Creating Event Broker Services

You can create event broker services in Cluster Manager. To create a service, your user account must be assigned the Mission Control Manager or Administrator role. When you create an event broker service, you choose the broker version. We recommend, when possible, that you use the most recent broker version available to ensure that you have the latest security updates and most modern features. You also select a service type, either Enterprise or Developer and the service class. You can't change the service class or the event broker version after you've created the service, but you can upscale the service class at a later time. For more information, see Upscaling Event Broker Services.

The number of services that you can create in your account are based on your service limits. If you require more services or have reached your service limits, see Increasing Your Capacity or Number of Event Broker Services.

The configuration options for your event broker service differ based on these factors:

  • whether you choose a Developer or Enterprise service type
  • whether standalone event broker services have been added to your service limits
  • the broker release and version you select
  • the create service options permitted in your account in PubSub+ Cloud

If your organization uses multiple environments, you create event broker services in the environment you currently have selected. For organizations with one environment, your event broker services are created in that environment. This is reflected by the read-only Environment field on the Create Service page. Your environment affects the options available in the Cloud and Region fields. For more information, see Creating and Managing Environments.

You should be aware of default configurations and settings that may impact connectivity and security when creating your event broker service. For more information, see Considerations When Creating Event Broker Services.

If you just want to learn the basics of creating an event broker service, see the Creating Your First Event Broker Service tutorial.

You can also clone an existing service. This creates a new event broker service based on an existing source event broker service, including most of its configurations. For more information, see Cloning an Event Broker Service .

To create an event broker service, perform these steps:

  1. Log in to the PubSub+ Cloud Console if you have not done so yet. The URL to access the Cloud Console differs based on your authentication scheme. For more information, see Logging In to the PubSub+ Cloud Console.
  2. Select Cluster Manager on the navigation bar.
  3. Select the environment where you want to create the event broker service. For more information, see Selecting Environments.

    If you intend to model the service in an existing modeled event mesh in Event Portal, create the service in the same environment as the modeled event mesh.

  4. On the Services page, click Create Service at the top right corner of the page, or, click the Create Service card.
  5. In the Service Name field, enter a unique name to identify the event broker service in the console. The name can be up to 50 characters in length, and may include alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores.
  6. In the Cloud list, select a cloud provider:
    • Select one of the following to use a Public Region.

      • Amazon Web Services
      • Google Cloud
      • Microsoft Azure
    • Select Private Cloud only if you are using a Customer-Controlled Region or Dedicated Region. This region can have one or more data centers. The event broker service is created in the selected data center.

    For more information, see Choosing the Right Cloud Provider.

  7. In the Region list, select the region (or location) to use and then click OK. A pin appears on the map indicating the geographic location you selected. For more information, see Choosing the Right Cloud Region. You can filter the list by entering text in the field.

    • If you don't see a region that you require, contact Solace.
    • You can’t create a service in a region that is "Under Maintenance". You can try to create a service in this region at a later time.
  8. In the Broker Release list, select the event broker service release you want use. For more information about release and version numbering, see Release and Versioning Scheme of Event Broker Services.

  9. (Optional) In the Broker Version drop-down, select a version. The default is the most recent broker version that PubSub+ Cloud supports, and is a subset of the broker release you selected above. For more information, see Selecting the Broker Release and Version.

  10. For Service Type, select Developer or Enterprise.

    If you selected Enterprise, choose the number of Connections you require. For Developer services, only the 100 connections are available.

    The number of connections determines the service class chosen. For more information about service classes, see Service Class Options for Event Broker Services.

    If you require a larger message spool size, services with more connections have larger message spool sizes. The message spool size is the amount of persistent storage in gigabytes (GB), used for Guaranteed messaging and other features.

    Alternatively, if you have message spool size expansion limits, you can click Customize to open the Customize Message Spool Size dialog where you can enter a New Message Spool Size (GB). For more information, see Configuring Message Spool Sizes.

  11. If you selected an Enterprise service, select whether the service is a High Availability (HA) Group or a Standalone service (if available). The Standalone option is available when you have at least one standalone service added as part of your Service Limits. For more information about standalone services, see Standalone Broker Service Considerations and High Availability in PubSub+ Cloud.
  12. (Optional) Expand Advanced Connection Options to configure any of the following settings:
  13. Click Create Service.

Configuration of your event broker service takes a few minutes. When configuration is complete, your event broker service starts. You can view your created service in Cluster Manager on the Services page.

For information about the defaults created for your event broker service, see Considerations When Creating Event Broker Services.

Considerations When Creating Event Broker Services

You may want to evaluate the following general and broker version-specific considerations before you create an event broker service.

Service Creation Default Considerations

Be aware of the following service creation defaults:

  • For Enterprise service types, high availability (HA) mate-link encryption is enabled by default. You can configure this at service creation or afterwards. HA mate-link encryption isn't used for Developer or standalone services. For more information, see Configuring High-Availability Mate-Link Encryption.
  • The Message VPN is created with these defaults:
    • One Message VPN with the name of your service is created, which is only configurable at service creation time. The Message VPN name can't be changed. There is only one Message VPN per event broker service in PubSub+ Cloud.
    • A management account with a generated password is created for the service as <message_vpnname>-admin where <message_vpn> is the name of the Message VPN.
  • When the event broker service is created, its initial, generated hostname is assigned the Default status indicator as shown below.

    The hostname that is set with the Default status becomes the primary URL that is used to access PubSub+ Broker Manager and shown in the URLs to access the service in the PubSub+ Cloud Console

Standalone Broker Service Considerations

For broker versions 10.0 and later, you have the option to deploy the event broker service as a standalone service or as a high availability (HA) group when you create an Enterprise service. Standalone event broker services are available after you have added them as a service class to your Service Limits. To use standalone event broker services, contact Solace or request a limit change.

Standalone event broker services have a lower cost than HA services, and may be preferable to using HA or Developer services in some situations such as:

  • The event broker service is part of a non-production environment that mirrors your production environment but does not require the same level of fault tolerance.
  • The event broker service is part of a development environment and requires higher service-level limits, such as client connections or larger message sizes for development/testing than available in the Developer service. For example, Developer services are limited to only 100 connections.
  • The broker is used by client applications that can tolerate longer downtime and potential message loss during service interruptions. This may be a consideration when you choose to use standalone services as there isn't HA redundancy and as such, an outage of 15-30 minutes occurs during restarts and upgrades.

Standalone event broker services cannot be changed to High-Availability (HA) after they are created. If you require event broker service that have less downtime, consider creating the service with HA. For more information about HA, see High Availability in PubSub+ Cloud.

Event Broker Service Access Considerations

The following default security settings are configured for the event broker service. You can change the settings after the service is created to adhere to your security requirements:

  • A client profile named default is created and enabled. This client profile can't be removed, but you can configure it after service creation.
  • Basic Authentication is enabled for the event broker service. You can change the configuration after service creation to match your requirements. These settings are configured for you:
    • The default ACL profile and #acl-profile are created with the Allow default action for the Client Connect, Publish, and Subscribe. These cannot be removed, but you can configure them after service creation
    • The following client usernames are created with mappings to
      • #client-username (enabled) with a default client profile and default ACL profile
      • default (disabled) is mapped to the default client and default ACL profile
      • solace-cloud-client (enabled) is mapped to the default client and default ACL profiles

For more information, see the following sections:

Port Configuration Considerations

You can configure the event broker service to use a set of protocols and ports that permit applications to connect using connection endpoints. A connection endpoint can be public or private IP addresses. The type of connectivity, public or private are referred to as public endpoints and private endpoints, respectively. You can configure a public, private, or both types of endpoints for an event broker service provided the deployment is Kubernetes-based and deployed in a private region that has networking (or networking policies) configured to use public Internet and private IP addresses.

  • For Customer-Controlled Regions and Dedicated Regions, a private endpoint to access private IP addresses is created by default. Optionally, you can create a public endpoint or create both a public and private endpoint instead.

  • For Public Regions, a public endpoint is created by default. You cannot create private endpoints in Public Regions.

  • For each public or private endpoint these port configurations are created by default:

    • The secure protocols and ports for Solace Messaging, Solace Web Messaging, AMQP, MQTT, and REST are all enabled.

    • Plain text for all non-secure ports is disabled, while all secure ports are enabled. For more information about editing the ports after service creation time, see Changing the Port Configuration for Event Broker Services.

    • Plain text is disabled for the SEMP (Solace Element Management Protocol version 2) port. This is the recommended setting but can be changed. For more information, see Enabling SEMP Over the Message Bus.

    • The management for secured broker management is enabled and set to 943. CLI access is disabled by default. Both are configurable.

  • Be aware of the following port configuration considerations:
    • Port values can range from 0 to 65534.
    • You can use ports 22 and 943 as custom ports.
    • If you are using NodePort as part of your deployment for Customer-Controlled Regions, the port numbers are generated and therefore can't be changed. For NodePort deployments, only private endpoints can be used.

Public endpoints are not available for deployments that use NodePort.

Connection Endpoint Considerations

You can configure connection endpoints of an event broker service. A connection endpoints allows you to have different sets of public or private IP address connections, which are referred to as public endpoints and private endpoints, respectively. For more information about endpoints, see Configuring Connection Endpoints and Ports for Event Broker Services.

If you have upgraded your event broker service, depending on your deployment and its connectivity, you may only be able to create public or private endpoints. For example, if your deployment previously didn't permit public Internet connectivity, you won't be able create public endpoints.

Using different endpoints for public Internet and private IP address connectivity allows you specify the protocols and ports used to connect to your event broker service to match the security requirements of your organization. In addition, you can configure endpoints to permit use of specific messaging protocols and port numbers between client applications and the event broker service based on whether they connect using public Internet or private IP addresses.

For example, you may want to expose an event broker service so that client applications can only connect from the public Internet using only MQTT ports through port 1122, while clients within your private network using private IP addresses can connect with all other messaging protocols using the default ports. Another example for hybrid connectivity usage is to limit access to the SEMP management port so that only client applications using private IP addresses can connect to your event broker services.

You can configure a public endpoint, a private endpoint, or both at the same time for an event broker service. Both endpoints can only be configured when event broker services are deployed in Kubernetes and in a private region that has networking configured to use public Internet and private IP addresses. These are some key considerations:

  • You must have at least one endpoint and have a maximum of one public and one private endpoint per event broker service.
  • One endpoint must have the Secured SMF port enabled, which is required for messaging with client applications and for inter-broker communication in an event mesh.
  • One endpoint must have the Secured Broker Management Host (SEMP) port; the SEMP port is required to manage your event broker service.
  • If you have both private and public endpoints, you don't need to enable the Secured SMF and SEMP ports on the same endpoint, but we recommend that you choose the private endpoint for the SEMP port.
  • When you have both public and private endpoints configured, PubSub+ Broker Manager defaults to use the public endpoint. If only a private endpoint is available, you must have connectivity to the same private network as where your event broker services are deployed to connect to PubSub+ Broker Manager from the PubSub+ Cloud Console. For more information about PubSub+ Broker Manager, see Using PubSub+ Broker Manager.

Selecting the Broker Release and Version

You can select both the broker release and version when you create an event broker service.

We recommend that you use the most recent broker release and version available, but you can choose to use an earlier broker release and version for various reasons, including:

  • Your business requirements need specific behaviors from an earlier release, or you prefer to use earlier releases rather than the most recent broker versions.
  • You have existing event broker services, on-premises installations of PubSub+ appliances, or PubSub+ software event brokers that use an earlier release and version and you prefer to have the same broker release and versions in your deployment for configuration or administrative reasons.

For more information about the available releases and versions, see Release and Versioning Scheme of Event Broker Services.

You can't change the broker version after the event broker service is created. However, you can upgrade your event broker service at a later time. For more information, see Upgrading Event Broker Services in PubSub+ Cloud .

When you create an event broker service, perform these steps to select the broker release and version:

  1. When you create your event broker service, select the broker release from the Broker Release drop-down list.
  2. (Optional) Select the broker version using the Broker Version drop-down list. The default broker version is the latest version for any release.

    Broker version availability varies based on the cloud provider and the deployment option. You may see different release and versions available in your account based on the cloud provider and deployment environment you've chosen.

Setting the Message VPN Name

Each event broker service has one Message VPN. You can configure the Message VPN name when you create the event broker service. The Message VPN name that you specify is also used to create an internal administrator account for the service. The Message VPN name cannot be changed after you create the service. You can see the name on the Status tab when you view your service in Cluster Manager.

When you create your event broker service, perform these steps to edit the system-generated VPN name:

  1. When you create your event broker service, expand Advanced Connection Options.
  2. Click Edit beside the Message VPN Name field and then enter a valid name. The name can be up to 26 characters and can include alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores.

Setting the Cluster Name

If you want to create a DMR cluster with multiple event broker services in it, the cluster name for each service must have the same cluster name. Event broker services in a DMR cluster are aware of each other through the DMR internal links that connect them. The DMR cluster seamlessly routes every event published to it to the consuming applications connected to any event broker service in the same cluster. For more information, see Horizontal Scaling.

Creating an event broker service places it in its own cluster with a generated cluster name. You can set the same cluster name for multiple event broker services so that they belong to the same DMR cluster. For best practices to organize your DMR cluster, see DMR Best Practices.

Use these steps to set the cluster name:

  1. When you create your event broker service, expand Advanced Connection Options.
  2. Click the Cluster Name drop-down list, and do one of the following:
    • Select an existing cluster from the drop-down list. Note that if you start typing the first few letters of the cluster name, the list filters the existing cluster names.
    •  Type a new cluster name and then click Select to create a new cluster name. Ensure that your cluster name is 1 to 64 characters in length, and includes only alphanumeric characters, dashes, or underscores.

After you have configured your event broker services with the appropriate cluster names and you're ready to create your DMR cluster, contact Solace for assistance. The ability to create the DMR cluster in the PubSub+ Cloud Console is not yet available.

Configuring High-Availability Mate-Link Encryption

Enterprise event broker services in a high availability (HA) group encrypt the mate-links between the services in the HA group. The HA mate-link is encrypted by default. You can disable encryption so that the communication is in plain text between the primary and backup event brokers.

To configure whether to use HA mate-link encryption when you create an Enterprise event broker service, perform these steps:

  1. When you create your event broker service, expand Advanced Connection Options.
  2. Select or clear the Enable mate-link encryption check box.

For more information about HA, see High Availability in PubSub+ Cloud

Configuring Client and Management Ports

You can configure the client and management ports used to connect to your event broker services.

For all event broker services, no matter the event broker version, only secure ports are enabled by default and non-secure ports are disabled. You can customize the secure (HTTPS) and non-secure (HTTP) ports for Solace Messaging, Solace Web Messaging, AMQP, MQTT, and REST. Configuring the ports gives you the ability to modify port numbers if the provided default ports are unavailable in your network or to align with your organization's requirements. Some configuration settings depend on the event broker version you choose.

For more information about configuring ports, see the following sections:

Configuring Connection Endpoints and Ports for Event Broker Services

For Kubernetes-based deployments, you can configure whether client applications connect to an event broker service using a connection endpoint. These connection endpoints can use either public or private IP addresses, which are referred to as public endpoints and private endpoints, respectively. You can view a connection endpoint as a set of ports and protocols that you can access based on the type of connection of the client application or user. These endpoints can help you to better manage access. For both private and public endpoints, you can:

  • enable/disable messaging connections

  • configure the aspects of the messaging protocols that are used (for example secure verses plain-text)

  • configure the port numbers that are used for the event broker service

  • configure the management port connections.

    At least one endpoint must have the SEMP management port enabled.

You can choose one of the following connection endpoints and port configurations:

Private IP addresses (or private endpoints)
This type of configuration allows connections to the event broker service using private IP addresses that are part of a private region [virtual private cloud or virtual private network (VPC/VNet)]. It creates a private endpoint with management via SEMP to the event broker service. The default name for the private endpoint is private endpoint. This type of configuration is available only when you choose Private Cloud as the cloud type when you create the service. Private Clouds are for Customer-Controlled Regions and Dedicated Regions. You can later choose to add a public endpoint.
Public Internet (or public endpoint)
This type of configuration allows connections to the event broker services from public Internet IP addresses. It creates a public endpoint with management via SEMP to the event broker service using the public Internet. The default name for the public endpoint is public endpoint and it is the only option available in Public Regions.
This type of configuration allows messaging and management connections to the event broker service from both private IP addresses and the public Internet. It creates both a private and a public endpoint with management via SEMP to the event broker service enabled. The default names for the private and public endpoints are private endpoint and public endpoint. This type of configuration is available only when you choose Private Cloud as the cloud type when you create the service. Private Clouds are for Customer-Controlled Regions and Dedicated Regions.

Perform the following steps:

  1. When you create your event broker service, click Advanced Connection Options.
  2. Under the Client Port Connections section, the options available depend on the how your event broker services are deployed:
    • For Public Regions, public Internet is only available and therefore, you only have the Public Endpoint available.

    • For Customer-Controlled Regions or Dedicated Regions, you can select Public Internet, Private Addresses, or Hybrid: Private IP and Public Internet options, which permit you to configure public, private, or both endpoints, respectively.

  3. Expand Private Endpoint or Public Endpoint to configure the messaging and management protocols to use as well as the ports. You can configure different settings for the ports and disable different protocols on the endpoints.
    • Select the messaging protocol to configure, modify the port numbers, and enable ports as required.

    • Click Disable Protocol to disable a particular protocol for use with your service. If you want to enable a protocol again, click Reset to default and re-select the protocols that you want to enable.

    • For more information about the protocols and ports, see Details for Port Configuration

The example below shows the public endpoint being configured in a Public Region (only on regions deployed on Kubernetes):

Details for Port Configuration

You can configure the ports for your event broker service. You can configure the connections as sets of ports called public and private endpoints.

Expand the connection categories to configure the specific protocols and optionally change the default port numbers. You can perform one or more of the following actions:

  • Click Disable Protocol to prevent a particular messaging protocol from being used with the endpoint. Disabling a protocol grays out the text. If you want to enable a protocol again, click Reset to default and reconfigure the protocol and ports as required.
  • Secure protocols are enabled by default in each connection category and use TLS. In each category that follows, you can configure these messaging and management protocols: 
    • Solace Messaging—Use Solace Message Format (SMF) to connect and exchange messages with the event broker service over TCP.
      • Enable SMF Host—Use SMF Host (plain-text) over TCP to connect and exchange messages with the event broker service.
      • Enable Compressed SMF Host—Use SMF (plain-text) in a compressed format over TCP to connect and exchange messages with the event broker service.
      • Enable Secured SMF Host—Use secure SMF using TLS over TCP.
    • Solace Web Messaging—Use SMF over WebSockets over HTTP to connect and exchange messages with the event broker service.
      • Enable Web Host—Use WebSocket over HTTP (plain-text). Disabled by default.
      • Enable Secured Web Messaging Host—Use WebSocket over secured HTTP. Enabled by default.
    • AMQP—Use Advanced Message Queuing Protocol 1.0 to connect and exchange messages with the event broker service.
      • Enable AMQP Host—Use AMQP (plain-text). Disabled by default.
      • Enable Secured AMQP Host: Use AMQP over a secure TCP connection. Enabled by default.
    • MQTT—Use MQ Telemetry Transport to connect and exchange messages with the event broker service.
      • Enable MQTT Host: Use MQTT (plain-text). Disabled by default.
      • Enable WebSocket MQTT Host—Use MQTT WebSocket (plain-text). Disabled by default.
      • Enable Secured MQTT Host—Use secure MQTT (plain-text). Enabled by default.
      • Enable WebSocket Secured MQTT Host—Use WebSocket secured MQTT. Enabled by default.
    • REST—Use the Solace Messaging REST API and standards-based HTTP exchange patterns to exchange messages over TCP connections with the event broker service.
      • Enable REST Host—Use REST messaging (plain-text).
      • Enable Secured REST Host—Use secure REST messaging. Enabled by default.
    • Management—Use to enable the secure management connections necessary to manage the event broker service. You can configure these options:

      • Enable Secured Broker Management host (SEMP)—Use the secured management connection, which uses SEMP to manage the event broker. You must always have at least one port enabled on an event broker service. Creating an endpoint enables this by default.

      • Enabled Secured CLI Host (SSH)—Use a secure port to connect to the event broker service using the Solace Command Line Interface (CLI). This gives you access to a scope-restricted access to the Message VPN on the event broker service that you may find useful for management and configuration. Typically, this access is not required.

        Enabling CLI access exposes another mechanism to connect and manage your event broker service. This may expose you to unnecessary security risks. Solace recommends that you disable this port where your services have public Internet connectivity to harden access to your event broker services and when CLI access is not in use or required. This advanced access is for users with an in-depth understanding of event broker configuration and management.

For more information about the default event broker service port configurations, see Load Balancer Rules Per Service (Default Protocols and Port Configuration).