Version: 10.17.0



The is a local modified version of the clone npm module ( According to its description, it offers a foolproof deep cloning of objects, arrays, numbers, strings, maps, sets, promises, etc. in JavaScript.

I refactored it to be compatible with Webpack. Refator List:

  • update the use of the 'var' keyword to 'let' and 'const' where appropriate.
  • Made the variable names more clearer and intuitive (clean code)
  • I used ES6 contants/definitions where possible.

Original can be found Here:

Created by oodigie on 26/05/2023.

solClientJS The Solace Message Router Messaging API for Javascript.

public clone

The is a local modified version of the clone npm module ( According to its description, it offers a foolproof deep cloning of objects, arrays, numbers, strings, maps, sets, promises, etc. in JavaScript.

I refactored it to be compatible with Webpack. Refator List:

Original can be found Here:

Created by oodigie on 26/05/2023.

public solClientJS

solClientJS is a full functioned Solace Messaging API written entirely in JavaScript. Applications using the solClientJS API can access all the features of a Solace Message Router.

The API is intended for use by applications written in JavaScript, targetting either NODE or a traditional web browser.

All classes, objects, methods of the API are encapsulated in the solace namespace. The starting point for all applications is solace.SolclientFactory. This factory object generates the solace.Session for connecting to the Solace Message Router. solace.SolclientFactory also generates the solace.Message object which enncapsulates the messages and solace.Destination the application will use to send and receive data.