Connecting Event Broker Services to Event Portal With a PubSub+ Cloud Connection

If you have a Dedicated Region or Customer-Controlled Region, you can connect your event broker services in the region to Event Portal. The connection enables both runtime configuration from Event Portal and discovering runtime data from your event broker services.

To connect your event broker services to Event Portal:

  • The event broker services must be managed in the same PubSub+ Cloud account.

  • The event broker services must be in Dedicated Regions or Customer-Controlled Regions.

  • The event broker services must be version 10.5 or later.

  • Customer-Controlled Region customers must ensure their:

PubSub+ Cloud connections to Event Portal are not supported for event broker services with custom server certificates installed.

If you want to connect Event Portal to Kafka event brokers and Confluent schema registries, or to Solace event brokers that don't meet these requirements, or if your security requirements don't allow a direct connection between Event Portal and your event brokers, see Setting Up an External Event Broker with Event Portal Connection.

You connect event broker services to Event Portal using two steps:

  1. Enabling the Event Portal Connection for a Region

  2. Connecting an Event Broker Service to Event Portal

You can also review the status of an Event Portal connection from the Private Regions tab:

Enabling the Event Portal Connection for a Region

You enable the Event Portal connection for a Customer-Controlled Region or Dedicated Region using the Private Regions tab in the Cloud Console.

  1. Log in to the PubSub+ Cloud Console if you have not done so yet. The URL to access the Cloud Console differs based on your authentication scheme. For more information, see Logging In to the PubSub+ Cloud Console.

  2. On the navigation bar, click User & Account  and then select Account Details.
  3. On the Account Details page, select the Private Regions tab.
  4. Click the More Actions for a listed Region.
  5. From the menu that opens, select Enable Event Portal Connection.
  6. In the Enable Event Portal Connection dialog, select Enable.

You can now connect your event broker services to Event Portal in Runtime Event Manager. For more information, see Connecting an Event Broker Service to Event Portal.

Connecting an Event Broker Service to Event Portal

After enabling the Event Portal connection for a region using the Private Regions tab, you can connect your event broker services to Event Portal with the following steps:

  1. On the navigation bar, select Runtime Event Manager .
  2. Select a model event mesh from the list.
  3. Select the Event Broker Connections tab and click Connect Event Broker.
  4. Select the event broker service you want to connect to and manage with Event Portal and click Add.

Viewing the Event Portal Connection Status

You can review the status of a region connection to Event Portal from the Private Regions tab.

  1. On the navigation bar, click User & Account  and then select Account Details.
  2. On the Account Details page, select the Private Regions tab.
  3. You can view the status of the Event Management Agent connection in the Event Portal Connections column.
  4. The possible statuses are:
    • Disabled—The regions connection to Event Portal is disabled.
    • Enabled—The datacenters connection to Event Portal is enabled.