Requesting Message Spool Expansions

If you have the message spool expansion capability, you can configure message spool size of your event broker service during service creation, and scale up the message spool size of your event broker services while in-service. Each limit of message spool expansion provides 500 gigabytes (GB) of spool size. You use this extra spool capacity when you configure or scale up the message spool beyond the default size for your event broker service class.

To request an increase to your message spool expansion limit:

  1. Log in to the PubSub+ Cloud Console if you have not done so yet. The URL to access the Cloud Console differs based on your authentication scheme. For more information, see Logging In to the PubSub+ Cloud Console.

  2. Click User & Account  and select Account Details to open the Account overview page. You'll see your message spool expansion capability add-ons listed under Service Limits.

  3. Click View Details or select the Service Limits tab.

  4. (Optional) In the Service Add-ons section, next to the Message Spool Expansion entry, click Actions and select View Details to open the Message Spool Expansion Details dialog, which provides a list of event broker services using message spool expansion, and the number of Gigabytes (GB) each event broker service is consuming.

  5. In the Service Add-ons section, next to the Message Spool Expansion entry, click Actions and select Request Limit Change

  6. Specify the new service limit you require and add any additional information in the Details of request field.

  7. Click Send Request.

We will contact you after receiving your request.