
IMapContainerGetUInt64 Method

Gets the field with the given name as a UInt64 (converted to Int64, therefore there could be loss of precision). Note: The .NET API is CLS-compliant and therefore unsigned integers are not supported.


Namespace: SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging.SDT
Assembly: SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging (in SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging.dll) Version: 10.27.0
long GetUInt64(
	string name


name  String
Field name; cannot be null.

Return Value

UInt64 field value


FieldNotFoundException Thrown when no field with the given name exists.
OperationErrorException Thrown when one of the following occurs: there is no field with the given name or it is an invalid data conversion. In this case ReturnCode and SDKErrorInfo are accessible from OperationErrorException and contain more information.
FatalErrorException Thrown when an unrecoverable error occurs.
InvalidOperationException Thrown when the container is already closed.
OverflowException Thrown when the field's value is a UInt64 that is greater than Int64.MaxValue.

See Also