Reviewing Your Drawdown Usage

Drawdown usage allows your organization to purchase a number of PubSub+ Capacity Units (PCUs) that you consume over time. Each product and service in PubSub+ Cloud has a PCU cost that represents the total cost of that service for a year. Your PCU usage is tracked on a monthly basis.

Most PubSub+ Cloud products that are subject to drawdown billing have their usage calculated down to the hour. These products include Event broker services and Micro-Integrations, both of which consume PCUs only when they are in the Running state.

For Dedicated Regions, the drawdown usage is for a full month at a time.

For products with hourly usage (such as event broker services), PCUs are consumed at an hourly rate of 1/8760th of the PCU cost for the service, as shown in the following formula:

<annual PCU rate> X <total hours used in the period> / <hours per year> = <PCU usage for the period>

For example, if an event broker service has a PCU cost of 95 and it is used for a total of 500 hours in a month, its PCU consumption for that month would be calculated as:

95 X 500 / 8760  = 5.422 PCUs

If your organization uses a cloud-managed drawdown subscription, you can view your usage in the PubSub+ Cloud Console. To view your organization's PCU usage:

  1. Log in to the PubSub+ Cloud Console if you have not done so yet. The URL to access the Cloud Console differs based on your authentication scheme. For more information, see Logging In to the PubSub+ Cloud Console.

  2. Click User & Account  and select Account Details.

  3. On the Account Details page, select the Drawdown Usage tab.

  4. Select a date range to view your PCU consumption for the period.

This report is for a single account only. If your organization has multiple PubSub+ Cloud accounts, you must view the usage for each account separately.

You can view usage for dates on or after February 1, 2023.

You can also use the PubSub+ Cloud v2 REST API to get your drawdown usage. For more information, see the Billing v2 REST API.