Clearing One-Shot Events

One-shot events are events that are only sent once, even if the originating condition recurs. They must be cleared and reset to receive them again. For information on which events are one-shot, see Syslog Event Reference.

Clearing One-Shot Client Events

To clear and reset a client’s event notification for a specific one-shot event so that is can be generated again at some point, enter the following commands:

solace# admin
solace(admin)# client <name> message-vpn <vpn-name> [primary] [backup] [static]
solace(admin/client)# clear-event <event-name>


<name> is the full name of the client.

<vpn-name> is the full name of an existing Message VPN.

primary indicates only clients of the primary virtual router

backup indicates only clients of the backup virtual router

static indicates only clients of the static virtual router

<event-name> is the name of the one-shot event to be cleared and reset. Valid values are:

  • large-message (to clear CLIENT_CLIENT_LARGE_MESSAGE one-shot events)
  • message-too-big (to clear CLIENT_CLIENT_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG one-shot events)
  • parse-error (to clear CLIENT_CLIENT_PARSE_ERROR one-shot events)
  • max-eliding-topics (to clear CLIENT_CLIENT_MAX_ELIDING_TOPICS one-shot events)

Clearing One-Shot PubSub+ Cache Events

To clear an event notification for either a single PubSub+ Cache Instance or all PubSub+ Cache Instances in a Cache Cluster, enter the following commands:

solace# admin
solace(admin)# distributed-cache <name> message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(admin-distributed-cache)# clear-event <event-name> [cache-cluster <cluster-name>] [cache-instance <instance-name>]


<name> is the name of an existing Distributed Cache.

<vpn-name> is the name of an existing Message VPN.

<event-name> is the name of the one-shot event to be cleared. The only valid value is “lost-message”, which clears “lost message” one-shot events from the PubSub+ Cache Instances.

<cluster-name> is the name of a Cache Cluster.

<instance-name> is the name of a particular PubSub+ Cache Instance in the Cache Cluster.

Clearing One-Shot Bridge Events

To clear and reset a Message VPN bridge’s event notification for the specified one-shot event so that it can be generated again, do the following:

  1. Enter the following command:

    solace# admin
    solace(admin)# bridge <bridge-name-pattern> message-vpn <vpn-name> [primary | backup]


    <bridge-name-pattern> is the full name of the specified Message VPN bridge, or part of this Message VPN bridge name with the wildcard character ? used to represent one character of the name, or the wildcard character * used to represent zero or more characters of the name, where entering only the wildcard character * for the name specifies all Message VPN bridges.

    <vpn-name> is the full name of an existing Message VPN that the bridge belongs to, or part of this Message VPN name with the wildcard character ? used to represent one character of the name, or the wildcard character * used to represent zero or more characters of the name, where entering only the wildcard character * for the name specifies all Message VPNs.

    primary indicates only bridges of the primary virtual router

    backup indicates only bridges of the backup virtual router

  2. Enter the following command:

    solace(admin/bridge)# clear-event <event-name>


    <event-name> is the name of the one-shot event to be cleared and reset. Valid values are:

    • ttl-exceeded (to clear VPN_BRIDGING_TTL_EXCEEDED one-shot events)