
IMessage Methods


CreateUserPropertyMap Creates a user property map (of type IMapContainer) in the meta header of a message. Any existing user property map is overwritten. After adding user properties to this map, it must be closed; if not, it is automatically closed after the associated message is disposed IDisposable.

Whether it is explicitly closed by the client application, or implicitly by the API, any attempt to use this map results in an OperationErrorException with ParamNullReference

DisposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable)
Dump Returns a string representation of the contents of a message in human-readable form.
Dump(MessageDump) Returns a string representation of the contents of a message in human-readable form. Dump(MessageDump.Full) is equivalent to calling Dump().
GetBinaryAttachment Gets the binary attachment part of the message. If not present, null is returned to the user.
GetDestinationTopicSuffix A getter for the suffix of the topic string. If the received message contains a topic destination and the topic begins with the session's topic prefix, this method returns the string following the '/' delimiter that terminates the topic prefix. Returns null if not present.
GetUserData Gets the user data part of the message. Returns null if not present.
GetXmlContent Gets the XML content part of the message. Returns null if not present.
Reset Release all memory associated with this message, returning it to its original state, as if it has just been created.
SetAsReplyMessage Sets the reply attribute of the message.
SetBinaryAttachment Sets the binary attachment part of the message.
SetReplyToSuffix Appends an application-specific suffix to the default topic destination for the session. When the session is established, a unique topic destination is created for the session. This topic is generated by the appliance, and the API subscribes to a wildcard extended topic that is derived by appending './>' to the unique topic destination.
SetUserData Sets the user data part of the message.
SetXmlContent Sets the XML content part of the message.

See Also