Configuring Hostnames

To configure a hostname for a machine or cloud image Solace PubSub+ software event broker, you must stop the Solace PubSub+ service by entering the following command from the Linux Host shell:

solacectl service stop

Once the service has been stopped, enter the following command:

solacectl hostname configure <hostname>


<hostname> is the hostname to assign to the software event broker. Host names can contain up to 64 characters, composed of alphanumeric characters 0 to 9, a to z, A to Z, and underscores '_' and hyphens '-'. Note that '_' and '-' cannot be used at the beginning or end of a hostname. Host names must be unique among all configured event brokers.

Displaying Hostnames

To display a software event broker’s hostname, enter the following command from the Linux Host shell:

solacectl hostname status