Solace Message Format Topics

Solace Message Format (SMF) is the underlying messaging protocol for PubSub+.

SMF topics have the following properties:

  • Consist of NULL-terminated UTF-8 strings composed of one or more levels in the format: a/b/c.
  • The / character is used as a separator between levels - which are also referred to as elements - of the string.
  • A maximum of 128 topic levels are supported.
  • The maximum length of a string, excluding the NULL terminator, is 250 bytes.
  • Characters in topic strings are case-sensitive. For example, the topic subscription animals/domestic/cats is not equal to Animals/Domestic/Cats.
  • All UTF-8 characters are supported. However, the following characters have special meaning:
    • For topic subscriptions:
      • / is a level separator.
      • <NULL> is an invalid character.
      • * is a single-level wildcard.
      • > can be used as a wildcard, and is a multi-level wildcard when used at the last level of a topic subscription.
      • A leading !, as for example in !a/b/c, in queue topic subscriptions indicates a subscription exception. For more information, refer to System-Level Subscription Exception Configuration.
    • For publishing topics:
      • / is a level separator.
      • <NULL> is an invalid character.
      • * is treated as a literal character. Do not use this character when creating topics.
      • > is treated as a literal character. Do not use this character when creating topics.
      • A leading ! is treated as a literal character. Do not use this character when creating topics.

MQTT Topic Compatibility

To allow compatibility with MQTT topics, which permit empty topic levels (for example, /a/b, a//b, or a/b/), PubSub+ also allows empty topic levels in SMF topics. However, using empty topic levels in SMF topics has some limitations:

  • Client applications using the PubSub+ Messaging APIs for C, .NET, Go, Java RTO, and Python:
    • can publish to topics with empty levels
    • cannot use topic subscriptions with empty levels
  • Client applications using the PubSub+ Messaging APIs for Java, JCSMP, JMS, JavaScript, and Node.js:
    • cannot publish to topics with empty levels
    • cannot use topic subscriptions with empty levels
  • In ACL profiles, SMF topic exceptions cannot have empty topic levels for publishing or subscribing.

The event broker automatically creates a topic subscription beginning with the prefix #P2P/ for each client, which allows messages to be sent directly to that client (for example, in request/reply scenarios). However, the leading "#" in #P2P is not valid MQTT syntax. Therefore, to make use of these special Solace subscriptions, MQTT clients can use the string _P2P instead of #P2P. The event broker considers these two strings to be equivalent.

For more information, see Using MQTT.