PubSub+ Messaging API For C
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For Windows builds, os.h should always be included first to ensure that
_WIN32_WINNT is defined before winsock2.h or windows.h get included.
#include "os.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "RRcommon.h"
* common_printCCSMPversion
common_printCCSMPversion ( void )
if ( solClient_version_get ( &version_p ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
printf ( "Unknown library version, solClient_version_get returns FAIL\n\n" );
} else {
printf ( "CCSMP Version %s (%s)\tVariant: %s\n\n", version_p->version_p, version_p->dateTime_p, version_p->variant_p );
* common_handleError
common_handleError ( solClient_returnCode_t rc, const char *errorStr )
"%s - ReturnCode=\"%s\", SubCode=\"%s\", ResponseCode=%d, Info=\"%s\"",
errorStr, solClient_returnCodeToString ( rc ),
solClient_subCodeToString ( errorInfo->subCode ), errorInfo->responseCode, errorInfo->errorStr );
* common_parseUsernameAndVpn
common_parseUsernameAndVpn ( const char *inName, char *outUsername, size_t usernameLen, char *outVpn, size_t vpnLen )
const char *c = inName;
char *dest = outUsername;
size_t remaining = usernameLen;
while ( *c ) {
if ( *c == '@' ) {
*dest = '\0';
dest = outVpn;
remaining = vpnLen;
} else {
if ( remaining ) {
*dest++ = *c;
} else {
*( dest - 1 ) = '\0';
*dest = '\0';
* common_initCommandOptions
common_initCommandOptions ( struct commonOptions *commonOpt,
int requiredParams,
int optionals)
if (commonOpt != NULL) {
commonOpt->username[0] = ( char ) 0;
commonOpt->password[0] = ( char ) 0;
commonOpt->vpn[0] = ( char ) 0;
commonOpt->targetHost[0] = ( char ) 0;
commonOpt->cacheName[0] = ( char ) 0;
commonOpt->replayStartLocation[0] = ( char ) 0;
commonOpt->usingTopic = TRUE; /* TRUE pub/sub to/from Topic */
commonOpt->usingAD = FALSE; /* FALSE pub/sub direct */
commonOpt->destinationName[0] = ( char ) 0;
commonOpt->numMsgsToSend = 1;
commonOpt->msgRate = 1;
commonOpt->gdWindow = 0;
commonOpt->usingDurable = FALSE;
commonOpt->enableCompression = FALSE;
commonOpt->useGSS = FALSE;
commonOpt->requiredFields = requiredParams;
commonOpt->optionalFields = optionals;
* common_parseCommandOptions
common_parseCommandOptions ( int argc, charPtr32 *argv, struct commonOptions *commonOpt, const char *positionalDesc )
static char *optstring = "a:c:dgl:m:n:p:r:s:t:u:w:zR:";
static struct option longopts[] = {
{"cache", 1, NULL, 'a'},
{"cip", 1, NULL, 'c'},
{"durable", 0, NULL, 'd'},
{"gss", 0, NULL, 'g'},
{"log", 1, NULL, 'l'},
{"cu", 1, NULL, 'u'},
{"mn", 1, NULL, 'n'},
{"cp", 1, NULL, 'p'},
{"mr", 1, NULL, 'r'},
{"topic", 1, NULL, 't'},
{"win", 1, NULL, 'w'},
{"zip", 0, NULL, 'z'},
{"replay", 1, NULL, 'R'},
{0, 0, 0, 0}
int c;
int rc = 1;
char *end_p;
charPtr *argVOS;
INIT_OS_ARGS(argc, argv, argVOS);
while ( ( c = getopt_long ( argc, argVOS, optstring, longopts, NULL ) ) != -1 ) {
switch ( c ) {
case 'a':
strncpy ( commonOpt->cacheName, optarg, sizeof ( commonOpt->cacheName ) );
case 'c':
strncpy ( commonOpt->targetHost, optarg, sizeof ( commonOpt->targetHost ) );
case 'd':
commonOpt->usingDurable = TRUE;
case 'g':
commonOpt->useGSS = TRUE;
case 'z':
commonOpt->enableCompression = TRUE;
case 'R':
strncpy ( commonOpt->replayStartLocation, optarg, sizeof ( commonOpt->replayStartLocation ) );
case 'l':
commonOpt->logLevel = ( solClient_log_level_t ) strtol ( optarg, &end_p, 0 );
if ( ( commonOpt->logLevel > SOLCLIENT_LOG_DEBUG ) || ( *end_p != ( char ) 0 ) ) {
if ( strcasecmp ( optarg, "debug" ) == 0 ) {
commonOpt->logLevel = SOLCLIENT_LOG_DEBUG;
} else if ( strcasecmp ( optarg, "info" ) == 0 ) {
commonOpt->logLevel = SOLCLIENT_LOG_INFO;
} else if ( strcasecmp ( optarg, "notice" ) == 0 ) {
commonOpt->logLevel = SOLCLIENT_LOG_NOTICE;
} else if ( strcasecmp ( optarg, "warn" ) == 0 ) {
commonOpt->logLevel = SOLCLIENT_LOG_WARNING;
} else if ( strcasecmp ( optarg, "error" ) == 0 ) {
commonOpt->logLevel = SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR;
} else if ( strcasecmp ( optarg, "critical" ) == 0 ) {
commonOpt->logLevel = SOLCLIENT_LOG_CRITICAL;
} else {
rc = 0;
case 'n':
commonOpt->numMsgsToSend = atoi ( optarg );
if ( commonOpt->numMsgsToSend <= 0 )
rc = 0;
case 'r':
commonOpt->msgRate = atoi ( optarg );
if ( commonOpt->msgRate <= 0 )
rc = 0;
case 't':
/* This is the name of the Topic or Queue to use, or the symbol number for content routing with simplePubSub. */
strncpy ( commonOpt->destinationName, optarg, sizeof ( commonOpt->destinationName ) );
case 'u':
common_parseUsernameAndVpn ( optarg,
sizeof ( commonOpt->username ), commonOpt->vpn, sizeof ( commonOpt->vpn ) );
case 'p':
strncpy ( commonOpt->password, optarg, sizeof ( commonOpt->password ) );
case 'w':
commonOpt->gdWindow = atoi ( optarg );
if ( commonOpt->gdWindow <= 0 )
rc = 0;
rc = 0;
if ( ( commonOpt->requiredFields & HOST_PARAM_MASK ) && ( commonOpt->targetHost[0] == ( char ) 0 ) ) {
printf ( "Missing required parameter '--cip'\n" );
rc = 0;
if ( ( commonOpt->requiredFields & USER_PARAM_MASK ) && ( commonOpt->username[0] == ( char ) 0 ) && !commonOpt->useGSS) {
printf ( "Missing required parameter '--cu'\n" );
rc = 0;
if ( ( commonOpt->requiredFields & DEST_PARAM_MASK ) && ( commonOpt->destinationName[0] == ( char ) 0 ) ) {
printf ( "Missing required parameter '--topic'\n" );
rc = 0;
if ( ( commonOpt->requiredFields & PASS_PARAM_MASK ) && ( commonOpt->password[0] == ( char ) 0 ) ) {
printf ( "Missing required parameter '--cp'\n" );
rc = 0;
if ( ( commonOpt->requiredFields & CACHE_PARAM_MASK) && ( commonOpt->cacheName[0] == ( char ) 0) ) {
printf ( "Missing required parameter '--cache'\n" );
rc = 0;
if (rc == 0) {
if (positionalDesc == NULL) {
printf ("\nUsage: %s PARAMETERS [OPTIONS]\n\n",
} else {
printf ("\nUsage: %s PARAMETERS [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS]\n\n",
printf (
"Where PARAMETERS are:\n%s%s%s%s%s%s"
"Where OPTIONS are:\n%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n",
( commonOpt->requiredFields & HOST_PARAM_MASK ) ? HOST_PARAM_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->requiredFields & USER_PARAM_MASK ) ? USER_PARAM_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->requiredFields & DEST_PARAM_MASK ) ? DEST_PARAM_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->requiredFields & PASS_PARAM_MASK ) ? PASS_PARAM_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->requiredFields & CACHE_PARAM_MASK ) ? CACHE_PARAM_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->requiredFields & REPLAY_START_MASK ) ? REPLAY_START_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->optionalFields & HOST_PARAM_MASK ) ? HOST_PARAM_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->optionalFields & USER_PARAM_MASK ) ? USER_PARAM_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->optionalFields & DEST_PARAM_MASK ) ? DEST_PARAM_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->optionalFields & PASS_PARAM_MASK ) ? PASS_PARAM_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->optionalFields & CACHE_PARAM_MASK ) ? CACHE_PARAM_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->optionalFields & DURABLE_MASK ) ? DURABLE_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->optionalFields & NUM_MSGS_MASK ) ? NUM_MSGS_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->optionalFields & MSG_RATE_MASK ) ? MSG_RATE_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->optionalFields & WINDOW_SIZE_MASK ) ? WINDOW_SIZE_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->optionalFields & LOG_LEVEL_MASK ) ? LOG_LEVEL_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->optionalFields & USE_GSS_MASK ) ? USE_GSS_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->optionalFields & ZIP_LEVEL_MASK ) ? ZIP_LEVEL_STRING : "",
( commonOpt->optionalFields & REPLAY_START_MASK ) ? REPLAY_START_STRING : ""
if (positionalDesc != NULL) {
printf (
"Where ARGUMENTS are:\n%s",
return ( rc );
* common_createAndConnectSession
common_createAndConnectSession ( solClient_opaqueContext_pt context_p,
void *user_p, struct commonOptions * commonOpts )
/* Return code */
/* Session Function Info */
/* Session Properties */
const char *sessionProps[50];
int propIndex = 0;
sessionFuncInfo.rxMsgInfo.callback_p = msgCallback_p;
sessionFuncInfo.rxMsgInfo.user_p = user_p;
sessionFuncInfo.eventInfo.callback_p = eventCallback_p;
sessionFuncInfo.eventInfo.user_p = user_p;
* Configure the Session properties
propIndex = 0;
if ( commonOpts->targetHost[0] ) {
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_HOST;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = commonOpts->targetHost;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = ( commonOpts->enableCompression ) ? "9" : "0";
sessionProps[propIndex++] = "3";
sessionProps[propIndex++] = "3";
* Note: Reapplying subscriptions allows Sessions to reconnect after failure and
* have all their subscriptions automatically restored. For Sessions with many
* subscriptions, this can increase the amount of time required for a successful
* reconnect.
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_PROP_ENABLE_VAL;
* Note: Including meta data fields such as sender timestamp, sender ID, and sequence
* number can reduce the maximum attainable throughput as significant extra encoding/
* decodingis required. This is true whether the fields are autogenerated or manually
* added.
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_PROP_ENABLE_VAL;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_PROP_ENABLE_VAL;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_PROP_ENABLE_VAL;
if ( commonOpts->vpn[0] ) {
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_VPN_NAME;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = commonOpts->vpn;
* The certificate validation property is ignored on non-SSL sessions.
* For simple demo applications, disable it on SSL sesssions (host
* string begins with tcps:) so a local trusted root and certificate
* store is not required. See the API user's guide for documentation
* on how to setup a trusted root so the servers certificate returned
* on the secure connection can be verified if this is desired.
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_PROP_DISABLE_VAL;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_USERNAME;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = commonOpts->username;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_PASSWORD;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = commonOpts->password;
if ( commonOpts->useGSS ) {
sessionProps[propIndex] = NULL;
* Create the Session
if ( ( rc = solClient_session_create ( sessionProps,
session_p, &sessionFuncInfo, sizeof ( sessionFuncInfo ) ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_session_create()" );
return rc;
* Connect the Session
if ( ( rc = solClient_session_connect ( *session_p ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_session_connect()" );
return rc;
* common_createQueue
common_createQueue ( solClient_opaqueSession_pt session_p, const char *queueName_p )
const char *props[40];
int propIndex = 0;
props[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_ENDPOINT_PROP_ID;
props[propIndex++] = queueName_p;
* If this is not the Dead Message Queue, set the Respects TTL property to
if ( strcmp ( queueName_p, COMMON_DMQ_NAME ) != 0 ) {
props[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_PROP_ENABLE_VAL;
props[propIndex] = NULL;
0) ) == SOLCLIENT_FAIL ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_session_endpointProvision()" );
return rc;
* common_deleteQueue
common_deleteQueue ( solClient_opaqueSession_pt session_p, const char *queueName_p )
const char *props[40];
int propIndex = 0;
props[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_ENDPOINT_PROP_ID;
props[propIndex++] = queueName_p;
props[propIndex] = NULL;
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_session_endpointDeprovision()" );
return rc;
* common_publishMessage
common_publishMessage ( solClient_opaqueSession_pt session_p, char *topic_p, solClient_uint32_t deliveryMode )
/* Return code */
solClient_opaqueMsg_pt msg_p = NULL;
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_DEBUG, "common_publishMessage() called.\n" );
/* Allocate memory for the message to be sent. */
if ( ( rc = solClient_msg_alloc ( &msg_p ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_msg_alloc()" );
return rc;
/* Set the message delivery mode. */
if ( ( rc = solClient_msg_setDeliveryMode ( msg_p, deliveryMode ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_msg_setDeliveryMode()" );
goto freeMessage;
/* Set the destination. */
destination.dest = topic_p;
if ( ( rc = solClient_msg_setDestination ( msg_p, &destination, sizeof ( destination ) ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_msg_setDestination()" );
goto freeMessage;
/* Send the message. */
if ( ( rc = solClient_session_sendMsg ( session_p, msg_p ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_session_sendMsg()" );
goto freeMessage;
if ( ( rcFreeMsg = solClient_msg_free ( &msg_p ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rcFreeMsg, "solClient_msg_free()" );
return rc;
* common_cacheEventCallback
common_cacheEventCallback ( solClient_opaqueSession_pt opaqueSession_p, solCache_eventCallbackInfo_pt eventInfo_p, void *user_p )
printf ( "common_cacheEventCallback() called - %s\n"
"topic: %s\n"
"responseCode: (%d) %s\n"
"subCode: (%d) %s\n"
"cacheRequestId: %llu\n\n",
eventInfo_p->rc, solClient_returnCodeToString ( eventInfo_p->rc ),
eventInfo_p->subCode, solClient_subCodeToString ( eventInfo_p->subCode ), eventInfo_p->cacheRequestId );
* common_eventCallback
common_eventCallback ( solClient_opaqueSession_pt opaqueSession_p,
solClient_session_eventCallbackInfo_pt eventInfo_p, void *user_p )
switch ( eventInfo_p->sessionEvent ) {
/* Non-error events are logged at the INFO level. */
"common_eventCallback() called - %s\n",
/* Extra error information is available on error events */
errorInfo_p = solClient_getLastErrorInfo ( );
/* Error events are output to STDOUT. */
printf ( "common_eventCallback() called - %s; subCode %s, responseCode %d, reason %s\n",
solClient_subCodeToString ( errorInfo_p->subCode ), errorInfo_p->responseCode, errorInfo_p->errorStr );
/* Unrecognized or deprecated events are output to STDOUT. */
printf ( "common_eventCallback() called - %s. Unrecognized or deprecated event.\n",
* common_eventPerfCallback
common_eventPerfCallback ( solClient_opaqueSession_pt opaqueSession_p,
solClient_session_eventCallbackInfo_pt eventInfo_p, void *user_p )
* common_flowEventCallback
common_flowEventCallback ( solClient_opaqueFlow_pt opaqueFlow_p, solClient_flow_eventCallbackInfo_pt eventInfo_p, void *user_p )
switch ( eventInfo_p->flowEvent ) {
/* Non error events are logged at the INFO level. */
"common_flowEventCallback() called - %s\n",
/* Extra error information is available on error events */
errorInfo_p = solClient_getLastErrorInfo ( );
/* Error events are output to STDOUT. */
printf ( "common_flowEventCallback() called - %s; subCode %s, responseCode %d, reason %s\n",
solClient_subCodeToString ( errorInfo_p->subCode ), errorInfo_p->responseCode, errorInfo_p->errorStr );
/* Unrecognized or deprecated events are output to STDOUT. */
printf ( "common_flowEventCallback() called - %s. Unrecognized or deprecated event.\n",
* common_flowMessageReceiveCallback
common_flowMessageReceiveCallback ( solClient_opaqueFlow_pt opaqueFlow_p, solClient_opaqueMsg_pt msg_p, void *user_p )
int *counter_p;
if ( user_p == NULL ) {
/* Note: solClient_msg_getMsgId will fail on Direct messages, but
* it should not get as the callback is for a Flow. */
if ( solClient_msg_getMsgId ( msg_p, &msgId ) == SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
printf ( "Received message on flow. (Message ID: %lld).\n", msgId );
} else {
printf ( "Received message on flow.\n" );
} else {
counter_p = ( int * ) user_p;
( *counter_p )++;
* Returning SOLCLIENT_CALLBACK_OK causes the API to free the memory
* used by the message. This is important to avoid leaks.
* common_flowMessageReceiveAckCallback
common_flowMessageReceiveAckCallback ( solClient_opaqueFlow_pt opaqueFlow_p, solClient_opaqueMsg_pt msg_p, void *user_p )
/* Note: solClient_msg_getMsgId will fail on Direct messages, but
* it should not get as the callback is for a Flow. */
if ( solClient_msg_getMsgId ( msg_p, &msgId ) == SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
printf ( "Acknowledging message Id: %lld.\n", msgId );
solClient_flow_sendAck ( opaqueFlow_p, msgId );
} else {
printf ( "Received message on flow.\n" );
* Returning SOLCLIENT_CALLBACK_OK causes the API to free the memory
* used by the message. This is important to avoid leaks.
* common_flowMessageReceivePrintMsgCallback
common_flowMessageReceivePrintMsgCallback ( solClient_opaqueFlow_pt opaqueFlow_p, solClient_opaqueMsg_pt msg_p, void *user_p )
printf ( "Received message:\n" );
if ( ( rc = solClient_msg_dump ( msg_p, NULL, 0 ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_msg_dump()" );
printf ( "\n" );
* Returning SOLCLIENT_CALLBACK_OK causes the API to free the memory
* used by the message. This is important to avoid leaks.
* common_flowMessageReceivePrintMsgAndAckCallback
common_flowMessageReceivePrintMsgAndAckCallback ( solClient_opaqueFlow_pt opaqueFlow_p, solClient_opaqueMsg_pt msg_p, void *user_p )
printf ( "Received message:\n" );
if ( ( rc = solClient_msg_dump ( msg_p, NULL, 0 ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_msg_dump()" );
printf ( "\n" );
/* Acknowledge the message after processing it. */
if ( solClient_msg_getMsgId ( msg_p, &msgId ) == SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
printf ( "Acknowledging message Id: %lld.\n", msgId );
solClient_flow_sendAck ( opaqueFlow_p, msgId );
* Returning SOLCLIENT_CALLBACK_OK causes the API to free the memory
* used by the message. This is important to avoid leaks.
* common_messageReceiveCallback
common_messageReceiveCallback ( solClient_opaqueSession_pt opaqueSession_p, solClient_opaqueMsg_pt msg_p, void *user_p )
const char *senderId_p;
* Get the message sequence number and sender ID. Check to see if the
* fields exist, and use a default value if the field is not found.
if ( ( rc = solClient_msg_getSequenceNumber ( msg_p, &rxSeqNum ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
if ( rc == SOLCLIENT_NOT_FOUND ) {
rxSeqNum = 0;
} else {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_msg_getSequenceNumber()" );
if ( ( rc = solClient_msg_getSenderId ( msg_p, &senderId_p ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
if ( rc == SOLCLIENT_NOT_FOUND ) {
senderId_p = "";
} else {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_msg_getSenderId()" );
if ( user_p != NULL ) {
printf ( "%s received message from '%s' (seq# %llu)\n", ( char * ) user_p, senderId_p, rxSeqNum );
} else {
printf ( "Received message from '%s' (seq# %llu)\n", senderId_p, rxSeqNum );
* Returning SOLCLIENT_CALLBACK_OK causes the API to free the memory
* used by the message. This is important to avoid leaks.
* common_messageReceivePrintMsgCallback
common_messageReceivePrintMsgCallback ( solClient_opaqueSession_pt opaqueSession_p, solClient_opaqueMsg_pt msg_p, void *user_p )
if ( user_p != NULL ) {
printf ( "%s Received message:\n", (char *)user_p );
} else {
printf ( "Received message:\n" );
if ( ( rc = solClient_msg_dump ( msg_p, NULL, 0 ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_msg_dump()" );
printf ( "\n" );
* Returning SOLCLIENT_CALLBACK_OK causes the API to free the memory
* used by the message. This is important to avoid leaks.
* common_messageReceivePerfCallback
common_messageReceivePerfCallback ( solClient_opaqueSession_pt opaqueSession_p, solClient_opaqueMsg_pt msg_p, void *user_p )
* Returning SOLCLIENT_CALLBACK_OK causes the API to free the memory
* used by the message. This is important to avoid leaks.
* common_contextThread
* The function that runs in the Context thread.
* param contextInfo_p the context info user data. In this example
* the contextInfo_p is a contextThreadInfo_t.
# ifdef WIN32
# endif
common_contextThread ( void *contextInfo_p )
contextThreadInfo_t *info_p = ( contextThreadInfo_t * ) contextInfo_p;
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_DEBUG, "Context thread initialized" );
info_p->rc = 0;
/* Loop until common_stopContextThread has been set to 1. */
while ( !info_p->stopContextThread ) {
if ( ( rc = solClient_context_processEvents ( info_p->context_p ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_context_processEvents" );
# ifdef WIN32
return 0;
# else
return NULL;
# endif
* common_initContextThread
* Initialize the Context thread.
* param info_p Context thread info.
common_initContextThread ( contextThreadInfo_t * info_p )
solClient_context_createFuncInfo_t contextFuncInfo = { {NULL, NULL, NULL}
/* Initialize state variables. */
info_p->stopContextThread = 0;
info_p->contextThreadStarted = 0;
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_DEBUG, "Initializing Context" );
return solClient_context_create ( NULL, &info_p->context_p, &contextFuncInfo, sizeof ( contextFuncInfo ) );
* common_startContextThread
common_startContextThread ( contextThreadInfo_t * info_p )
int rc = 1;
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_DEBUG, "Starting Context thread" );
info_p->stopContextThread = 0;
/* Create the thread. */
# ifdef WIN32
info_p->handle = CreateThread ( NULL, /* default security attributes */
0, /* use default stack size */
common_contextThread, /* thread function */
( void * ) info_p, /* argument to thread function */
0, /* use default creation flags */
NULL ); /* returns thread ident */
if ( info_p->handle == NULL ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "Could not create context thread" );
rc = 0;
} else {
info_p->contextThreadStarted = 1;
# else
if ( pthread_create ( &( info_p->handle ), NULL, common_contextThread, ( void * ) info_p ) < 0 ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "Could not create context thread" );
rc = 0;
} else {
info_p->contextThreadStarted = 1;
# endif
return rc;
* common_startThread
common_startThread ( threadFn_pt threadFunction, void *user_p, threadInfo_t * info_p )
int rc = 1;
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_DEBUG, "Starting thread" );
info_p->stopThread = 0;
info_p->user_p = user_p;
/* Create the thread. */
# ifdef WIN32
info_p->handle = CreateThread ( NULL, /* default security attributes */
0, /* use default stack size */
threadFunction, /* thread function */
( void * ) info_p, /* argument to thread function */
0, /* use default creation flags */
NULL ); /* returns thread ident */
if ( info_p->handle == NULL ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "Could not create thread" );
rc = 0;
} else {
info_p->threadStarted = 1;
# else
if ( pthread_create ( &( info_p->handle ), NULL, threadFunction, ( void * ) info_p ) < 0 ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "Could not create thread." );
rc = 0;
} else {
info_p->threadStarted = 1;
# endif
return rc;
* common_stopContextThread
common_stopContextThread ( contextThreadInfo_t * info_p )
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_DEBUG, "Stopping Context thread" );
info_p->stopContextThread = 1;
# ifdef WIN32
WaitForSingleObject ( info_p->handle, INFINITE );
CloseHandle ( info_p->handle );
info_p->handle = NULL;
# else
void *value_p;
pthread_join ( info_p->handle, &value_p );
# endif
* common_stopContextThread
common_stopThread ( threadInfo_t * info_p )
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_DEBUG, "Stopping thread" );
info_p->stopThread = 1;
# ifdef WIN32
WaitForSingleObject ( info_p->handle, INFINITE );
CloseHandle ( info_p->handle );
info_p->handle = NULL;
# else
void *value_p;
pthread_join ( info_p->handle, &value_p );
# endif
* Request-Reply: Convert operator type to string
const char *
RR_operationToString ( RR_operation_t operation )
static char *plusString = "PLUS";
static char *minusString = "MINUS";
static char *timesString = "TIMES";
static char *divideString = "DIVIDED_BY";
static char *unknownString = "UNKNOWN";
switch ( operation ) {
case plusOperation:
return plusString;
case minusOperation:
return minusString;
case timesOperation:
return timesString;
case divideOperation:
return divideString;
return unknownString;