Message Headers

Solace and Amazon SQS message headers can be created or manipulated using the User-Configured Header Transforms feature.

Solace Headers

Solace headers exposed to the connector are documented within the Spring Cloud Stream Binder for Solace PubSub+ documentation.

Amazon SQS supports a maximum of 10 headers. Because of this limitation, the target connector automatically maps the following headers individually to Amazon SQS:

  • solace_correlationId

  • solace_expiration

  • solace_applicationMessageId

  • solace_replyTo (converted from a Destination object into a string in the format <DESTINATION_TYPE>:<DESTINATION_NAME>, for example, QUEUE:replyTo_queue)

  • solace_replicationGroupMessageId (converted to a string)

  • sqs_groupId

  • sqs_deduplicationId

Custom headers are aggregated and mapped to a solace_user_properties header as JSON, for example:


Reserved Message Headers

The following are reserved header spaces:

Any headers with these prefixes (that are not defined by the connector or any technology used by the connector) may not be backwards compatible in future releases of this connector.