Message Headers

This section lists the headers you can map for the Connector for TIBCO EMS.

To map and transform Solace and TIBCO EMS message headers and payloads, see Mapping Message Headers and Payloads.

JMS Message Headers

The following JMS headers are available to get and set JMS message properties.

Header Name Type Access Description




The correlation ID for the message.




The delivery mode value specified for this message.


For version 2.0.0 and later: jakarta.jms.Destination

For versions earlier than 2.0.0: javax.jms.Destination


The destination to which the message is being sent.

For versions 2.4.4 to 2.4.10, consumer bindings did not map jms_destination, making it unavailable for use in transform-header expressions. For those specific connector versions only, if your configuration includes default workflow transform-header expressions that nullify this message header, you can remove those expressions.




The time at which the JMS message is set to expire.




A value that uniquely identifies each message sent by a provider.




Specifies the message’s priority set on the send.

When header is absent, JMS message is sent with default priority of 4.




An indication of whether this message is being redelivered.


For versions 2.0.0 and later: jakarta.jms.Destination

For versions earlier than 2.0.0: javax.jms.Destination

Read (Available only for versions 2.4.3 and earlier)

Write (Available only for Outbound messages)

The Destination object to which a reply to this message should be sent.

For versions 2.4.4 and later, consumer bindings no longer map jms_replyTo, making it unavailable for use in transform-header expressions. For connector versions 2.4.4 and later, if your configuration includes default workflow transform-header expressions that nullify this message header, you can remove those expressions.




The time a message was handed off to a provider to be sent.




Specifies the message’s time to live set on the send.

When header is absent, JMS message is sent with default timeToLive of 0 (zero means that a message never expires).




The message type identifier supplied by the client when the message was sent.

Solace Source Headers

Name Type Description
solace_applicationMessageId String The message ID (a string for an application-specific message identifier).
solace_applicationMessageType String The application message type.
solace_correlationId String The correlation ID of the message.
solace_deliveryCount Integer The number of times the message has been delivered to clients.
solace_discardIndication Boolean Indicates whether one or more messages have been discarded prior to the current message.
solace_dmqEligible Boolean Indicates whether the message is eligible to be moved to a dead message queue (DMQ).
solace_expiration Long The UTC time (in milliseconds, from midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC) when the message is set to expire.
solace_httpContentEncoding String The HTTP content encoding header value from interaction with an HTTP client.
solace_isReply Boolean Indicates whether the message is a reply to another message.
solace_priority Integer The message priority value in the range of 0-255, or -1 if it is not set.
solace_receiveTimestamp Long The receive timestamp (in milliseconds, from midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC).
solace_redelivered Boolean Indicates whether the event broker has delivered the message to the API before.
solace_senderId String The sender ID for the message.
solace_senderTimestamp Long The send timestamp (in milliseconds, from midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC).
solace_sequenceNumber Long The sequence number.
solace_timeToLive Long The number of milliseconds before the message is discarded or moved to a dead message queue (DMQ).

Solace Target Headers

Name Type Description
scst_targetDestination String A dynamic destination for the message.
solace_applicationMessageId String The message ID (a string for an application-specific message identifier).
solace_applicationMessageType String The application message type.
solace_correlationId String The correlation ID of the message.
solace_dmqEligible Boolean Indicates whether the message is eligible to be moved to a dead message queue (DMQ).
solace_expiration Long The UTC time (in milliseconds, from midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC) when the message is supposed to expire.
solace_httpContentEncoding String The HTTP content encoding header value from interaction with an HTTP client.
solace_isReply Boolean Indicates whether the message is a reply to another message.
solace_priority Integer The message priority value in the range of 0-255, or -1 if it is not set.
solace_senderId String The sender ID for the message.
solace_senderTimestamp Long The send timestamp (in milliseconds, from midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC).
solace_sequenceNumber Long The sequence number.
solace_timeToLive Long The number of milliseconds before the message is discarded or moved to a dead message queue (DMQ).

Reserved Message Headers

The following are reserved header spaces:

Any headers with these prefixes (that are not defined by the connector or any technology used by the connector) may not be backwards compatible in future versions of this connector.