Choosing the Right Cloud Region

After you choose the cloud provider, you choose the region where the event broker services are created.

  • For Public Regions, you can choose from many public regions around the world for the various cloud providers available in PubSub+ Cloud. Each cloud provider has multiple regions available throughout the world. If you don't see a region available that you require, contact Solace.
  • For Customer-Controlled Regions and Dedicated Regions, these are private cloud regions. The regions available depend on your deployment. For Dedicated Regions, any region in the world can be requested. For Customer-Controlled Regions, you have more deployment options since you own the region. For more information, see Deployment Architecture for Kubernetes.

When you create your event broker service, the right region for your event broker service, consider the following:

  • Physical Location—Choose a region that is physically close to the location where your microservices or client applications are running. If you are concerned with disaster recovery, you may choose to use multiple regions and link them together with an event mesh.

  • Latency—For best performance, you should consider the latency from your microservices or client applications to different clouds and regions, which can be affected by the location and cloud you choose. The most ideal scenarios is where the event broker services are co-located with your applications and networked together with an event mesh.

  • Politics and Laws—If you are concerned about data residency due to data sovereignty laws, select the correct regions for your event broker services that match your data residency needs. You may have specific data-residency requirements for your customer data, which may dictate which region you should choose.

Event broker services can be created in the following regions for Public Regions, Dedicated Regions, and Customer-Controlled Regions unless noted.

If you don't see a region or cloud provider that you require, contact Solace.

Amazon Web Services Regions

Solace currently supports the Amazon Web Services (AWS) regions below. If you require a region that isn't shown below, contact Solace or request the region on the Create Service page in the PubSub+ Cloud Console.

You can deploy event broker services to the following Amazon Web Services regions:

North America South America Europe Asia Pacific and Africa Middle East

US East (Northern Virginia)

US East (Ohio)

US West (Northern California) **

US West (Oregon)

Canada Central (Montreal)

South America (São Paulo)

Europe (Frankfurt)

Europe (Ireland)

Europe (London)

Europe (Paris) * 

Europe (Milan)

Europe (Stockholm)

Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

Asia Pacific (Mumbai)

Asia Pacific (Singapore)

Asia Pacific (Seoul) *

Asia Pacific (Jakarta)

Australia (Sydney)

Australia (Melbourne)

Africa (Cape Town)

Middle East (Tel Aviv) *

* The region is available upon request for Public Regions. It is also available for Dedicated Regions and Customer-Controlled Regions.

** Deployments to this region are limited to two availability zones. See High Availability in PubSub+ Cloud for how availability zones impact your deployment.

Google Cloud Platform Regions

Solace currently supports the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) regions below. If you require a region that isn't shown below, contact Solace or request the region on the Create Service page in the PubSub+ Cloud Console.

You can deploy event broker services to the following Google Cloud Platform regions:

North America South America Europe Asia Pacific Australia

South Carolina (us-east1)*

N. Virginia (us-east4 )

Oregon (us-west1)*

Los Angeles (us-west2) *

Iowa (us-central1)

Montréal (northamerica-northeast1)*

São Paulo(southamerica-east1)*

Belgium (europe-west1)

London (europe-west2)

Frankfurt (europe-west3)

Netherlands (europe-west4)

Finland (europe-north1)*

Zurich (europe-west6)

Taiwan (asia-east1)*

Tokyo (asia-northeast1)

Mumbai (asia-south1)

Singapore (asia-southeast1)

Sydney (australia-southeast1)

* The region is available upon request for Public Regions. It is also available for Dedicated Regions and Customer-Controlled Regions.

Microsoft Azure Regions

Solace currently supports the following Microsoft Azure regions below. If you require a region that isn't shown below, contact Solace or request the region on the Create Service page in the PubSub+ Cloud Console.

You can deploy event broker services to the following Microsoft Azure regions:

North America South America Europe Asia Pacific Australia Middle East and Africa

Central US (Iowa)

East US (Virginia)

East US 2 (Virginia)

North Central US (Illinois) *

South Central US (Texas) *

West US (California) *

West Central US (Wyoming) *

West US 2 (Washington)

Canada Central (Toronto)

Canada East (Quebec City)

Brazil South (São Paulo State) *

Mexico Central (Queretaro State) *

West Europe (Netherlands)

North Europe (Ireland)

France South (Marseille) *

France Central (Paris)

UK West (Cardiff) *

UK South (London)

Germany Central – Sovereign (Frankfurt) *

Germany Northeast – Sovereign (Magdeburg) *

Germany West Central – Public (Frankfurt) *

Germany North – Public (Berlin)

Switzerland West (Geneva) *

Switzerland North (Zurich ) *

Norway West (Stavanger) *

Norway East (Oslo) *

Spain Central (Madrid) *

Poland Central (Warsaw) *

Italy North (Milan) *

Southeast Asia (Singapore)

East Asia (Hong Kong)

China North (Beijing) **

China North 2 (Beijing) **

China East (Shanghai) **

China East 2 (Shanghai) **

South India (Chennai) *

Central India (Pune)

West India (Mumbai) *

Japan West (Osaka) *

Japan East (Tokyo, Saitama) *

Korea South (Busan) *

Korea Central (Seoul) *

New Zealand North (Auckland) *

Australia East (New South Wales)

Australia Southeast (Victoria) *

Australia Central (Canberra) *

Australia Central 2 (Canberra) *

South Africa West (Cape Town) *

South Africa North (Johannesburg) *

UAE North (Dubai) *

UAE Central (Abu Dhabi) **

Israel Central (Israel) *

Qatar Central (Doha) *

* The region is available upon request for Public Regions. It is also available for Dedicated Regions and Customer-Controlled Regions.

** The region is available only for Customer-Controlled Regions.

Other Service Providers

Huawei Cloud Container Engine (CCE) and Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) deployments are available upon request. For more information, see Deployments in China.

Datacenter Identifiers for Public Regions

At this time, the following datacenter identifiers are available to use for our Kubernetes-based Public Regions.

Solace supports other many more regions for Dedicated Regions and Customer-Controlled Regions. The datacenter identifiers are unique for those regions and are not published. If you don't see a region you require, contact Solace.

To retrieve the most current list of Public Regions, you can issue a GET request to

If you don't see a datacenter that you require, contact Solace.

Datacenter Identifiers in Public Regions for Amazon Web Services (EKS)

You can deploy to the following Amazon Web Services regions for Public Regions:

Americas Europe Asia Pacific Middle East and Africa
Display Name ID Display Name ID Display Name ID Display Name ID
EKS - Canada Central (Montreal) eks-ca-central-1a EKS - EU (Frankfurt) eks-eu-central-1a EKS - Asia Pacific (Tokyo) eks-ap-northeast-1a EKS - Africa (Cape Town) eks-af-south-1b
EKS - South America (Sao Paulo) eks-sa-east-1a EKS - EU (Ireland) eks-eu-west-1a EKS - Asia Pacific South (Mumbai) eks-ap-south-1a    
EKS - US East (N. Virginia) eks-us-east-1a EKS - EU (London) eks-eu-west-2a EKS - Asia Pacific (Singapore) eks-ap-southeast-1a    
EKS - US East (Ohio) eks-us-east-2a EKS - Europe South (Milan) eks-eu-south-1 EKS - Asia Pacific (Sydney) eks-ap-southeast-2a    
EKS - US West (N. California) eks-us-west-1a EKS - Europe North (Stockholm) eks-eu-north-1-stockholm EKS - Asia Pacific (Jakarta) eks-ap-southeast-3a    
EKS - US West (Oregon) eks-us-west-2a     EKS - Asia Pacific (Melbourne) eks-ap-southeast-4    

Datacenter Identifiers in Public Regions for Microsoft Azure (AKS)

You can deploy to the following Microsoft Azure regions for Public Regions:

Americas Europe Asia Pacific
Display Name ID Display Name ID Display Name ID

AKS - Canada Central (Toronto)

aks-canadacentral AKS - France Central (Paris) aks-francecentral AKS - Australia East (New South Wales) aks-australiaeast
AKS - Canada East (Quebec City) aks-canadaeast AKS - UK South (London) aks-uksouth AKS - Central India (Pune) aks-centralindia
AKS - Central US (Iowa) aks-centralus AKS - West Europe (Netherlands) aks-westeurope KS - East Asia (Hong Kong) aks-eastasia
AKS - East US 2 (Virginia) aks-eastus2 AKS - Germany North (Berlin) aks-germanynorth AKS - SouthEast Asia (Singapore) aks-southeastasia
AKS - West US 2 (Washington) aks-westus2        


Datacenter Identifiers in Public Regions for Google Platform (GKE)

You can deploy to the following Google Cloud Platform for Public Regions:

North America Europe Asia Pacific
Display Name ID Display Name ID Display Name ID
GKE - US Central (Iowa) gke-gcp-us-central1-a GKE - EU West(Belgium) gke-gcp-europe-west1-b GKE - Asia NE (Tokyo) gke-gcp-asia-northeast1-a
GKE - US East 4 (N. Virginia) gke-gcp-us-east4-a GKE - EU(London) gke-gcp-europe-west2-a GKE - Asia South (Mumbai) gke-gcp-asia-south1-a
    GKE - EU(Frankfurt) gke-gcp-europe-west3-a GKE - Asia SE (Singapore) gke-gcp-asia-southeast1-a
    GKE - EU West(Zurich) gke-gcp-europe-west6 GKE - Southeast(Sydney) gke-gcp-australia-southeast1-a