
ISessionModifyProperty Method

Allows certain properties of a session to be modified after the session has been created. Currently, only the following session properties can be modified:
ClientDescription (Deprecated - See Note below)

ClientName (Deprecated - See Note below)

Host (may only be modified when session is disconnected)

Port (may only be modified when session is disconnected)

OAuth2AccessToken (the update will be applied during next reconnection attempt)

OidcIdToken (the update will be applied during next reconnection attempt)

Note: Applications shall use ModifyClientInfo(SessionPropertiesPROPERTY, Object, Int32, Object) to modify the following session properties:



Namespace: SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging
Assembly: SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging (in SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging.dll) Version: 10.27.0
ReturnCode ModifyProperty(
	SessionPropertiesPROPERTY sessionProperty,
	Object value


sessionProperty  SessionPropertiesPROPERTY
The property to modify.
value  Object
The new value for the property.

Return Value

Throws OperationErrorException if failed. Otherwise it returns SOLCLIENT_OK, or SOLCLIENT_WOULD_BLOCK, if the message cannot be accepted by the API immediately.


OperationErrorException Thrown when the operation fails. Possible sub-codes:
FatalErrorException Thrown when un-recoverable error occurs.
ObjectDisposedException Thrown when the session is already disposed (terminal state).
ArgumentNullException Thrown if any of the required parameters is null.

See Also