Configuring VPN Message Spool Event Thresholds

You can configure the set and clear thresholds that control when any of the following message spool-related events are generated for a given Message VPN:

Egress Flows Thresholds

To configure the threshold values that determine when to generate events for the total permitted number of egress flows (that is, Guaranteed message client receive flows) for a Message VPN, enter the following commands:

solace(configure)# message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(configure/message-spool)# event
solace(configure/message-spool/event)# egress-flows thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<set-value> is the set threshold expressed as a count value.

<clear-value> is the clear expressed as a count value.

<set-percentage> is the set threshold value expressed as a percentage (from 0 to 100) of the maximum number of egress flows for the given Message VPN. For information on how to set the maximum number of egress flows for the Message VPN, see Message VPN-Level Guaranteed Messaging Configuration. The default value is 80.

<clear-percentage> is the clear threshold expressed as a percentage (from 0 to 100) of the maximum number of egress flows for the given Message VPN. The default value is 60.

The no version of this command (egress-flows no thresholds) resets event generation for the maximum number of egress flows per Message VPN back to the defaults.

Endpoints Thresholds

To configure the threshold values that determine when to generate events for the total permitted number of endpoints provisioned for a Message VPN, enter the following commands:

solace(configure)# message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(configure/message-spool)# event
solace(configure/message-spool/event)# endpoints thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<set-value> is the set threshold expressed as a count value.

<clear-value> is the clear threshold expressed as a count value.

<set-percentage> is the set threshold value expressed as a percentage (from 0 to 100) of the maximum number of endpoints for the given Message VPN. For information on how to set the maximum number of endpoints for the Message VPN, see Message VPN-Level Guaranteed Messaging Configuration.

<clear-percentage> is the clear threshold value expressed as a percentage (from 0 to 100) of the maximum number of endpoints for the given Message VPN. The default is 60.

The no version of this command (endpoints no thresholds) resets event generation for the number of endpoints flows per Message VPN back to the defaults.

Ingress Flows Thresholds

To configure the threshold values that determine when to generate events for the total permitted number of ingress flows (that is, Guaranteed Message client publish flows) for a Message VPN, enter the following commands:

solace(configure)# message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(configure/message-spool)# event
solace(configure/message-spool/event)# ingress-flows thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<set-value> is the set threshold expressed as a count value.

<clear-value> is the clear threshold expressed as a count value.

<set-percentage> is the set threshold value as a percentage (from 0 to 100) of the maximum number of ingress flows for the given Message VPN. For information on how to set the maximum number of ingress flows for the Message VPN, see Message VPN-Level Guaranteed Messaging Configuration. The default value is 80.

<clear-percentage> is the clear threshold percentage expressed as a percentage (from 0 to 100) of the maximum number of ingress flows for the given Message VPN. The default value is 60.

The no version of this command (ingress-flows no thresholds) resets event generation for the number of ingress flows per Message VPN back to the defaults.

Spool Usage Thresholds

To configure the threshold values that determine when to generate events for the amount of message spool used by a Message VPN, enter the following commands:

solace(configure)# message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(configure/message-spool)# event
solace(configure/message-spool/event)# spool-usage thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<set-value> is the threshold expressed as a count value in MB.

<clear-value> is the threshold expressed as a count value in MB.

<set-percentage> is the set threshold value as a percentage (from 0 to 100) of the maximum message spool usage for the Message VPN. For information on how to set the maximum message spool usage, see Configuring Max Spool Usage.

<clear-percentage> is the clear threshold percentage (from 0 to 100) of the maximum message spool usage for the Message VPN.

The no version of this command (spool-usage no thresholds) resets the message spool usage thresholds for a Message VPN back to the default values.

For information about the default values for this setting, see Maximum Spool Usage.

Transacted Sessions Thresholds

To configure the threshold values that determine when to generate events for the number of simultaneous transacted sessions in a Message VPN, enter the following commands:

solace(configure)# message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(configure/message-spool)# event
solace(configure/message-spool/event)# transacted-sessions thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<set-value> is the set threshold expressed as a count value.

<clear-value> is the clear threshold expressed as a count value.

<set-percentage> is the set threshold value as a percentage (from 0 to 100) of the value set through the max-transacted-sessions Message Spool VPN CONFIG command. The default value is 80.

<clear-percentage> is the clear threshold percentage from 0 to 100, set as a percentage of the maximum number of simultaneous transacted sessions allowed for the Message VPN level. For information on how to set the maximum number of simultaneous transacted sessions allowed for the Message VPN level, see Message VPN-Level Guaranteed Messaging Configuration. The default value is 60.

The no version of this command (transacted-sessions no thresholds) resets the thresholds for the maximum number of simultaneous transacted sessions allowed by a Message VPN back to the defaults.

Transactions Thresholds

To configure the threshold values that determine when to generate events for the total number of simultaneous transactions (both local transactions and transactions within distributed/XA transaction branches) in a Message VPN, enter the following commands:

solace(configure/message-spool/event)# transactions thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<set-value> is the set threshold expressed as a count value.

<clear-value> is the clear threshold expressed as a count value.

<set-percentage> is the set threshold value from 0 to 100, set as a percentage of the maximum number of simultaneous transactions allowed for the event broker. The default value is 80.

<clear-percentage> is the clear threshold percentage from 0 to 100, set as a percentage of the maximum number of simultaneous transactions allowed for the event broker. The default value is 60.

The no version of this command (no transactions thresholds) resets the transactions event thresholds back to the default values.

Queue Event Thresholds

You can configure the following event thresholds for existing, durable queues on the given Message VPN:

You can also use Queue Templates to specify different attributes and set initial event threshold values for the client created queues. For more information, see Queue Event Thresholds Using Templates.

Bind Count Thresholds

The bind-count thresholds generate events when the client bind count for a queue either reaches or exceeds the set threshold or drops below the clear threshold. The thresholds are set either as a percentage of the maximum number of times clients can bind to a durable message queue or as a specific count value.

To configure the bind count thresholds, enter the following commands:

solace(configure)# message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(configure/message-spool)# queue <name>
solace(configure/message-spool-queue)# event
solace(configure/message-spool/queue/event)# bind-count thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<vpn-name> is the name of a provisioned Message VPN.

<name> is a queue name of up to 200 characters (the only invalid characters are '<>*?&;). Each queue name in a Message VPN must be unique.

<set-value> is the set threshold expressed as a count value.

<clear-value> is the clear threshold expressed as a count value.

<set-percentage> is a set threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the maximum bind count for the queue. The default value is 80. For information on how to set the maximum bind count for a queue, see Configuring Max Number of Flows That May Bind.

<clear-percentage> is a clear threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the maximum bind count for the queue. The default value is 60.

The no version of this command (event bind-count no thresholds) resets event generation for bind counts back to the default thresholds.

Reject Low Priority Message Limit Thresholds

The reject low-priority message limit thresholds generate events when the frequency at which a queue selectively rejects low-priority messages either drops below the clear threshold or reaches or exceeds the set threshold. The thresholds are set either as a percentage of the reject low-priority message limit thresholds or as a specific count value.

To configure the reject low-priority message limit thresholds, enter the following CONFIG command:

solace(configure)# message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(configure/message-spool)# queue <name>
solace(configure/message-spool-queue)# event reject-low-priority-msg-limit thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<vpn-name> is the name of a provisioned Message VPN.

<name> is a queue name of up to 200 characters (the only invalid characters are '<>*?&;). Each queue name in a Message VPN must be unique.

<set-value> is a set threshold value from 1 to the maximum permitted value.

<clear-value> is a clear threshold value from 1 to the maximum permitted value.

<set-percentage> is a set threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the reject low-priority message limit value for the queue. The default value is 80. For information on how to set the reject low-priority message limit for a queue, see Configuring Message Discard Handling.

clear-percentage> is a clear threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the reject-low-priority-msg-limit value for the queue. The default value is 60.

The no version of this command (event reject-low-priority-msg-limit no thresholds) resets event generation for a queue’s rejection of low-priority messages back to the defaults.

Spool Usage Thresholds

The spool usage thresholds generate events when the amount of message spool space used by a queue either drops below the clear threshold or reaches or exceeds the set threshold. The thresholds are set either as a percentage of the maximum message spool usage for the queue or as a specific count value.

To configure the spool usage thresholds, enter the following CONFIG command:

solace(configure)# message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(configure/message-spool)# queue <name>
solace(configure/message-spool-queue)# event spool-usage thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<vpn-name> is the name of a provisioned Message VPN.

<name> is a queue name of up to 200 characters (the only invalid characters are '<>*?&;). Each queue name in a Message VPN must be unique.

<set-value> is a set threshold expressed as a count value in MB.

<clear-value> is a set threshold expressed as a count value in MB.

<set-percentage> is a set threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the maximum message spool usage for the queue. For information on how to set the maximum message spool usage for a queue, see Configuring Max Spool Usage Values.

<clear-percentage> is a clear threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the maximum message spool usage for the queue.

The no version of this command (event spool-usage no thresholds) resets event generation for maximum message spool usage by a queue back to the defaults.

For information about the default values for this setting, see Maximum Spool Usage.

Queue Event Thresholds Using Templates

Using queue templates, you can specify different attributes and set initial event threshold values for the client created queues. You can configure the following event thresholds for a queue template on the given Message VPN:

Bind Count Thresholds

To configure the bind count thresholds, enter the following commands:

solace(configure)# message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(configure/message-spool)# queue-template <name>
solace(configure/message-spool/queue-template)# event
solace(configure/message-spool/queue-template/event)# bind-count thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<vpn-name> is the name of a provisioned Message VPN.

<name> is a queue template name of up to 255 characters (the only invalid characters are '<>*?&;). Each queue template name in a Message VPN must be unique.

<set-value> is the set threshold expressed as a count value.

<clear-value> is the clear threshold expressed as a count value.

<set-percentage> is a set threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the maximum bind count for the queue. The default value is 80. For information on how to set the maximum bind count for a queue, see Configuring Max Number of Flows That May Bind.

<clear-percentage> is a clear threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the maximum bind count for the queue. The default value is 60.

The no version of this command (event bind-count no thresholds) resets event generation for bind counts back to the default thresholds.

Reject Low Priority Message Limit Thresholds

To configure the reject low-priority message limit thresholds, enter the following CONFIG command:

solace(configure)# message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(configure/message-spool)# queue-template <name>
solace(configure/message-spool/queue-template)# event reject-low-priority-msg-limit thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<vpn-name> is the name of a provisioned Message VPN.

<name> is a queue name of up to 255 characters (the only invalid characters are '<>*?&;). Each queue template name in a Message VPN must be unique.

<set-value> is a set threshold value from 1 to the maximum permitted value.

<clear-value> is a clear threshold value from 1 to the maximum permitted value.

<set-percentage> is a set threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the reject low-priority message limit value for the queue. The default value is 80. For information on how to set the reject low-priority message limit for a queue, see Configuring Message Discard Handling.

clear-percentage> is a clear threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the reject-low-priority-msg-limit value for the queue. The default value is 60.

The no version of this command (event reject-low-priority-msg-limit no thresholds) resets event generation for a queue’s rejection of low-priority messages back to the defaults.

Spool Usage Thresholds

To configure the spool usage thresholds, enter the following CONFIG command:

solace(configure)# message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(configure/message-spool)# queue-template <name>
solace(configure/message-spool/queue-template)# event spool-usage thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<vpn-name> is the name of a provisioned Message VPN.

<name> is a queue name of up to 255 characters (the only invalid characters are '<>*?&;). Each queue template name in a Message VPN must be unique.

<set-value> is a set threshold expressed as a count value in MB.

<clear-value> is a set threshold expressed as a count value in MB.

<set-percentage> is a set threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the maximum message spool usage for the queue. For information on how to set the maximum message spool usage for a queue, see Configuring Max Spool Usage Values.

<clear-percentage> is a clear threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the maximum message spool usage for the queue.

The no version of this command (event spool-usage no thresholds) resets event generation for maximum message spool usage by a queue back to the defaults.

For information about the default values for this setting, see Maximum Spool Usage.

Topic Endpoint Event Thresholds

You can configure the following event thresholds for existing, durable topic endpoints on the given Message VPN:

You can also use Topic Endpoint Templates to specify different attributes and set event threshold values for the client created queues. For more information, see Topic Endpoint Event Thresholds Using Templates.

Reject Low-Priority Message Limit Thresholds

The reject low-priority message limit thresholds generate events when the frequency at which a topic endpoint selectively rejects low-priority messages either drops below the clear threshold or reaches or exceeds the set threshold. The thresholds are set either as a percentage of the reject-low-priority-msg-limit or as a specific count value.

To configure the reject low-priority message limit thresholds, enter the following commands:

solace(configure)# message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(configure/message-spool)# topic-endpoint <name>
solace(configure/message-spool/topic-endpoint)# event reject-low-priority-msg-limit thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<vpn-name> is the name of a provisioned Message VPN.

<name> is a topic endpoint name of up to 200 characters (the only invalid characters are '<>*?&;). Each topic endpoint name in a Message VPN must be unique.

<set-value> is a set threshold expressed as a count value.

<clear-value> is a clear threshold expressed as a count value.

<set-percentage> is a set threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the reject low-priority message limit value for the topic endpoint. The default value is 80. (For information on how to set the reject low-priority message limit for a topic endpoint, see Configuring Reject Low‑Priority Message Limits.)

<clear-percentage> is a clear threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of reject low-priority message limit thresholds value for the topic endpoint. The default value is 60.

The no version of this command (reject-low-priority-msg-limit no thresholds) resets event generation for a topic endpoint’s rejection of low-priority messages back to the defaults.

Spool Usage Thresholds

The spool usage thresholds generate events when the amount of message spool space used by a topic endpoint either drops below the clear threshold or reaches or exceeds the set threshold. The thresholds are set either as a percentage of the maximum message spool usage for the topic endpoint or as a specific count value.

To configure the spool usage thresholds, enter the following commands:

solace(configure)# message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(configure/message-spool)# topic-endpoint <name>
solace(configure/message-spool/topic-endpoint)# event spool-usage thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<vpn-name> is the name of a provisioned Message VPN.

<name> is a topic endpoint name of up to 200 characters (the only invalid characters are '<>*?&;). Each topic endpoint name in a Message VPN must be unique.

<set-value> is a set threshold expressed as a count value in MB.

<clear-value> is a clear threshold expressed as a count value in MB.

<set-percentage> is a set threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the maximum message spool usage for the topic endpoint. (For information on how to set the maximum message spool usage for a topic endpoint, see Configuring Max Spool Usage Values.)

<clear-percentage> is a clear threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the maximum message spool usage for the topic endpoint.

The no version of this command (spool-usage no thresholds) resets event generation for maximum message spool usage by a topic endpoint back to the defaults.

For information about the default values for this setting, see Maximum Spool Usage.

Topic Endpoint Event Thresholds Using Templates

Using topic endpoint templates, you can specify different attributes and set initial event threshold values for the client created topic endpoints. You can configure the following event thresholds for a topic endpoint template on the given Message VPN:

Reject Low Priority Message Limit Thresholds

To configure the reject low-priority message limit thresholds, enter the following CONFIG command:

solace(configure)# message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(configure/message-spool)# topic-endpoint-template <name>
solace(configure/message-spool/topic-endpoint-template)# event reject-low-priority-msg-limit thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<vpn-name> is the name of a provisioned Message VPN.

<name> is a queue name of up to 255 characters (the only invalid characters are '<>*?&;). Each topic end point template name in a Message VPN must be unique.

<set-value> is a set threshold value from 1 to the maximum permitted value.

<clear-value> is a clear threshold value from 1 to the maximum permitted value.

<set-percentage> is a set threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the reject low-priority message limit value for the queue. The default value is 80. For information on how to set the reject low-priority message limit for a queue, see Configuring Message Discard Handling.

clear-percentage> is a clear threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the reject-low-priority-msg-limit value for the queue. The default value is 60.

The no version of this command (event reject-low-priority-msg-limit no thresholds) resets event generation for a queue’s rejection of low-priority messages back to the defaults.

Spool Usage Thresholds

To configure the spool usage thresholds, enter the following CONFIG command:

solace(configure)# message-spool message-vpn <vpn-name>
solace(configure/message-spool)# topic-endpoint-template <name>
solace(configure/message-spool/topic-endpoint/template)# event spool-usage thresholds {{[set-value <set-value>] [clear-value <clear-value>]}|{[set-percentage <set-percentage>][clear-percentage <clear-percentage>]}}


<vpn-name> is the name of a provisioned Message VPN.

<name> is a queue name of up to 255 characters (the only invalid characters are '<>*?&;). Each topic endpoint template name in a Message VPN must be unique.

<set-value> is a set threshold expressed as a count value in MB.

<clear-value> is a clear threshold expressed as a count value in MB.

<set-percentage> is a set threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the maximum message spool usage for the queue. For information on how to set the maximum message spool usage for a queue, see Configuring Max Spool Usage Values.

<clear-percentage> is a clear threshold value as a percentage (from 1 to 100) of the maximum message spool usage for the queue.

The no version of this command (event spool-usage no thresholds) resets event generation for maximum message spool usage by a queue back to the defaults.

For information about the default values for this setting, see Maximum Spool Usage.