PubSub+ Messaging API For C
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* This example is capable of performing the following performance tests:
* 1. Publisher throughput - will send a number of messages at a given rate to a Topic.
* Program arguments of interest:
* NUM_MSGS - specify the number of messages to publish
* MSG_RATE - publish message rate (per second)
* MSG_SIZE - size of binary payload portion of message
* PUB_SUB_MODE - must be 'p'
* MULTI_SEND_MODE - "true" to send multiple messages per send call.
* (see pubThread() and pubThreadSendMultiple()).
* 2. Subscriber throughput - will subscribe to messages on a Topic
* Program arguments of interest:
* NUM_MSGS - specify the number of messages expected to receive. The program
* will exit after receiving this number of messages or more, or
* if the user hits Ctrl+C, whichever comes first.
* PUB_SUB_MODE - must be 's'
* (see msgRxCallbackFunc()).
* 3. Publisher/subscriber throughput - will set up a publisher and subscriber to a
* Topic.
* Program arguments of interest:
* NUM_MSGS - specify the number of messages to publish and expected to receive.
* MSG_RATE - publish message rate (per second)
* MSG_SIZE - size of binary payload portion of message
* PUB_SUB_MODE - must be 'b'
* MULTI_SEND_MODE - "true" to send multiple messages per send call.
* (see pubThread(), pubThreadSendMultiple(), and msgRxCallbackFunc()).
* At the end of each test, performance statistics are printed (see printStats()).
* Copyright 2007-2025 Solace Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include <signal.h>
* For Windows builds, os.h should always be included first to ensure that
* _WIN32_WINNT is defined before winsock2.h or windows.h get included.
#include "os.h"
#include "common.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C"
#endif /* __cplusplus */
static int exitEarly_s = 0;
static int rxDone_s = 0;
static int rxTimeout_s = 0;
static int usePub_s = 1;
static int useSub_s = 1;
static int multiSend_s = 0;
static int binaryPayloadSize_s = 100; /* default binary payload size of 100 bytes if not specified */
static int sendPersistent_s = 0;
static unsigned int numRx_s = 0;
static unsigned int msgRate_s;
static unsigned int msgNum_s;
static char *publishTopic_ps;
* fn printStats()
* param session_p Pointer to the Session to print stats for.
* This function prints rx and tx stats for the given Session to stdout.
* The Session statistics are cleared before returning.
static void printStats ( solClient_opaqueSession_pt session_p )
if ( ( rc = solClient_session_getRxStats ( session_p, rxStats, SOLCLIENT_STATS_RX_NUM_STATS ) )
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_session_getRxStats()" );
if ( ( rc = solClient_session_getTxStats ( session_p, txStats, SOLCLIENT_STATS_TX_NUM_STATS ) )
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_session_getTxStats()" );
printf ( "\n" "Tx msgs = %lld; Tx bytes = %lld\n"
"Rx msgs = %lld, Rx bytes = %lld\n"
"Avg bytes per read = %lld\n"
"Rx discard indications = %lld\n"
"Rx discards due to unrecognized parameter in header = %lld\n"
"Rx discards due to message too big = %lld\n"
"Tx would block = %lld\n" "Tx socket full = %lld\n" "\n",
// solClient_session_logStats (session_p, SOLCLIENT_LOG_NOTICE);
/* Clear statistics */
if ( ( rc = solClient_session_clearStats ( session_p ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_session_clearStats()" );
* fn waitRxDoneCallbackFunc()
* param opaqueContext_p Pointer to Context under which the timer was started previously.
* param user_p Pointer to opaque user data provided when timer started (null in this case).
* This function is used to handle the case where a timeout occurs
* waiting for all messages to be received. The number of messages
* expected to be received is specified in the program argument NUM_MSGS.
static void waitRxDoneCallbackFunc ( solClient_opaqueContext_pt opaqueContext_p, void *user_p )
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "Timed out waiting for message receive to finish" );
/* Flag to main loop to stop waiting */
rxTimeout_s = 1;
* messageReceiveCallback
* This function is called when a message is received. It increments the received
* message counter and sets a flag if there are no more messages expected to
* be received. The number of messages expected to receive is the NUM_MSGS program
* parameter.
messageReceiveCallback ( solClient_opaqueSession_pt opaqueSession_p, solClient_opaqueMsg_pt msg_p, void *user_p )
if ( numRx_s >= msgNum_s ) {
/* Flag to main loop to stop waiting */
rxDone_s = 1;
* fn pubThread()
* param session_p session to use for publishing.
* This function does the publishing (in its own thread) of the requested number of
* messages at the requested rate and then computes the elapsed time.
threadRetType pubThread ( void *session_p )
const unsigned int groupSize = 10;
unsigned int txCount = 0;
unsigned int groupCount = 0;
char *binary_p;
long long startTime;
long long targetTime;
long long currentTime;
long long timeDiff;
long long elapsedTime;
long long usPerGroup;
long double usPerMsg;
binary_p = ( char * ) malloc ( binaryPayloadSize_s );
if ( binary_p == NULL ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "Could not malloc %d bytes", binaryPayloadSize_s );
memset ( binary_p, 0, binaryPayloadSize_s );
if ( solClient_msg_alloc ( &msg_p ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "Could not allocate msg" );
free (binary_p);
usPerMsg = ( long double ) 1000000.0 / ( long double ) msgRate_s;
usPerGroup = ( long long ) ( usPerMsg * ( long double ) groupSize );
if ( solClient_msg_setBinaryAttachmentPtr ( msg_p, binary_p, binaryPayloadSize_s ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "Could not set binary attachment in msg" );
solClient_msg_free ( &msg_p );
free (binary_p);
if ( solClient_msg_setTopicPtr ( msg_p, publishTopic_ps ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "Could not set Topic in msg" );
solClient_msg_free ( &msg_p );
free (binary_p);
if ( sendPersistent_s ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "Could not set delivery mode in msg" );
solClient_msg_free ( &msg_p );
free (binary_p);
startTime = getTimeInUs ( );
targetTime = startTime + usPerGroup;
while ( ( txCount < msgNum_s ) && ( !exitEarly_s ) ) {
sendRc = solClient_session_sendMsg ( session_p, msg_p );
if ( sendRc != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
errorInfo_p = solClient_getLastErrorInfo ( );
if ( errorInfo_p != NULL ) {
"solClient_session_sendMsg() failed (%s) subCode (%d:'%s'), error %s",
errorInfo_p->subCode, solClient_subCodeToString ( errorInfo_p->subCode ),
errorInfo_p->errorStr );
} else {
if ( groupCount >= groupSize ) {
groupCount = 0;
currentTime = getTimeInUs ( );
timeDiff = targetTime - currentTime;
if ( timeDiff > 1000 ) {
sleepInUs ( ( int ) ( timeDiff + 500 ) );
} else if ( timeDiff < ( long long ) ( -10000 ) ) {
/* Fell too far behind; reset time base so we do not burst for too
* long */
targetTime = currentTime;
targetTime += usPerGroup;
solClient_msg_free ( &msg_p );
free (binary_p);
elapsedTime = getTimeInUs ( ) - startTime;
printf ( "\nSent %d msgs in %lld usec; rate of %lu messages/sec\n\n",
txCount, elapsedTime, ( long unsigned ) ( ( long double ) txCount /
( ( long double ) elapsedTime / ( long double ) 1000000.0 ) ) );
* fn pubThreadSendMultiple()
* param session_p session to use for publishing.
* Sends multiple messages on the specified Session, which is more efficient than multiple
* calls to solClient_session_sendMsg().
* The purpose of this example is to demonstrate an efficient way for applications that
* have several messages to send in one shot. In that case, bundling N (defined as
* GROUP_SIZE in in this example) messages into one send through the
* solClient_session_sendMultipleMsg(..) will result in one vectored socket write.
* In this case, it is recommened that the Session property SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_TCP_NODELAY
* be enabled, since multiple messages are sent at once onto the underlying TCP connection, and
* so there is no need to have the operating system carry out the TCP delay algorithm to cause
* fuller packets.
#define GROUP_SIZE 10
threadRetType pubThreadSendMultiple ( void *session_p )
unsigned int txCount = 0;
char *binary_p;
unsigned int numToSend;
unsigned int numWritten;
long long startTime;
long long targetTime;
long long currentTime;
long long timeDiff;
long long elapsedTime;
long long usPerGroup;
long double usPerMsg;
int loop;
solClient_opaqueMsg_pt msgArray[GROUP_SIZE];
binary_p = ( char * ) malloc ( binaryPayloadSize_s );
if ( binary_p == NULL ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "Could not malloc %d bytes", binaryPayloadSize_s );
memset ( binary_p, 0, binaryPayloadSize_s );
memset ( msgArray, 0, sizeof ( msgArray ) );
usPerMsg = ( long double ) 1000000.0 / ( long double ) msgRate_s;
usPerGroup = ( long long ) ( usPerMsg * ( long double ) GROUP_SIZE );
for ( loop = 0; loop < GROUP_SIZE; loop++ ) {
if ( solClient_msg_alloc ( &msgArray[loop] ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "Could not allocate msg # %d", loop );
goto releaseMsg;
if ( solClient_msg_setBinaryAttachmentPtr ( msgArray[loop], binary_p, binaryPayloadSize_s ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "Could not set binary attachment in msg" );
goto releaseMsg;
if ( solClient_msg_setTopicPtr ( msgArray[loop], publishTopic_ps ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "Could not set topic in msg" );
goto releaseMsg;
startTime = getTimeInUs ( );
targetTime = startTime + usPerGroup;
while ( ( txCount < msgNum_s ) && ( !exitEarly_s ) ) {
numToSend = msgNum_s - txCount;
if ( numToSend > GROUP_SIZE ) {
numToSend = GROUP_SIZE;
sendRc = solClient_session_sendMultipleMsg ( session_p, msgArray, numToSend, &numWritten );
if ( sendRc != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
printf ( "Could not send multiple\n" );
} else {
txCount += numToSend;
currentTime = getTimeInUs ( );
timeDiff = targetTime - currentTime;
if ( timeDiff > 1000 ) {
sleepInUs ( ( int ) ( timeDiff + 500 ) );
} else if ( timeDiff < ( long long ) ( -10000 ) ) {
/* Fell too far behind; reset time base so we do not burst for too
* long */
targetTime = currentTime;
targetTime += usPerGroup;
elapsedTime = getTimeInUs ( ) - startTime;
printf ( "\nSent %d msgs in batches of %d in %lld usec; rate of %lu messages/sec\n\n",
txCount, GROUP_SIZE, elapsedTime, ( long unsigned ) ( ( long double ) txCount /
( ( long double ) elapsedTime / ( long double ) 1000000.0 ) ) );
for ( loop = 0; loop < GROUP_SIZE; loop++ ) {
if ( msgArray[loop] != NULL ) {
if ( solClient_msg_free ( &msgArray[loop] ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "Could not release msg # %d", loop );
static void sigHandler ( int sigNum )
if ( exitEarly_s == 0 ) {
exitEarly_s = 1;
} else {
exit ( 0 );
* fn main()
* The entry point to the application.
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
char positionalParms[] =
"\tMSG_SIZE the size of the binary payload for published messages; default is 100 bytes\n"
"\tPUB_SUB_MODE (default 'b') is one of \n"
"\t\ts: for subscribers only\n"
"\t\tp[n]: for 'n' publishers only (default 1)\n"
"\t\tP[n]: for 'n' persistent publishers (default 1)\n"
"\t\tb[n]: for 'n' publishers (default 1) and 1 subscribers\n"
"\t\tB[n]: for 'n' persistent publishers (default 1) and 1 subscribers\n"
"\tTCP_NO_DELAY is one of\n"
"\t\tfalse (default)\n"
"\tMULTI_SEND_MODE is whether to use the solClient_session_sendMultipleMsg() function. \n"
"\t\tNOTE: messages sent in MULTI_SEND_MODE are always sent direct.\n"
"\t\ttrue\n" "\t\tfalse (default)\n";
const char *sessionProps[40];
char *noDelayVal_p = "0";
char *noDelay_p = "false";
char *multiSend_p = "false";
char subTopic[] = "level1/level2/level3/level4/>";
char *subTopic_p;
char pubTopic[] = "level1/level2/level3/level4/level5";
const char *pubSub_p;
long long startTime;
long long endTime;
int propIndex;
int numThread = 1;
long long userTime;
long long sysTime;
long long elapsedTime;
contextThreadInfo_t contextThreadInfo;
THREAD_HANDLE_T pubThreadHandle[100];
struct commonOptions commandOpts;
int loop;
signal ( SIGINT, sigHandler );
printf ( "\nperfTest.c (Copyright 2007-2025 Solace Corporation. All rights reserved.)\n" );
/* Initialize solClient */
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_initialize()" );
goto notInitialized;
common_printCCSMPversion ( );
/* Process command line arguments. */
/* Check arguments. */
( USER_PARAM_MASK ), /* required parameters */
ZIP_LEVEL_MASK)); /* optional parameters */
if ( common_parseCommandOptions ( argc, argv, &commandOpts, positionalParms ) == 0 ) {
msgNum_s = commandOpts.numMsgsToSend;
msgRate_s = commandOpts.msgRate;
if ( commandOpts.destinationName[0] == ( char ) 0 ) {
publishTopic_ps = pubTopic;
subTopic_p = subTopic;
} else {
publishTopic_ps = commandOpts.destinationName;
subTopic_p = commandOpts.destinationName;
/* Optional parameters. */
/* Binary payload size option. */
if ( optind < argc ) {
binaryPayloadSize_s = atoi ( argv[optind] );
/* Publisher only, subscriber only, or both publisher and subscriber option. */
pubSub_p = "Pub and Sub";
if ( ( optind + 1 ) < argc ) {
if ( *( argv[optind + 1] ) == 'p' ) {
useSub_s = 0; /* pub only */
pubSub_p = "Pub only";
} else if ( *( argv[optind + 1] ) == 'P' ) {
useSub_s = 0; /* pub only */
pubSub_p = "Pub only";
sendPersistent_s = 1;
} else if ( *( argv[optind + 1] ) == 's' ) {
usePub_s = 0; /* sub only */
pubSub_p = "Sub only";
} else if ( *( argv[optind + 1] ) == 'b' ) {
pubSub_p = "Pub and Sub";
} else if ( *( argv[optind + 1] ) == 'B' ) {
pubSub_p = "Pub and Sub";
sendPersistent_s = 1;
} else {
printf ( "Error: Unknown PUB_SUB_MODE value \"%s\"\n", argv[optind + 1] );
goto notInitialized;
if ( *( ( argv[optind + 1] ) + 1 ) != ( char ) 0 ) {
numThread = atoi ( ( argv[optind + 1] ) + 1 );
if ( numThread <= 0 ) {
printf ( "Error: PUB_SUB_MODE (%s) is not 'p', 's', or 'b' optionally followed by an integer\n",
argv[optind + 1] );
goto notInitialized;
if ( numThread > 100 ) {
printf ( "Warning: maximum 100 publisher threads supported, reducing %d to 100\n", numThread );
numThread = 100;
if ( usePub_s == 0 ) {
printf ( "Warning: %d publishers ignored in subscriber only mode\n", numThread );
/* TCP no delay option. */
if ( ( optind + 2 ) < argc ) {
if ( strcasecmp ( argv[optind + 2], "false" ) == 0 ) {
noDelayVal_p = "0";
noDelay_p = argv[optind + 2];
} else if ( strcasecmp ( argv[optind + 2], "true" ) == 0 ) {
noDelayVal_p = "1";
noDelay_p = argv[optind + 2];
} else {
printf ( "Error: Unknown TCP_NO_DELAY value \"%s\"\n", argv[optind + 2] );
goto notInitialized;
/* Use multi-message send option. */
if ( ( optind + 3 ) < argc ) {
if ( strcasecmp ( argv[optind + 3], "false" ) == 0 ) {
multiSend_s = 0;
multiSend_p = argv[optind + 3];
} else if ( strcasecmp ( argv[optind + 3], "true" ) == 0 ) {
multiSend_s = 1;
multiSend_p = argv[optind + 3];
} else {
printf ( "Error: Unknown MULTI_SEND_MODE value \"%s\"\n", argv[optind + 3] );
goto notInitialized;
commandOpts.targetHost, commandOpts.username, msgNum_s, msgRate_s, binaryPayloadSize_s, numThread, pubSub_p,
noDelay_p, multiSend_p );
/* Print version information. */
if ( ( rc = solClient_version_get ( &versionInfo_p ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_version_get()" );
goto notInitialized;
/* Set the log level for application-generated logs. */
startTime = getTimeInUs ( );
/* Create a Context to use for the Session. */
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_DEBUG, "creating solClient context" );
if ( ( rc = solClient_context_create ( NULL, &contextThreadInfo.context_p, &contextFuncInfo, sizeof ( contextFuncInfo ) ) )
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_context_create()" );
goto initialized;
/* Start the Context thread. */
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_DEBUG, "starting solClient context thread" );
if ( !common_startContextThread ( &contextThreadInfo ) ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "common_startContextThread() failed" );
goto contextCreated;
/* Create Session for sending/receiving messages. */
propIndex = 0;
if ( commandOpts.targetHost[0] != (char) 0 ) {
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_HOST;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = commandOpts.targetHost;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_USERNAME;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = commandOpts.username;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_PASSWORD;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = commandOpts.password;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = noDelayVal_p;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_PROP_ENABLE_VAL;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_PROP_DISABLE_VAL;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_PROP_ENABLE_VAL;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = "3";
sessionProps[propIndex++] = "3";
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_PROP_ENABLE_VAL;
* If publishing to a appliance running SolOS-Topic Routing (TR), a Message VPN
* must be specified.
if ( commandOpts.vpn[0] ) {
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_VPN_NAME;
sessionProps[propIndex++] = commandOpts.vpn;
* Set the compression level
sessionProps[propIndex++] = ( commandOpts.enableCompression ) ? "9" : "0";
* The certificate validation property is ignored on non-SSL sessions.
* For simple demo applications, disable it on SSL sesssions (host
* string begins with tcps:) so a local trusted root and certificate
* store is not required. See the API usres guide for documentation
* on how to setup a trusted root so the servers certificate returned
* on the secure connection can be verified if this is desired.
sessionProps[propIndex++] = SOLCLIENT_PROP_DISABLE_VAL;
if ( commandOpts.useGSS ) {
sessionProps[propIndex] = NULL;
sessionFuncInfo.rxMsgInfo.callback_p = messageReceiveCallback;
sessionFuncInfo.rxMsgInfo.user_p = ( void * ) NULL;
sessionFuncInfo.eventInfo.callback_p = common_eventCallback;
sessionFuncInfo.eventInfo.user_p = ( void * ) NULL;
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_DEBUG, "creating solClient session" );
if ( ( rc = solClient_session_create ( sessionProps,
&session_p, &sessionFuncInfo, sizeof ( sessionFuncInfo ) ) )
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_session_create()" );
goto contextThreadCreated;
* We have topic subscription reapply enabled so we can add our subscriptions
* before connecting. Then we know all will have been re-applied when the
* blocking connect returns.
* This is important for peer-to-peer (IPC) connections as we want to
* be sure the subscription is sent to our peer before the peer begins
* publishing.
if ( useSub_s ) {
/* Do not Wait for confirmation that the subscription has been applied.
* solClient_session_topicSubscribeExt() to fail when the session is
* not yet established. */
if ( ( rc = solClient_session_topicSubscribeExt ( session_p,
subTopic_p ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_session_topicSubscribeExt()" );
goto sessionConnected;
/* Connect the Session. */
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_DEBUG, "connecting solClient session" );
if ( ( rc = solClient_session_connect ( session_p ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_session_connect()" );
goto sessionCreated;
if ( usePub_s ) {
for ( loop = 0; loop < numThread; loop++ ) {
if ( multiSend_s ) {
if ( ( pubThreadHandle[loop] = startThread ( pubThreadSendMultiple,
( void * ) session_p ) ) == _NULL_THREAD_ID ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "could not create publisher thread" );
goto sessionConnected;
} else {
if ( ( pubThreadHandle[loop] = startThread ( pubThread, ( void * ) session_p ) ) == _NULL_THREAD_ID ) {
solClient_log ( SOLCLIENT_LOG_ERROR, "could not create publisher thread" );
goto sessionConnected;
for ( loop = 0; loop < numThread; loop++ ) {
waitOnThread ( pubThreadHandle[loop] );
if ( exitEarly_s ) {
goto sessionConnected;
if ( useSub_s ) {
if ( usePub_s ) {
/* In pubsub mode */
printf ( "Waiting up to 1 second for subscriber to receive all messages...\n" );
if ( ( rc = solClient_context_startTimer ( contextThreadInfo.context_p,
1000, waitRxDoneCallbackFunc,
( void * ) 0, &timerId ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_context_startTimer()" );
goto sessionCreated;
} else {
/* In sub mode only. */
printf ( "Waiting to receive %u message(s) or more ... \n", msgNum_s );
* Now wait for the message receive to finish receiving all messages
* if using a subscriber. Simple polling is used here, but some sort
* of thread syncrhonization object could be used.
while ( !rxDone_s && !exitEarly_s && !rxTimeout_s ) {
sleepInUs ( 100000 ); /* Check every 100 ms. */
if ( !rxTimeout_s && usePub_s ) {
if ( ( rc = solClient_context_stopTimer ( contextThreadInfo.context_p, &timerId ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_context_stopTimer()" );
goto sessionCreated;
endTime = getTimeInUs ( );
getUsageTime ( &userTime, &sysTime );
elapsedTime = endTime - startTime;
printf ( "\nElasped time: %lld us, user time: %lld us, sys time: %lld us\n"
"Percent CPU: %Lf\n", elapsedTime, userTime, sysTime,
( long double ) 100.0 *
( ( ( long double ) userTime + ( long double ) sysTime ) / ( long double ) elapsedTime ) );
printStats ( session_p );
/************* Cleanup *************/
/* Disconnect the Session. */
if ( ( rc = solClient_session_disconnect ( session_p ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_session_disconnect()" );
/* Destroy the Session. */
if ( ( rc = solClient_session_destroy ( &session_p ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_session_destroy()" );
/* Stop the Context thread. */
common_stopContextThread ( &contextThreadInfo );
/* Destroy the Context. */
if ( ( rc = solClient_context_destroy ( &contextThreadInfo.context_p ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_context_destroy()" );
/* Cleanup solClient. */
if ( ( rc = solClient_cleanup ( ) ) != SOLCLIENT_OK ) {
common_handleError ( rc, "solClient_cleanup()" );
goto notInitialized;
/* Nothing to do - just exit. */
return 0;
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */