PubSub+ event brokers support AMQP as a component. Here you'll find links to several tutorials to get you started developing AMQP applications. The tutorials cover common messaging functions such as Publish/Subscribe and Request/Reply.

Using AMQP

If you're not quite ready to start messaging, and you'd like to learn a bit more about using AMQP with PubSub+, and why AMQP might be a good messaging choice for your use-cases, take a look at Using AMQP 1.0.

AMQP Concepts

If you haven't used AMQP and PubSub+ together before, you may want to look at the AMQP section of the Overview: How Apps Interact with PubSub+ Messaging Components page. It'll take you on a tour of the PubSub+ event broker's messaging components, and provides a high-level overview of how data moves from producers to the event broker, and from the event broker to consumers, with AMQP.

Get Started with AMQP

These tutorials introduce you to the fundamentals of using AMQP to develop applications using PubSub+ event brokers. They cover common messaging requirements such as publish/subscribe, message persistence, request/reply, and more.

JMS 1.1 over AMQP Tutorials

JMS 2.0 over AMQP Tutorials

Node.js over AMQP Tutorials