Protocol Metadata and Payload Encoding Interactions

Solace PubSub+ supports a wide range of Open Protocols such as AMQP, JMS and MQTT. The PubSub+ event broker translates all messages from a protocol-specific message to SMF messages when it receives them. The event broker then translates the messages back from SMF messages to a protocol-specific message when it sends them to an application. Each protocol has different rules for how the protocol-specific information is translated to SMF when the event broker receives a message using an Open Protocol, and from SMF when an event broker sends a message using an open protocol. The following sections show the interoperability between open protocols and SMF. These interactions are captured as:

Payload Conversions

SMF supports a wide range of payload attachment types that help describe the type of data stored in the message:

Solace Message Type Description

Binary Attachment - Unstructured Bytes

Unstructured Bytes may be used to transport any kind of data

Binary Attachment - Text

Text is any kind of human-readable text data

Binary Attachment - Stream

See Using Structured Data for more information

Binary Attachment - Map

See Using Structured Data for more information

Binary Attachment - Object

JMS supports serializing objects to message payloads

XML Attachment

Some APIs support accessing the “XML” attachment of a message

The Solace messaging APIs support optional end-to-end message payload compression. Message payload compression is not compatible with non-SMF protocols, such as AMQP, HTTP, Kafka and MQTT.


From AMQP to SMF, a message may be interpreted as Binary Attachment - Text if any of the following conditions are met:

  • amqp-value of type string or symbol is present OR
  • The message annotation x-opt-jms-msg-type is set to 5 (TextMessage) OR
  • The message content-type is set to one of:
    • text/*
    • application/xml
    • application/xml-dtd
    • application/*+xml
    • application/json
    • application/*+json
    • application/javascript
    • application/ecmascript
    where “*” is a wild card OR
  • amqp-value of type null is present and one of the above conditions indicate that the message should be treated as text

Otherwise, the message is interpreted as Binary Attachment - Unstructured Bytes.

The event broker will interpret a received AMQP message as Binary Attachment - Object if the message annotation x-opt-jms-msg-type is 1, and the AMQP body is in a data section.

The following message types are not supported and results in rejected messages:

  • x-opt-jms-msg-type of Message (0), MapMessage(2), or StreamMessage(4) is set
  • amqp-sequence is set
  • amqp-value of anything other than string, symbol, null or binary is provided

The following table shows how message payloads are converted from SMF to AMQP. Payloads may be located in either the message’s Value component or the message’s Data component, in the first and only section. content-type may be set if not already set based on the message type.

Solace Message Type Payload Location Message annotation x-opt-jms-msg-type Message Property content-type

Binary Attachment - Unstructured Bytes


3 (BytesMessage)

application/octet-stream if not already set

Binary Attachment - Text

value (type string, or null if empty string)



Binary Attachment - Stream

Not supported



Binary Attachment - Map

Not supported



Binary Attachment - Object


1 (ObjectMessage)

application/x-java-serialized-object if not already set

XML Attachment

value(type string)




From MQTT 3.1 to SMF, the publisher application converts message payloads to Binary Attachment - Unstructured Bytes.

From MQTT 5.0 to SMF, Binary Attachment - Text is used if any of the following conditions are met:

  • MQTT Payload Format Indicator (MQTT Spec is set to 1
  • MQTT 5.0 Content Type is one of:
    • text/*
    • application/xml
    • application/xml-dtd
    • application/json
    • application/javascript
    • application/ecmascript
    • application/*+xml
    • application/*+json

Otherwise, Binary Attachment - Unstructured Bytes is used.

The following table shows how message payloads are converted from SMF to MQTT, for both MQTT 3.1 and MQTT 5.0. If the payload cannot be converted, the event broker delivers the message with an empty payload.

Solace Message Type Payload Present? MQTT 5.0 Payload Format Indicator

Binary Attachment - Unstructured Bytes



Binary Attachment - Text



Binary Attachment - Stream



Binary Attachment - Map



Binary Attachment - Object



XML Attachment



If both an XML Attachment and Binary Attachment are present, the event broker drops both payloads.


This section provides an overview of the process for converting JMS message payloads to SMF. While JMS is not a protocol, it has unique mappings within the JMS layer that require handling during conversion. For information, see Creating JMS‑Compatible Messages With Other APIs.

The following table shows how message payloads are converted from JMS to SMF:

JMS Message Type Solace Message Type


Binary Attachment - Unstructured Bytes


XML Attachment or Binary Attachment - Text, depending on the setXml setting in the connection factory (default true).
SolConnectionFactory (Solace JMS API v10.23.0)


Binary Attachment - Stream


Binary Attachment - Map


Binary Attachment - Object

The following table shows how SMF is converted to JMS:

Solace Message Type JMS Message Type

Binary Attachment - Unstructured Bytes


Binary Attachment - Text


Binary Attachment - Stream


Binary Attachment - Map


Binary Attachment - Object


XML Attachment


If both an XML Attachment and Binary Attachment are present, the XML payload is interpreted as a TextMessage.


When using REST messaging, the Content-Type header dictates whether the event broker interprets the message as Binary Attachment - Text or Binary Attachment - Unstructured Bytes. When set to:

  • text/*
  • application/xml
  • application/xml-dtd
  • application/*+xml
  • application/json
  • application/*+json
  • application/javascript
  • application/ecmascript

where “*” is a wild card, the event broker interprets the message as text. If no Content-Type is specified, Content-Type is set to an unknown value, or Content-Encoding is present and not set to identity, the event broker interprets the message as Binary Attachment - Unstructured Bytes.

For more information, see Message Encoding Considerations.

The following table shows how message payloads are converted from SMF to REST (REST response, or RDP message). The Content-Typeheader on the HTTP response is set to the event’s “HTTP Content Type” metadata field if the event’s metadata field is set. Otherwise, a default may be used. If the payload cannot be converted, the event broker delivers the message with an empty body.

Solace Message Type Payload Present? Default Content-Type

Binary Attachment - Unstructured Bytes



Binary Attachment - Text



Binary Attachment - Stream



Binary Attachment - Map



Binary Attachment - Object



XML Attachment




Solace’s integrated Kafka bridge allows a PubSub+ event broker to send and receive data from a Kafka cluster.

When converting message payloads from Kafka to SMF, the broker converts Kafka messages to SMF messages with Binary Attachment - Unstructured Bytes payloads.

When converting message payloads from SMF to Kafka, the event broker only delivers messages if they have supported payloads as per the following table. All message payloads are converted to Kafka bytes.

Solace Message Type Message Delivered

Binary Attachment - Unstructured Bytes


Binary Attachment - Text


Binary Attachment - Stream


Binary Attachment - Map


Binary Attachment - Object


XML Attachment


Metadata Conversions

There are a number of metadata fields that can be set on SMF messages. Each protocol has a different set of supported parameters. The PubSub+ event broker translates all messages from a protocol-specific message to SMF messages when it receives them. The event broker then translates the messages back from SMF messages to a protocol-specific message when it sends them to an application.


This section contains the following information:

AMQP to SMF Conversions

The following table shows how metadata is converted from AMQP to SMF:

AMQP Field SMF Field Default Notes

Messaging Property Field message-id

Application Message ID


AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

Can be any of long, UUID, string, binary, and is converted to string when translating between protocols.

Messaging Property Field subject

Application Message Type


AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

Messaging Property Fields application-properties

User Property


AMQP Spec 3.2.5 Properties
All simple types supported and converted where necessary.

Performative Transfer Field batchable

ACK Immediately


AMQP Spec 2.7.5 Transfer

Messaging Property Field correlation-id

Correlation ID


AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties
Can be any of long, UUID, string, binary, and is converted to string when translating between protocols.

Messaging Header Field durable

Delivery Mode


AMQP Spec 3.2.1 Header

False = nonpersistent, True = persistent

Performative Attach target
OR if not set:
Messaging Property Field to


Not Set, Required

AMQP Spec 2.7.4 Attach

AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

If the topic is set per-message, this is known as “anonymous relay”

Performative Attach target capability
Or in anonymous relay
Messaging annotation message-annotation x-opt-jms-dest
Or from prefix of queue:// or topic:// in Messaging Property Field to

Destination Type

Defaults to Queue

AMQP Spec 2.7.4 Attach

AMQP Spec 3.2.3 Message Annotations

AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

Message Property Field absolute-expiry-time



AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

Message Property Field content-type

Http Content Type


AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

Message Property Field content-encoding

Http Content Encoding


AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

Message Property Field group-id

Partition Key


AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

Message Header Field priority



AMQP Spec 3.2.1 Header

Message Property Field reply-to

Reply To Topic


AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

Message Property Field creation-time

Sender Timestamp


AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

Message Header Field ttl

Time To Live

0 (Unlimited)

AMQP Spec 3.2.1 Header

Non-Configurable Fields for AMQP Messages

The publishing application cannot set the following fields on AMQP messages:

SMF Field Default

Deliver to One


DMQ Eligible


Eliding Eligible


Response Message


Sender ID


Sequence Number


SMF to AMQP Conversions

The following table shows how metadata is converted from SMF to AMQP:

SMF Field AMQP Field Notes

Application Message ID

Messaging Property Field message-id

AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

Can be any of long, UUID, string, binary.

Application Message Type

Messaging Property Field subject

AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

User Property

Messaging Property Fields application-properties

AMQP Spec 3.2.5 Properties
All simple types supported and converted where necessary.
SMFMessage, Map, Stream and Destination types are not supported

Correlation ID

Messaging Property Field correlation-id

AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

Delivery Count

Message Header Field delivery-count

AMQP Spec 3.2.1 Header

Delivery Mode

Messaging Header Field durable

AMQP Spec 3.2.1 Header
False = nonpersistent, True = persistent


Messaging Property Field to

AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

HTTP Content Type

Message Property Field content-type

AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

HTTP Content Encoding

Message Property Field content-encoding

AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

Partition Key

Message Property Field group-id

AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties


Message Header Field priority

AMQP Spec 3.2.1 Header

Reply To Topic

Message Property Field reply-to

AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties


Message Header Field delivery-count

AMQP Spec 3.2.1 Header

A nonzero value indicates that this might be a duplicate delivery.

Sender Timestamp

Message Property Field creation-time

AMQP Spec 3.2.4 Properties

Time To Live

Message Header Field ttl

AMQP Spec 3.2.1 Header

Non-Retrievable Fields for AMQP Messages

The following SMF fields are not available to AMQP clients:

  • Discard Indication
  • Replication Group Message ID
  • Response Message
  • Sender ID
  • Sequence Number

first-acquirer is not implemented and is always false.

MQTT 5.0

This section contains the following information:

MQTT 5.0 to SMF Conversions

The following table shows how metadata is converted from MQTT 5.0 to SMF:

MQTT Field SMF Field Default Notes

Content Type

Application Message Type


MQTT 5.0 Spec Content Type

User Property

User Property


MQTT 5.0 Spec User Property
MQTT 5.0 only supports string values

Correlation Data

Correlation ID


MQTT 5.0 Spec Correlation Data


Delivery Mode

Not Set, Required

MQTT 5.0 Spec QoS

QoS 0 = Direct
QoS 1 = Persistent
QoS 2 = Persistent

Topic Header


Not Set, Required

MQTT 5.0 Spec Topic Name
As with SMF, the topic can be prefixed with _P2P/QUE/<queue> to publish to a queue.

Content Type

Http Content Type


MQTT 5.0 Spec Content Type

User Property JMSXGroupID

Partition Key


MQTT 5.0 Spec User Property

PUBLISH Response

Response Message


MQTT 5.0 Spec 3.3.4 Response

Message Expiry Interval

Time To Live

0 (Unlimited)

MQTT 5.0 Spec Message Expiry Interval

Non-Configurable Fields for MQTT 5.0 Messages

The publishing application cannot set the following fields on MQTT 5.0 messages:

SMF Field Default

Application Message ID


ACK Immediately


Deliver to One

False - Shared subscriptions can be used for deliver-to-one functionality

DMQ Eligible


Eliding Eligible




Http Content Encoding




Reply To Topic


Sender ID


Sender Timestamp


Sequence Number


SMF to MQTT 5.0 Conversions

The following table shows how metadata is converted from SMF to MQTT:

SMF Field MQTT Field Notes

Application Message Type

Content Type

MQTT 5.0 Spec Content Type

User Property

User Property

MQTT 5.0 Spec User Property
All simple types converted to strings on egress.
SMFMessage, Map, Stream, Destination and byte array types are not supported

Correlation ID

Correlation Data

MQTT 5.0 Spec Correlation Data

Delivery Mode


MQTT 5.0 Spec QoS

QoS 0 = Direct
QoS 1 = Persistent
QoS 2 = Persistent


Topic Header

MQTT 5.0 Spec Topic Name

Partition Key

User Property JMSXGroupID

MQTT 5.0 Spec User Property

Reply To Topic


MQTT 5.0 Spec 3.3.4 Response



MQTT 5.0 Spec DUP

Time To Live

Message Expiry Interval

MQTT 5.0 Spec Message Expiry Interval

Non-Retrievable Fields for MQTT 5.0 Messages

The following SMF fields are not available to MQTT 5.0 clients:

  • Application Message ID
  • Delivery Count
  • Discard Indication
  • HTTP Content Type
  • HTTP Content Encoding
  • Priority
  • Response Message
  • Replication Group Message ID
  • Sender ID
  • Sender Timestamp
  • Sequence Number

MQTT 3.1

This section contains the following information:

MQTT 3.1 to SMF Conversions

The following table shows how metadata is converted from MQTT 3.1 to SMF:

MQTT Field SMF Field Default Notes


Delivery Mode

Not Set, Required

MQTT 3.1.1 Spec QoS

QoS 0 = Direct
QoS 1 = Persistent
QoS 2 = Persistent

Topic Header


Not Set, Required

MQTT 3.1.1 Spec Topic Name
As with SMF, the topic can be prefixed with _P2P/QUE/<queue> to publish to a queue.

Non-Configurable Fields for MQTT 3.1 Messages

The publishing application cannot set the following fields on MQTT 3.1 messages:

SMF Field Default

Application Message ID


Application Message Type


User Property


ACK Immediately


Correlation ID


Deliver to One

False - Shared subscriptions can be used for deliver-to-one functionality

DMQ Eligible


Eliding Eligible




Http Content Type


Http Content Encoding


Partition Key




Response Message


Reply To Topic


Sender ID


Sender Timestamp


Sequence Number


Time To Live

0 (Unlimited)

SMF to MQTT 3.1 Conversions

The following table shows how metadata is converted from SMF to MQTT 3.1:

SMF Field MQTT Field Notes

Delivery Mode


MQTT 3.1.1 Spec QoS

QoS 0 = Direct
QoS 1 = Persistent or non-persistent


Topic Header

MQTT 3.1.1 Spec Topic Name



MQTT 3.1.1 Spec DUP

Non-Retrievable Fields for MQTT 3.1 Messages

The following SMF fields are not available to MQTT 3.1 clients:

  • Application Message ID
  • Application Message Type
  • User Property
  • Correlation ID
  • Delivery Count
  • Discard Indication
  • HTTP Content Type
  • HTTP Content Encoding
  • Partition Key
  • Priority
  • Response Message
  • Reply To Topic
  • Replication Group Message ID
  • Sender ID
  • Sender Timestamp
  • Sequence Number
  • Time To Live


This section contains the following information:

JMS to SMF Conversions

The following table shows how metadata is converted from JMS to SMF:

JMS Field SMF Field Default Notes


Application Message ID


JMS 1.1 3.4.3 JMSMessageID
Must have prefix “ID:”


Application Message Type


JMS 1.1 3.4.8 JMSType

JMS Property

User Property


JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties
Any property not prefixed with JMS including JMSX and JMS_


Correlation ID


JMS 1.1 3.4.5 JMSCorrelationID

Message Delivery Mode

Delivery Mode


JMS 1.1 4.7 Message Delivery Mode

Message Property JMS_Solace_DeliverToOne

Deliver to One


JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties



Not Set, Required

JMS 1.1 4.2.1 Destination

Working with Destinations

Message Property JMS_Solace_DeadMsgQueueEligible

DMQ Eligible


JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties

Message Property JMS_Solace_ElidingEligible

Eliding Eligible


JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties



Not set or current time + time-to-live if TTL is specified

JMS 1.1 3.4.9 JMSExpiration
Set automatically if Time-To-Live is set as current time + Time-To-Live

Message Property JMS_Solace_HTTPContentType

Http Content Type


JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties

Message Property JMS_Solace_HTTPContentEncoding

Http Content Encoding


JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties

JMS Property JMSXGroupID

Partition Key


JMS 1.1 3.5.9 JMS Defined Properties




JMS 1.1 3.4.10 JMSPriority

Message Property Solace_JMS_Prop_IS_Reply_Message

Response Message


JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties


Reply To Topic


JMS 1.1 3.4.6 JMSReplyTo

Message Property JMS_Solace_SenderId

Sender ID


JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties


Sender Timestamp


JMS 1.1 3.4.4 JMSTimestamp

Message Property JMS_Solace_TopicSequenceNumber

Sequence Number


JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties

Message Time-To-Live

Time To Live

0 (Unlimited)

JMS 1.1 4.8 Message Time-To-Live

Non-Configurable Fields for JMS Messages

The publishing application cannot set the following fields on JMS messages:

SMF Field Default

ACK Immediately


SMF to JMS Conversions

The following table shows how metadata is converted from SMF to JMS:

SMF Field JMS Field Notes

Application Message ID


JMS 1.1 3.4.3 JMSMessageID

Application Message Type


JMS 1.1 3.4.8 JMSType

User Property

JMS Property

JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties
Any property not prefixed with JMS including JMSX and JMS_

Correlation ID


JMS 1.1 3.4.5 JMSCorrelationID

Delivery Count

JMS Property JMSXDeliveryCount

JMS 1.1 3.5.9 JMS Defined Properties

Delivery Mode


JMS 1.1 3.4.2 JMSDeliveryMode



JMS 1.1 4.2.1 Destination

Discard Indication

Message Property JMS_Solace_MsgDiscardIndication

JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties

HTTP Content Type

Message Property JMS_Solace_HTTPContentType

JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties

HTTP Content Encoding

Message Property JMS_Solace_HTTPContentEncoding

JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties

Partition Key

JMS Property JMSXGroupID

JMS 1.1 3.5.9 JMS Defined Properties



JMS 1.1 3.4.10 JMSPriority

Response Message

Message Property Solace_JMS_Prop_IS_Reply_Message

JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties

Reply To Topic


JMS 1.1 3.4.6 JMSReplyTo



JMS 1.1 3.4.7 JMSRedelivered

Sender ID

Message Property JMS_Solace_SenderId

JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties

Sender Timestamp


JMS 1.1 3.4.4 JMSTimestamp

Sequence Number

Message Property JMS_Solace_TopicSequenceNumber

JMS 1.1 3.5 Message Properties

Time To Live

Message Time-To-Live

JMS 1.1 4.8 Message Time-To-Live

Non-Retrievable Fields for JMS Messages

The following SMF fields are not available to JMS clients:

  • Replication Group Message ID

HTTP/REST Messaging

This section contains the following information:

For more information on how to use Solace REST Messaging, see Open APIs & Protocols - REST.

HTTP to SMF Conversions

When you send messages with HTTP messaging, use the following conversion table:

HTTP Field SMF Field Default Notes

HTTP Header Solace-Message-ID

Application Message ID

If you use request-reply messaging or microgateway mode, the default is a unique value prefixed with ID:Solace-. Otherwise, the default is unset.

Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

Any header not already in use is passed through transparently, or converted into JMS_Solace_HTTP_field_<fieldName> when consumed by non-HTTP clients

User Property (Microgateway mode)


Only string value types are supported

HTTP header in the form Solace-User-Property-{name}: {value};type={type} is converted in to a property with name {name}. If no type information is present, string value type is used.

User Property (Microgateway or messaging mode)


Solace Message Custom Properties

HTTP Header Solace-Correlation-ID

Correlation ID

If you use request-reply messaging or microgateway mode, the default is a unique value prefixed with ID:Solace-. Otherwise, the default is unset.

Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

HTTP Header Solace-Delivery-Mode

Delivery Mode (Microgateway mode)


One of [Direct | Non-Persistent | Persistent]

HTTP Header Solace-Delivery-Mode

Delivery Mode (Messaging mode)


One of [Direct | Non-Persistent | Persistent]

Destination is encoded into the REST request path as per HTTP Request-Target


Not Set, Required

HTTP Request-Target
If using Microgateway mode, only publishing to topics is allowed. In Messaging mode, the destination may be prefixed with /TOPIC or /QUEUE in the request target.

HTTP Header Solace-DMQ-Eligible

DMQ Eligible



HTTP Header Content-Type

Http Content Type


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

HTTP Header Content-Encoding

Http Content Encoding


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

HTTP Header Solace-User-Property-JMSXGroupID

Partition Key


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

If in messaging mode, HTTP Header Solace-Reply-To-Destination may be used to set the reply to topic of the message. In addition, Solace-Reply-Wait-Time-In-ms may be used to set the message as a request reply message with an auto generated reply-to topic that points back to this HTTP client.

In Microgateway mode, all messages are implicitly request-reply messages with a default timeout of 30 seconds. Solace-Reply-Wait-Time-In-ms can be used to change the default.

Reply To Topic


Value: /[QUEUE/TOPIC]/<destination string>

HTTP Header Solace-Timestamp

Sender Timestamp


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

HTTP Header Solace-Time-To-Live-In-ms

Time To Live

0 (Unlimited)

Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

Non-Configurable Fields for HTTP Messages

The publishing application cannot set the following fields on HTTP messages:

SMF Field Default

ACK Immediately


Application Message Type


Deliver to One


Eliding Eligible






Response Message


Sender ID


Sequence Number


SMF to HTTP Conversions

If your application expects a response, for instance in Microgateway mode or when you use request-reply (as set via Solace-Reply-Wait-Time-In-ms), the following table shows how to convert the response to an HTTP response:

SMF Field RDP Field Notes

Application Message ID

HTTP Header Solace-Message-ID

Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

User Property (Microgateway mode)

Any property of the form JMS_Solace_HTTP_field_<fieldName> is set as an HTTP header with name <fieldName>. Any other user properties is sent as Solace-User-Property-{name}.

All value types are converted to strings
SMFMessage, Map, Stream, Destination and byte array types are not supported

User Property (messaging mode)

HTTP header in the form Solace-User-Property-{name}: {value};type={type}

Solace Message Custom Properties
SMFMessage, Map, Stream, Destination and byte array types are not supported

Correlation ID

HTTP Header Solace-Correlation-ID

Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

Delivery Mode

HTTP Header Solace-Delivery-Mode

Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

HTTP Content Type

HTTP Header Content-Type

Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

HTTP Content Encoding

HTTP Header Content-Encoding

Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

Partition Key

HTTP Header Solace-User-Property-JMSXGroupID

Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

Sender Timestamp

HTTP Header Solace-Timestamp

Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

Time To Live

HTTP Header Solace-Time-To-Live-In-ms

Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

Non-Retrievable Fields for HTTP Messages

The following SMF fields are not available to HTTP clients:

  • Application Message Type
  • Delivery Count
  • Destination
  • Discard Indication
  • Priority
  • Response Message
  • Reply To Topic
  • Redelivered
  • Replication Group Message ID
  • Sender ID
  • Sequence Number


This section contains the following information:

SMF to HTTP Request Conversions

When delivering messages from SMF to a REST Delivery Point, the following table shows how an SMF message is converted to an HTTP Request message. Some fields are also accessible through substitution expressions which can be used to determine the RDP request target or request headers.

SMF Field RDP Field Substitution Expression Notes

Application Message ID

HTTP Header Solace-Message-ID


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

Application Message Type




User Property (Microgateway mode)

Any property of the form JMS_Solace_HTTP_field_<fieldName> is set as an HTTP header with name <fieldName>. Any other user properties is sent as Solace-User-Property-{name}.


All value types are converted to strings
SMFMessage, Map, Stream, Destination and byte array types are not supported

User Property (Messaging mode)

HTTP header in the form Solace-User-Property-{name}: {value};type={type}


Solace Message Custom Properties
SMFMessage, Map, Stream, Destination and byte array types are not supported

Correlation ID

HTTP Header Solace-Correlation-ID


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

Delivery Mode

HTTP Header Solace-Delivery-Mode


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers





HTTP Content Type

HTTP Header Content-Type


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

HTTP Content Encoding

HTTP Header Content-Encoding


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

Partition Key

HTTP Header Solace-User-Property-JMSXGroupID


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

Sender ID




Sender Timestamp

HTTP Header Solace-Timestamp


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

Sequence Number




Time To Live

HTTP Header Solace-Time-To-Live-In-ms


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

Non-Retrievable Fields for RDP Messages

The following SMF fields are not available to RDP clients:

  • Delivery Count
  • Discard Indication
  • Priority
  • Response Message
  • Reply To Topic
  • Redelivered
  • Replication Group Message ID

HTTP Response to SMF Conversions

RDP messages may be responded to, and automatically forwarded to, the Reply-To topic. The event broker always treats RDP response messages as direct messages.

The following table shows how the HTTP response is converted to an SMF message:

REST Field SMF Field Default Notes

HTTP Header Solace-Message-ID

Application Message ID


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

HTTP header in the form Solace-User-Property-{name}: {value};type={type}

User Property


Solace Message Custom Properties
SMFMessage, Map, Stream, Destination and byte array types are not supported

HTTP Header Solace-Correlation-ID

Correlation ID


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

HTTP Header Content-Type

Http Content Type


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

HTTP Header Content-Encoding

Http Content Encoding


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

HTTP Header Solace-User-Property-JMSXGroupID

Partition Key


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

HTTP Header Solace-Timestamp

Sender Timestamp


Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

HTTP Header Solace-Time-To-Live-In-ms

Time To Live

0 (Unlimited)

Solace REST Usage of HTTP Headers

Non-Configurable Fields for RDP Messages

The publishing application cannot set the following fields on RDP response messages:

SMF Field Default

ACK Immediately

 N/A, all responses are direct messages

Application Message Type


Delivery Mode


Deliver to One



Automatically set to Reply-To destination

Destination Type

DMQ Eligible

 N/A, all responses are direct messages

Eliding Eligible






Response Message


Reply To Topic


Sender ID


Sequence Number



This section contains the following information:

Kafka to SMF Conversions

The following table shows how metadata is converted from Kafka to SMF by way of a Kafka Receiver. For more information, see Configuring SMF Topic Generation in Kafka Receivers.

Kafka Field SMF Field Default Notes

Kafka header

User Property


All Kafka headers are binary blobs and converted to byte arrays

Topic is configured through the Kafka receiver’s topic-binding local-topic


Not Set, Required

Prefixes may be used to publish to queues

Partition Key

Partition Key




Sender Timestamp



Non-Configurable Fields for Kafka Receivers

The following fields cannot be set through Kafka receivers:

SMF Field Default

Application Message ID


Application Message Type


ACK Immediately


Correlation ID


Delivery Mode


Deliver to One


DMQ Eligible


Eliding Eligible




Http Content Type


Http Content Encoding




Response Message


Reply To Topic


Sender ID


Sequence Number


Time To Live

0 (Unlimited)

SMF to Kafka Conversions

The following table shows how metadata is converted from SMF to Kafka via a Kafka Sender:

SMF Field Kafka Field Notes

User Property

Kafka header

All simple types are converted to a binary blob and attached as Kafka headers on the message.
Note that custom Kafka headers are not possible.

Sender Timestamp



For information about accessing SMF fields through substitution expressions, see Substitution Expressions Overview.

Non-Retrievable Fields for Kafka Senders

Kafka senders cannot use the following fields:

Some of the fields below can be retrieved for use in the Kafka partition key through the use of substitution expressions. For more information, see Substitution Expressions Overview.

  • Application Message ID
  • Application Message Type
  • Correlation ID
  • Delivery Count
  • Delivery Mode
  • Destination
  • Discard Indication
  • HTTP Content Encoding
  • HTTP Content Type
  • Partition Key
  • Priority
  • Redelivered
  • Reply To Topic
  • Replication Group Message ID
  • Response Message
  • Sender ID
  • Sequence Number
  • Time To Live

Messages are always set to “at least once” delivery guarantee in Kafka.