Version: 10.17.0



class solace.SessionEvent

Represents a session event; events are passed to the application-provided event handling callback provided when creating the session.

Constructor Top

  SessionEvent ( Array superclassArgs, solace.SessionEventCode sessionEventCode, String infoStr, Number responseCode, solace.ErrorSubcode errorSubcode, Object | String | null | undefined correlationKey, String reason )

Properties Top

Object correlationKey = null
solace.ErrorSubcode errorSubcode
readonly errorSubCode
String infoStr
String reason
Number responseCode
solace.SessionEventCode sessionEventCode

Constructor details Top

SessionEvent ( Array superclassArgs, solace.SessionEventCode sessionEventCode, String infoStr, Number responseCode, solace.ErrorSubcode errorSubcode, Object | String | null | undefined correlationKey, String reason )

Represents a session event; events are passed to the application-provided event handling callback provided when creating the session.


Array superclassArgs

Args to pass to super

solace.SessionEventCode sessionEventCode

The event code

String infoStr

Information string

Number responseCode

Any associated router response code


solace.ErrorSubcode errorSubcode = 0

Any associated error subcode


Object | String | null | undefined correlationKey

Any associated correlation key


String reason

Any additional information


Properties Detail Top

public Object correlationKey = null

A user-specified object made available in the response or confirmation event by including it as a parameter in the orignal API call. If the user did not specify a correlationKey, it will be null.

public solace.ErrorSubcode errorSubcode

if applicable, an error subcode. Defined in solace.ErrorSubcode

public readonly errorSubCode

Deprecated: Use solace.SessionEvent#errorSubcode instead.

public String infoStr

if applicable, an information string returned by the Solace Message Router.

public String reason

Additional information if it is applicable. In case of subscribe or publish errors, it constains the topic.

public Number responseCode

if applicable, a response code returned by the Solace Message Router.

public solace.SessionEventCode sessionEventCode

Further qualifies the session event.