric>/<slot> Non-critical hardware notification: <bladeStr> Power-on Self Test (POST) failed


This event is sent when an appliance blade is brought online.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_BLADE_UP: - - Blade <fabricAndSlot> (<type>) up


This event is sent when there is a boot disk failure on the appliance.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_BOOT_DISK_FAIL: - - Flash Bootdisk Failed


This event is sent when the disks are not fully redundant, due to disk shutdown, disk failure, or incomplete RAID synchronization.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_DISK_DOWN: - - Disk <disk> changed from <oldState> to <newState>


This event is sent when the disks change state from non-redundant to redundant.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_DISK_UP: - - Disk <disk> changed from <oldState> to <newState>


This event is sent when the disk utilization of a monitored disk partition, expressed as a percentage of the total partition size, rises above the set threshold value. The monitored partitions include the root internal disk partition (md2 mounted as /), the primary internal disk partition (md6 mounted as /usr/sw), as well as the two external spool partitions (externalSpool/p1 mounted as /usr/sw/externalSpool/p1) and (externalSpool/p2 mounted as /usr/sw/externalSpool/p1) if the message-spool is enabled.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'snmp-server trap disk-utilization thresholds disk <> thresholds set-value' Config CLI command. The default is 75%.

To view the threshold value, see the 'disk-utilization - <partition-name>' Set Value' field of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Use%' field for the given mount point in the 'show disk detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_DISK_UTILIZATION_HIGH: - - Disk utilization threshold on <diskPartition> (<threshold> %) reached: <value> %


This event is sent when the disk utilization of a monitored disk partition, expressed as a percentage of the total partition size, falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'snmp-server trap disk-utilization thresholds disk <> thresholds clear-value' Config CLI command. The default is 70%.

To view the threshold value, see the 'disk-utilization - <partition-name>' Clear Value' field of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Use%' field for the given mount point in the 'show disk detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_DISK_UTILIZATION_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Disk utilization threshold on <diskPartition> (<threshold> %) cleared: <value> %


This event is sent when the disk utilization of a monitored disk partition reached the maximum value (i.e. 100%). The monitored partitions include the root internal disk partition (md2 mounted as /), the primary internal disk partition (md6 mounted as /usr/sw), as well as the two external spool partitions (externalSpool/p1 mounted as /usr/sw/externalSpool/p1) and (externalSpool/p2 mounted as /usr/sw/externalSpool/p1) if the message-spool is enabled.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_DISK_UTILIZATION_MAX: - - Disk utilization on <diskPartition> reached maximum


This event message is sent when the appliance detects a critical hardware failure during Power-On Self Test (POST)

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_FABRIC_POST_CRITICAL_FAILURE: - - Critical hardware failure: Fabric <fabric> Power-on Self Test (POST) failed


This event message is sent when the appliance detects a recoverable hardware failure during Power-On Self Test (POST)

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_FABRIC_POST_NONCRITICAL_NOTIFICATION: - - Non-critical hardware notification: Fabric <fabric> Power-on Self Test (POST) failed


This event is sent when a fan speed rises above the upper set threshold value. This event is only applicable on Solace PubSub+ 3230. Solace PubSub+ 3530, Solace PubSub+ 3260, and Solace PubSub+ 3560 fan speeds can be elevated to full speed dynamically based on temperature monitoring. This is normal and does not indicate an issue with the fan itself.

The thresholds are not configurable but can be viewed through the 'fan-speed - <fan-speed-name> high - Set Value' fields of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Mainboard - Fan speed - <fan-speed-name>' fields of the 'show environment' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_FAN_HIGH: - - <fan> speed high threshold (<threshold> rpm) reached: <currentRpm>


This event is sent when a fan speed falls below the upper clear threshold value. This event is only applicable on Solace PubSub+ 3230 as discussed in the SYSTEM_CHASSIS_FAN_HIGH event.

The thresholds are not configurable but can be viewed through the 'fan-speed - <fan-speed-name> high - Clear Value' fields of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Mainboard - Fan speed - <fan-speed-name>' fields of the 'show environment' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_FAN_HIGH_CLEAR: - - <fan> speed high threshold (<threshold> rpm) cleared: <currentRpm>


This event is sent when a fan speed falls below the lower set threshold value.

The thresholds are not configurable but can be viewed through the 'fan-speed - <fan-speed-name> low - Set Value' fields of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Mainboard - Fan speed - <fan-speed-name>' fields of the 'show environment' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_FAN_LOW: - - <fan> speed low threshold (<threshold> rpm) reached: <currentRpm>


This event is sent when a fan speed rises above the lower clear threshold value.

The thresholds are not configurable but can be viewed through the 'fan-speed - <fan-speed-name> low - Clear Value' fields of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Mainboard - Fan speed - <fan-speed-name>' fields of the 'show environment' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_FAN_LOW_CLEAR: - - <fan> speed low threshold (<threshold> rpm) cleared: <currentRpm>


This event is sent when the appliance detects a soft error in a hardware component.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_HARDWARE_SOFT_ERROR: - - Slot <fabric>/<slot> Hardware soft error detected on <cardTypeAndDevNum> info <infoStr>


This event is sent when the iNode utilization of a monitored disk partition, expressed as a percentage of the total iNodes in the partition, rises above the set threshold value. The monitored partitions include the root internal disk partition (md2 mounted as /), the primary internal disk partition (md6 mounted as /usr/sw), as well as the two external spool partitions (externalSpool/p1 mounted as /usr/sw/externalSpool/p1) and (externalSpool/p2 mounted as /usr/sw/externalSpool/p1) if the message-spool is enabled.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, login to the message broker as 'root' user, then see the 'IUse%' field for the given mount point in the 'df -i' linux command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_INODE_UTILIZATION_HIGH: - - iNode utilization on <diskPartition> (<threshold> %) reached: <value> %


This event is sent when the iNode utilization of a monitored disk partition, expressed as a percentage of the total iNodes in the partition, falls below the clear threshold value.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, login to the message broker as 'root' user, then see the 'IUse%' field for the given mount point in the 'df -i' linux command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_INODE_UTILIZATION_HIGH_CLEAR: - - iNode utilization on <diskPartition> (<threshold> %) cleared: <value> %


This event is sent when the iNode utilization of a monitored disk partition reached the maximum value (i.e. 100%). The monitored partitions include the root internal disk partition (md2 mounted as /), the primary internal disk partition (md6 mounted as /usr/sw), as well as the two external spool partitions (externalSpool/p1 mounted as /usr/sw/externalSpool/p1) and (externalSpool/p2 mounted as /usr/sw/externalSpool/p1) if the message-spool is enabled.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_INODE_UTILIZATION_MAX: - - iNode utilization on <diskPartition> reached maximum (100 %)


This event is sent during start-up if the number of physical CPUs present is lower than the expected number. After start-up, this event cannot be raised because a physical CPU failure after start-up will terminate operation.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_PHYSICAL_CPU_FAIL: - - Physical CPU(s) failed: expected <expected> cpu(s), present <present> cpu(s)


This event is sent duringstart-up if the amount of physical memory present is less than expected. After start-up this event cannot be raised because physical memory failures will terminate operation.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_PHYSICAL_MEMORY_FAIL: - - Physical memory failed: expected <expected> kB, present <present> kB


This event message is sent when the message broker detects a critical failure during Power-On Self Test (POST)

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_POST_CRITICAL_FAILURE: - - Critical hardware failure: Chassis Power-on Self Test (POST) failed


This event message is sent when the message broker detects a recoverable failure during Power-On Self Test (POST)

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_POST_NONCRITICAL_NOTIFICATION: - - Non-critical hardware notification: Chassis Power-on Self Test (POST) failed


This event is sent if one of the redundant power supplies fails, or has its AC power source removed, and as a result the appliance is in, or transitioning into, a non-redundant power state.

That is, this event is sent when the number of active power supplies detected on the appliance is less than that required for the power redundancy setting configured through the 'hardware power-redundancy' Global CONFIG command.

Note: This event is raised under the following conditions:

1) In a 2+2 or 2+1 redundant power configuration (available only on Solace PubSub+ 3260) after a power supply failure leaves just two power supplies active.

2) In a 1+1 redundant power configuration (available only on Solace PubSub+ 3230, Solace PubSub+ 3530, and SolacePubSub+ 3560) after a power supply failure leaves just one power supply active.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_POWER_MODULE_DOWN: - - Power Module <module> down


This event is sent if one of the redundant power supplies fail or has its AC power source removed, and the appliance maintains a redundant power state.

That is, this event is sent when the number of active power supplies detected on the appliance after one power supply goes down still meets that required for the power redundancy setting configured through the hardware power-redundancy Global CONFIG command.

Note: This event is only raised in a 2+2 redundant power configuration (available only on Solace PubSub+ 3260) after a single power supply failure leaves the system with still three active power supplies.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_POWER_MODULE_DOWN_INFO: - - Power Module <module> down


This event is sent when one of the power modules return to normal operation.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_POWER_MODULE_UP: - - Power Module <module> up


This event is sent when the disk usage for a monitored storage element exceeds the threshold value.

Usage thresholds are calculated based on system scaling parameters. To view the threshold value, see the 'show storage-element <storage-element-name> detail' CLIcommand.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_STORAGE_ELEMENT_USAGE_HIGH: - - Storage element <name> (<path>) disk usage threshold (<threshold> MB) reached: <usage> MB


This event is sent when the disk usage for a monitored storage element falls below the clear threshold.

Usage thresholds are calculated based on system scaling parameters. To view the threshold value, see the 'show storage-element <storage-element-name> detail' CLIcommand.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_STORAGE_ELEMENT_USAGE_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Storage element <name> (<path>) disk usage threshold (<threshold> MB) cleared: <usage> MB


This event is sent when the appliance mainboard ambient temperature on Solace PubSub+ 3260 or the NAB NPU temperature rises above the upper set threshold value.

The threshold is not configurable but can be viewed through the 'temperature - Chassis Temp. high or NPU Core Temp high - Set Value' field of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Mainboard - Temperature' or 'Slot %d/%d NAB - Temperature' field of the 'show environment' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_TEMPERATURE_HIGH: - - Temperature High threshold on <blade> sensor <sensor> (<threshold> deg) reached: <value>


This event is sent when the appliance mainboard ambient temperature on Solace PubSub+ 3260 or the NAB NPU temperature falls below the upper clear threshold value.

The threshold is not configurable but can be viewed through the 'temperature - Chassis Temp. high or NPU Core Temp high - Clear Value ' field of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Mainboard - Temperature' or 'Slot %d/%d NAB - Temperature' field of the 'show environment' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_TEMPERATURE_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Temperature High threshold on <blade> sensor <sensor> (<threshold> deg) cleared: <value>


This event is sent when the appliance temperature level falls below the lower set threshold value.

The thresholds are not configurable but can be viewed through the '???' fields of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Mainboard - Temperature - Chassis Temp.' field of the 'show environment' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_TEMPERATURE_LOW: - - Temperature Low threshold on <blade> sensor <sensor> (<threshold> deg) reached: <value>


This event is sent when the appliance temperature level rises above the lower clear threshold value.

The thresholds are not configurable but can be viewed through the '???' fields of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Mainboard - Temperature - Chassis Temp.' field of the 'show environment' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_TEMPERATURE_LOW_CLEAR: - - Temperature Low threshold on <blade> sensor <sensor> (<threshold> deg) cleared: <value>


The system blades installed in the chassis are installed in a slot configuration which is unsupported by Solace. The system could appear stable however the future quality and/or performance of the system cannot be predicted by Solace.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_UNSUPPORTED_BLADE_CONFIGURATION: - - Blades are installed in an unsupported configuration.


The hardware present in the chassis is unable to provide complete support for the configuration. Details of the unsupported configuration, and possible recommended actions follow the initial message.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIGURATION: - - The system configuration is not supported by the hardware: <details>


The disk drives are installed in a slot configuration which is unsupported by Solace. The system could appear stable however the future quality and/or performance of the system cannot be predicted by Solace.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_UNSUPPORTED_DISK_CONFIGURATION: - - <type> disk is unsupported as disk (<disk>)


There was an unsupported disk configuration that has now cleared

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_UNSUPPORTED_DISK_CONFIGURATION_CLEAR: - - <type> disk unsupported configuration cleared


There are several voltage sources available on the appliance mainboard This event is sent when the voltage level of a given voltage source rises above the upper set threshold value for that source.

The thresholds are not configurable.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_VOLTAGE_HIGH: - - Voltage High threshold on <blade> sensor <sensor> (<threshold> mV) reached: <value>


This event is sent when the voltage level for a given appliance mainboard voltage source falls below the upper clear threshold value.

The thresholds are not configurable.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_VOLTAGE_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Voltage High threshold on <blade> sensor <sensor> (<threshold> mV) cleared: <value>


There are several voltage sources available on the appliance mainboard. This event is sent when the voltage level of a given voltage source falls below the lower set threshold value for that source.

The thresholds are not configurable.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_VOLTAGE_LOW: - - Voltage Low threshold on <blade> sensor <sensor> (<threshold> mV) reached: <value>


This event is sent when the voltage level for a given appliance mainboard voltage source rises above the lower clear threshold value.

The thresholds are not configurable.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CHASSIS_VOLTAGE_LOW_CLEAR: - - Voltage Low threshold on <blade> sensor <sensor> (<threshold> mV) cleared: <value>

System-wide Client syslog Messages


This event is sent when one or more client connect attempts were denied in the last 60s due at an Access Control List (ACL) client-connect rule.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_ACL_CONNECT_DENIAL: - - <connectDenials> connect denials were recorded in the last minute due to client connect ACL configuration


This event is sent when one or more messages, published within the last 60s, was rejected on ingress because the topic matched a publish-topic ACL rule.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_ACL_PUBLISH_DENIAL: - - <publishDenials> publish denials were recorded in the last minute due to ACL profile configuration


This event is sent when one or more subscriptions, received from clients within the last 60s, was rejected because the topic matched a subscribe-topic ACL rule.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_ACL_SUBSCRIBE_DENIAL: - - <subscribeDenials> subscribe denials were recorded in the last minute due to ACL profile configuration


This event is sent when the number of clients attempting to connect to the message broker exceeds the maximum connections available.

The maximum connections available is 6000 for Solace PubSub+ 3230 and Solace PubSub+ 3530 and 9000 for Solace PubSub+ 3260 and Solace PubSub+ 3560.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Clients Connected' field of the 'show stats client' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED: - - Connections limit (<threshold>) exceeded Service (<service>)


This event is sent when the number of clients connected to the message broker rises above the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'service event connections thresholds set-value|set-percentage' or 'service smf event connections thresholds set-value|set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED event)

To view the threshold value, see the 'Event Threshold' table of the 'show service' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Clients Connected' field of the 'show stats client' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS_HIGH: - - Connections threshold (<threshold>) reached: <value> Service (<service>)


This event is sent when the number of clients connected to the message broker falls below the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'service event connections thresholds clear-value|clear-percentage' or 'service smf event connections thresholds clear-value|clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED event)

To view the threshold value, see the 'Event Threshold' table of the 'show service' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Clients Connected' field of the 'show stats client' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Connections threshold (<threshold>) cleared: <value> Service (<service>)


This event is sent when user authentication fails for a client trying to connect to the message broker.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_CONNECT_AUTH_FAIL: - - Message VPN (<messageVpn>) <type> username <clientUsername> authentication failed from <IP>:<port> using scheme <authScheme> - <reason>: <respDesc>


This event is sent when a client tries to connect to the message broker but the message broker is unable or unwilling to accept the connection.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_CONNECT_FAIL: - - Message VPN (<messageVpn>) <type> username <clientUsername> clientname <clientname> connect failed from <IP>:<port> - <reason>: <respDesc>
Value Description
A required claim did not match the configured value A required claim did not match the configured value
A required claim was not found A required claim was not found
A token contains an illegal expiry value A token contains an illegal expiry value
A token has an issued at (iat) timestamp in the future A token has an issued at (iat) timestamp in the future
A token is not yet valid A token is not yet valid
AD is not enabled AD is not enabled
ADCTRL Parse Error Received an ADCTRL request that fails to parse correctly.
Already Bound The request to bind a queue endpoint to a client failed because it is already bound to that client.
Already Exists The resource already exist. The request to create it has failed.
An IdToken or AccessToken was unparseable An IdToken or AccessToken was unparseable
An administrator has annulled this login by changing the configuration An administrator has annulled this login by changing the configuration
An error was encounter when retrieving the Authorization Groups from the Authorizing Server An error was encounter when retrieving the Authorization Groups from the Authorizing Server
Assured Delivery Not Ready Assured Delivery is not ready. One possible reason is that AD is not enabled. Another possible reason is that AdDp is not synchronized.
Bad ClientCtrl MsgType Bad ClientCtrl MsgType
Basic Authentication Is Shutdown Basic Authentication Is Shutdown
Binding to an LVQ within an XASession is not allowed Binding to an LVQ within an XASession is not allowed
Bridge To Self Bridge To Self
Bridging Not Allowed Bridging Not Allowed
Browser Not Allowed Request to bind to a Topic Endpoint failed because browsers are not allowed for a topic endpoint.
Browsing Not Supported on Partitioned Queue Browsing Not Supported on Partitioned Queue
Busy - Retry Later Busy - Retry Later
Cache Instance Not Running On Same Router Cache Instance Not Running On Same Router
Cache Instance Would Cause Memory Limits To Be Exceeded Cache Instance Would Cause Memory Limits To Be Exceeded
Cannot Spool to Disk Cannot Spool to Disk
Certificate Chain Too Long Certificate Chain Too Long
Certificate Error Certificate Error
Certificate Expired Certificate Expired
Certificate Not Yet Valid Certificate Not Yet Valid
Client Certificate Authentication Is Shutdown Client Certificate Authentication Is Shutdown
Client Initiated Replay Not Allowed on Non-Exclusive Queue The request attempted to start replay on a non-exclusive queue, which is not permitted. Replay on non-exclusive queues must be started administratively via the router’s management interface.
Client Initiated Replay Not Allowed on Non-Exclusive Topic Endpoint The request attempted to start replay on a non-exclusive topic-endpoint, which is not permitted. Replay on non-exclusive queues must be started administratively via the router’s management interface.
Client Initiated Replay Not Allowed on telemetry queue The request attempted to start replay on telemetry queue, which is not permitted.
Client Initiated Replay from Browser Flow Not Allowed The request attempted to start replay as a browser flow, which is not permitted. Only active consumers can start request replays.
Client Initiated Replay from Inactive Flow Not Allowed The request attempted to start replay as an inactive flow, which is not permitted. Only active consumers can start request replays.
Client Name Already In Use Client Name Already In Use
Client Name Parse Error Client Name Parse Error
Client Username Is Shutdown Client Username Is Shutdown
Client exceeded max transaction Client exceeded max transaction
Client-Connect ACL Denied Client-Connect ACL Denied
ClientCtrl Parse Error ClientCtrl Parse Error
Compression Is Shutdown Compression Is Shutdown
Consumer Ack Propagation Enabled when Replication is Standby Consumer Ack Propagation Enabled when Replication is Standby
Control message discard Control message discard
Copy-from queue missing Copy-from queue missing
Copy-from queue template missing Copy-from queue template missing
Copy-from topic-endpoint missing Copy-from topic-endpoint missing
Copy-from topic-endpoint template missing Copy-from topic-endpoint template missing
Dead Message Queue Not Allowed Request to create Queue Endpoint failed because the requested Dead Message Queue is set to itself
Delete In Progress Request to create Queue Endpoint failed because a prior request to delete the Queue Endpoint is still in progress.
Destination group error Destination group error
Document Is Too Large The incoming message is too large for the appliance to handle.
Duplicate message Duplicate message
Durable Topic Endpoint Shutdown Attempt to bind to a Durable Topic Endpoint (DTE) failed because the DTE has shutdown.
Dynamic Clients Not Allowed Dynamic Clients Not Allowed
Endpoint Modified Endpoint Modified
Endpoint Property Mismatch Endpoint Property Mismatch
Endpoint Shutdown Endpoint Shutdown
Errored message Errored message
Exceeded Spool File Limit Exceeded Spool File Limit
Flow Name In Use Request to open AD flow failed because the flow name is already in use.
GSS Invalid Authentication GSS Invalid Authentication
Header Parse Error Fail to parse the header information of an incoming message.
In Progress In Progress
Inactive Connection A connection has been found to be inactive. The appliance is about to clean it up or close the connection down.
Incompatible bridge transport configuration The local and remote bridges have incompatible transport configurations.
Incompatible config-sync transport configuration The local and remote config-sync have incompatible transport configurations.
Incomplete Authentication Configuration Incomplete Authentication Configuration
Internal Error An internal error has occurred.
Introspection failed because of an HTTPS error Introspection failed because of an HTTPS error
Introspection is required but no introspection endpoint is configured Introspection is required but no introspection endpoint is configured
Introspection response is not valid JSON Introspection response is not valid JSON
Introspection timed out waiting for a response from a DNS or Authorization Server Introspection timed out waiting for a response from a DNS or Authorization Server
Invalid Connection Owner More than one client is attempting to perform transactions on the same session, which is not allowed.
Invalid FlowId Request to close or unbind a flow failed, because no flow id or an invalid flow id is provided.
Invalid Local DeliverToOne Priority Invalid Local DeliverToOne Priority
Invalid Network DeliverToOne Priority Invalid Network DeliverToOne Priority
Invalid Queue Name An operation on a Queue Endpoint failed because the Queue Endpoint Name is invalid
Invalid Queue or Topic Endpoint Durability Bind to Queue Endpoint failed, because the durability in the request is not compatible with the Queue Endpoint.
Invalid Selector Request to create Selector for Topic Endpoint failed.

This is a generic response.
Invalid Sol-Session Header Invalid Sol-Session Header
Invalid Topic Endpoint Name An operation on a Topic Endpoint failed because the Topic Endpoint Name is invalid.
Invalid Topic Name When configuring type topic for a queue endpoint, the topic provide in the configuration is invalid.
Invalid Transacted Session Id Invalid Transacted Session Id
Invalid Transacted Session Name Invalid Transacted Session Name
Invalid Transaction Id Invalid Transaction Id
Invalid Username Attempt to login with an invalid Username.
Invalid Virtual Router Address Invalid Virtual Router Address
Invalid Virtual Router Address Received Bind Request from a client which is not configured to access AD service.
Invalid parameter combination Invalid parameter combination
JNDI Parse Error JNDI Parse Error
Kerberos Authentication Is Shutdown Kerberos Authentication Is Shutdown
Kerberos Authentication Token Too Long Kerberos Authentication Token Too Long
Kerberos GSS Token Missing Kerberos GSS Token Missing
Kerberos Principal Too Long For Client Name Kerberos Principal Too Long For Client Name
Kerberos Service Principal Not Found Kerberos Service Principal Not Found
LDAP local error LDAP local error
Local Message Quota Exceeded Messages are being discarded in an egress queue because the queue depth has been exceeded (too many messages and cannot send the messages out fast enough).
Login Respond Error Fail to send a login response. One possible reason is that the connection is closed.
Logout In Progress Request to login Client failed because a prior request to logout the Client is still in progress.
Low Priority Msg Congestion Low Priority Msg Congestion
MQTT CleanSession=0 not allowed with redundancy when message-spool and config-sync are disabled MQTT CleanSession=0 not allowed with redundancy when message-spool and config-sync are disabled
MQTT Session Is Shutdown MQTT Session Is Shutdown
MQTT Session Owner Mismatch MQTT Session Owner Mismatch
Max Client Queue and Topic Endpoint Flow Exceeded Queue Endpoint bind failed because the Maximum Queue and Topic Endpoint Flow for this client has been exceeded.
Max Num Shared Subscriptions Exceeded Max Num Shared Subscriptions Exceeded
Max Num Subscriptions Exceeded Max Num Subscriptions Exceeded
Max Router Publishing Flow Exceeded Open Flow failed because the Maximum Publishing Flow for this router has been exceeded.
Max Router Selectors Exceeded Request to create Selector for Topic Endpoint failed because the maximum number of Selectors has been exceeded for this router.
Max Transacted Sessions Exceeded Max Transacted Sessions Exceeded
Max Transactions Exceeded Max Transactions Exceeded
Max clients exceeded for queue When attempting to bind a client to a queue, the bind failed because there are too many clients bound to that queue.
Max clients exceeded for topic endpoint When attempting to bind a client to a topic endpoint, the bind failed because there are too many clients bound to that topic endpoint.
Max message usage exceeded Max message usage exceeded
Message Consume Failure Message Consume Failure
Message Has Zero Length A message of size zero was received.

For XMLDOC protocol, the appliance has received a zero length message.
Message Publish Failure Message Publish Failure
Message Publish Failure: Invalid flow-id from the publisher Message Publish Failure: Invalid flow-id from the publisher
Message Publish Failure: No open flow from the publisher Message Publish Failure: No open flow from the publisher
Message Publish Failure: Received fewer messages than expected from the publisher Message Publish Failure: Received fewer messages than expected from the publisher
Message Publish Failure: Received more messages than expected from the publisher Message Publish Failure: Received more messages than expected from the publisher
Message Publish Failure: Received one or more wrong messages from the publisher Message Publish Failure: Received one or more wrong messages from the publisher
Message Size Out Of Range Request to create Queue Endpoint failed because the requested message size is too big.
Message VPN Not Allowed Message VPN Not Allowed
Message VPN Unavailable Message VPN Unavailable
Mismatched Endpoint Error ID Endpoint error ID in the bind request does not match the endpoint's error ID.
Mismatched User Type Specified Mismatched User Type Specified
Missing or Invalid Token(s) in OAuth Login Missing or Invalid Token(s) in OAuth Login
Multiple tokens were provided but OAuth role is resource server Multiple tokens were provided but OAuth role is resource server
Neighbor Handshake Denied - Duplicate Router Name or Wrong Neighbor Initiating Connection Neighbor Handshake Denied - Duplicate Router Name or Wrong Neighbor Initiating Connection
Neighbor Handshake Denied - Neighbor Sending From Wrong IP Address Neighbor Handshake Denied - Neighbor Sending From Wrong IP Address
Neighbor Handshake Denied - Operating Mode Mismatch Neighbor Handshake Denied - Operating Mode Mismatch
Neighbor Handshake Denied - Unrecognized Neighbor IP Address Neighbor Handshake Denied - Unrecognized Neighbor IP Address
Neighbor Handshake Denied - Unrecognized Neighbor Router Name Neighbor Handshake Denied - Unrecognized Neighbor Router Name
Neighbor Handshake Denied - Wrong Destination Router Name Neighbor Handshake Denied - Wrong Destination Router Name
No Authorization Groups in enabled state were configured on the appliance No Authorization Groups in enabled state were configured on the appliance
No Authorization Groups were retrieved from the Authorizing Server No Authorization Groups were retrieved from the Authorizing Server
No JSON Web Key exists to decode the token No JSON Web Key exists to decode the token
No More Non-Durable Queue or Topic Endpoint Create Queue Endpoint failed because needed resources cannot be allocated.
No More Selector Resources Request to create Selector for Topic Endpoint failed because there are no more Selector Resources.
No RADIUS profile available No RADIUS profile available
No Subscription Match No Subscription Match
No Transaction Started No Transaction Started
No Transport Buffer The appliance fail to allocate memory to construct a request or respond message. The message is dropped.
No access level configured No access level configured
No compatible bidirectional bridge There is no local bridge compatible with the remote bridge to form a bidirectional connection.
No issuer ('iss' claim) was found in the token, there is no active default profile, and neither the Issuer Identifier nor Profile Name SMF parameter was provided No issuer ('iss' claim) was found in the token, there is no active default profile, and neither the Issuer Identifier nor Profile Name SMF parameter was provided
No matching configured Authorization Group was found (or all such matching groups are disabled) No matching configured Authorization Group was found (or all such matching groups are disabled)
NoLocal Discard NoLocal Discard
Non-XASession Cannot Bind to XA Endpoint Non-XASession Cannot Bind to XA Endpoint
Not Compatible With Forwarding Mode Not Compatible With Forwarding Mode
Not Enough Space Not Enough Space
Not Found Not Found
Not Ready The appliance is not ready.

A possible reason is that the Routing component is shutdown.
OAuth Authentication is Shutdown OAuth Authentication is Shutdown
OAuth Profile discovery has failed or has not yet finished OAuth Profile discovery has failed or has not yet finished
OAuth Token Too Long OAuth Token Too Long
Ok Ok
Only local transacted sessions can bind to Delayed Redelivery endpoint A bind to an endpoint configured with delayed redelivery was requested, but the session is not locally transacted
Out of Replay Resources A replay was requested, but the router does not have sufficient resources to fulfill the request, due to too many active replays.
Out of buffers Out of buffers
Out of internal event handling resources The client could not connect because the internal resources necessary to process their events were temporaily unavailable
Out of order message Out of order message
Out of transaction resources Out of transaction resources
Partition is not ready Partition is not ready
Partitioned Queue Support Required Partitioned Queue Support Required
Peer Reset A connection failure has occurred due to some transport error. This is a generic failure response.
Permission Not Allowed The AD request failed. The operation is not allowed.

This is a generic response to many types of request where the operation failed because of an incorrect permission level. e.g. a client is not allowed to delete a Queue Endpoint that is created by CLI.
Protocol Violation This event is seen when an error occurs during a protocol exchange.

When the appliance attempt to send a control message as part of the protocol, but the message failed to send, resulting in a protocol violation.
Publish ACL Denied Publish ACL Denied
Publisher Name Already In Use Publisher Name Already In Use
Publisher msg count mismatch Publisher msg count mismatch
Queue Not Found A message is being spooled through AD, but the queue that is supposed to receive the message is not found.
Queue Shutdown Attempt to bind to a Queue Endpoint failed because the Queue has shutdown.
Quota Out Of Range Request to create Queue Endpoint failed because the requested disk quota is too big.
RADIUS profile contains no functional Servers RADIUS profile contains no functional Servers
Redelivery delay support required The client does not support redelivery delay and has tried to bind to the endpoint configured with delayed redelivery
Remote router spooling not supported Remote router spooling not supported
Replay Cancelled The flow was replaying messages as requested by an earlier bind request, but the replay was administratively cancelled.
Replay Disabled Replay is not enabled in the queue or DTE’s message VPN.
Replay Failed An unexpected error has happened during message replay on the queue or DTE.
Replay Log Modified A replay was ongoing on the queue or DTE and the replay log was modified.
Replay Message Unavailable The flow was replaying messages as requested by an earlier bind request, but the replay failed because messages to be replayed were trimmed from the replay log.
Replay Not Supported on Anonymous Queue Without Subscriptions The request attempted to start replay on an anonymous queue without subscriptions, which is not supported.
Replay Start Message Unavailable A replay was requested, but the requested start message is not available in the replay log.
Replay Start Time Not Available A replay was requested, but the requested start time is not available in the replay log.
Replay Started A replay was started on the queue or DTE, either by another client or by the router.
Replayed Message Rejected by Queue The router attempted to replay a message, but the queue rejected the message to sender.
Replayed Message Rejected by Topic Endpoint The router attempted to replay a message, but the topic endpoint rejected the message to sender.
Replication Is Shutdown Replication Is Shutdown
Replication Is Standby Replication Is Standby
Request On Non-static Interface Request On Non-static Interface
Request Time-out The client has taken too long to provide a request and a timeout occurs.
Revocation Check Failed Revocation Check Failed
Router Name Mismatch Router Name Mismatch
SMF Parse Error SMF Parse Error
SMF Plain Text Is Shutdown SMF Plain Text Is Shutdown
SMF SSL Is Shutdown SMF SSL Is Shutdown
SMF TTL Exceeded SMF TTL Exceeded
SMP Parse Error SMP Parse Error
SSL Downgrade Not Allowed SSL Downgrade Not Allowed
SSL certificate not trusted common name SSL certificate not trusted common name
SSL connecting to non-SSL not allowed SSL connecting to non-SSL not allowed
Selector Does Not Match Non-Exclusive DTE bind failed becaused of the different selector presented
Selectors Not Supported on Partitioned Queue Selectors Not Supported on Partitioned Queue
Service Unavailable AD Service is unavailable. This is a generic response when an egress flow is deleted.
Service Unavailable Service Unavailable
Session already exists Session already exists
Shared Subscription Permission Denied Shared Subscription Permission Denied
Shared Subscriptions Not Supported On Queues Shared Subscriptions Not Supported On Queues
Shared Subscriptions Not Supported On Topic Endpoints Shared Subscriptions Not Supported On Topic Endpoints
Spool Over Quota. Message VPN limit exceeded A message is being spooled through AD, but the spool quota for the vpn has been exceeded.
Spool Over Quota. Queue or Topic endpoint limit exceeded A message is being spooled through AD, but the spool quota for the endpoint has been exceeded.
Spool Over Quota. Router limit exceeded A message is being spooled through AD, but the spool quota for the router has been exceeded.
Subscriber Name Already In Use Subscriber Name Already In Use
Subscriber msg reassigned Subscriber msg reassigned
Subscription ACL Denied Subscription ACL Denied
Subscription Already Exists Subscription Already Exists
Subscription Attributes Conflict With Existing Subscription Subscription Attributes Conflict With Existing Subscription
Subscription Does Not Match None-first Client failed to bind with Non-exclusive DTE because subscription topic doesn't match existing one.
Subscription Manager Denied Subscription Manager Denied
Subscription Not Found Subscription Not Found
Subscription Parse Error Subscription Parse Error
Sync Replication Ineligible Sync Replication Ineligible
Temporary lockout The account is temporarily locked out due to too many failed authentication attempts
The Connection Does Not Support Bind to Non-exclusive Queue The Connection Does Not Support Bind to Non-exclusive Queue
The Cut-Through Forwarding Mode is Not Allowed The Cut-Through Forwarding Mode is Not Allowed
The IdToken and AccessToken have conflicting data, they were not generated compatibly The IdToken and AccessToken have conflicting data, they were not generated compatibly
The Issuer Identifier of the profile specified by the provided Profile Name SMF Parameter does not match the specified Issuer Identifier SMF Parameter The Issuer Identifier of the profile specified by the provided Profile Name SMF Parameter does not match the specified Issuer Identifier SMF Parameter
The JWT's signature is invalid The JWT's signature is invalid
The LDAP Server is administratively shutdown The LDAP Server is administratively shutdown
The LDAP Server is down The LDAP Server is down
The LDAP Server rejects the filter The LDAP Server rejects the filter
The RADIUS profile is shutdown The RADIUS profile is shutdown
The Store-And-Forward Forwarding Mode is Not Allowed The Store-And-Forward Forwarding Mode is Not Allowed
The \active\ member was missing from the introspection response The \active\ member was missing from the introspection response
The \alg\ header parameter was not \RS256\, \RS384\ or \RS512\ The \alg\ header parameter was not \RS256\, \RS384\ or \RS512\
The \alg\ header parameter was not \RS256\, \RS384\, \RS512\, \ES256\, \ES384\ or \ES512\ The \alg\ header parameter was not \RS256\, \RS384\, \RS512\, \ES256\, \ES384\ or \ES512\
The \alg\ header parameter was not found The \alg\ header parameter was not found
The \aud\ claim did not match the configured client ID The \aud\ claim did not match the configured client ID
The \aud\ claim did not match the configured client ID, and no required audience is configured The \aud\ claim did not match the configured client ID, and no required audience is configured
The \aud\ claim did not match the configured required audience The \aud\ claim did not match the configured required audience
The \exp\ claim was invalid The \exp\ claim was invalid
The \exp\ claim was not found The \exp\ claim was not found
The \iss\ claim did not match the OAuth Profile's issuer The \iss\ claim did not match the OAuth Profile's issuer
The \iss\ claim was not found The \iss\ claim was not found
The \scope\ claim did not contain all configured scopes or was otherwise invalid The \scope\ claim did not contain all configured scopes or was otherwise invalid
The \scope\ claim was not found The \scope\ claim was not found
The \sub\ claim from the userinfo response did not match the \sub\ claim in the IdToken The \sub\ claim from the userinfo response did not match the \sub\ claim in the IdToken
The \sub\ claim was not found The \sub\ claim was not found
The \sub\ claim was too long or otherwise invalid The \sub\ claim was too long or otherwise invalid
The \typ\ header parameter did not match the configured value The \typ\ header parameter did not match the configured value
The \typ\ header parameter was not found The \typ\ header parameter was not found
The introspection attempt failed due to a transport problem The introspection attempt failed due to a transport problem
The introspection response indicated an error The introspection response indicated an error
The introspection response indicated that the token is not active The introspection response indicated that the token is not active
The introspection response was invalid The introspection response was invalid
The login cannot be processed due to resource limitations The login cannot be processed due to resource limitations
The login cannot proceed against a shutdown Provider The login cannot proceed against a shutdown Provider
The login cannot proceed against an inactive Profile The login cannot proceed against an inactive Profile
The login gave a Provider Name that does not correspond to a configured Profile or Provider The login gave a Provider Name that does not correspond to a configured Profile or Provider
The login gave no Provider Name and no active default Profile or Provider could be found The login gave no Provider Name and no active default Profile or Provider could be found
The login provided a Profile Name SMF parameter that does not correspond to an active Profile The login provided a Profile Name SMF parameter that does not correspond to an active Profile
The login provided an Issuer Identifier SMF parameter that does not correspond to an active Profile The login provided an Issuer Identifier SMF parameter that does not correspond to an active Profile
The mandatory AccessToken contained no data The mandatory AccessToken contained no data
The mandatory IdToken contained no data The mandatory IdToken contained no data
The required Access Level or Authorization Group Claim was found but the value is invalid The required Access Level or Authorization Group Claim was found but the value is invalid
The required Access Level or Authorization Group Claim was not found The required Access Level or Authorization Group Claim was not found
The required Audience Claim was found but did not match the configured value The required Audience Claim was found but did not match the configured value
The required Audience Claim was found but the value is invalid The required Audience Claim was found but the value is invalid
The required Audience Claim was not found The required Audience Claim was not found
The required Username Claim was found but did not match API username (and validation is configured) The required Username Claim was found but did not match API username (and validation is configured)
The required Username Claim was found but the value is invalid The required Username Claim was found but the value is invalid
The required Username Claim was not found The required Username Claim was not found
The token issuer ('iss' claim) did not match the issuer of any active profile The token issuer ('iss' claim) did not match the issuer of any active profile
The transaction has timed out The transaction has timed out
The userinfo request attempt failed due to a transport problem The userinfo request attempt failed due to a transport problem
The userinfo request failed because of a an HTTPS error The userinfo request failed because of a an HTTPS error
The userinfo request timed out waiting for a response from a DNS or Authorization Server The userinfo request timed out waiting for a response from a DNS or Authorization Server
The userinfo response indicated an error The userinfo response indicated an error
Token Has Expired Token Has Expired
Too Many Clients Client login failed because there are too many clients.
Too Many Connections For Client-Username Too Many Connections For Client-Username
Too Many Connections For VPN Too Many Connections For VPN
Too Many Publishers The request has failed because there are too many publishers.

For a Transacted Session, there should only be one publisher. This event is seen if more than one publisher is found for a Transacted Session.
Too Many Subscribers Too many subscribers.

For a Transacted Session, the Maximum Egress Flows has been reached.
Too many Client-Usernames Too many Client-Usernames
Topic Parse Error Topic Parse Error
Topic or Selector Modified on Durable Topic Endpoint A replay was in progress on a Durable Topic Endpoint (DTE) when its topic or selector was modified, causing the replay to fail.
Transacted Session Name In Use Transacted Session Name In Use
Transacted Session Recreated Transacted Session Recreated
Transacted session is associated Transacted session is associated
Transacted session is local Transacted session is local
Transaction Failure: The number of messages in the transaction exceeds the limit Transaction Failure: The number of messages in the transaction exceeds the limit
Transaction already exists Transaction already exists
Transaction is active Transaction is active
Transaction is heuristically committed Transaction is heuristically committed
Transaction is heuristically rolled back Transaction is heuristically rolled back
Transaction is not associated to session Transaction is not associated to session
Transaction is not idle Transaction is not idle
Transaction is processing request Transaction is processing request
Transaction is rollback only Transaction is rollback only
Transaction not associated to session Transaction not associated to session
Transaction not heuristically completed Transaction not heuristically completed
Transaction not prepared Transaction not prepared
Transaction replication fail Transaction replication fail
Transaction replication timeout Transaction replication timeout
Transaction session not found Transaction session not found
Transform Result Too Big Transform Result Too Big
Transform error Transform error
Unauthenticated Authentication Not Allowed Unauthenticated Authentication Not Allowed
Unhandled Protocol Specified The protocol specified in the incoming message is unsupported.
Unknown Client Name Unknown Client Name
Unknown Durable Topic Endpoint In an operation that requires a Durable Topic Endpoint (DTE), the DTE in question cannot be found.
Unknown Flow Name Request to open AD flow failed because the flow name is not found.
Unknown Parameter Received a message with an unknown parameter in the header.

This type is also used for configuration errors where an unknown parameter has been entered.
Unknown Protocol Received a message with a protocol that is not known.
Unknown Queue Request to operate on a queue failed because an unknown queue id is provided.
Unknown Start Location Type The request attempted to start a replay but provided an unknown start location type.
Unknown Transacted Session Unknown Transacted Session
Unknown Transacted Session Name Unknown Transacted Session Name
Unsubscribe not allowed, client(s) bound to DTE When client attempt to unsubscribe from a topic, the unsubscribed failed because the client is bound to a DTE.
Unsupported Bridge Version Unsupported Bridge Version
Unsupported Login Protocol Received a login attempt that uses an unsupported protocol type.
Unsupported Protocol Version Received a message with an unsupported Protocol Version.
Unsupported SSL downgrade value Unsupported SSL downgrade value
Untrusted Certificate Untrusted Certificate
User profile deny guaranteed User profile deny guaranteed
Userinfo lookup is required but no userinfo endpoint is configured Userinfo lookup is required but no userinfo endpoint is configured
Userinfo response is not valid JSON Userinfo response is not valid JSON
VPN exceeded max transaction VPN exceeded max transaction
Web-transport Plain Text Is Shutdown Web-transport Plain Text Is Shutdown
Web-transport SSL Is Shutdown Web-transport SSL Is Shutdown
XA Transacted Sessions Cannot Bind to Partitioned Queues A bind to a partitioned queue was requested, but the session is an XA, transacted session
XA join not supported XA join not supported
XA transactions are not supported XA transactions are not supported
XASession Cannot Bind to Non-XA Endpoint XASession Cannot Bind to Non-XA Endpoint
XMLLINK Parse Error Received an XmlLink message that contains bad data or missing parameters.
Value Description
Assured Delivery Not Ready The appliance is unable to process the request because Assured Delivery is not ready. Possibly AD is disabled.
Bad Request The incoming request could not be understood by the appliance doe to malformed syntax.
Conflict The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.

For a bi-directional bridge, this reply is used to indicate a compatible bridge is found. The existing client connection should be reused, and the newly created (conflicting) client connection should be taken down.
Created Successful processing, resulting in the creation of a new resource.
Forbidden The appliance understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.
Gateway Time-out The request has taken too long for the appliance to process. The appliance has timed out and reply with this message.
Ignore HTTP protocol: Processing.

When the appliance receives this message, it is used as an HTTP keep alive event, and the message is ignored.
Internal Server Error The appliance encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Message dropped on connection close A message to be sent out on a connection is dropped due to connection close.
Message dropped on connection error A message to be sent out on a connection is dropped due to connection error.
No Content This is a response to successful login.
No SEMP Session Available The broker cannot allocate a session for a SEMP client because there are no free sessions available.
Not Found The appliance has not found anything matching the request.
Not Implemented The appliance does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.
OK Successful processing.
Out Of Server Resources The appliance is unable to process the request due to lack of resources.
Service Unavailable The appliance is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
Unauthorized For an authentication request, this reply indicates that authentication has failed.

For other request types, this reply indicates that the user does not have sufficient authorization to perform the request.
Unknown An unknown error has occurred.


This event is sent when the aggregate egress message rate rises above the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'snmp-server trap egress-msg-rate thresholds set-value' Config CLI command. The default is 4000000 msgs/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'egress-msg-rate - Set Value' field of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Rate (1 sec sample) - Egress (msg/sec)' field of the 'show stats client' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_EG_MSG_RATE_HIGH: - - Egress Message Rate threshold (<threshold> msg/sec) reached: <rate>


This event is sent when the aggregate egress message rate falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'snmp-server trap egress-msg-rate thresholds clear-value' Config CLI command. The default is 3900000 msgs/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'egress-msg-rate - Clear Value' field of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Rate (1 sec sample) - Egress (msg/sec)' field of the 'show stats client' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_EG_MSG_RATE_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Egress Message Rate threshold (<threshold> msg/sec) cleared: <rate>


This event is sent when the aggregate ingress message rate rises above the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'snmp-server trap ingress-msg-rate thresholds set-value' Config CLI command. The default is 4000000 msgs/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'ingress-msg-rate - Set Value' field of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Rate (1 sec sample) - Ingress (msg/sec)' field of the 'show stats client' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_ING_MSG_RATE_HIGH: - - Ingress Message Rate threshold (<threshold> msg/sec) reached: <rate>


This event is sent when the aggregate ingress message falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'snmp-server trap ingress-msg-rate thresholds clear-value' Config CLI command. The default is 3900000 msgs/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'ingress-msg-rate - Clear Value' field of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Rate (1 sec sample) - Ingress (msg/sec)' field of the 'show stats client' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_ING_MSG_RATE_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Ingress Message Rate threshold (<threshold> msg/sec) cleared: <rate>


This event is sent when the number of shared subscriptions added by clients has exceeded the maximum limit supported by the system.

To see the current shared subscriptions in use, use the 'show smrp subscriptions topic #share/*' command.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_MAX_SHARED_SUBSCRIPTIONS_EXCEEDED: - - Maximum shared subscriptions exceeded : <threshold>



Note: This event has been deprecated by SYSTEM_ROUTING_SUBSCRIPTIONS_LOAD_FACTOR_HIGH which provides a much better way to monitor overall subscription demand on the Broker. The monitoring of this event is not recommended. This event is no longer raised on software brokers.

This event is sent when the total number of subscriptions, originating from clients connected to, or queues hosted on, this message broker rises above the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value, use 'snmp-server trap subscriptions thresholds set-value' Config CLI command. The default is 5000000.

To view the threshold value, see the 'subscriptions - Set Value' field of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command output.

To view the current value associated with the event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Client Subscriptions' field of the 'show smrp subscriptions summary' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_HIGH: - - Subscriptions threshold (<threshold>) reached: <value>



Note: This event has been deprecated by SYSTEM_ROUTING_SUBSCRIPTIONS_LOAD_FACTOR_HIGH_CLEAR which provides a much better way to monitor overall subscription demand on the Broker. The monitoring of this event is not recommended. This event is no longer raised on software brokers.

This event is sent when the total number of subscriptions, originating from clients connected to, and queues hosted on, this message broker falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value, use 'snmp-server trap subscriptions thresholds clear-value' Config CLI command. The default is 4750000.

To view the threshold value, see the 'subscriptions - Clear Value' field of the 'show snmp trap' CLI command output.

To view the current value associated with the event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Client Subscriptions' field of the 'show smrp subscriptions summary' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Subscriptions threshold (<threshold>) cleared: <value>



Note: This event has been deprecated by SYSTEM_ROUTING_SUBSCRIPTIONS_LOAD_FACTOR_HIGH which provides a much better way to monitor overall subscription demand on the Broker. The monitoring of this event is not necessary if the SYSTEM_ROUTING_SUBSCRIPTIONS_LOAD_FACTOR_HIGH event is being monitored.

Tracking client and queue subscriptions internally on the message broker requires memory resources which are fixed. This event is sent when the use of those memory resources, as a percentage, rises above the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value, use 'memory-event subscriptions-memory thresholds set-value' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Subscriptions Memory (%) - Set Value' field of the 'show memory' CLI command output.

To view the current value associated with the event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Subscription memory usage' field of the 'show memory' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_MEMORY_HIGH: - - Subscriptions memory utilization threshold (<threshold> %) reached: <value>



Note: This event has been deprecated by SYSTEM_ROUTING_SUBSCRIPTIONS_LOAD_FACTOR_HIGH_CLEAR which provides a much better way to monitor overall subscription demand on the Broker. The monitoring of this event is not necessary if the SYSTEM_ROUTING_SUBSCRIPTIONS_LOAD_FACTOR_HIGH_CLEAR event is being monitored.

This event is sent when the use of subscription memory resources, on the message broker falls below the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value, use 'memory-event subscriptions-memory thresholds clear-value' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Subscriptions Memory (%) - Clear Value' field of the 'show memory' CLI command output.

To view the current value associated with the event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Subscription memory usage' field of the 'show memory' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_MEMORY_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Subscriptions memory utilization threshold (<threshold> %) cleared: <value>

Clustering syslog Messages


A Cluster requires an update to its legacy certificate matching configuration.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLUSTERING_CERTIFICATE_MATCHING_NOT_CONFIGURED: - - Cluster <clusterName> certificate matching is in legacy mode


A Cluster has become operationally down.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLUSTERING_CLUSTER_DOWN: - - Cluster <clusterName> down: <reason>


A Cluster has become operationally up.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLUSTERING_CLUSTER_UP: - - Cluster <clusterName> up


A Cluster link has become operationally down.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLUSTERING_LINK_DOWN: - - Cluster <clusterName> link to <remoteNodeName> down: <reason>


A Cluster link has become operationally up.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLUSTERING_LINK_UP: - - Cluster <clusterName> link to <remoteNodeName> up


A Cluster topology problem has been detected.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLUSTERING_TOPOLOGY_PROBLEM: - - Cluster <clusterName> topology problem detected: <problem>


A topology conflict with another Node has been resolved in the Cluster.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_CLUSTERING_TOPOLOGY_PROBLEM_CLEAR: - - Cluster <clusterName> topology problem resolved: <problem>

Dns syslog Messages


This event is generated when a name server that was previously reachable has become unreachable.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_DNS_NAME_SERVER_DOWN: - - Name server <serverName> is operationally down.


This event is generated when a name server that was previously unreachable has become reachable.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_DNS_NAME_SERVER_UP: - - Name server <serverName> is operationally up.

High Availability syslog Messages


This event is due to changes of state to Storage Area Network(SAN) paths between the message broker and the external storage of the provisioned LUN. Monitoring of the PATH is enabled/disabled with the hardware message-spool state.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_HA_DISK_PATH_CHG: - - External disk path <portId>:<pathId> changed from <oldState> to <newState>. Reason(<reason>)


This event is raised when a host joins the redundancy group.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_HA_REDUN_GROUP_NODE_JOINED: - - The redundancy group node <nodeName> joined


This event is raised when a host can no longer be contacted by the majority of the nodes in a group. This may be due to a network problem, group management problem, hardware failure or a general software failure.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_HA_REDUN_GROUP_NODE_LEFT: - - The redundancy group node <nodeName> is no longer reachable


At most one message broker in the HA pair is available to provide service

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_HA_REDUN_STATE_DOWN: - - Redundancy state change from up to down due to <reason>


Both message brokers in the HA pair are available to provide service

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_HA_REDUN_STATE_UP: - - Redundancy state change from down to up


This event is sent when HA nodes have inconsistent clock time and the difference is over the higher watermark.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_HA_TIME_SKEW: - - HA pair has clock time skew <skew>s higher than than the threshold <higherThreshold>s


This event is sent when HA nodes have consistent clock time or the offset is below the lower watermark.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_HA_TIME_SKEW_CLEARED: - - HA pair clock time skew cleared with skew <skew>s lower than the threshold <lowerThreshold>s


This event is sent when the VRRP operational state on a message broker has gone down, indicating that the message broker may not be available to provide service for a VRID.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_HA_VRRP_STATE_DOWN: - - VRRP <VRID> priority <priority> activity state changed from <oldState> to <newState> on intf <intf>


This event is sent when the VRRP operational state on an message broker has gone up, indicating that the message broker may be available to resume service for a VRID.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_HA_VRRP_STATE_UP: - - VRRP <VRID> priority <priority> activity state changed from <oldState> to <newState> on intf <intf>


The specified virtual router is now providing service

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_HA_VR_STATE_ACTIVE: - - <CVRID> Virtual Router is now active


The specified virtual router is now in standby mode and is not providing service

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_HA_VR_STATE_STANDBY: - - <CVRID> Virtual Router is now on standby

Kafka syslog Messages


This event is sent when the number of connections to Kafka Brokers, across all Kafka Senders and Receivers, exceeds the maximum available for the Solace Broker. The number of connections required depends on:

1) the number of operational Kafka Senders and Receivers

2) the number of Kafka Brokers in the Kafka Clusters

Each Kafka Sender and Receiver requires approximately 1 connection for every Kafka Broker in its Kafka Cluster.

This event will likely be accompanied with Kafka Senders and Receivers becoming operationally down with failure reasons such as 'Too many other broker connections in use' or 'Too many broker connections required'.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_KAFKA_BROKER_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED: - - Kafka broker connections limit (<limit>) exceeded


This event is sent when the number of connections to Kafka Brokers, across all Kafka Senders and Receivers, exceeds the set threshold limit.

The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_KAFKA_BROKER_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED event) and cannot be modified.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_KAFKA_BROKER_CONNECTIONS_HIGH: - - Kafka broker connections limit threshold (<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <actualPercentage>%


This event is sent when the number of connections to Kafka Brokers, across all Kafka Senders and Receivers, falls below the clear threshold limit.

The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_KAFKA_BROKER_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED event) and can not be modified.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_KAFKA_BROKER_CONNECTIONS_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Kafka broker connections limit threshold (<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <actualPercentage>%

Link syslog Messages


This event is sent when an ADB mate link hello protocol has gone down. The typical reasons are either mate link physical connectivity has been lost or a time-out for the hello protocol between mates has occurred.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_ADB_HELLO_PROTOCOL_DOWN: - - ADB Mate link hello protocol is down due to <reason>


This event is sent when an ADB mate link hello protocol has gone up.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_ADB_HELLO_PROTOCOL_UP: - - ADB Mate link hello protocol is up


This event is sent when an ADB mate link has gone down.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_ADB_LINK_DOWN: - - ADB Mate link <fabric>/<slot>/<port> changed from <oldState> to <newState> <reason>


This event is sent when an ADB mate link has gone up.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_ADB_LINK_UP: - - ADB Mate link <fabric>/<slot>/<port> changed from <oldState> to <newState>


This event is sent when an Ethernet link has gone down.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_ETH_LINK_DOWN: - - Enet Link <enetIntf> changed from <oldState> to <newState>


This event is sent when an Ethernet link has gone up.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_ETH_LINK_UP: - - Enet Link <enetIntf> changed from <oldState> to <newState>


This event is sent when an HBA link has gone down.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_HBA_LINK_DOWN: - - HBA Link <fabric>/<slot>/<port> changed from <oldState> to <newState>


This event is sent when an HBA link has gone up.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_HBA_LINK_UP: - - HBA Link <fabric>/<slot>/<port> changed from <oldState> to <newState>


This event is sent when an interface's IP address has changed and this change was not the result of a CLI operation (e.g. the interface is configured to use DHCP for configuration and has accepted a new DHCP_OFFER)

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_IP_ADDRESS_CHANGED: - - IP address of interface <ipIntf> changed to <ipAddrAndMask>


This event is sent when a link is added to a LAG.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_LAG_ADD_LINK: - - LAG <lagIntf> ethernet <enetIntf> added


This event message is sent when all of the members of the LAG are down and, as a result, the LAG is down.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_LAG_DOWN: - - LAG <lagIntf> changed from <oldState> to <newState>


This event is sent when a link is removed from a LAG.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_LAG_REMOVE_LINK: - - LAG <lagIntf> ethernet <enetIntf> removed


When a LAG in active/backup mode is configured, this message is sent for every switch from primary to backup link or vice versa, regardless of its causes (for example, link failures or running of the switch-active Interface Admin command).

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_LAG_SWITCH_ACTIVE_LINK: - - LAG <lagIntf> switched active member from ethernet <enetIntf1> to <enetIntf2>


This event is sent when the LAG has gone up.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_LAG_UP: - - LAG <lagIntf> changed from <oldState> to <newState>


This event is sent when all paths to the provisioned LUN(external disk array) have gone down.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_PATH_TO_DISK_ARRAY_DOWN: - - Path to disk array <diskId> is down due to <reason>


This event is sent when at least one path to a disk array has been established.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LINK_PATH_TO_DISK_ARRAY_UP: - - Path to disk array <diskId> is up

System Logging syslog Messages


Event logging infrastructure was unable to forward events. This is typically caused by an unusually large number of events being raised in a very short period of time.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_LOGGING_LOST_EVENTS: - - <numEvents> events lost reason(<eventsLostReason>)

NAB syslog Messages


This event message is sent when the percentage of NAB buffers in use by the message broker rises above the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'memory-event nab-buffer-load-factor thresholds set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80%

To view the threshold value, see the 'NAB Buffer Load Factor (%) - Set Value' field of the show memory' CLI command output.

To display the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'NAB Buffers - NAB Buffer Load Factor' field of the 'show memory' CLI command.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_NAB_BUFFER_LOAD_FACTOR_HIGH: - - Slot <fabric>/<slot> Buffer load factor high threshold (<thresholdPercentage>%) exceeded: <actualPercentage>%


This event message is sent when the percentage of NAB buffers in use by the message broker falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'memory-event nab-buffer-load-factor thresholds clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60%

To view the threshold value, see the 'NAB Buffer Load Factor (%) - Clear Value' field of the show memory' CLI command output.

To display the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'NAB Buffers - NAB Buffer Load Factor' field of the 'show memory' CLI command.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_NAB_BUFFER_LOAD_FACTOR_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Slot <fabric>/<slot> Buffer load factor high threshold (<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <actualPercentage>%


This event message is sent when the appliance detects a component failure on the NAB.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_NAB_CRITICAL_HARDWARE_FAILURE: - - Slot <fabric>/<slot> Critical hardware failure: component <compStr> type <typeStr> info <infoStr>


This event message is sent when the appliance detects an error in the NAB firmware.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_NAB_CRITICAL_HARDWARE_SOFT_FAILURE: - - Slot <fabric>/<slot> Critical hardware soft failure: component <compStr> type <typeStr> info <infoStr>


This event message is sent when the appliance detects a recoverable failure on the NAB (for example, an Error Correcting Code [ECC] error) which has been automatically repaired.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_NAB_NONCRITICAL_HARDWARE_NOTIFICATION: - - Slot <fabric>/<slot> Non-critical hardware notification: component <compStr> type <typeStr> info <infoStr>


This event message is sent when the NAB hardware is placed into an invalid state by software. This is a self-recovering condition.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_NAB_NONCRITICAL_HARDWARE_SOFT_FAILURE: - - Slot <fabric>/<slot> Non-critical hardware soft notification: component <compStr> type <typeStr> info <infoStr>


The NAB has successfully restarted the ZIP engine to recover from a fault.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_NAB_ZIP_ENGINE_RESTART_COMPLETE: - - Slot <fabric>/<slot> ZIP engine restart complete: ZIP info: ingress decompression <forcedIngressErrorCount>, egress compression <forcedEgressErrorCount>; ZIP command buffers remaining: <zipCmdBufsFree>.


The NAB detected an internal fault of the ZIP engine and has initiated a recovery.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_NAB_ZIP_ENGINE_RESTART_INITIATED: - - Slot <fabric>/<slot> ZIP engine restart initiated: ZIP operations: requested <enqueueCount>, completed <dequeueCount>.

Ntp syslog Messages


This event is generated when the NTP server that was previously reachable has become unreachable.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_NTP_SERVER_DOWN: - - NTP server <serverName> is operationally down.


This event is generated when the NTP server that was previously unreachable has become reachable.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_NTP_SERVER_UP: - - NTP server <serverName> is operationally up.

Ptp syslog Messages


This event is generated when PTP is no longer in sync.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_PTP_SYNC_DOWN: - - PTP sync is operationally down.


This event is generated when the PTP becomes in sync.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_PTP_SYNC_UP: - - PTP sync is operationally up.

Routing syslog Messages


This event is sent when an individual TCP data connection of a neighbor link has failed. The neighbor link has four such connections and continues to operate provided at least one connection remains.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ROUTING_CSPF_CONN_DOWN: - - CSPF Connection tConnId (<tConn>) (<srcIp>:<srcPort> - <destIp>:<destPort>) reason (<reason>) final statistics - TxBytes (<txBytes>), RxBytes (<rxBytes>), Blk% (<blkPercentage>), RxOOdr (<rxOoOdr>), FstRtx (<fstRtx>), TimRtx (<timRtx>)


This event is sent when an individual TCP data connection of a neighbor link is established. The neighbor link has four such connections and continues to operate provided at least one connection remains.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ROUTING_CSPF_CONN_UP: - - CSPF Connection tConnId (<tConn>) (<srcIp>:<srcPort> - <destIp>:<destPort>)


Multiple message brokers in the network have been detected as having the identical router-name, thus are no longer able to participate in message routing.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ROUTING_CSPF_DUPLICATE_ROUTER_NAME: - - CSPF Duplicate router-name <routerName>/<routerType> being advertised by <staticRouterName> Unique Id <routerUniqueId>


A message broker that was previously detected as having an identical router-name as another message broker no longer has that conflict.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ROUTING_CSPF_DUPLICATE_ROUTER_NAME_CLEAR: - - CSPF Duplicate router-name <routerName>/<routerType> clear


This event is sent when a neighbor link is closed. This means all the individual TCP connections to the neighbor are down. Thus the neighbor is no longer reachable through this link.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ROUTING_CSPF_NBR_DOWN: - - CSPF Neighbour <destIpPort> (<nbrRouterName>) changed from <oldState> to <newState> due to: <reason>


This event is generated when a message is discarded because it cannot be sent to a neighbor.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ROUTING_CSPF_NBR_EGRESS_MSG_DISCARD: - - CSPF Neighbor <nbrName> Connection (<srcIpPort> - <destIpPort>)


This event is sent when a neighbor link is established. This means at least one TCP connection has been established with the neighbor.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ROUTING_CSPF_NBR_UP: - - CSPF Neighbour <destIpPort> (<nbrRouterName>) changed from <oldState> to <newState> due to: <reason>


The message broker has completed cleaning up stale subscriptions from its database.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ROUTING_SMRP_DB_CLEANUP_COMPLETE: - - SMRP DB cleanup complete for router-name <routerName>; reason: <reason>. <cleaned>/<total> subscriptions cleaned up.


The hold down period for cleaning up stale subscriptions for a router-name has expired. Subscriptions which have not been re-added by their clients will start being removed from the database.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ROUTING_SMRP_DB_CLEANUP_HOLDDOWN_INTERVAL_COMPLETE: - - SMRP DB cleanup hold down interval for router-name <routerName> is complete; reason: <reason>.


The message broker has taken ownership (activity) for a router-name and is waiting for clients to connect. Once this hold down period expires, existing subscriptions in the database which have not been re-added are removed.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ROUTING_SMRP_DB_CLEANUP_HOLDDOWN_INTERVAL_STARTED: - - SMRP DB cleanup hold down interval for router-name <routerName> was started. Waiting for clients to re-add subscriptions before DB cleanup.


A message broker that had been reachable in the network has been deleted. This may be due to an administrative action or an age-out situation after being unreachable for 30 minutes.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ROUTING_SMRP_ROUTER_NAME_DELETED: - - SMRP router-name <routerName> deleted: reason <reason>.


This event message is sent when the percentage of subscription resources in use by the message broker rises above the set threshold value. There are multiple resources, and this event is driven by the highest utilization of them.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'memory-event subscription-load-factor thresholds set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80%

To view the threshold value, see the 'Subscriptions Load Factor (%) - Set Value' field of the show memory' CLI command output.

To display the current value that the threshold monitors, and the name of the resource with highest utilizaiton, see the 'Subscription Load Factor' field of the 'show memory' CLI command.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ROUTING_SUBSCRIPTIONS_LOAD_FACTOR_HIGH: - - Subscriptions load factor high threshold (<thresholdPercentage>%) exceeded: <actualPercentage>%


This event message is sent when the percentage of subscription resources in use by the message broker falls below the clear threshold value. There are multiple resources, and this event is driven by the highest utilization of them.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'memory-event subscription-load-factor thresholds clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60%

To view the threshold value, see the 'Subscriptions Load Factor (%) - Clear Value' field of the show memory' CLI command output.

To display the current value that the threshold monitors, and the name of the resource with highest utilizaiton, see the 'Subscription Load Factor' field of the 'show memory' CLI command.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_ROUTING_SUBSCRIPTIONS_LOAD_FACTOR_HIGH_CLEAR: - - Subscriptions load factor high threshold (<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <actualPercentage>%

Service syslog Messages


This event is sent when HTTP, SEMP, or SMF service is shutdown on the message broker.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_SERVICE_LISTEN_PORT_DISABLE: - - Service <serviceName> Listen Port <portNumber> disabled


This event is sent when HTTP, SEMP, or SMF service is started on the message broker.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_SERVICE_LISTEN_PORT_ENABLE: - - Service <serviceName> Listen Port <portNumber> enabled

Solcache syslog Messages


This is an event sent when the amount of memory used by a cache process exceeds the maximum allowed. As a result, messages have been discarded by the cache process.

To set the maximum value associated with this event use the 'mqtt retain-cache max-memory-global' Config CLI command. The default is 4294967294 MB.

To view the maximum value, see the 'Max Memory (global) (MB)' field of the 'show mqtt' CLI command output.

This event will force the cache instance that raised the event to enter the lost message state if it is not already in it. See the VPN_SOLCACHE_LOST_MSG_STATE event for further information.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String SYSTEM
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-version INT32 Version Number
user-id String ID that uniquely identifies the cache process sending the event


This is an event sent when the cache request queue depth used by a cache process exceeds the maximum allowed. As a result, messages have been discarded by the cache process.

To set the maximum value associate with this event use the CACHE_MAX_REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH_GLOBAL configuration file parameter. The default is 2147483647.

There is currently no supported way to view the maximum value.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String SYSTEM
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-version INT32 Version Number
user-id String ID that uniquely identifies the cache process sending the event


This event is sent when the amount of memory used by a cache process rises above the set threshold percentage of maximum (see SYSTEM_SOLCACHE_MAX_MEMORY_EXCEED).

The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_SOLCACHE_MAX_MEMORY_EXCEED event) and can not be modified.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String SYSTEM
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-version INT32 Version Number
user-id String ID that uniquely identifies the cache process sending the event


This event is sent when the amount of memory used by a cache process falls below the clear threshold percentage of maximum memory.

The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_SOLCACHE_MAX_MEMORY_EXCEED event) and can not be modified.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String SYSTEM
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-version INT32 Version Number
user-id String ID that uniquely identifies the cache process sending the event


This event is sent when the number of queued cache requests exceeds the set threshold percentage of maximum (see SYSTEM_SOLCACHE_MAX_REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH_EXCEED).

To set the threshold percentage value associate with this event use the CACHE_MAX_REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH_GLOBAL_SET_THRESHOLD configuration file parameter. The default is 80%.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String SYSTEM
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-version INT32 Version Number
user-id String ID that uniquely identifies the cache process sending the event


This event is sent when the number of queued cache requests falls below the clear threshold percentage of maximum (see SYSTEM_SOLCACHE_MAX_REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH_EXCEED).

To set the threshold percentage value associate with this event use the CACHE_MAX_REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH_GLOBAL_CLEAR_THRESHOLD configuration file parameter. The default is 60%.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String SYSTEM
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-version INT32 Version Number
user-id String ID that uniquely identifies the cache process sending the event

Ssl syslog Messages


This event is sent when the total number of incoming and outgoing SSL connections attempted exceeds the maximum number of SSL connections available.

This threshold is not configurable. To view the threshold value, see the 'Max SSL connections' field of the 'show service' USER EXEC CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Active Connections' field of the 'show stats ssl' USER EXEC CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_SSL_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED: - - SSL Connections limit (<threshold>) exceeded


This event is sent when the total number of incoming and outgoing SSL connections reaches or exceeds the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'service ssl event connections thresholds set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_SSL_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Active Connections' field of the 'show stats ssl' USER EXEC CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_SSL_CONNECTIONS_HIGH: - - SSL Connections threshold (<threshold>) reached: <value>


This event is sent when the total number of incoming and outgoing SSL connections falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'service ssl event connections thresholds clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the SYSTEM_SSL_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED event)

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Active Connections' field of the 'show stats ssl' USER EXEC CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_SSL_CONNECTIONS_HIGH_CLEAR: - - SSL Connections threshold (<threshold>) cleared: <value>


This event is raised when an SSL connection is rejected before it is known which Message VPN the connection belongs to.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_SSL_CONNECTION_REJECTED: - - SSL Connection rejected: reason (<rejectReason>); connection to <applianceIP>:<appliancePort> from <clientIP>:<clientPort>

System syslog Messages


This event is sent when the performance of a monitored system resource has degraded beyond the acceptable limits.

To view the status of monitored system resources, use the 'show system health' CLI command.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_SYSTEM_HEALTH_NONCRITICAL_NOTIFICATION: - - <description> (<suppressedEventCount> events suppressed since last event log entry)


This event is sent when SolOS software is beginning an orderly shutdown.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN_INITIATED: - - System shutdown initiated: reason (<reason>)


This event is sent when the software completes its initialization on the message broker, indicating the message broker is now ready to be managed.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_SYSTEM_STARTUP_COMPLETE: - - System start-up Complete: SolOS <solOS>

Tracing syslog Messages


The tracing demo mode has been activated, but will require licensing or a broker restart prior to the expiry time. When the expiry time is reached, tracing becomes inactive. For more details related to usage terms, demo mode extension, and purchase, please see

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_TRACING_DEMO_ACTIVATED: - - The tracing demo mode has been activated. The demo expiry time is <demoExpiryTime>.


The tracing demo mode has expired. Restarting the broker will reactivate the demo mode and installing a tracing product key will enable uninterrupted tracing operation. For more details related to terms, demo mode extension, and purchase, please see

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_TRACING_DEMO_EXPIRED: - - The tracing demo mode has expired. Tracing is inactive.


A tracing product key has been installed. This enables continuous tracing operation.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_TRACING_LICENSED: - - A tracing product key has been installed.


The broker attempted to produce an egress trace span but was unable, resulting in one or more lost egress trace spans. The most likely reason is AD congestion. Look for SYSTEM_AD events for more detailed information on what may have caused this. Egress trace spans include send and delete spans.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_TRACING_LOST_EGRESS_SPANS: - - The broker discarded an egress trace span: <reason>


The broker had previously raised SYSTEM_TRACING_LOST_EGRESS_SPANS, indicating it had discarded one or more egress spans. No spans have been discarded within the previous 10 seconds.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
SYSTEM_TRACING_LOST_EGRESS_SPANS_CLEAR: - - The broker has not discarded any egress spans for the past 10 seconds. Discarded spans (<numDiscarded>).

Local Client SolOS syslog Events

Ad syslog Messages


This event is sent when the bind count for a specific queue rises above the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> queue event bind-count thresholds set-value|set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Bind Count Thrsh High' field of the 'show queue <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Bind Count' field of the 'show queue <> detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_BIND_COUNT_HIGH: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Queue <qname> bind count threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentBindCount>


This event is sent when the bind count for a specific queue falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> queue event bind-count thresholds clear-value|clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Bind Count Thrsh High Clear' field of the 'show queue <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Bind Count' field of the 'show queue <> detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_BIND_COUNT_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Queue <qname> bind count threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentBindCount>


This event is sent when the number of endpoints associated with a client username reaches or exceeds the set threshold value for that client username.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile <> event endpoints-per-client-username thresholds set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_CLIENT_USERNAME_MAX_ENDPOINTS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Endpoints per client-username - Set Value' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the '# Endpoints' field of the 'show client-username <> detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_CLIENT_USERNAME_ENDPOINTS_HIGH: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> client-username <clientUsername> endpoints threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentEndpoints>.


This event is sent when the number of endpoints associated with a client username falls below the clear threshold value for that client username.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile <> event endpoints-per-client-username thresholds clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_CLIENT_USERNAME_MAX_ENDPOINTS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Endpoints per client-username - Clear Value' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the '# Endpoints' field of the 'show client-username <> detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_CLIENT_USERNAME_ENDPOINTS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> client-username <clientUsername> endpoints threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentEndpoints>.


This event is sent when the number of endpoints associated with a client-username exceeds the configured maximum for that client-username.

To set the maximum value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile message-spool max-endpoints-per-client-username' Config CLI command. The default value is 16000.

To view the maximum value associated with this event, see 'Max Endpoints per client-username' field of the 'show client-profile default detail' CLI command output. It is also displayed in 'Max Endpoints' field of the 'show client-username <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the '# Endpoints' field of the 'show client-profile default detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_CLIENT_USERNAME_MAX_ENDPOINTS_EXCEEDED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> client-username <clientUsername> endpoints maximum exceeded: <maxEndpoints>.


This event is sent when the number of egress flows within a Message VPN reaches or exceeds the set threshold value for that Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> event egress-flows thresholds 'set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_MAX_EGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Egress Flows - Set Value' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Egress Flows' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_EGRESS_FLOWS_HIGH: <vpnName> - VPN (<ID>) <name> egress flows threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentEndpoints>.


This event is sent when the number of egress flows within a Message VPN falls below the clear threshold value for that specific Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> event egress-flows thresholds 'clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_MAX_EGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Egress Flows - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Egress Flows' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_EGRESS_FLOWS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - VPN (<ID>) <name> egress flows threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentEgressFlows>.


This event is sent when the number of endpoints within a Message VPN reaches or exceeds the set threshold value for that Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> event endpoints thresholds 'set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_MAX_ENDPOINTS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Endpoints - Set Value' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Queues and Topic-Endpoints' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_ENDPOINTS_HIGH: <vpnName> - VPN (<ID>) <name> endpoints threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentEndpoints>.


This event is sent when the number of endpoints within a Message VPN falls below the clear threshold value for that Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> event endpoints thresholds 'clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_MAX_ENDPOINTS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Endpoints - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Queues and Topic-Endpoints' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_ENDPOINTS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - VPN (<ID>) <name> endpoints threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentEndpoints>.


This event is sent when the number of ingress flows within a Message VPN reaches or exceeds the set threshold value for that specific Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> event ingress-flows thresholds 'set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_MAX_INGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Ingress Flows - Set Value' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Ingress Flows' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_INGRESS_FLOWS_HIGH: <vpnName> - VPN (<ID>) <name> ingress flows threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentEndpoints>.


This event is sent when the number of ingress flows within a Message VPN falls below the clear threshold value for that specific Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> event ingress-flows thresholds 'clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_MAX_INGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Ingress Flows - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Ingress Flows' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_INGRESS_FLOWS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - VPN (<ID>) <name> ingress flows threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentEgressFlows>.


This event is sent when the number of egress flows within a Message VPN exceeds the configured maximum for that Message VPN.

To set the maximum value associated with this event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> max-egress-flows' Config CLI command. The default value is 16000.

To view the maximum value associated with this event, see 'Max Egress Flows' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Egress Flows' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_MAX_EGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> egress flows maximum exceeded: <maxEgressFlows>.


This event is sent when the number of endpoints within a Message VPN exceeds its configured maximum.

To set the maximum value associated with this event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> max-endpoints' Config CLI command. The default value is 16000.

To view the maximum value associated with this event, see 'Maximum Queues and Topic-Endpoints' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Queues and Topic-Endpoints' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_MAX_ENDPOINTS_EXCEEDED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> endpoints maximum exceeded: <maxEndpoints>.


This event is sent when the number of ingress flows within a Message VPN exceeds the configured maximum for that VPN.

To set the maximum value associated with this event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> max-ingress-flows' Config CLI command. The default value is 16000.

To view the maximum value associated with this event, see 'Max Ingress Flows' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Ingress Flows' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_MAX_INGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> ingress flows maximum exceeded: <maxIngressFlows>.


This event is sent when the aggregate size of all messages enqueued to a specific endpoint reaches or exceeds the set threshold value, or the aggregate size of all messages enqueued within a Message VPN reaches or exceeds the set threshold for that specific Message VPN.

When an individual endpoint hits 80% of its quota, an event such as the following is raised:

2010-04-23T21:38:39+0000 <local3.warning> hostname event: VPN: VPN_AD_MSG_SPOOL_HIGH: vpnName - Message VPN (2) Topic-endpoint myTE message spool threshold 81920 kB (80%) reached: 81923 kB

Whereas when a Message VPN hits 80% of its quota, an event such as the following example is raised:

2010-04-23T21:54:39+0000 <local3.warning> hostname event: VPN: VPN_AD_MSG_SPOOL_HIGH: vpnName - Message VPN (2) vpnName messagespool threshold 122880 kB (80%) reached: 122881 kB

To set the threshold value associated with the endpoint-based event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> queue|topic-endpoint event spool-usage thresholds set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_MSG_SPOOL_QUOTA_EXCEED event)

To set the threshold value associated with the Message VPN-based event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> event spool-usage thresholds set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_MSG_SPOOL_QUOTA_EXCEED event)

To view the threshold value associated with the endpoint-based event, see 'Spool usage (MB) - Set Value' field of the 'show queue|topic-endpoint <> message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the threshold value associated with the Message VPN-based event, see 'Spool usage (MB) - Set Value' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value associated with the endpoint-based event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Spool Usage (MB)' field of the 'show queue|topic-endpoint <> message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value associated with the Message VPN-based event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Spool Usage (MB)' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_MSG_SPOOL_HIGH: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <qtype> <qname> message spool threshold <threshold> kB (<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <value> kB


This event is sent when the aggregate size of all messages enqueued to a specific endpoint falls below the clear threshold value, or the aggregate size of all messages enqueued within a Message VPN falls below the set threshold for that specific Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with the endpoint-based event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> queue|topic-endpoint event spool-usage thresholds clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_MSG_SPOOL_QUOTA_EXCEED event)

To set the threshold value associated with the Message VPN-based event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> event spool-usage thresholds clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_MSG_SPOOL_QUOTA_EXCEED event)

To view the threshold value associated with the endpoint-based event, see 'Spool usage (MB) - Clear Value' field of the 'show queue|topic-endpoint <> message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the threshold value associated with the Message VPN-based event, see 'Spool usage (MB) - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value associated with the endpoint-based event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Spool Usage (MB)' field of the 'show queue|topic-endpoint <> message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value associated with the Message VPN-based event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Spool Usage (MB)' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_MSG_SPOOL_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <qtype> <qname> message spool threshold <threshold> kB (<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <value> kB


This event is sent when the aggregate size of all messages enqueued to a specific endpoint exceeds the configured maximum for that endpoint or the aggregate size of all messages enqueued within a Message VPN exceeds the configured maximum for that specific Message VPN.

When a message is discarded from an individual endpoint because the quota has been exceeded, an event such as the following is raised:

2010-04-23T21:42:02+0000 <local3.warning> hostname event: VPN: VPN_AD_MSG_SPOOL_QUOTA_EXCEED: vpnName - Message VPN (2) Topic endpoint myTE message spool quota (102400 kB) exceeded, messages discarded

Whereas when a message is discarded from a Message VPN because the quota has been exceeded, an event such as the following is raised:

2010-04-23T21:54:42+0000 <local3.warning> hostname event: VPN: VPN_AD_MSG_SPOOL_QUOTA_EXCEED: vpnName - Message VPN (2) vpnName message spool quota (153600 kB) exceeded; messages discarded.

To set the maximum value associated with the endpoint-based event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> queue|topic-endpoint max-spool-usage' Config CLI command. The default is 4000 MB.

To set the maximum value associated with the Message VPN-based event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> max-spool-usage' Config CLI command. The default is 30000 MB.

To view the maximum value associated with the endpoint-based event, see 'Quota (MB)' field of the 'show queue|topic-endpoint <> message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the maximum value associated with the Message VPN-based event, see 'Max Allowed Spool Usage (MB)' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value associated with the endpoint-based event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Spool Usage (MB)' field of the 'show queue|topic-endpoint <> message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value associated with the Message VPN-based event that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Spool Usage (MB)' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_MSG_SPOOL_QUOTA_EXCEED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <qtype> <qname> message spool quota (<quota> kB) exceeded, messages discarded


This event is sent when the messages enqueued to a specific endpoint exceeds the configured reject-low-priority-msg-limit. No new low priority messages will be admitted to the endpoint.

To set the reject-low-priority-msg-limit value associated with the endpoint, use the 'reject-low-priority-msg-limit' Config CLI command of 'message-spool message-vpn <> queue|topic-endpoint. The default is 0 (that is, disabled).

To view the reject-low-priority-msg-limit value associated with the endpoint, see 'Reject Low-Priority-Msg Limit' field of the 'show queue|topic-endpoint <> message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current state of Low-Priority-Msg Congestion associated with the endpoint, see 'Low-Priority-Msg Congestion State' field of the'show queue|topic-endpoint <> message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_MSG_SPOOL_REJECT_LOW_PRIORITY_MSG_LIMIT_EXCEED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <qtype> <qname> reject-low-priority-msg-limit (<limit>) exceeded


This event is sent when the messages enqueued to a specific endpoint exceeds the set threshold value of configured reject-low-priority-msg-limit.

To set the threshold value associated with the endpoint-based event, use the 'event reject-low-priority-msg-limit thresholds set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command of 'message-spool message-vpn <> queue|topic-endpoint'. The default is 80% of the maximum value

To view the threshold value associated with the endpoint-based event, see 'Reject Low-Priority-Msg Limit - Set Value' field of the 'show queue|topic-endpoint <> message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_MSG_SPOOL_REJECT_LOW_PRIORITY_MSG_LIMIT_HIGH: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <qtype> <qname> reject-low-priority-msg-limit threshold <threshold> (<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <value>


This event is sent when the messages enqueued to a specific endpoint falls below the clear threshold value of configured reject-low-priority-msg-limit.

To set the threshold value associated with the endpoint-based event, use the 'event reject-low-priority-msg-limit thresholds clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command of 'message-spool message-vpn <> queue|topic-endpoint'. The default is 60% of the maximum value

To view the threshold value associated with the endpoint-based event, see 'Reject Low-Priority-Msg Limit - Clear Value' field of the 'show queue|topic-endpoint <> message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_MSG_SPOOL_REJECT_LOW_PRIORITY_MSG_LIMIT_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <qtype> <qname> reject-low-priority-msg-limit threshold <threshold> (<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <value>


This event is raised when a partitioned queue completes rebalancing its partitions across connected clients.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_PARTITIONED_QUEUE_REBALANCE_COMPLETED: <vpnName> - VPN (<ID>) queue <qname> partition rebalance completed


This event is raised when a partitioned queue starts rebalancing its partitions across connected clients.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_PARTITIONED_QUEUE_REBALANCE_STARTED: <vpnName> - VPN (<ID>) queue <qname> partition rebalance started


This event is raised when a partitioned queue completes scaling its partition count.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_PARTITIONED_QUEUE_SCALING_COMPLETED: <vpnName> - VPN (<ID>) queue <qname> partition scaling completed


This event is raised when a partitioned queue starts scaling its partition count.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_PARTITIONED_QUEUE_SCALING_STARTED: <vpnName> - VPN (<ID>) queue <qname> partition scaling started


This event is sent when a message endpoint is created.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_QENDPT_CREATE: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <qtype> <qname> created


This event is sent when a CLI-created endpoint is deleted from the CLI or when the bind count of a temporary endpoint drops to zero.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_QENDPT_DELETE: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <qtype> <qname> deleted, final statistics - spool(<lastMsgIdSpooled>, <lowMsgIdAcked>, <highMsgIdAcked>, <msgRedelivered>, <msgTransportRetransmits>, <spoolUsageExceeded>, <bytesSpooled>, <msgsSpooled>) bind(<bindRequests>, <bindRespOk>, <bindRespAlreadyBound>, <bindRespExceededClients>, <bindRespOther>)


This event is sent when a message replay transitions to a new state.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_REPLAY_STATE_TRANSITION: <vpnName> - Message VPN <vpnName> (<ID>) <endpointType> <endpointName> message replay state transitioned from (<originalState>) to (<newState>), Seconds Since Replay Started: (<secondsSinceReplayStarted>).


This event is sent when a message replay transitions to the failed state.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_REPLAY_STATE_TRANSITION_TO_FAILED: <vpnName> - Message VPN <vpnName> (<ID>) <endpointType> <endpointName> message replay state transitioned from (<originalState>) to (Failed), Seconds Since Replay Started: (<secondsSinceReplayStarted>), Reason: (<reason>).


This event is sent when the sequence number for a sequenced topic is administratively changed through the 'message-spool <> message-vpn <> sequenced-topic' Config CLI command.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_SEQUENCED_TOPIC_NUMBER_CHANGE: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> sequenced topic (<seqTopic>) next sequence number changed to (<seqNum>)


This event is sent when the sequence number for a sequenced topic rolls over back to 1.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_SEQUENCED_TOPIC_ROLLOVER: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> sequenced topic (<seqTopic>) next sequence number rolled over back to 1


This event is sent when the number of transacted sessions exceeds the maximum available for the associated Message VPN.

To set the maximum value associated with this event use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> max-transacted-sessions' Config CLI command. The default is 16000.

To view the maximum value, see the 'Transacted Sessions - Max Sessions' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Transacted Sessions - Current Sessions' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSIONS_EXCEED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> transacted sessions limit <limit> exceeded


This event is sent when the number of transacted sessions reaches or exceeds the set threshold of the associated Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> event transacted-sessions thresholds set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSIONS_EXCEED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Transacted Sessions - Set Value' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Transacted Sessions - Current Sessions' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSIONS_HIGH: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> transacted sessions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentSessions>


This event is sent when the number of transacted sessions falls below the clear threshold of the specified Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> event transacted-sessions thresholds clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSIONS_EXCEED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Transacted Sessions - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Transacted Sessions - Current Sessions' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSIONS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> transacted sessions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentSessions>


This event is sent when the number of transactions exceeds the maximum available for the associated Message VPN.

To set the maximum value associated with this event use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> max-transactions' Config CLI command. The default is 50000.

To view the maximum value, see the 'Transacted Sessions - Max Transactions' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Transacted Sessions - Current Transactions' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_TRANSACTIONS_EXCEED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> transactions limit <limit> exceeded


This event is sent when the number of transactions reaches or exceeds the set threshold of the associated Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> event transactions thresholds set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_TRANSACTIONS_EXCEED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Transactions - Set Value' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Transacted Sessions - Current Transactions' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_TRANSACTIONS_HIGH: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> transactions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentTransactions>


This event is sent when the number of transactions falls below the clear threshold of the specified Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-spool message-vpn <> event transactions thresholds clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the VPN_AD_TRANSACTIONS_EXCEED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Transactions - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Transacted Sessions - Current Transactions' field of the 'show message-spool message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_TRANSACTIONS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> transactions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentTransactions>


This event is sent when an XA transaction failed the commit.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AD_XA_TRANSACTION_FAIL: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> ClientId (<clientId>) XID <XID> Transaction fail, reason <reason>

Authentication syslog Messages


An attempt to retrieve discovery endpoints for an OAuth Profile failed.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AUTHENTICATION_DISCOVERY_FAILED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) Unable to refresh discovery endpoints for Profile <profileName> from URI <uri>. Reason: <reason>


An attempt to retrieve discovery endpoints for an OAuth Profile succeeded.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AUTHENTICATION_DISCOVERY_SUCCESS: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) Refresh discovery endpoints for Profile <profileName> completed from URI <uri>.


Two OAuth Profiles have the same issuer. As the issuer is used to uniquely identify the Profile on login, only the first Profile will be used.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AUTHENTICATION_DUPLICATE_ISSUER: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) Profile <profileName> has same issuer as Profile <otherProfileName> (<issuer>). The first profile will be used.


An attempt to download an OAuth Provider JWKS failed.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AUTHENTICATION_JWKS_DOWNLOAD_FAILED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) Unable to refresh JWKS for Provider <profileName> from URI <uri>. Reason: <reason>


An attempt to download an OAuth Provider JWKS succeeded.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_AUTHENTICATION_JWKS_DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) Refresh JWKS for Provider <profileName> completed from URI <uri>.

Bridging syslog Messages


This event is sent when a VPN bridge is stalled. This can happen if the AD sequence numbers is reset on the remote message broker.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_BRIDGING_BRIDGE_STALLED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Bridge <bridgeName> from <remoteRouterName> VPN <remoteMessageVpn> stalled.


This event message is sent when there is an attempt to establish a bi-directional bridge but both sides are using incompatible transport configurations. For example, the local bridge is configured to use SSL or compression but the remote bridge is not.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_BRIDGING_LINK_CONFIG_MISMATCH: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Bridge <bridgeName> from <remoteRouterName> VPN <remoteMessageVpn> config mismatch: <reason>


This event message is sent when a Message VPN bridging link has gone down.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_BRIDGING_LINK_DOWN: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Bridge <bridgeName> from <remoteRouterName> VPN <remoteMessageVpn> down: <reason>


This event message is sent when a Message VPN bridging link request is rejected by the remote message broker.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_BRIDGING_LINK_REJECTED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Bridge <bridgeName> from <remoteRouterName> VPN <remoteMessageVpn> rejected: <reason>


This is a one-shot event message sent when a message has been discarded due to it exceeding the allowed number of bridging hops.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_BRIDGING_LINK_TTL_EXCEEDED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Bridge <bridgeName> from <remoteRouterName> VPN <remoteMessageVpn> TTL Exceeded


This event message is sent when the one-shot event message VPN_BRIDGING_TTL_EXCEEDED is cleared through the 'bridge <> message-vpn <> clear-event ttl-exceeded' Admin CLU command.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_BRIDGING_LINK_TTL_EXCEEDED_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Bridge <bridgeName> from <remoteRouterName> VPN <remoteMessageVpn> TTL Exceeded Cleared


This event message is sent when a Message VPN bridging link has gone up.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_BRIDGING_LINK_UP: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Bridge <bridgeName> from <remoteRouterName> VPN <remoteMessageVpn> up


This event message is sent when a subscription request fails to be added to a bridge connection by the remote message broker.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_BRIDGING_SUBSCRIPTION_ADD_FAILED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Bridge <bridgeName> from <remoteRouterName> VPN <remoteMessageVpn> Subscription Add for Topic <topic> Failed: <reason>

Client_username syslog Messages


This event is sent when the number of client connections associated with specified client-username exceeds the number permitted.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile <> max-connections-per-client-username Config CLI command.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Max Connections per client-username' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the '# Clients' field of the 'show client-username <> message-vpn <> detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_CLIENT_USERNAME_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> client-username <clientUsername> Maximum connections exceeded : <threshold> Service (<service>)


This event is sent when the number of client connections associated with specified client-username rises above the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile <> event connections-per-client-username event thresholds set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Connections per client-username - Set Value' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the '# Clients' field of the 'show client-username <> message-vpn <> detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_CLIENT_USERNAME_CONNECTIONS_HIGH: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> client-username <clientUsername> connections threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentConns> Service (<service>)


This event is sent when the number of client connections associated with specified client-username falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile <> event connections-per-client-username event thresholds clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Connections per client-username - Clear Value' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the '# Clients' field of the 'show client-username <> message-vpn <> detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_CLIENT_USERNAME_CONNECTIONS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> client-username <clientUsername> connections threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentConns> Service (<service>)


This event message is sent when a client tries to connect to the message broker but the message broker is unable or unwilling to accept the connection. This event is the VPN-scoped equivalent of the SYSTEM_CLIENT_CONNECT_FAIL event when the specified Message VPN is valid and enabled.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_CLIENT_USERNAME_CONNECT_FAIL: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> client-username <clientUsername> connect failed from <IP>:<port> - <reason>

Clustering syslog Messages


This event message is sent when a Message VPN clustering channel has gone down.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_CLUSTERING_CHANNEL_DOWN: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Cluster <clusterName> channel to <remoteNodeName> down: <reason>


This event message is sent when a Message VPN clustering channel has gone up.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_CLUSTERING_CHANNEL_UP: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Cluster <clusterName> channel to <remoteNodeName> up

Kafka syslog Messages


This event is sent when the number of connections to Kafka Brokers, across all Kafka Senders and Receivers of the VPN, exceeds the maximum available for the VPN. The number of connections required depends on:

1) the number of operational Kafka Senders and Receivers

2) the number of Kafka Brokers in the Kafka Clusters

Each Kafka Sender and Receiver requires approximately 1 connection for every Kafka Broker in its Kafka Cluster.

This event will likely be accompanied with Kafka Senders and Receivers becoming operationally down with failure reasons such as 'Too many other broker connections in use' or 'Too many broker connections required'.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_KAFKA_BROKER_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Kafka broker connections limit (<limit>) exceeded


This event is sent when the number of connections to Kafka Brokers, across all Kafka Senders and Receivers of the VPN, exceeds the set threshold limit for the VPN.

The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the VPN_KAFKA_BROKER_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED event) and cannot be modified.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_KAFKA_BROKER_CONNECTIONS_HIGH: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Kafka broker connections limit threshold (<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <actualPercentage>%


This event is sent when the number of connections to Kafka Brokers, across all Kafka Senders and Receivers of the VPN, falls below the clear threshold limit for the VPN.

The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the VPN_KAFKA_BROKER_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED event) and cannot be modified.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_KAFKA_BROKER_CONNECTIONS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Kafka broker connections limit threshold (<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <actualPercentage>%


This event message is sent when a Kafka Receiver is down and no longer communicating with its Kafka Cluster.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_KAFKA_RECEIVER_DOWN: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Kafka-Receiver <kafkaName> down (<reason>)


This event message is sent when a Kafka Receiver is up and communicating with its Kafka Cluster.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_KAFKA_RECEIVER_UP: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Kafka-Receiver <kafkaName> up


This event message is sent when a Kafka Sender is down and no longer communicating with its Kafka Cluster.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_KAFKA_SENDER_DOWN: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Kafka-Sender <kafkaName> down (<reason>)


This event message is sent when a Kafka Sender is up and communicating with its Kafka Cluster.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_KAFKA_SENDER_UP: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Kafka-Sender <kafkaName> up

Mqtt syslog Messages


This event is sent when a durable MQTT Session expires.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_MQTT_SESSION_EXPIRED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) ClientId (<sessionId>) UniqueId (<mqttUniqueId>)

Mqtt_retain_cache syslog Messages


This event message is sent when an MQTT Retain Cache does not go operationally up after the following conditions are met for a 30 second period: (1) the MQTT Retain Cache is enabled; and (2) the containing Message VPN is not operationally down, except for reasons relating to the MQTT Retain Cache. It is also sent immediately after an MQTT Retain Cache goes operationally down while these conditions are met.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_MQTT_RETAIN_CACHE_FAILED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <vpnName> MQTT Retain Cache <mqttRetainCacheName> failure occurred


This event message is sent when a MQTT Retain Cache goes operationally up after a VPN_MQTT_RETAIN_CACHE_FAILED event.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_MQTT_RETAIN_CACHE_FAILED_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <vpnName> MQTT Retain Cache <mqttRetainCacheName> restored to normal operation

Rdp syslog Messages


This event is sent when an individual TCP connection of a REST consumer link has failed. The REST consumer may have several such connections.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_RDP_RC_CONN_DOWN: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <vpnName> RDP <rdpName> REST consumer <rdpConsumerName> connection ID (<tConnId>) (<localIpAddr>.<localTcpPort> - <remoteIpAddr>.<remoteTcpPort>) down; reason (<reason>); final statistics: TxBytes (<txBytes>) RxBytes (<rxBytes>) Blk% (<blkPercentage>) RxOOdr (<rxOoO>) FstRtx (<fstRtx>) TimRtx (<timRtx>)


This event is sent when an individual TCP connection of a REST consumer link is established. The REST consumer may have several such connections.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_RDP_RC_CONN_UP: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <vpnName> RDP <rdpName> REST consumer <rdpConsumerName> connection ID (<tConnId>) (<localIpAddr>.<localTcpPort> - <remoteIpAddr>.<remoteTcpPort>) up


This event message is sent when a REST consumer transitions to the down state. This means all the individual TCP connections to the REST consumer's remote host are down. Thus, the RDP is no longer able to use this REST consumer to send messages to it. The RDP can continue to send messages through its other REST consumers that are up.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_RDP_RC_DOWN: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <vpnName> RDP <rdpName> REST Consumer <rdpConsumerName> down; reason (<reason>)


This event message is sent when a REST consumer transitions to the up state. This means at least one TCP connection has been established with the REST consumer's remote host.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_RDP_RC_UP: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <vpnName> RDP <rdpName> REST consumer <rdpConsumerName> up.


This event message is sent when a REST Delivery Point transitions to the down state. This means all of the RDP's REST Consumers are down or all of the RDP's queue bindings are down.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_RDP_RDP_DOWN: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <vpnName> RDP <rdpName> down; reason (<reason>)


This event message is sent when a REST Delivery Point transitions to the up state. This means at least one of RDP's REST consumers is up and at least one of RDP's queue bindings is up.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_RDP_RDP_UP: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <vpnName> RDP <rdpName> up.

Replication syslog Messages


This event is sent to indicate that asynchronous replication-mode will be used for synchronous replication-mode messages.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_REPLICATION_SERVICE_DEGRADED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Replication service degraded due to slow message replication after <syncTimeSec> seconds of normal operation. Synchronous replication mode has been reverted to asynchronous replication mode.


This event is sent to indicate that synchronous replication-mode will be used for synchronous replication-mode messages.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_REPLICATION_SERVICE_DEGRADED_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Replication service returned to normal operation after <asyncTimeSec> seconds of degraded operation. Synchronous replication service has been restored.

Service syslog Messages


This event message is sent when a Message VPN service changes form enabled to disabled, or vice versa.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SERVICE_LISTEN_PORT_STATE_CHANGE: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <vpnName>: Service <serviceName> Listen Port <portNumber> <state>

Service_smf syslog Messages


This event message is sent when a Message VPN SMF service (SSL or Plain Text) changes form enabled to disabled, or vice versa.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SERVICE_SMF_STATE_CHANGE: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <vpnName>: <serviceSmfName> SMF Service <state>

Solcache syslog Messages


The cache instance has successfully completed writing all cached messages to disk.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_BACKUP_COMPLETED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


The cache instance has failed to start a backup operation.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_BACKUP_FAILED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


The cache instance has successfully opened the backup file and has started to write cached messages to disk.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_BACKUP_STARTED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when a cache cluster synchronization fails due to the given reason. Cache cluster synchronization allows cache instances within a cluster to fetch cached messages from each other to ensure each instance has the same view of the messages cached. Failures to synchronize prevent new cache instances from coming online while synchronization retry mechanisms attempt to ensure synchronization will eventually succeed.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_CLUSTER_SYNC_FAIL: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent if the management configuration cannot be applied to the cache instance. When started, the cache instance downloads its management configuration from the message broker. If this download operation is unsuccessful this event is raised, and the cache instance might not operate as expected.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_CONFIG_SYNC_FAIL: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event only occurs for cache instances that run on their managing message broker. It is sent when a registration attempt fails (that is, it will occur in tandem with the VPN_SOLCACHE_REGISTRATION_FAIL event) because accepting the registration would result in the aggregate sum of configured max-memory values, for all cache instances residing on the message broker, exceeding 8192 MB.

See the VPN_SOLCACHE_MAX_MEMORY_EXCEED event for a description of how to set/view the max-memory value for an individual cache-instance.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_CONNECT_MEMORY_QUOTA_FAIL: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> Connect failed, system memory quota (<quota> MB) exceeded
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the incoming byte rate per second for cached data, experienced by the cache instance, exceeds the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> event data-byte-rate set-value' Config CLI command. The default is 250000000 bytes/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Data Byte Rate (bytes/sec) - Set Value' field of the 'show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Incoming Data Byte (1 sec sample) (bytes/s)' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_DATA_BYTE_RATE_HIGH: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the incoming byte rate per second for cached data, experienced by the cache instance, falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> event data-byte-rate clear-value' Config CLI command. The default is 187500000 bytes/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Data Byte Rate (bytes/sec) - Clear Value' field of the 'show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Incoming Data Byte (1 sec sample) (bytes/s)' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_DATA_BYTE_RATE_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the incoming message rate for data destined to be cached by the cache instance exceeds the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> event data-message-rate set-value' Config CLI command. The default is 48000 msgs/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Data Message Rate (msgs/sec) - Set Value' field of the 'show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Incoming Data Msg (1 sec sample) (msgs/s)' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_DATA_MSG_RATE_HIGH: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the incoming message rate for data destined to be cached by the cache instance falls below the clear threshold value (default is 36000).

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> event data-message-rate clear-value' Config CLI command. The default is 36000 msgs/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Data Message Rate (msgs/sec) - Clear Value' field of the 'show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Incoming Data Msg (1 sec sample) (msgs/s)' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_DATA_MSG_RATE_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when a SolCache Instance performs either a manual message delete operation (through the 'distributed-cache <> delete-messages' Admin CLI command), or a scheduled delete message operation (through the 'distributed-cache <> scheduled-delete-message' Config CLI command) delete message operation. Two events are sent per operation: one indicating the operation was started, and one indicating the operation completed. They are differentiated by the event text which indicate one of the following: 'Starting manual', 'Completed manual', 'Starting scheduled', or 'Completed scheduled'
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_DELETE_MESSAGE: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String NOTICE
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


When a cache instance establishes or loses connectivity to a home cache cluster, this event is sent to indicate the connectivity status change. As well, the binary metadata of the event sent over the message bus will contain the list of global topic prefixes affected. The status reported will reported will be either 'DOWN' or 'CONNECTED'.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_GLOBAL_PREFIX_STATUS: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String NOTICE
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name
evt-suffix String Distributed Cache Name
status string lost or restored
home-cache-cluster string Home Cache Cluster Name


When a SolCache Instance fails to see heartbeat responses from the cache manager, it will log this occurrence and cease sending events until connectivity with the cache manager is restored. This does not affect cache operation as it will continue to cache messages and respond to cache requests.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This local event message is raised when one of the following occurs: a burst of events is generated, overloading the local Cache Instance event queue; there is a problem with the Cache Manager; or there is a problem with the communication between the Cache Manager and the Cache Instance. This event is raised in tandem, locally, with the event messages that could not be sent back to the cache manager.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_LOSS_OF_NOTIFICATION: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>


This is a one-shot event sent when the cache instance enters the lost message state. This occurs when a preceding event has resulted in a lost or discarded message. The preceding event will fall into one of the following categories:

1) Configured resource limits for a cache instance have been exceeded thereby triggering a discard (for example, VPN_SOLCACHE_MAX_MEMORY_EXCEED, VPN_SOLCACHE_MAX_TOPICS_EXCEED).

2) Reception of a message discard indication from the message bus (for example, VPN_SOLCACHE_ROUTER_DISCARD)

3) Events which may result in a discard although unlike 1) and 2) it is unknown with certainty that a discard has actually occurred (for example, VPN_SOLCACHE_MSG_BUS_DISCONNECTED).

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_LOST_MSG_STATE: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when a cache instance leaves the lost message state. This can happen either due to an explicit command from the CLI (see the 'distributed-cache <> clear-event lost-message' Admin CLI command) or after a successful cluster synchronization with its peer cache instances.

Note: As a side-effect of clearing the VPN_SOLCACHE_LOST_MSG_STATE event the VPN_SOLCACHE_PARSE_ERROR and VPN_SOLCACHE_ROUTER_DISCARD one-shot events are also cleared, if previously set.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_LOST_MSG_STATE_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This is an event sent when the amount of memory used by a cache instance exceeds the maximum allowed. As a result, messages have been discarded by the cache instance.

To set the maximum value associated with this event use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> max-memory' Config CLI command. The default is 2048 MB.

To view the maximum value, see the 'Max Memory (MB)' field of the 'show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Mem Utilization' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command output.

This event will force the cache instance to enter the lost message state if it is not already in it. See the VPN_SOLCACHE_LOST_MSG_STATE event for further information.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_MAX_MEMORY_EXCEED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the number of cache requests enqueued to a cache instance exceeds the maximum allowed. As a result, requests have been discarded by the cache instance.

To set the maximum value associated with this event use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> request-queue-depth' Config CLI command. The default is 100000.

To view the maximum value, see the 'Request Queue Depth' field of the 'show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Cache Request Queue Depth - Current Value' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_MAX_REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH_EXCEED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the number of unique topics cached by a cache instance exceeds the maximum allowed. As a result, messages have been discarded by the cache instance

To set the maximum value associated with this event, use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> max-topics' Config CLI command. The default is 2000000.

To view the maximum value, see the 'Max Topics' field of the 'show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Cached Topics - Current Value' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command output.

To view the current individual topics, use the 'show cache-instance <> remote topics' CLI command output.

This event forces the cache instance to enter the lost message state if it is not already in it. See the VPN_SOLCACHE_LOST_MSG_STATE event for further information.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_MAX_TOPICS_EXCEED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the amount of memory used by a cache instance rises above the set threshold percentage of maximum (see VPN_SOLCACHE_MAX_MEMORY_EXCEED.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> event max-memory thresholds set-value' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the VPN_SOLCACHE_MAX_MEMORY_EXCEED event)

To view the threshold value, see the 'Max Memory (%) - Set Value' field of the show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Mem Utilization' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command output.

This event forces the cache instance to enter the lost message state. See the VPN_SOLCACHE_LOST_MSG_STATE event for further information.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_MEMORY_HIGH: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the amount of memory used by a cache instance falls below the clear threshold percentage of maximum memory.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> event max-memory thresholds clear-value' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the VPN_SOLCACHE_MAX_MEMORY_EXCEED event)

To view the threshold value, see the 'Max Memory (%) - Clear Value' field of the 'show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Mem Utilization' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_MEMORY_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


When a cache instance establishes a connection to the message broker message bus this log is emitted. This log is generated before the cache instance establishes connectivity with the solCacheMgr.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_MSG_BUS_CONNECTED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String NOTICE
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This log is emitted when a cache instance fails to establish a connection to the message broker message bus.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_MSG_BUS_CONNECT_FAILED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


The transport connection to the message broker has been reset. The cache instance will immediately attempt to reconnect to the message bus, then follow the actions indicated by the 'stop-on-lost-message' setting for the cache instance.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_MSG_BUS_DISCONNECTED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


When new topic advertisements are enabled from the CLI (see the 'distributed-cache <> cache cluster <> new-topic-advertisement' Config CLI command), this event is sent whenever a SolCache Instance learns of a new local topic. This event is not sent when a SolCache Instance learns of a new global topic because it is the sole responsibility of the home Cache Cluster to send this event for its local topics to prevent duplicate VPN_SOLCACHE_NEW_TOPIC events for the same topic.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_NEW_TOPIC: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String NOTICE
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name
evt-suffix String distributed-cache-name/new-topic-string
topic String new-topic-string


This is a one-shot event sent when a cache instance is unable to parse an incoming message. As a result, messages have been discarded by the cache instance.

This event will force the cache instance to enter the lost message state, if it is not already in it. Clearing of this one-shot event occurs as a side-effect of clearing the lost message state. See the VPN_SOLCACHE_LOST_MSG_STATE_CLEAR event for further information.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_PARSE_ERROR: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when a custom-designed cache plugin returns SOLCACHE_INGRESS_OP_FAIL. SolCache enters lost-message state

Note: If the 'stop-on-lost-message' flag has been configured on the cache instance (see the 'distributed-cache <> cache cluster <> cache-instance <> stop-on-lost-message' Config EXEC CLI command) the lost message state MUST be cleared before the cache instance will start accepting further cache requests.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_PLUGIN_FAIL: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the cache instance successfully registers with the managing message broker.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_REGISTERED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> registered
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the message broker rejects a registration request from the cache instance. This is often due to missing/errored configuration or a lack of resources on the managing message broker. See the Description for VPN_SOLCACHE_CONNECT_MEMORY_QUOTA_FAIL for an example.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_REGISTRATION_FAIL: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Cache Instance <cache> registration failed, <reason>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the incoming message rate for cache requests experienced by the cache instance exceeds the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> event request-rate set-value' Config EXEC CLI command. The default is 25000 msgs/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Request Rate (msgs/sec) - Set Value' field of the 'show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Cache Request (1 sec sample) (msgs/s)' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_REQUEST_MSG_RATE_HIGH: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the incoming message rate for cache requests experienced by the cache instance falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> event request-rate clear-value' Config EXEC CLI command. The default is 1000 msgs/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Request Rate (msgs/sec) - Clear Value' field of the 'show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Cache Request (1 sec sample) (msgs/s)' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_REQUEST_MSG_RATE_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the number of cache requests enqueued to a cache instance rises above the set percentage of Request Queue Depth.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> event request-queue-depth thresholds set-value' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the VPN_SOLCACHE_MAX_REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH_EXCEED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Request Queue Depth (%) - Set Value' field of the 'show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To display the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Cache Request Queue Depth - Current Value' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH_HIGH: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the number of cache requests enqueued to a cache falls below the clear threshold percentage of Request Queue Depth

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> event request-queue-depth thresholds clear-value' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the VPN_SOLCACHE_MAX_REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH_EXCEED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Request Queue Depth (%) - Clear Value' field of the show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To display the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Cache Request Queue Depth - Current Value' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_REQUEST_QUEUE_DEPTH_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the outgoing message rate for data messages that are sent by the cache instance in response to cache requests exceeds the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> event response-rate set-value' Config CLI command. The default is 80000 msgs/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Response Rate (msgs/sec) - Set Value' field of the 'show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Outgoing Data Msg (1 sec sample) (msgs/s) - Current Value' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_RESPONSE_MSG_RATE_HIGH: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the frequency of cache response rate in messages per second for each Cache Instance under the Cache Cluster falls below the clear threshold value (default is 1000).

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> event response-rate clear-value' Config CLI command. The default is 1000 msgs/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Response Rate (msgs/sec) - Clear Value' field of the 'show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Outgoing Data Msg (1 sec sample) (msgs/s) - Current Value' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_RESPONSE_MSG_RATE_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


The cache instance has successfully completed reading all cached messages from disk.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_RESTORE_COMPLETED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


The cache instance has failed to start a restore operation.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_RESTORE_FAILED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


During a restore operation, the cache instance has found messages that exceed the maximum number permitted for a given topic so those messages have been discarded.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_RESTORE_MAX_MSGS_PER_TOPIC_EXCEEDED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


The cache instance has successfully opened the backup file and has started to read cached messages from disk.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_RESTORE_STARTED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


During a restore operation, the cache instance has found messages with a topic that is not currently part of its subscription set so those messages have been discarded.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_RESTORE_TOPIC_NOT_SUBSCRIBED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This is a one-shot sent when a cache instance receives message discard indications from the message bus.

This event will force the cache instance to enter the lost message state, if it is not already in it. Clearing of this one-shot event occurs as a side-effect of clearing the lost message state. See the VPN_SOLCACHE_LOST_MSG_STATE_CLEAR event for further information.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_ROUTER_DISCARD: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the 'distributed-cache <> start' Admin CLI command is received by a cache instance.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_START_CMD: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String NOTICE
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the state of a cache instance changes. The state can be one of 'DOWN', 'STOPPED', 'STOPPED_LOST_MSGS', 'REGISTER', 'CONFIG_SYNC', 'CLUSTER_SYNC', or 'UP'.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_STATE_CHANGE: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String NOTICE
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the cache instance is unable to add or remove its configured topics from the message broker.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_SUBSCRIBE_FAIL: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the number of unique topics cached by a cache instances rises above the set percentage of Max Topics

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> event max-topics thresholds set-value' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the VPN_SOLCACHE_MAX_TOPICS_EXCEED event)

To view the threshold value, see the 'Max Topics (%) - Set Value' field of the 'show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To display the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Cached Topics - Current Value' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_TOPICS_HIGH: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String WARN
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the number of cached topics per cache instance falls below the clear threshold percentage of Max Topics.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'distributed-cache <> cache-cluster <> event max-topics thresholds clear-value' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the VPN_SOLCACHE_MAX_TOPICS_EXCEED event)

To view the threshold value, see the 'Max Topics (%) - Clear Value' field of the 'show cache-cluster <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Cached Topics - Current Value' field of the 'show cache-instance <> remote status' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_TOPICS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> <remoteText>
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name


This event is sent when the cache instance successfully unregisters from the managing message broker.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_SOLCACHE_UNREGISTERED: <vpnName> - Cache Instance (<ID>) <name> unregistered
When this event is received over the message bus, the following data can be retrieved from the User Property Map in that message. See the Solace Message Bus Management Guide for more details.
Field Name Type Description
evt-level String INFO
evt-type String VPN
evt-rtr-name String Name of the message broker providing message bus service to the SolCache Instance
evt-vpn-name String The name of the associated Message VPN.
evt-version INT32 Version Number
distributed-cache-name String Distributed Cache Name
cache-cluster String Cache Cluster Name
cache-instance String Cache Instance Name

Vpn syslog Messages


This event is sent when the number of client connections within a specific Message VPN reaches or exceeds the set threshold value

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-vpn <> event connections thresholds set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the VPN_VPN_MAX_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED event)

To view the threshold value, see the 'Connection (#conn) - Set Value' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Local Connections' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_VPN_CONNECTIONS_HIGH: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Connections threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <value> Service (<service>)


This event is sent when the number of client connections within a specific Message VPN falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-vpn <> event connections thresholds set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the VPN_VPN_MAX_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Connection (#conn) - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Local Connections' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_VPN_CONNECTIONS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Connections threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <value> Service (<service>)


This event is sent when the aggregate egress message rate rises above the set threshold value of the specified Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-vpn <> event egress-message-rate thresholds set-value' Config CLI command. The default is 4000000 msgs/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Egress Message Rate (msg/sec) - Set Value' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Rate (1 sec sample) - Egress (msg/sec)' field of the 'show message-vpn <> stats [detail]' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_VPN_EG_MSG_RATE_HIGH: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Egress Message Rate threshold (<threshold> msg/sec) reached: <value>


This event is sent when the aggregate egress message rate falls below the clear threshold value of the specified Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-vpn <> event egress-message-rate thresholds clear-value' Config CLI command. The default is 3000000 msgs/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Egress Message Rate (msg/sec) - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Rate (1 sec sample) - Egress (msg/sec)' field of the 'show message-vpn <> stats [detail]' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_VPN_EG_MSG_RATE_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Egress Message Rate threshold (<threshold> msg/sec) cleared: <value>


This event is sent when the aggregate ingress message rate rises above the set threshold value of the specified Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-vpn <> event ingress-message-rate thresholds set-value' Config CLI command. The default is 4000000 msgs/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Ingress Message Rate (msg/sec) - Set Value' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Rate (1 sec sample) - Ingress (msg/sec)' field of the 'show message-vpn <> stats [detail]' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_VPN_ING_MSG_RATE_HIGH: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Ingress Message Rate threshold (<threshold> msg/sec) reached: <value>


This event is sent when the aggregate ingress message rate falls below the clear threshold value of the specified Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-vpn <> event ingress-message-rate thresholds clear-value' Config CLI command. The default is 3000000 msgs/sec.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Ingress Message Rate (msg/sec) - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Current Rate (1 sec sample) - Ingress (msg/sec)' field of the 'show message-vpn <> stats [detail]' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_VPN_ING_MSG_RATE_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Ingress Message Rate threshold (<threshold> msg/sec) cleared: <value>


This event is sent when the number of client connections within a specific Message VPN exceeds the number permitted within that Message VPN.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'message-vpn <> max-connections' Config CLI command. The default is 6000 for Solace PubSub+ 3230 and Solace PubSub+ 3530; 9000 for Solace PubSub+ 3260 and Solace PubSub+ 3560.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Max Connections' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Local Connections' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_VPN_MAX_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Maximum connections exceeded : <value> Service (<service>)


This event is sent when the number of subscriptions exceeds the maximum available for the associated Message VPN.

To set the maximum value associated with this event use the 'message-vpn <> max-subscription' Config CLI command. The default is 5000000.

To view the maximum value, see the 'Maximum Subscriptions' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Local Unique Subscriptions' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_VPN_MAX_SUBSCRIPTIONS_EXCEEDED: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Maximum subscriptions exceeded : <value>


This event message is sent when a Message VPN changes operational state from down to up, or vice versa.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_VPN_STATE_CHANGE: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> State Changed to: <operationalState>


This event is sent when the number of subscriptions reaches or exceeds the set threshold value for the associated Message VPN.

To set the threshold associated with this event use the 'message-vpn <> event subscriptions thresholds set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the VPN_VPN_MAX_SUBSCRIPTIONS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Subscriptions (#subs) - Set Value' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Local Unique Subscriptions' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_VPN_SUBSCRIPTIONS_HIGH: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Subscriptions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentSubs>


This event is sent when the number of subscriptions falls below the clear threshold value for the associated Message VPN.

To set the threshold associated with this event use the 'message-vpn <> event subscriptions thresholds clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the VPN_VPN_MAX_SUBSCRIPTIONS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Subscriptions (#subs) - Clear Value' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Local Unique Subscriptions' field of the 'show message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
VPN_VPN_SUBSCRIPTIONS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> - Message VPN (<ID>) <name> Subscriptions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentSubs>

Client SolOS syslog Events

Ad syslog Messages


This event is sent when the number of egress flows for a client reaches or exceeds the set threshold specified by the associated client profile for that client.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile <> event egress-flows thresholds 'set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the CLIENT_AD_MAX_EGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Egress Flows - Set Value' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Egress Flows' field of the 'show client <> message-vpn <> message-spool' CLI command output.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_AD_EGRESS_FLOWS_HIGH: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> egress flows threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentEgressFlows>.


This event is sent when the number of egress flows, for a client, falls below the clear threshold specified by the associated client profile for that client.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile <> event egress-flows thresholds 'clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the CLIENT_AD_MAX_EGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Egress Flows - Clear Value' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Egress Flows' field of the 'show client <> message-vpn <> message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_AD_EGRESS_FLOWS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> egress flows threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentEgressFlows>.


This event is sent when the number of ingress flows, for a client, reaches or exceeds the set threshold specified by the associated client profile for that client.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile <> event ingress-flows thresholds 'set-value/set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the CLIENT_AD_MAX_INGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Ingress Flows - Set Value' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Ingress Flows' field of the 'show client <> message-vpn <> message-spool' CLI command output.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_AD_INGRESS_FLOWS_HIGH: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> ingress flows threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentIngressFlows>.


This event is sent when the number of ingress flows, for a client, falls below the clear threshold specified by the associated client profile for that client.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile <> event egress-flows thresholds 'clear-value/clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the CLIENT_AD_MAX_INGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED event).

To view the threshold value, see the 'Ingress Flows - Clear Value' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Ingress Flows' field of the 'show client <> message-vpn <> message-spool' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_AD_INGRESS_FLOWS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> ingress flows threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentIngressFlows>.


This event is sent when the number of egress flows for a client exceeds the maximum number permitted for the client's associated profile.

To set the maximum value associated with this event use the 'client-profile <> message-spool max-egress-flows' Config CLI command. The default value is 16000.

To view the maximum value, see the 'Message Spool - Max Egress Flows' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Egress Flows' field of the 'show client <> message-vpn <> message-spool' CLI command output.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_AD_MAX_EGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> egress flows maximum exceeded: <maxEgressFlows>.


This event is sent when the number of ingress flows, for the specified client, exceeds the total available by the associated client profile for that client.

To set the maximum value associated with this event use the 'client-profile <> message-spool max-ingress-flows' Config CLI command. The default value is 16000.

To view the maximum value, see the 'Message Spool - Max Ingress Flows' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Total Ingress Flows' field of the 'show client <> message-vpn <> message-spool' CLI command output.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_AD_MAX_INGRESS_FLOWS_EXCEEDED: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> ingress flows maximum exceeded: <maxIngressFlows>.


This event is raised when a partition is assigned to a client.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_AD_PARTITIONED_QUEUE_ASSIGNED: <vpnName> <clientName> Queue <qname> partition <pnum> assigned to <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername>


This event is sent when the number of transacted sessions, for the specified client, exceeds the total available by the associated client profile for that client.

To set the maximum value associated with this event use the 'client-profile <> message-spool max-transacted-sessions' Config CLI command. The default is 10.

To view the maximum value, see the 'Message Spool - Max Transacted Sessions' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

The number of transacted sessions shown by the 'show client <> message-vpn <> transaction-stats' CLI command determines the current value that the threshold monitors.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSIONS_EXCEED: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> transacted sessions limit <limit> exceeded


This event is sent when the number of transacted sessions, for the specified client, reaches or exceeds the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile <> event transacted-sessions thresholds set-value|set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the CLIENT_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSIONS_EXCEED event)

To view the threshold value, see the 'Transacted sessions (#) - Set Value' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

The number of transacted sessions shown by the 'show client <> message-vpn <> transaction-stats' CLI command determines the current value that the threshold monitors.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSIONS_HIGH: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> transacted sessions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentSessions>


This event is sent when the number of transacted sessions, for the specified client, falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile <> event transacted-sessions thresholds clear-value|clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the CLIENT_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSIONS_EXCEED event)

To view the threshold value, see the 'Transacted sessions (#) - Clear Value' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

The number of transacted sessions shown by the 'show client <> message-vpn <> transaction-stats' CLI command determines the current value that the threshold monitors.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSIONS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> transacted sessions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentSessions>


This event is sent when a transacted client session fails locally.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_AD_TRANSACTED_SESSION_FAIL: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Transacted Session <sessionName> Transaction fail, reason <reason>


This event is sent when the number of transactions, for the specified client, exceeds the total available by the associated client profile for that client.

To set the maximum value associated with this event use the 'client-profile <> message-spool max-transactions' Config CLI command. The default is 10.

To view the maximum value, see the 'Message Spool - Max Transactions' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the sessions shown by the 'show client <> message-vpn <> transaction-stats detail' CLI command output.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_AD_TRANSACTIONS_EXCEED: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> transactions limit <limit> exceeded


This event is sent when the number of transactions, for the specified client, reaches or exceeds the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile <> event transactions thresholds set-value|set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value (see the CLIENT_AD_TRANSACTIONS_EXCEED event)

To view the threshold value, see the 'Transactions (#) - Set Value' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the sessions shown by the 'show client <> message-vpn <> transaction-stats detail' CLI command output.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_AD_TRANSACTIONS_HIGH: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> transactions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentTransactions>


This event is sent when the number of transactions, for the specified client, falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile <> event transactions thresholds clear-value|clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value (see the CLIENT_AD_TRANSACTIONS_EXCEED event)

To view the threshold value, see the 'Transacted sessions (#) - Clear Value' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the sessions shown by the 'show client <> message-vpn <> transaction-stats detail' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_AD_TRANSACTIONS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> transactions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentTransactions>

Client syslog Messages


This event is sent when the client does not have the privileges required to consume messages from an endpoint.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_ACK_NOT_ALLOWED: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> FlowId(<flowId>) not allowed to remove MessageId(<messageId>) from <qendptType> <qendptName>


This event is sent when a client fails to bind to a message endpoint.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_BIND_FAILED: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Bind to <qendptDurability> <qendptType> <qendptName> Topic(<topic>), Selector(<selector>), AccessType(<accessType>), Quota(<spoolQuota>MB), MaxMessageSize(<maxMessageSize>B), AllOthersPermission(<allOthersPermission>), RespectTTL(<respectTTL>), RejectMsgToSenderOnDiscard(<rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscard>), ReplayFrom(<replayFrom>), GrantedPermission(<grantedPermission>), FlowType(<flowType>), ForwardingMode(<forwardingMode>), MaxRedelivery(<maxRedelivery>), TransactedSessionId(<transactedSessionId>), DelayedRedelivery(<delayedRedelivery>) failed, reason: <reason>


This event is sent when a client successfully binds to a message endpoint.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_BIND_SUCCESS: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Bind to <qendptDurability> <qendptType> <qendptName> Topic(<topic>), Selector(<selector>), AccessType(<accessType>), Quota(<spoolQuota>MB), MaxMessageSize(<maxMessageSize>B), AllOthersPermission(<allOthersPermission>), RespectTTL(<respectTTL>), RejectMsgToSenderOnDiscard(<rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscard>), ReplayFrom(<replayFrom>), GrantedPermission(<grantedPermission>), FlowType(<flowType>), FlowId(<flowId>), ForwardingMode(<forwardingMode>), MaxRedelivery(<maxRedelivery>), TransactedSessionId(<transactedSessionId>) completed


This event is sent when the Browser removes browsed messages from an endpoint.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_BROWSER_REMOVED_MESSAGE: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Browser FlowId(<flowId>) removed MessageId(<messageId>) from <qendptType> <qendptName>


This event is sent when a Solace API client closes a publisher session flow to the message broker.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_CLOSE_FLOW: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Pub flow session flow name <flowName> (<flowId>), transacted session id <transactedSessionId>, publisher id <pubId>, last message id <lastMsgIdSent>, window size <windowSize>, final statistics - flow(<spoolingNotReady>, <outOfOrderMessages>, <duplicateMessages>, <noEligibleDestinations>, <spoolOverQuota>, <qendptOverQuota>, <replayLogOverQuota>, <maxMsgUsageExceeded>, <maxMsgSizeExceeded>, <remoteRouterNoSpooling>, <spoolToADBFail>, <spoolToDiskFail>, <erroredMessage>, <queueNotFound>, <spoolShutdown>, <denyGuaranteed>, <noLocalDelivery>, <smfTtlExceeded>, <publishAclDenied>, <destinationGroupError>, <forwardModeMismatch>, <lowPriorityMsgCongestionDiscard>, <spoolFileLimitExceeded>, <replicationIsStandby>, <syncReplicationIneligible>, <msgsReceived>)


This event is sent when a client connects to the message broker.

The field SSLDowngradedToPlainText is deprecated; use SSLNegotiatedTo instead.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_CONNECT: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> OriginalClientUsername(<originalClientUsername>) WebSessionId (<webSessionId>) connected to <applianceAddr> from <clientAddr> version(<sdkVersion>) platform(<platform>) SslVersion(<tlsVersion>) SslCipher(<tlsCipherDescription>) APIuser(<userIdString>) authScheme(<authScheme>) authorizationGroup(<authorizationGroup>) clientProfile(<clientProfile>) ACLProfile(<aclProfile>) SSLDowngradedToPlainText(<tlsDowngradedToPlainText>) SSLNegotiatedTo(<tlsNegotiatedTo>) SslRevocation(<tlsRevocation>) Capabilities(<capabilities>) SslValidityNotAfter(<tlsValidityNotAfter>)


This event is sent when a client connects to the message broker using MQTT protocol.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_CONNECT_MQTT: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> OriginalClientUsername(<originalClientUsername>) ClientId (<sessionId>) connected to <applianceAddr> from <clientAddr> SslVersion(<tlsVersion>) SslCipher(<tlsCipherDescription>) authScheme(<authScheme>) Clean(<clean>) Will(<will>) SslRevocation(<tlsRevocation>) MqttVersion(<mqttVersion>) SessionExpiry(<sessionExpiry>)


This event is sent when a message endpoint is created.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_CREATE_ENDPOINT: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Create <qendptDurability> <qendptType> <qendptName>: From (<templateEndpoint>), AccessType (<accessType>), Quota (<spoolQuota>MB), MaxMessageSize (<maxMessageSize>B), AllOthersPermission(<allOthersPermission>), RespectTTL(<respectTTL>), RejectMsgToSenderOnDiscard(<rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscard>), MaxRedelivery(<maxRedelivery>)


This event is sent when a message endpoint fails to be created.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_CREATE_ENDPOINT_FAILED: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Create <qendptDurability> <qendptType> <qendptName>: AccessType (<accessType>), Quota (<spoolQuota>MB), MaxMessageSize (<maxMessageSize>B), AllOthersPermission(<allOthersPermission>), RespectTTL(<respectTTL>), RejectMsgToSenderOnDiscard(<rejectMsgToSenderOnDiscard>), MaxRedelivery(<maxRedelivery>), failed, reason: <reason>


This event is sent when a message endpoint is deleted.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_DELETE_ENDPOINT: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Delete <qendptDurability> <qendptType> <qendptName>


This event is sent when a client disconnects from the message broker.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_DISCONNECT: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> WebSessionId (<webSessionId>) reason(<disconnectReason>) final statistics - dp(<controlMsgsReceived>, <controlMsgsDelivered>, <topicMsgsReceived>, <topicMsgsDelivered>, <totalMsgsReceived>, <totalMsgsDelivered>, <controlBytesReceived>, <controlBytesDelivered>, <topicBytesReceived>, <topicBytesDelivered>, <totalBytesReceived>, <totalBytesDelivered>, <curMsgRateIngress>, <curMsgRateEgress>, <avgMsgRateIngress>, <avgMsgRateEgress>, <deniedDuplicateClients>, <discardsNoSubscriptionMatch>, <discardsTopicParseError>, <discardsParseError>, <discardsMsgTooBig>, <discardsTransmitCongestion>) conn(<recvQBytes>, <sendQBytes>, <clientAddr>, <state>, <outOfOrder>, <fastRetransmit>, <timedRetransmit>) zip(<compressedBytesReceived>, <compressedBytesDelivered>, <uncompressedBytesReceived>, <uncompressedBytesDelivered>, <compressionRatioIngress>, <compressionRatioEgress>, <curCompressedByteRateIngress>, <curCompressedByteRateEgress>, <curUncompressedByteRateIngress>, <curUncompressedByteRateEgress>, <avgCompressedByteRateIngress>, <avgCompressedByteRateEgress>, <avgUncompressedByteRateIngress>, <avgUncompressedByteRateEgress>) web(<webMsgsReceived>, <webMsgsDelivered>, <webBytesReceived>, <webBytesDelivered>, <webOutOfOrder>, <webFastRetransmit>, <webTimedRetransmit>), SslVersion(<tlsVersion>), SslCipher(<tlsCipherDescription>)


This event is sent when an MQTT client disconnects from the message broker.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_DISCONNECT_MQTT: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> ClientId (<sessionId>) reason(<disconnectReason>) final statistics - dp(<controlMsgsReceived>, <controlMsgsDelivered>, <topicMsgsReceived>, <topicMsgsDelivered>, <totalMsgsReceived>, <totalMsgsDelivered>, <controlBytesReceived>, <controlBytesDelivered>, <topicBytesReceived>, <topicBytesDelivered>, <totalBytesReceived>, <totalBytesDelivered>, <curMsgRateIngress>, <curMsgRateEgress>, <avgMsgRateIngress>, <avgMsgRateEgress>, <deniedDuplicateClients>, <discardsNoSubscriptionMatch>, <discardsTopicParseError>, <discardsParseError>, <discardsMsgTooBig>, <discardsTransmitCongestion>) conn(<recvQBytes>, <sendQBytes>, <clientAddr>, <state>, <outOfOrder>, <fastRetransmit>, <timedRetransmit>) mqtt(<mqttConnectReceived>, <mqttConnAckSent>, <mqttConnAckErrSent>, <mqttPublishReceived>, <mqttPublishSent>, <mqttPubAckReceived>, <mqttPubAckSent>, <mqttPubRecSent>, <mqttPubRelReceived>, <mqttPubCompSent>, <mqttSubscribeReceived>, <mqttSubAckSent>, <mqttSubAckErrSent>, <mqttUnsubscribeReceived>, <mqttUnsubscribeSent>, <mqttPingReqReceived>, <mqttPingRespSent>, <mqttDisconnectReceived>), SslVersion(<tlsVersion>), SslCipher(<tlsCipherDescription>), WillSent(<willSent>), SessionExpiry(<sessionExpiry>)


This event is generated when a message is discarded because it cannot be sent to a client. However, it is only sent out approximately once every 60 seconds for the specified client.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_EGRESS_MSG_DISCARD: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername>, connected to <applianceIP>:<appliancePort> from <clientIP>:<clientPort>


This event is sent when a client JNDI lookup fails.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_JNDI_LOOKUP: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) '<name>' JNDI lookup '<jndiObjectName>' result: <reason>


This is a one-shot event sent when the size of an ingress message is larger than that configured through the CLI using the 'message-vpn <> event large-message-threshold' Config CLI command.

The message is still processed by the message broker along with the generation of this event.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_LARGE_MESSAGE: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Large Message threshold (<threshold> bytes) exceeded: <size>, topic <topic>


This is a one-shot event sent when the maximum number of topics the message broker can track for performing the eliding function on each client connection is larger than that configured through the CLI using the 'client-profile <> eliding max-topics' Config CLI command.

The message is still processed by the message broker, along with the generation of this event.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_MAX_ELIDING_TOPICS_REACHED: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Max eliding topics reached: <threshold>


This event is sent when the number of subscriptions exceeds the maximum available for the specified client.

To set the maximum value associated with this event use the 'client-profile <> max-subscriptions' Config CLI command. The default is 500000.

To view the maximum value, see the 'Max # Subscriptions' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Subscriptions' field of the 'show client <> message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_MAX_SUBSCRIPTIONS_EXCEEDED: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Maximum subscriptions exceeded : <value>


This is a one-shot event sent when a direct or guaranteed message size exceeds what is allowed by the message broker. This event is only raised for clients using the SMF protocol.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Message Too Big threshold (<threshold> bytes) exceeded: <size>, topic <topic>


Through Solace APIs, client applications can change their name after connecting to and authenticating with the message broker. This event is sent when a client performs such a name change.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_NAME_CHANGE: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> changed name from <oldname>


Through Solace APIs, client applications can change their name after connecting to and authenticating with the message broker. This event is sent when a client attempts to perform such a name change but is rejected by the message broker.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_NAME_CHANGE_FAILED: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> New name(<newName>), reason(<reason>)


This event is sent when a Solace API client opens a publisher session flow to the message broker to publish Guaranteed messages.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_OPEN_FLOW: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Pub flow session flow name <flowName> (<flowId>), transacted session id <transactedSessionId>, publisher id <pubId>, last message id <lastMsgIdSent>, window size <windowSize>


This is a one-shot event sent when the message broker encounters parsing errors while processing the Solace-specific messaging headers.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_PARSE_ERROR: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Parse Error


This event is sent when the number of subscriptions, for the specified client, rises above the set threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile <> event subscriptions thresholds set-value|set-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 80% of the maximum value.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Subscriptions (#subs) - Set Value' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Subscriptions field of the 'show client <> message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_HIGH: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> subscriptions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) reached: <currentSubs>


This event is sent when the number of subscriptions, for the specified client, falls below the clear threshold value.

To set the threshold value associated with this event, use the 'client-profile <> event subscriptions thresholds clear-value|clear-percentage' Config CLI command. The default is 60% of the maximum value.

To view the threshold value, see the 'Subscriptions (#subs) - Clear Value' field of the 'show client-profile <> detail' CLI command output.

To view the current value that the threshold monitors, see the 'Subscriptions' field of the 'show client <> message-vpn <>' CLI command output.

This event is duplicated into the system.log file in addition to the event.log file.

Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_HIGH_CLEAR: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> subscriptions threshold <threshold>(<thresholdPercentage>%) cleared: <currentSubs>


This event is sent when all messages are removed from a topic endpoint due to the topic or selector associated with the endpoint changing.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_TOPIC_ENDPOINT_FLUSHED: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> <topic> <selector> changed, all messages removed from Topic Endpoint <qendptName>


This event is sent when a Solace API client closes a transacted session to the message broker.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_TRANSACTED_SESSION_CLOSE: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Transacted Session (<transactedSessionId>) <sessionName> closed, final statistics requests (commits <committedRequests>, rollback <rollbackRequests>, failed <failedRequests>), messages (published <publishedMessages>, consumed <consumedMessages>)


This event is sent when a Solace API client opens a transacted session to the message broker.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_TRANSACTED_SESSION_OPEN: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Transacted Session (<transactedSessionId>) <sessionName> open


This event is sent when a client unbinds from a message endpoint. The possible unbind reason given in the event are listed below:
Reason Description
Client issued unbind The client issued an unbind request to the router
Client disconnected The client disconnected without an unbind request
Message-spool shutdown The message-spool was shutdown or unavailable
Endpoint egress shutdown The endpoint egress flow was shutdown or removed
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_UNBIND: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Unbind to <validInvalid> (<flowId>), ForwardingMode(<forwardingMode>), final statistics - flow(<windowSize>, <usedWindow>, <unackedMessages>, <lowMsgIdAckPending>, <highMsgIdAckPending>, <windowClosed>, <msgRedelivered>, <msgTransportRetransmits>, <msgDeliveredStoreAndForward>, <msgDeliveredCutThrough>), isActive(<isActive>), Reason(<reason>)


This event is sent when all messages are removed from a topic endpoint due to an subscription unsubscribe request received from a client.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_UNSUBSCRIBE: <vpnName> <clientName> <type> (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> Unsubscribe Topic Endpoint <qendptName>, all messages removed


This event is sent when a Solace API client closes a XA transacted session to the message broker.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_XA_TRANSACTED_SESSION_CLOSE: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> XA Transacted Session (<transactedSessionId>) <sessionName> closed, final statistics requests (starts <startsRequests>, suspends <suspendsRequests>, resumes <resumesRequests>, ends <endsRequests>, end-fails <endFailsRequests>, end-rollbacks <endRollbacksRequests>, prepares <preparesRequests>, one-phase-commits <onePhaseCommitRequests>, two-phase-commits <twoPhaseCommitRequests>, rollbacks <rollbackRequests>, forgets <forgetsRequests>), failures (starts <startsFailed>, suspends <suspendsFailed>, resumes <resumesFailed>, ends <endsFailed>, end-fails <endFailsFailed>, end-rollbacks <endRollbacksFailed>, prepares <preparesFailed>, one-phase-commits <onePhaseCommitFailed>, two-phase-commits <twoPhaseCommitFailed>, rollbacks <rollbackFailed>, forgets <forgetsFailed>), messages (published <publishedMessages>, consumed <consumedMessages>)


This event is sent when a Solace API client opens a XA transacted session to the message broker.
Event Level Severity
Recommended Action
Message Format
CLIENT_CLIENT_XA_TRANSACTED_SESSION_OPEN: <vpnName> <clientName> Client (<ID>) <name/clientUsername> XA Transacted Session (<transactedSessionId>) <sessionName> open

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