Configuring Event Broker Service Connection Details for Micro-Integrations

You must configure the connection details between your Micro-Integration and event broker service. This includes defining the location, authentication method, and destination details. Most of the connection details are the same for both source and target Micro-Integrations, however, you configure them at different points in the stepper when creating the Micro-Integration. You configure Event broker service connection details in:

  • the Source Connection step for a target Micro-Integrations

  • the Target Connection step for a source Micro-Integrations

Use the table below as a guide to complete the fields when configuring event broker service connection details. The table presumes that you are configuring the Micro-Integration with basic authentication. If you are using advanced authentication (client certificate or OAuth) see Configuring Authentication for Micro-Integration Connectivity to Event Broker Services.

Field Description
Event Broker Service Select the name of the event broker service.
Host The host URI (<protocol>://<hostname>:<SMF-port>) of the event broker, such as tcps://myhost:55555. You can specify over TCP or SSL over TCP. If you don't specify a protocol, TCP is used by default. The Host URI field is filled in automatically.


If you are configuring advanced authentication for your Micro-Integration, see Configuring Authentication for Micro-Integration Connectivity to Event Broker Services.

Client Username The username to authenticate with the event broker service to establish a messaging connection. The Client Username field populates automatically.
Client Password The password to authenticate with the event broker service to establish a messaging connection. The Client Password field populates automatically.
Destination Details
Destination Type

For the event broker service as the target, select TOPIC or QUEUE for the topic destination or the name of the queue, respectively. This option is not available when the event broker service is the source.

Create a topic or queue on your event broker service if you have not done so. For more information, see Creating Event Broker Services). Any queues and subscription to topics on those queues must be configured on the event broker service.


For the event broker services as the source, the name of the queue to consume from.

For the event broker services as the target, the name of the queue or topic to publish to based on what you selected for the Destination Type.