Installing the Mission Control Agent

If your Kubernetes deployment uses the NO_PROXY environment variable, addresses contained in the variable cannot contain metadata characters (for example, *). The Mission Control Agent does not support the use of metadata characters in IP addresses that should bypass the proxy. For example, use addresses such as, instead of *

After Solace validates your installation, you've downloaded the registry secret, and values.yaml file, you're ready to install the Mission Control Agent with Solace.

During the meeting, Solace provides you (the customer) the URL to the Helm chart. The URL differs based on the type of Kubernetes cluster you have (for example, Amazon EKS or Azure Kubernetes Service).

  1. Use the namespace you created during cluster validation with Solace for the Mission Control Agent. See Kubernetes Cluster Validation for more information.

    If you need a namespace, run the following command, where the <namespace> is the name for the data center.

    kubectl create namespace <namespace>
  2. Create the Docker registry secret to pull images from Solace's registry. Use the command that matches the file you downloaded:
    • <datacenter-id>-registry-credentials.json .
      You can use any name for the namespace (e.g., orgnameabc). Note the email value ( can be any valid-formatted email; it's a required parameter for the command, but is not used.
      kubectl create secret docker-registry gcr-reg-secret --namespace orgnameabc \
      --docker-server= --docker-username=_json_key \
      --docker-password="$(cat ./<datacenter-id>-registry-credentials.json)"
    • <datacenter-id>-pull-secret.yaml.
      You can use any name for the namespace (e.g., orgnameabc ).
      kubectl apply -f <datacenter-id>-pull-secret.yaml -n orgnameabc        
  3. Install the Mission Control Agent's Helm chart using the Helm chart URL and name (<chartname>) provided by Solace, and the values.yaml file that you downloaded:

    helm install <release-name> \
    <Helm Chart's URL>/chartname --namespace orgnameabc \
    --values values.yaml

    You can use any name for the --namespace parameter (such as orgnameabc). The value <release-name> parameter can also be any value; Solace usually uses cloud-agent-rel. For example:

    helm install cloud-agent-rel \ --namespace orgnameabc \
    --values values.yaml

After you complete the installation of the Mission Control Agent, you can create event broker service to verify the deployment.