Scaling Up an Existing Single Software Event Broker

This section shows you the steps to increase the scaling parameters for a standalone software event broker using the Solace CLI.

This procedure changes system-wide scaling parameters. Upon completion, you may need to modify other parameters for individual Message VPNs. For example, you may need to modify the maximum number of client connections permitted for a specific Message VPN (Configuring Maximum Connections) or for a specific client profile (see Configuring Max Connections Per Username). For more information, see Configuring Message VPNs.

System scaling parameters can only be increased.

This procedure is service affecting in versions 10.11.0 and earlier. To change system scaling parameters other than max-subscriptions or the Kafka scaling parameters (Kafka bridges or Kafka broker connections) in these versions, you must shut down the message backbone and message spool.

The following steps show you how to increase the scaling parameters for a standalone event broker: 

Step 1: Review the System Resource Requirements

Step 2: Increase the Value of the Scaling Parameters

Step 1: Review the System Resource Requirements

Before changing scaling parameters, review the system resources that are required and ensure that your system is adequately provisioned for the new values you plan to set. When you set the maximum connections for containers, you may also need to set some docker create options in accordance with the new value. For details, see System Resource Requirements and Using System Scaling Parameters.

Step 2: Increase the Value of the Scaling Parameters

In versions 10.9.1 and earlier of the event broker, any change to a single parameter requires an event broker restart. However, with versions 10.10.0 and later, you can now upscale multiple parameters before an event broker restart is required.

To increase the value of your event broker scaling parameters, click on your event broker version below and follow the steps provided: