Configuring JNDI Objects

This section provides procedures for using the Solace CLI to configure administered JNDI object properties and property lists that are provisioned in the JNDI store on the Solace PubSub+ event broker.

A listing of configurable properties and property lists can be displayed through the show jndi schema User EXEC command.

Configuring Connection Factories

  • To create Connection Factory objects in the JNDI store, enter the following CONFIG command:
    solace(configure)# jndi message-vpn <vpn-name>
    solace(configure/jndi)# create connection-factory <name>
  • To configure existing JNDI Connection Factory objects on the event broker on an object-by-object basis, enter the following CONFIG command:
    solace(configure)# jndi message-vpn <vpn-name>
    solace(configure/jndi)# connection-factory <name>
  • To delete existing JNDI Connection Factory objects on the event broker on an object-by-object basis, enter the following CONFIG command:
    solace(configure)# jndi message-vpn <vpn-name>
    solace(configure/jndi)# no connection-factory <name>


<vpn-name> is the name of Message VPN to which the JNDI objects belong to

<name> is the name of the Connection Factory object

Entering the connection-factory VPN JNDI CONFIG command moves the CLI to a configuration mode for Connection Factory objects created on the Solace JNDI store from which you can perform the following tasks for the given Connection Factory:

If no configuration changes are made to the JNDI Connection Factory properties, the default settings are used.

Configuring Properties

To configure the defined standalone properties for Connection Factory objects on the Solace JNDI store on an object-by-object basis, enter the following CONFIG command:

solace(configure/jndi/connection-factory)# property <name> <value>


<name> is the name of the defined standalone Connection Factory object property, as displayed through the show jndi schema connection-factory User EXEC command

<value> is the value of the defined standalone Connection Factory object property

The no version of this command, no property <name>, deletes the Connection Factory object configuration.

Configuring Property Lists

To configure the defined property lists for Connection Factory objects in the Solace JNDI store, enter the following CONFIG command:

solace(configure/jndi/connection-factory)# property-list <name>


<name> is the name of the defined Connection Factory object property list, as displayed through the show jndi schema connection-factory User EXEC command (for example, messaging-properties)

The CLI moves to a sub-configuration level at which you can define the associated properties for Connection Factory object property lists:


At this level enter the following CONFIG command to configure a defined associated Connection Factory object property:

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# property <name> <value>


<name> is the name of the defined associated Connection Factory object property, as displayed through the show jndi schema connection-factory User EXEC command (for example, text-msg-xml-payload)

<value> is the desired value of the defined associated Connection Factory object property, as displayed through the show jndi schema connection-factory User EXEC command (for example, true | false)


solace(configure)# jndi message-vpn blue

solace(configure/jndi)# create connection-factory cf/default

solace(configure/jndi/connection-factory)# property-list messaging-properties

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# property default-delivery-mode persistent

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# property text-msg-xml-payload false

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# property payload-compression-level 9

solace(configure/jndi-obj)# property-list transport-properties

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# property connect-timeout 30000

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# property read-timeout 10000

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# property reconnect-retries 3

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# property reconnect-retry-wait 3000

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# property keep-alive-enabled true

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# property keep-alive-interval 3000

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# property keep-alive-count-max 3

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# property send-buffer 65536

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# property receive-buffer 65536

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# property tcp-no-delay true

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# exit

solace(...jndi/connection-factory/property-list)# end


Configuring Queue Objects

  • To create Queue objects in the Solace JNDI store, enter the following CONFIG command:
    solace(configure)# jndi message-vpn <vpn-name>
    solace(configure/jndi)# create queue <name>
  • To configure existing Queue objects in the Solace JNDI store, enter the following CONFIG command:
    solace(configure)# jndi message-vpn <vpn-name>
    solace(configure/jndi)# queue <name>

    From this level, you have the option of defining a physical queue name for the queue. See below for this option.

The no version of this command, no queue, deletes the given queue object.


Entering the queue JNDI CONFIG command moves you to a level within the CLI for configuring properties and property lists for the given queue object.

You can define a physical queue name for the queue:

solace(configure/jndi/queue)# property physical-name <value>


<value> is the physical queue name, in hierarchical notation (for example, ‘a/b/c’) to associate with the Queue object.


solace(configure)# jndi message-vpn blue

solace(configure/jndi)# create queue q/market/orders

solace(configure/jndi/queue)# property physical-name orders

solace(configure/jndi/queue)# exit

solace(configure/jndi)# create queue q/market/news

solace(configure/jndi/queue)# property physical-name news

solace(configure/jndi/queue)# end


Configuring Topic Objects

  • To create and configure a Topic object in the Solace JNDI store, enter the following CONFIG command:
    solace(configure)# jndi message-vpn <vpn-name>
    solace(configure/jndi)# create topic <name>
  • To configure an existing Topic object in the Solace JNDI store, enter the following CONFIG command:
    solace(configure)# jndi message-vpn <vpn-name>
    solace(configure/jndi)# topic <name>


<vpn-name> is the name of Message VPN to which the JNDI objects belong to

<name> is the user-defined name of the Topic object

The no version of this command, no topic, deletes the given topic object.


Entering the topic JNDI CONFIG command moves you to a level within the CLI for configuring properties and property lists for the Topic object.

To configure the defined standalone properties for a Topic object in the Solace JNDI store, enter the following CONFIG command:

solace(configure/topic)# property physical-name <value>


<value> is the physical topic name, in hierarchical notation (for example,"a/b/c") to associate with the Topic object.

The no version of this command, no property physical-name <value>, deletes the JNDI Topic object configuration.


solace(configure)# jndi message-vpn blue

solace(configure/jndi)# create topic t/lions

solace(configure/jndi/topic)# property physical-name animals/lions

solace(configure/jndi/topic)# exit

solace(configure/jndi)# topic t/tigers

solace(configure/jndi/topic)# property physical-name animals/tigers

solace(configure/jndi/topic)# exit

solace(configure/jndi)# create topic t/bears backup

solace(configure/jndi/topic)# property physical-name animals/bears

solace(configure/jndi/topic)# end
