Displaying User Authentication Configs and Statistics

You can use several show User EXEC commands to monitor and validate user account and authentication configurations and statistics on Solace PubSub+ event brokers.

Showing Authentication Info

To show information about the CLI class of users, enter the following User EXEC command:

solace> show authentication [user-class cli-semp] [current-user | access-level [{default | ldap [group <group-name-pattern>]}] [detail]]


user-class cli-semp specifies to show authentication parameters for CLI/SEMP users

current-user specifies to show the access level of the current CLI/SEMP user

access-level specifies to show access level configuration.

default specifies to show the default access level configuration
ldap specifies to show the LDAP access-level configuration
group <group-name-pattern> specifies to show the LDAP access-level configuration should be filtered according to the given group name

detail specifies to show detailed information, which includes each authorized Message VPN and their associated access levels

Showing LDAP Profile Info

To show configuration information for an LDAP profile, enter the following User EXEC command:

solace> show ldap-profile <profile-name> [detail | [index <server-index>] stats]


<profile-name> is the LDAP profile name. Use ‘*’ to show all profiles.

detail specifies to show detailed information on the LDAP profile.

<server index> is the priority index of the provisioned host. Valid values are 1, 2, or 3.

stats specifies to show statistics on the LDAP profile.

Clearing LDAP Profile Statistics

To clear statistics associated with a given LDAP profile, enter the following Privileged EXEC command:

solace# clear ldap-profile <profile-name> stats


<profile-name> is the LDAP profile name.

All of the LDAP profile statistic counters are reset to 0, and LDAP profile statistics begin to be recorded again from this point.

Showing RADIUS Profile Info

To show configuration information for a RADIUS profile, enter the following User EXEC command:

show radius-profile <profile-name> [detail | stats]


<profile-name> is the RADIUS profile name. Use ‘*’ to show all profiles.

detail shows detailed RADIUS profile information.

stats shows RADIUS profile statistics.

Showing Username Info

To show information about configured username accounts, enter the following User EXEC command:

 solace> show username <username-pattern> [detail]


<username-pattern> is one of the following:

  • the full username of the client username account
  • part of the username with the wildcard character ? used to represent one character of the name
  • the wildcard character * used to represent zero or more characters of the name, where entering only the wildcard character * for the name shows all client username accounts.

detail specifies to show further detail for each authorized Message VPN and their associated access levels