Version: 10.17.0



Represents authentication schemes that can be used. The corresponding session property is solace.SessionProperties#authenticationScheme.


solace.CacheLiveDataAction Enumeration of CacheLiveDataAction values, specifying how the CacheSession should handle live data associated with a cache request in progress.


Enumeration of CacheReturnCode types. The method solace.CacheRequestResult#getReturnCode returns on of these basic results of a cache request. More details are available in the associated solace.CacheReturnSubcode, retrieved by solace.CacheRequestResult#getReturnSubcode.


Enumeration of CacheReturnSubcode types.


Represents an enumeration of peer capabilities.


Represents an enumeration of client capabilities. These are sent in the ClientCtrl login messages.


Enumerates destination types for destination objects.


The most frequent problems with endpoint names.


Defines an error subcode enumeration which is returned as a property of the errors/exceptions thrown by the API. The subcode provides more detailed error information.

The following subcodes can apply to error responses resulting from any API method.


Represents a log level enumeration.


An attribue of a solace.Message. Applications receive messages due to subscriptions on topics, or consumers connected to durable objects. The MessageCacheStatus of such messages is: solace.MessageCacheStatus.LIVE.

Message are also delivered to an application as a result of a cache request (see solace.CacheSession#sendCacheRequest) which have a MessageCacheStatus that is solace.MessageCacheStatus.CACHED or solace.MessageCacheStatus.SUSPECT.

The MessageCacheStatus is retrieved with solace.Message#getCacheStatus.


An enumeration of consumer acknowledgement modes. The corresponding MessageConsumer property solace.MessageConsumerProperties#acknowledgeMode configures how acknowledgments are generated for received Guaranteed messages.

When received messages are acknowledged they are removed from the Guaranteed Message storage on the Solace Message Router. Message Consumer acknowledgements, only remove messages from the Solace Message Router.

In particular, withholding Message Consumer Acknowledgemnts does not stop message delivery. For Message Consumer flow control see solace.MessageConsumer.stop/solace.MessageConsumer.start. Message Consumer flow control may also be imlpemented by removing the solace.MessageConsumerEventName#event:MESSAGE listener.


An enumeration of message consumer event names. A solace.MessageConsumer will emit these events as part of its lifecycle. Applications, having created a MessageConsumer can choose to listen to all of the events described here, or any subset of these events. For Example:

    mc = solace.Session.createMessageConsumer(...);
          function connectFailedErrorEventCb(error) {
            // error can be used as an OperationError object

Represents an enumeration of message delivery modes.


Represents an enumeration of message dump formats. It controls the output of solace.Message#dump.


Represents an enumeration of supported message settlement outcomes.


Represents authentication scheme enumeration.


Represents an enumeration of message payload types (see solace.Message#getBinaryAttachment)

A message may contain unstructured byte data, or a structured container.


Represents an enumeration of user Class of Service (COS) levels. The COS is set on a Message with solace.Message#setUserCos The Class of Service has different semantics for direct and guaranteed messages.

For messages published with solace.MessageDeliveryModeType.DIRECT, the class of service selects the weighted round-robin delivery queue when the message is forwarded to a consumer. solace.MessageUserCosType.COS1 are the lowest priority messages and will use the Solace Message Router D-1 delivery queues.

For messages published as guaranteed messages (solace.MessageDeliveryModeType.PERSISTENT or solace.MessageDeliveryModeType.NON_PERSISTENT), messages published with solace.MessageUserCosType.COS1 can be rejected by the Solace Message Router if that message would cause any queue or topic-endpoint to exceed its configured low-priority-max-msg-count.


Represents an enumeration of session properties that can be modified by solace.Session.updateProperty after the solace.Session is originally created.

These correspond to session properties in solace.SessionProperties.


Represents the possible endpoint access types. The corresponding endpoint property is solace.QueueProperties#accessType.


An enumeration of queue browser event names. A solace.QueueBrowser will emit these events as part of its lifecycle. Applications, having created a QueueBrowser can choose to listen to all of the events described here, or any subset of these events. For Example:

    qb = solace.Session.createQueueBrowser(...);
          function connectFailedErrorEventCb(error) {
            // details is an OperationError object

Enumerates the behavior options when a message cannot be added to an endpoint (for example, the maximum quota solace.QueueProperties#quotaMB was exceeded).


Represents the permissions applicable to a queue.

The corresponding endpoint property is solace.QueueProperties#permissions.

The access controls:

For example, creating a temporary topic endpoint with MODIFY_TOPIC will allow other users to modify the topic subscribed to that endpoint.


Specifies the type of remote resource to which an solace.AbstractQueueDescriptor refers.


An attribute of solace.RequestError. This enumeration represents the different errors emitted by solace.Session.requestFailedCallback when a solace.Session#sendRequest fails.

The client application receives a request error with event code solace.RequestEventCode.REQUEST_ABORTED when the underlying connection is successfully closed, or closed as a result of a communication error.


An enumeration of all SDT data types.


Enumeration of solace.SDTUnsuportedValueError causes.


An attribute of SessionEvent. This enumeration represents the different events emitted by Session through the session event callback.

When a session is no longer in a usable state, the API tears down the underlying connection and notifies the application with one of the following session events:


A singleton used as the main factory for the messaging APIs. The very first operation by any application must be to initialize the API:

SolclientFactory provides methods to construct:

Additionally SolclientFactory manages the logging level in the API.


The collection of predefined factory profiles available for application use.

See each member for a description of its configuration.


Statistics for sent/received messages and control operations.


Connection scheme types referenced by solace.SessionProperties#transportProtocol, solace.SessionProperties#webTransportProtocolList (browser only), and solace.SessionProperties#transportProtocolInUse.


Returns the API version. Use version, date and mode properties for build details. Use the summary property or the .toString() method to return a summary.
