Logging In to the PubSub+ Cloud Console

The URL to access the PubSub+ Cloud Console differs based on your authentication scheme and the regional site that you choose to use. By default, all regional sites use basic authentication for an account, but you can choose to enable single sign-on (SSO) for your enterprise account.

Regional Site URLs for the PubSub+ Cloud Console

Solace offers different regional sites (or PubSub+ Home Clouds) for PubSub+ Cloud. To access each Home Cloud, you log in to the PubSub+ Cloud Console.

You can choose to use one Home Cloud over another to address data sovereignty concerns or to minimize latency based on the geographic regions from which you connect. No matter which site you choose, there are no regional limitations on where you choose to deploy the event broker services in the world. For more information about the Home Cloud, see PubSub+ Home Cloud.

Each regional site has a different URL to connect to the PubSub+ Cloud Console. Neither Home Cloud shares information, so separate login information is required to access the PubSub+ Cloud Console in different regions.

At this time, trials of PubSub+ Cloud are not available on the regional site for Australia and Singapore. Use the regional site in the United States.

Regional Site for Home Cloud PubSub+ Cloud Console URL
United States https://console.solace.cloud/
Australia https://console.solacecloud.com.au/
European Union https://console.solacecloud.eu/
Singapore https://console.solacecloud.sg/

Single-Sign On URLs for the PubSub+ Cloud Console

You can enable single-sign on (SSO) for your account. For more information about configuring SSO for your account, see Configuring Single Sign-On with OpenID Connect. After you enable SSO for your account, it receives a customized URL to access the PubSub+ Cloud Console. The following table shows you how to form the URLs, where <custom_domain> is the string for the custom domain provided to you when you make a request.

Regional Site for Home Cloud SSO-enabled PubSub+ Cloud Console URL
United States https://<custom_domain>.solace.cloud/login
Australia https://<custom.domain>.solacecloud.com.au/login
European Union https://<custom.domain>.solacecloud.eu/login
Singapore https://<custom.domain>.solacecloud.sg/login

Logging In

You can log in to all of your accounts with the same user credentials.

Screenshot of the log in page

After successfully logging in, if you belong to more than one account, a prompt appears asking you to select an account.

Screenshot of the account selection page

If you belong to only one account, you sign in immediately.

Switching Between Accounts

You can switch between your accounts by clicking the user icon at the bottom of the navigation bar.

Screenshot of the account switch options