Version: 10.17.0



namespace solace.SDTFieldType

An enumeration of all SDT data types.

Static Properties & Enumerations Top

Number BOOL
Number BYTEARRAY = 11
Number DOUBLETYPE = 13
Number FLOATTYPE = 12
Number INT8 = 2
Number INT16 = 4
Number INT32 = 6
Number INT64 = 8
Number MAP = 14
Number NULLTYPE = 17
Number SMF_MESSAGE = 19
Number STREAM = 15
Number STRING = 10
Number UINT8 = 1
Number UINT16 = 3
Number UINT32 = 5
Number UINT64 = 7
Number UNKNOWN = 18
Number WCHAR = 9

Static Properties & Enumerations Detail Top

static public Number BOOL

Maps to a boolean.

static public Number BYTEARRAY = 11

Maps to a Uint8Array.

Backward compatibility note: Using the version_10 factory profile or older, the getValue() method of a BYTEARRAY sdtField returns the byte array in 'latin1' String representation. Later profiles return a Uint8Array (in the form of a nodeJS Buffer instance in fact)

When creating a field of type BYTEARRAY, the following datatypes are all accepted as value: Buffer (the nodeJS native type or equivalent) ArrayBuffer, Any DataView or TypedArray, 'latin1' String for backwards compatibility: each character has a code in the range 0-255 representing exactly one byte in the attachment.

static public Number DESTINATION = 16

Maps to Destination.

static public Number DOUBLETYPE = 13

Double-precision float; maps to a number.

static public Number FLOATTYPE = 12

Single-precision float; maps to a number.

static public Number INT8 = 2

Maps to a number.

static public Number INT16 = 4

Maps to a number.

static public Number INT32 = 6

Maps to a number.

static public Number INT64 = 8

Maps to a number.
Warning: Supports 48-bit integers + sign (range: -(248-1) to 248-1). When decoding, only the lower 48 bits are considered significant.

static public Number MAP = 14

Maps to SDTMapContainer.

static public Number NULLTYPE = 17

Maps to null.

static public Number SMF_MESSAGE = 19

Maps to an encoded SMF message.

static public Number STREAM = 15

Maps to SDTStreamContainer.

static public Number STRING = 10

Maps to a string.

static public Number UINT8 = 1

Maps to a number.

static public Number UINT16 = 3

Maps to a number.

static public Number UINT32 = 5

Maps to a number.

static public Number UINT64 = 7

Maps to a number.
Warning: Supports 48-bit integers (range: 0 to 248-1). When decoding, only the lower 48 bits are considered significant.

static public Number UNKNOWN = 18

Maps to an unknown type.

static public Number WCHAR = 9

A single character; maps to a string.