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ack(InboundMessage) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.AcknowledgementSupport
Acknowledges the inbound message.
AcknowledgementSupport - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface for manual message acknowledgement (receiver acknowledges message to the broker like behavior).
addReconnectionAttemptListener(MessagingService.ReconnectionAttemptListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Connectable
Registers the callback to receive reconnection attempt notifications.
addReconnectionListener(MessagingService.ReconnectionListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Connectable
Registers the callback to receive reconnection notifications.
addServiceInterruptionListener(MessagingService.ServiceInterruptionListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.ErrorMonitoring
Adds a callback to listen for non-recoverable service interruption events.
addSubscription(TopicSubscription) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.ReceiverSubscriptions
Subscribes to another message source on a broker to receive messages from.
addSubscriptionAsync(TopicSubscription, AsyncReceiverSubscriptions.SubscriptionChangeListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.AsyncReceiverSubscriptions
Requests to subscribe asynchronously to a given topic subscription.
allMessages() - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.ReplayStrategy
Creates a replay strategy for all available messages.
APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ClientProperties
A property key to specify a client description to report to an appliance.
APPLICATION_MESSAGE_ID - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.MessageProperties
A property key to specify application-specific message identifier.
APPLICATION_MESSAGE_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.MessageProperties
A property key to specify application message-type.
AsyncConnectable - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface for asynchronous (non-blocking) connection related operations.
AsyncLifecycleControl - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface for asynchronous control-service lifecycle operations, such as start and terminate.
AsyncReceiverSubscriptions - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface for asynchronous non-blocking requests to subscribe and unsubscribe to and from additional message sources, respectively.
AsyncReceiverSubscriptions.SubscriptionChangeListener - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
The listener for subscription change notifications.
AsyncReceiverSubscriptions.SubscriptionChangeListener.SubscriptionOperation - Enum in com.solace.messaging.receiver
The list subscription operations.
AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_BASIC - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.AuthenticationConstants
A valid value for the SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties.SCHEME property; the basic authentication; value is "AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_BASIC".
AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_CLIENT_CERT - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.AuthenticationConstants
A valid value for the SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties.SCHEME property; the client certificate authentication; value is "AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE".
AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_KERBEROS - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.AuthenticationConstants
A valid value for the SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties.SCHEME property; the kerberos; value is "AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_GSS_KRB".
AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_OAUTH2 - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.AuthenticationConstants
A valid value for the SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties.SCHEME property; the OAuth 2.0 authentication; value is "AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME_OAUTH2".
AuthenticationConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for configuring authentication.
AuthenticationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.AuthenticationException
Creates an instance of AuthenticationException when client authentication fails with an additional message.
AuthenticationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.AuthenticationException
Creates an instance of AuthenticationException when client authentication fails with an additional message and a Throwable.
AuthenticationStrategy - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for working with authentication credentials collection and preparation process.
AuthenticationStrategy.BasicUserNamePassword - Class in com.solace.messaging.config
A class for basic user name/password authentication configuration.
AuthenticationStrategy.ClientCertificateAuthentication - Class in com.solace.messaging.config
A class for a Client Certificate Authentication provider.
AuthenticationStrategy.Kerberos - Class in com.solace.messaging.config
A class for Kerberos Authentication Strategy.
AuthenticationStrategy.OAuth2 - Class in com.solace.messaging.config
A class for access token based OAuth 2.0 authentication configuration.
AuthorizationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.AuthorizationException
Creates an instance of AuthorizationException when client authorizations fails with an additional message.
AuthorizationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.AuthorizationException
Creates an instance of AuthorizationException when client authorizations fails with an additional message and a Throwable.


build() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.DirectMessagePublisherBuilder
Builds a new instance of DirectMessagePublisher based on the provided configuration.
build() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.DirectMessageReceiverBuilder
Creates a new instance of DirectMessageReceiver based on the provided configuration, to be used in applications when distribution of messages among different application instances for horizontal scalability purposes does not matter.
build(ShareName) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.DirectMessageReceiverBuilder
Creates a new instance of DirectMessageReceiver to be used in applications designed with horizontal scalability in mind with more than one instance running.
build(Queue) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessageQueueBrowserBuilder
Creates an instance of MessageQueueBrowser.
build() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.MessagingServiceClientBuilder
Creates a PubSub+ messaging service connector based on the provided configuration.
build(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.MessagingServiceClientBuilder
Creates a PubSub+ messaging service connector based on the provided configuration to expose the identity of the application using the provided configuration to fulfill the messaging needs.
build() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessagePublisherBuilder
Creates an instance of PersistentMessagePublisher.
build(Queue) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessageReceiverBuilder
Creates an instance of PersistentMessageReceiver.
build(byte[]) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.OutboundMessageBuilder
Creates an outbound message using the configuration provided by this instance of a message builder and the byte-array payload.
build(byte[], Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.OutboundMessageBuilder
Creates an outbound message using the configuration provided by this instance of a message builder and byte-array payload.
build(String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.OutboundMessageBuilder
Creates an outbound message using configuration provided by this instance of a message builder and string payload.
build(String, Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.OutboundMessageBuilder
Creates an outbound message using configuration provided by this instance of a message builder and string payload.
build(T, Converter.ObjectToBytes<T>) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.OutboundMessageBuilder
Creates an outbound message using configuration provided by this instance of a message builder and some serializable payload, converter
build(T, Converter.ObjectToBytes<T>, Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.OutboundMessageBuilder
Creates an outbound message using configuration provided by this instance of a message builder and some serializable payload, converter and extended properties
build() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.RequestReplyMessagePublisherBuilder
Builds a request-reply message publisher.
build(TopicSubscription) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.RequestReplyMessageReceiverBuilder
Builds a request-reply message receiver with the specified topic subscription.
build(TopicSubscription, ShareName) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.RequestReplyMessageReceiverBuilder
Builds a request-reply message receiver with a shared topic subscription and the shared name.
builder(ConfigurationProfile) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService
The entry point to create a service builder.
byteMessageSupplier(byte[]) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageReceiver.InboundMessageSupplier
Creates a message supplier with a given payload.


CERT_REJECT_EXPIRED - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerSecurityProperties
A property key to specify if the server certificate's expiration date should be validated.
CERT_VALIDATE_SERVERNAME - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerSecurityProperties
A property key to specify if the connection to a messaging broker should fail when a certificate with an invalid host is received.
CERT_VALIDATED - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerSecurityProperties
A property key to specify if the server certificate's should be validated.
CIPHER_SUITES - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerSecurityProperties
A property key to specify a comma-separated list of cipher suites in order of preference used for SSL connections.
CLASS_OF_SERVICE - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.MessageProperties
A property key to specify the class of service for the message.
clear() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Removes all mappings from the map.
com.solace.messaging - package com.solace.messaging
A root API package that contains interfaces and classes for developing Java applications using Solace PubSub Messaging Java Client
com.solace.messaging.config - package com.solace.messaging.config
A package of interfaces to configure PubSub+ messages, receivers, and publishers.
com.solace.messaging.config.profile - package com.solace.messaging.config.profile
A package of configuration settings.
com.solace.messaging.config.provider - package com.solace.messaging.config.provider
A package that contains classes and interfaces to work with various configuration providers.
com.solace.messaging.publisher - package com.solace.messaging.publisher
A package that contains interfaces and classes to handle publishing messages.
com.solace.messaging.receiver - package com.solace.messaging.receiver
A package that contains interfaces and classes to handle receiving messages.
com.solace.messaging.resources - package com.solace.messaging.resources
A package of interfaces to work with PubSub+ topics, queues, share names, and information about received messages.
com.solace.messaging.util - package com.solace.messaging.util
A package that contains interfaces and classes of utilities required to work with other PubSub+ Messaging APIs.
compare(InboundMessage.ReplicationGroupMessageId) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage.ReplicationGroupMessageId
Attempts to compare a given instance of ReplicationGroupMessageId with an another instance for order.
CompletionListener<T> - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
A callback for listening for the results of a future computation.
COMPRESSION_LEVEL - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerProperties
A property key to specify the compression level; A compression level setting of 1-9 sets the ZLIB compression level to use; while a setting of zero (0) disables compression entirely.
ConfigurationProfile - Enum in com.solace.messaging.config.profile
An enumeration of different versions of configuration profile including specific defaults.
connect() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService
connect() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Connectable
Connects synchronously with a PubSub+ event broker.
Connectable - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface for synchronous (blocking) connection related operations.
connectAsync() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService
connectAsync(CompletionListener<MessagingService>) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService
connectAsync() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.AsyncConnectable
Connects asynchronously with a PubSub+ event broker.
connectAsync(CompletionListener<T>) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.AsyncConnectable
Connects asynchronously with a PubSub+ event broker with a callback.
CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerProperties
A property key to specify a timeout value (in milliseconds) for creation of an initial connection to the appliance.
CONNECTION_RETRIES - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerProperties
A property key to specify the number of times to attempt to establish a connection to the host appliance (or list of appliances) during initial connection setup.
CONNECTION_RETRIES_PER_HOST - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerProperties
A property key to specify the number of times to attempt to connect or reconnect to a single host before moving to the next host in the list.
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns true if this map contains a mapping with the specified key.
containsProperty(String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.TypedProperties
Determines whether this object contains the specified property name.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns true if this map contains one or more mappings with the specified value.
convert(byte[]) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Converter.BytesToObject
Converts the provided byte-array to the specified type.
convert(byte[]) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.MessageToSDTMapConverter
Converter - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface for type-safe byte [] to/from target type object converter.
Converter.BytesToObject<T extends Serializable> - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
Byte-array to business object converter.
Converter.ObjectToBytes<T extends Serializable> - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
Business object to a byte-array converter.
CORRELATION_ID - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.MessageProperties
A property key to specify correlation ID.
create() - Static method in class com.solace.messaging.config.TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS
Creates a new transport layer security instance.
createDirectMessagePublisherBuilder() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService
Creates a new instance of DirectMessagePublisherBuilder, that is used to configure direct message publisher instances.
createDirectMessageReceiverBuilder() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService
Creates a new instance of DirectMessageReceiverBuilder, that is used to configure direct message receiver instances.
createMessageQueueBrowserBuilder() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService
Creates a new instance of MessageQueueBrowserBuilder, that is used to configure persistent message queue browser instances.
createPersistentMessagePublisherBuilder() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService
Creates a new instance of PersistentMessagePublisherBuilder, that is used to configure persistent message publisher instances.
createPersistentMessageReceiverBuilder() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService
Creates a new instance of PersistentMessageReceiverBuilder, that is used to configure persistent message receiver instances.
createRequestReplyMessagePublisherBuilder() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService.RequestReplyMessagingService
Creates a message publisher builder instance for request-reply use case.
createRequestReplyMessageReceiverBuilder() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService.RequestReplyMessagingService
Creates a message receiver builder instance for request-reply use case.
CustomServiceConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for creating custom source service-access configurations for the broker.


DeclarativeServiceConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface to provide configuration in a declarative way.
Destination - Interface in com.solace.messaging.resources
An interface that is the base interface for all remote resources hosted on the broker.
DIRECT_BACK_PRESSURE_BUFFER_CAPACITY - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ReceiverProperties
A property key to define the direct reciever back-pressure buffer capacity measured in messages.
DIRECT_BACK_PRESSURE_STRATEGY - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ReceiverProperties
A property key to define a direct receiver back-pressure strategy.
DirectMessagePublisher - Interface in com.solace.messaging.publisher
An interface to create and interact with direct (non-persistent) message publishers.
DirectMessagePublisher.FailedPublishEvent - Class in com.solace.messaging.publisher
A class that encapsulates the details of a failed attempt to publish a message.
DirectMessagePublisher.PublishFailureListener - Interface in com.solace.messaging.publisher
An interface that provides an abstraction for listeners of failed message publishing attempts.
DirectMessagePublisherBuilder - Interface in com.solace.messaging
An interface to configure and create instances of DirectMessagePublisher to publish direct messages.
DirectMessageReceiver - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface for using PubSub+ direct message consumers/receivers.
DirectMessageReceiverBuilder - Interface in com.solace.messaging
An interface to configure and create instances of DirectMessageReceiver.
DirectReceiverBackPressureConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for the configuration of back-pressure features for a message receiver.
disconnect() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Connectable
Disconnects with a PubSub+ event broker.
disconnectAsync() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.AsyncConnectable
Disconnects asynchronously with a PubSub+ event broker.
disconnectAsync(CompletionListener<Void>) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.AsyncConnectable
Disconnects asynchronously with a PubSub+ event broker with a callback.
downgradable() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS
Configures Secure Socket Layer (SSL) so that session connections are downgraded to a plain-text after client authentication completes.
dump() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.Message
Produces a human-readable dump of the message properties and its contents.
durableExclusiveQueue(String) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.resources.Queue
Represents an exclusive durable queue with a given name.
durableNonExclusiveQueue(String) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.resources.Queue
Represents a non-exclusive durable queue.


ELIDING_ELIGIBLE - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.MessageProperties
A property key to specify whether the message is eligible for eliding.
ErrorMonitoring - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface for global error-monitoring capabilities.
EXCLUDED_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerSecurityProperties
A property key to specify a comma-delimited list of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocols not to use.


FailedReceiveEvent(PubSubPlusClientException, long) - Constructor for class com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageReceiver.FailedReceiveEvent
Creates an instance of representing the event of failed attempt to receive a message.
FailedReceiveEvent(PubSubPlusClientException) - Constructor for class com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageReceiver.FailedReceiveEvent
Creates an instance of representing the event of failed attempt to receive a message.
foreverRetry() - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.RetryStrategy
Creates a retry configuration strategy that set to infinitely run automatic retries with a retry interval of 3000 milliseconds.
foreverRetry(int) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.RetryStrategy
Creates a retry configuration strategy that set to infinitely run automatic retries with the specified retry interval (in milliseconds).
fromConfigurationProvider(ServiceConfigurationProvider) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.CustomServiceConfiguration
Creates custom source service-access configurations for the broker
fromConfigurationProvider(ServiceConfigurationProvider) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.MessagingServiceClientBuilder
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.DeclarativeServiceConfiguration
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.PropertyBasedConfiguration
Enables property-based configuration.
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.PublisherPropertyConfiguration
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.ReceiverPropertyConfiguration
Enables property-based configuration and extended fine-tuning of the message publisher.
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.DirectMessagePublisherBuilder
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.DirectMessageReceiverBuilder
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagePublisherBuilder
Enables property-based configuration.
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessageQueueBrowserBuilder
Enables property-based configuration.
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessageReceiverBuilder
Enables property-based configuration.
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.MessagingServiceClientBuilder
Enables property-based configuration.
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessagePublisherBuilder
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessageReceiverBuilder
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.OutboundMessageBuilder
Enables property-based configuration.
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.RequestReplyMessagePublisherBuilder
fromProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.RequestReplyMessageReceiverBuilder


GENERATE_RECEIVE_TIMESTAMPS - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ServiceProperties
A property key to specify whether to generate a receive timestamp on incoming messages.
GENERATE_SEND_TIMESTAMPS - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ServiceProperties
A property key to specify whether to generate a send timestamp in outgoing messages.
GENERATE_SENDER_ID - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ServiceProperties
A property key to specify whether the client name should be included in the SenderID message header parameter.
get(BytesXMLMessage) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.MessageToSDTMapConverter
get(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns the value mapped to the specified case-sensitive key.
getAndConvertPayload(Converter.BytesToObject<T>, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage
Retrieves the raw payload and converts to the target type using given converter.
getApiBuildDate() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Manageable.ApiInfo
Retrieves the API build information (date and time) using the pattern yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss for the JAVA API and JCSMP.
getApiImplementationVendor() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Manageable.ApiInfo
Retrieves the implementation vendor of the API.
getApiUserId() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Manageable.ApiInfo
Retrieves the API user identifier that was reported to the event broker.
getApiVersion() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Manageable.ApiInfo
Retrieves the API version information using pattern JAVA API [semantic version]/JCSMP * [semantic version].
getApplicationId() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService
Gets the application identifier.
getApplicationMessageId() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.Message
Gets an optional application message identifier when sender application set one.
getApplicationMessageType() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.Message
Gets the application message type.
getAuthenticationConfiguration() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.BasicUserNamePassword
getAuthenticationConfiguration() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.ClientCertificateAuthentication
getAuthenticationConfiguration() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.Kerberos
getAuthenticationConfiguration() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.OAuth2
getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns the Boolean value mapped to the specified case-sensitive key.
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.TypedProperties
Gets the Boolean for the specified property name.
getBrokerURI() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService.ServiceEvent
Gets the broker URI.
getByte(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns the Boolean value mapped to the specified case-sensitive key.
getBytes(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns the byte[] value mapped to the specified case-sensitive key.
getCapabilityType() - Method in exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.ServiceCapabilityException
Get the capability type from the instance.
getCause() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService.ServiceEvent
Retrieves the cause of the client exception if any.
getCause() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.LifecycleControl.TerminationEvent
Retrieves the cause of the client exception if any.
getCharacter(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns the Character value mapped to the specified case-sensitive key.
getClassOfService() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage
Retrieves the Class of Service level of a given message.
getClientName() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService
Gets the client name identifier.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.TypedConfiguration
Retrieve the configuration.
getCorrelationId() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.Message
Gets the correlation identifier passed from a message producer.
getCorrelationKey() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.Message
Gets the correlation key passed from a message producer.
getDestination() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.publisher.DirectMessagePublisher.FailedPublishEvent
Retrieves the message destination that's associated with a given event.
getDestination() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver.FailedReplyEvent
Retrieves the message destination that's associated with a given event.
getDestination(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns the Destination value mapped to the specified case-sensitive key.
getDestinationName() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage
Retrieves the name of the destination of the received message (topic or queue).
getDouble(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns the Double value mapped to the specified case-sensitive key.
getException() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.publisher.DirectMessagePublisher.FailedPublishEvent
Retrieves the exception that's associated with a given event.
getException() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher.PublishReceipt
Gets exception if any, indicating failure case
getException() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageReceiver.FailedReceiveEvent
Retrieves the exception associated with a given event.
getException() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver.FailedReplyEvent
Retrieves the exception that's associated with a given event.
getExpiration() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.Message
The UTC time (in milliseconds) in Epoch time when the message is supposed to expire.
getFloat(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns the Float value mapped to the specified case-sensitive key.
getHTTPContentEncoding() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.InteroperabilitySupport.RestInteroperabilitySupport
Gets the HTTP content-type encoding value for interaction with an HTTP or REST clients.
getHTTPContentType() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.InteroperabilitySupport.RestInteroperabilitySupport
Gets the HTTP content-type header value from interaction with an HTTP or REST clients.
getId() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Identifiable
Retrieves the identifier.
getInstanceName() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.resources.ReceiverInfo
Retrieve the instance name of the receiver.
getInstanceName() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.ManageablePublisher.PublisherInfo
Retrieve the instance name of the publisher.
getInteger(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns the Integer value mapped to the specified case-sensitive key.
getIntegerProperty(String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.TypedProperties
Gets the Integer value for the specified property name.
getLong(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns the Long value mapped to the specified case-sensitive key.
getLongProperty(String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.TypedProperties
Gets the Long value for the specified property name.
getMap(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns the SDTMap value mapped to the specified case-sensitive key.
getMessage() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService.ServiceEvent
Retrieves the event message.
getMessage() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.publisher.DirectMessagePublisher.FailedPublishEvent
Retrieves a message that's associated with a given event.
getMessage() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher.PublishReceipt
Retrieves message associated with a Receipt.
getMessage() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.LifecycleControl.TerminationEvent
Retrieves the event message.
getMessageCount() - Method in exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.IncompleteMessageDeliveryException
Gets a number of affected by messages
getMessageDiscardNotification() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage
Retrieves the Message Discard Notification about previously discarded messages.
getName() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.resources.Destination
Retrieves the name of the resource.
getName() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.ManageableReceiver.PersistentReceiverInfo.ResourceInfo
Returns the name of the resource.
getObjectProperty(String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.TypedProperties
Gets the object containing for the specified property name.
getPayloadAsBytes() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.Message
Gets the raw payload of the message as a byte array.
getPayloadAsString() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.Message
Gets the payload as a UTF-8 decoded as a String.
getPriority() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.Message
Gets priority value in the range of 0 - 255, or -1 if it is not set.
getProperties() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.Message
Gets the non-solace properties attached to the message.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.Message
Gets the value of a specific non-solace property.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.TypedProperties
Gets the String value for the specified property name.
getReplicationGroupMessageId() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage
Retrieves the Replication Group Message ID if available
getReplyMessage() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver.FailedReplyEvent
Retrieves a reply message that's associated with a given event.
getRequestMessage() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver.FailedReplyEvent
Retrieves a request message that's associated with a given event.
getResourceInfo() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.ManageableReceiver.PersistentReceiverInfo
Returns the remote endpoint (resource) info for particular receiver at runtime.
getRestInteroperabilitySupport() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.InteroperabilitySupport
Gets access to the optional metadata used for interoperability with other messaging clients
getRetries() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.RetryStrategy
Returns the number of times to retry an action.
getRetryInterval() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.RetryStrategy
Returns the interval (in milliseconds) between retry attempts.
getSecurityConfiguration() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS
getSenderId() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage
Returns the Sender's ID.
getSenderTimestamp() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage
Retrieves the sender's timestamp.
getSequenceNumber() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.Message
Gets the sequence number.
getShort(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns the Short value mapped to the specified case-sensitive key.
getStream(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns the SDTStream value mapped to the specified case-sensitive key.
getString(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns the String value mapped to the specified case-sensitive key.
getTimestamp() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService.ServiceEvent
Retrieves the timestamp of the event.
getTimeStamp() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.publisher.DirectMessagePublisher.FailedPublishEvent
Retrieves the timestamp of the event, in number of milliseconds from the Epoch time (since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
getTimeStamp() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher.PublishReceipt
Retrieves the timestamp, number of milliseconds from the Epoch time (time since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
getTimeStamp() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage
Gets the receive timestamp (in milliseconds, from midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC).
getTimeStamp() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageReceiver.FailedReceiveEvent
Retrieves the timestamp of the event as the number of milliseconds from midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
getTimeStamp() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver.FailedReplyEvent
Retrieves the timestamp of the event, in number of milliseconds from the Epoch time (since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
getTimestamp() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.LifecycleControl.TerminationEvent
Retrieves the timestamp of the event.
getUserContext() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher.PublishReceipt
Retrieves the context associated with an action if provided during publishing.
getValue(Manageable.ApiMetrics.Metric) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Manageable.ApiMetrics
Retrieves the metric's current value/count.


hasBrokerDiscardIndication() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage.MessageDiscardNotification
Determines whether the event broker has discarded one or more messages prior to the current message.
hasContent() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.Message
Checks whether the message has content.
hasInternalDiscardIndication() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage.MessageDiscardNotification
Determines if the API has discarded one or more messages prior to the current message, (i.e., in a back-pressure situation).
hasProperty(String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.Message
Checks if the message has a specific non-solace property attached.
HOST - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerProperties
A property key to specify the IP address (or hostname) for which to connect.
HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.MessageProperties
A property key to specify HTTP content-type encoding value for interaction with an HTTP client.
HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.MessageProperties
A property key to specify HTTP content-type header value for interaction with an HTTP client.


Identifiable - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface that defines the contract for classes whose object instances can be uniquely identified relative to other object instances within the same class type hierarchy during a single application execution of the JVM.
InboundMessage - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface for inbound messages.
InboundMessage.IncompatibleMessageHandler - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface for incompatible message listeners.
InboundMessage.MessageDiscardNotification - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface for message discard notifications.
InboundMessage.ReplicationGroupMessageId - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface to access Replication Group Message ID.
IncompatibleMessageException(String) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.IncompatibleMessageException
Creates an instance of IncompatibleMessageException with a detailed message for an incompatible message.
IncompatibleMessageException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.IncompatibleMessageException
Creates an instance of IncompatibleMessageException with a detailed message and the cause for an incompatible message.
IncompleteMessageDeliveryException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.IncompleteMessageDeliveryException
Creates an instance of IncompleteMessageDeliveryException with a detailed message when a publisher or receiver were terminated, but there are some messages left in the buffer.
IncompleteMessageDeliveryException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.IncompleteMessageDeliveryException
* Creates an instance of IncompleteMessageDeliveryException with a detailed message when a publisher or receiver were terminated, but there are some messages left in the buffer.
info() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Manageable
Retrieves the API information as an Manageable.ApiInfo.
InteroperabilitySupport - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface to retrieve metadata (such as content-type header and encoding values) to interoperate with other messaging clients.
InteroperabilitySupport.RestInteroperabilitySupport - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface retrieve metadata (such as content-type header and encoding values) to interoperate with REST- and HTTP-based messaging clients.
InvalidConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.InvalidConfigurationException
Creates an instance of InvalidConfigurationException with a detailed message.
InvalidConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.InvalidConfigurationException
Creates an instance of InvalidConfigurationException with the cause for invalid configuration errors.
InvalidConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.InvalidConfigurationException
Creates an instance of InvalidConfigurationException with a detailed message and the cause for invalid configuration errors.
isCached() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage
Retrieves the indicator if this message was part of a cache reply
isConnected() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Connectable
Determines if the messaging service is operational and that the connect() method was previously called successfully.
isDurable() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.resources.ResourceDurability
Determines if a resource is durable.
isDurable() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.ManageableReceiver.PersistentReceiverInfo.ResourceInfo
Returns whether the resource is durable.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns true if there are no mappings.
isExclusivelyAccessible() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.resources.ResourceAccessibility
Determines if remote resource supports exclusive or shared-access mode.
isPersisted() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher.PublishReceipt
Gets information if message reached a broker and persistence confirmation was received back.
isReady() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PublisherHealthCheck
A non-blocking check to determine if the publisher can potentially publish messages.
isRedelivered() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage
Retrieves the message redelivery status.
isRunning() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.LifecycleControl
Checks if the process was successfully started and not yet stopped.
isTerminated() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.LifecycleControl
Checks if message delivery process is terminated
isTerminating() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.LifecycleControl
Checks if message delivery process termination is ongoing


KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerProperties
A property key to specify the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait between sending out keep-alive messages.
KEEP_ALIVE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE_LIMIT - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerProperties
A property key to specify the maximum number of consecutive keep-alive messages that can be sent without receiving a response before the connection is closed by the API.
keySet() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns a Set of all the keys in the map.


LifecycleControl - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface for control of the service lifecycle operations such as start and terminate.
LifecycleControl.TerminationEvent - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An event interface for non-user initiated non-recoverable receiver or publisher unsolicited termination for which applications can listen.
LifecycleControl.TerminationNotificationListener - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
A callback listener for notifications about non-recoverable receiver or publisher interruptions.
local() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.LocalServiceConfiguration
Creates a service configuration for connection to default VPN on a local-hosted broker, using non-secure TCP port 55555.
local(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.LocalServiceConfiguration
Creates a service configuration for connection to default VPN on a local-hosted broker, using given non-secure TCP port.
local(String, int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.LocalServiceConfiguration
Creates a service configuration for connection to defined VPN on a local hosted broker, using given non-secure TCP port.
local() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.MessagingServiceClientBuilder
local(int) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.MessagingServiceClientBuilder
local(String, int) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.MessagingServiceClientBuilder
LOCAL_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerProperties
A property key recommended to be set on multi-homed hosts (though optional).
LocalServiceConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for creating service-access configurations for the broker running on a same host.
localTLS() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.LocalServiceConfiguration
Creates a service configuration for connection to default VPN on a local-hosted broker, using secure TCP port 55443.
localTLS(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.LocalServiceConfiguration
Creates a service configuration for connection to default VPN on a local-hosted broker, using given secure TCP port.
localTLS(String, int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.LocalServiceConfiguration
Creates a service configuration for connection to defined VPN on a local-hosted broker, using given secure TCP port.
localTLS() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.MessagingServiceClientBuilder
localTLS(int) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.MessagingServiceClientBuilder
localTLS(String, int) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.MessagingServiceClientBuilder


Manageable - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface to access the different aspects of API manageability.
Manageable.ApiInfo - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface for access to API build, client, environment, and basic broker information.
Manageable.ApiMetrics - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface for statistics and metrics collection.
Manageable.ApiMetrics.Metric - Enum in com.solace.messaging.util
List of collected metrics in the API.
ManageablePublisher - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface for the different aspects of message publisher manageability.
ManageablePublisher.DirectPublisherInfo - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface for access to advanced direct publisher information at runtime.
ManageablePublisher.PersistentPublisherInfo - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface for access to advanced Persistent receiver information at runtime.
ManageablePublisher.PublisherInfo - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface for access to advanced publisher information at runtime.
ManageableReceiver - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface for the different aspects of message receiver manageability.
ManageableReceiver.DirectReceiverInfo - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface to access to a direct receiver information at runtime.
ManageableReceiver.PersistentReceiverInfo - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface for access to persistent receiver information at runtime.
ManageableReceiver.PersistentReceiverInfo.ResourceInfo - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface for access to remote resource endpoint information (like a queue) at runtime.
Message - Interface in com.solace.messaging
An interface that abstracts a Solace PubSub+ Message
MessageAcknowledgementConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface that provides support for message acknowledgement.
MessageAcknowledgementConfiguration.Outcome - Enum in com.solace.messaging.config
Represents the type for supported message settlement outcome
messageBuilder() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService
Creates an instance of OutboundMessageBuilder that inherits configuration profile defaults from this instance.
MessageDestinationDoesNotExistException() - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.MessageDestinationDoesNotExistException
MessageNotAcknowledgedByBrokerException() - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.MessageNotAcknowledgedByBrokerException
MessagePublisher - Interface in com.solace.messaging.publisher
An interface for working with message publishing, which is a base interface for all publishers.
MessagePublisherBuilder - Interface in com.solace.messaging
An interface to create and configure different types of message publishers.
MessageQueueBrowser - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
A Queue Browser allows client applications to look at messages stored in persistent store of Queue Endpoints without removing them.
MessageQueueBrowserBuilder - Interface in com.solace.messaging
An interface to configure and create instances of MessageQueueBrowser to look at persistent messages without consuming them.
MessageReceiver - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface for receiving messages; it is the base interface for all receivers.
MessageReceiver.FailedReceiveEvent - Class in com.solace.messaging.receiver
A class that encapsulates details of a failed attempt to receive a message.
MessageReceiver.InboundMessageSupplier - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface for message supplier functionality used for alternative message receiver methods.
MessageReceiver.MessageHandler - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface for the listener of message handlers for inbound messages.
MessageReceiver.ReceiveFailureListener - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface for a listener for failures during the receipt of messages from a broker.
MessageReceiverBuilder - Interface in com.solace.messaging
An interface to create and configure different types of a message receivers.
MessageRejectedByBrokerException() - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.MessageRejectedByBrokerException
MessageReplayConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface to provide support for message replay.
MessageReplayException(String) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.MessageReplayException
Creates an instance of MessageReplayException with a detailed message
MessageReplayException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.MessageReplayException
Creates an instance of MessageReplayException with a detailed message and a Throwable.
MessageTooBigException() - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.MessageTooBigException
MessageToSDTMapConverter - Class in com.solace.messaging.util
Message payload converter to be used for receiving messages with JCSMP legacy SDTMap type.
MessageToSDTMapConverter() - Constructor for class com.solace.messaging.util.MessageToSDTMapConverter
MessagingService - Interface in com.solace.messaging
An interface that represents a messaging service connector and represents an entry point for entire PubSub+ messaging API.
MessagingService.ReconnectionAttemptListener - Interface in com.solace.messaging
A callback listener for TCP level attempted reconnection.
MessagingService.ReconnectionListener - Interface in com.solace.messaging
A callback listener for TCP-level successful reconnection notifications.
MessagingService.RequestReplyMessagingService - Interface in com.solace.messaging
An interface for request-reply behavior.
MessagingService.ServiceEvent - Interface in com.solace.messaging
An event interface for a messaging service for which applications can listen.
MessagingService.ServiceInterruptionListener - Interface in com.solace.messaging
A callback listener for notifications about non-recoverable service interruptions.
MessagingServiceClientBuilder - Class in com.solace.messaging
A class to configure and build MessagingService instances.
metrics() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Manageable
An interface to get API metrics.
MissingResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.MissingResourceException
Creates an instance of MissingResourceException with a detailed message of missing a resource situation.
MissingResourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.MissingResourceException
Creates an instance of MissingResourceException with a detailed message of missing a * resource situation and a Throwable.
MissingResourcesCreationConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface that abstracts configurability of api with MissingResourcesCreationConfiguration.MissingResourcesCreationStrategy
MissingResourcesCreationConfiguration.MissingResourcesCreationStrategy - Enum in com.solace.messaging.config
The available missing resources creation strategies.


NAME - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ClientProperties
A property key to specify the unique client name to use to register to an appliance.
neverRetry() - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.RetryStrategy
Creates an instance of configuration for disabled automatic retries.
nonDurableExclusiveQueue(String) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.resources.Queue
Represents an exclusive non-durable queue with a given name.
nonDurableExclusiveQueue() - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.resources.Queue
Represents an anonymous exclusive non-durable queue.
notifyWhenReady() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PublisherHealthCheck
A non-blocking request to notify PublisherHealthCheck.PublisherReadinessListener.
nullMessageSupplier() - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageReceiver.InboundMessageSupplier
Creates a message supplier that creates null messages.


of(String, String) - Static method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.BasicUserNamePassword
A factory method that creates an instance of BasicUserNamePassword authentication provider from the specified user name and password.
of(String, String, SecureStoreFormat) - Static method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.ClientCertificateAuthentication
A factory method that creates a new instance to be used for Client Certificate Authentication.
of(String, String) - Static method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.ClientCertificateAuthentication
A factory method that creates a new instance to be used for Client Certificate Authentication.
of(String, String) - Static method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.Kerberos
A factory method that creates a Kerberos instance.
of(String) - Static method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.Kerberos
A factory method that creates a Kerberos instance.
of(String) - Static method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.OAuth2
A factory method that creates an instance of OAuth2 from the specified token.
of(String, String) - Static method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.OAuth2
A factory method that creates an instance of OAuth2 from the specified access token and OIDC ID token.
of(Throwable) - Static method in exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException
Converts a given exception to the appropriate PubSubPlusClientException.
of(String) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage.ReplicationGroupMessageId
A factory method to create instances of a InboundMessage.ReplicationGroupMessageId from a specified string.
of(String) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.resources.ShareName
A factory method to create instances of a ShareName.
of(String) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.resources.Topic
A factory method to create instances of Topic for the specified topic expression.
of(String, boolean) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.resources.Topic
A factory method to create instances of Topic for the specified topic expression, creator can indicate if it is temporary or not.
of(String) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.resources.TopicSubscription
A factory method to create instances of a TopicSubscription for the specified topic expression.
onBackPressureDropLatest(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.DirectReceiverBackPressureConfiguration
The Configuration for back-pressure with a specified number of pre-buffered received messages.
onBackPressureDropLatest(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.DirectMessageReceiverBuilder
onBackPressureDropOldest(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.DirectReceiverBackPressureConfiguration
The Configuration for back-pressure with a specified number of pre-buffered received messages.
onBackPressureDropOldest(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.DirectMessageReceiverBuilder
onBackPressureElastic() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.DirectReceiverBackPressureConfiguration
The configuration for back-pressure with an elastic, unlimited capacity buffer.
onBackPressureElastic() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.PublisherBackPressureConfiguration
The configuration for back-pressure with an elastic, unlimited capacity buffer.
onBackPressureElastic() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.DirectMessagePublisherBuilder
onBackPressureElastic() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.DirectMessageReceiverBuilder
onBackPressureElastic() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessagePublisherBuilder
onBackPressureReject(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.PublisherBackPressureConfiguration
The configuration for back-pressure with a specified number of buffered messages.
onBackPressureReject(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.DirectMessagePublisherBuilder
onBackPressureReject(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessagePublisherBuilder
onBackPressureWait(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.PublisherBackPressureConfiguration
The configuration for back-pressure with specified number of buffered messages.
onBackPressureWait(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.DirectMessagePublisherBuilder
onBackPressureWait(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessagePublisherBuilder
onCompletion(T, Throwable) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.CompletionListener
A callback listener that accepts the results of a future computation.
onFailedPublish(DirectMessagePublisher.FailedPublishEvent) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.DirectMessagePublisher.PublishFailureListener
The callback method that is executed when errors occurs when there is an attempt to publish a message to a broker.
onFailedReceive(MessageReceiver.FailedReceiveEvent) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageReceiver.ReceiveFailureListener
The callback method that executes when errors by message receive are occurred.
onFailedReply(RequestReplyMessageReceiver.FailedReplyEvent) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver.ReplyFailureListener
The callback method that is executed when errors occurs when there is an attempt to publish a reply message to a broker.
onIncompatibleMessage(InboundMessage, Converter.BytesToObject, Class<?>, PubSubPlusClientException.IncompatibleMessageException) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage.IncompatibleMessageHandler
The callback that executes when incompatible messages are received.
onMessage(InboundMessage, Object, PubSubPlusClientException) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.RequestReplyMessagePublisher.ReplyMessageHandler
The callback to handle a reply message.
onMessage(InboundMessage) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageReceiver.MessageHandler
The callback for processing inbound messages.
onMessage(InboundMessage, RequestReplyMessageReceiver.Replier) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver.RequestMessageHandler
The callback to handle a request message and to publish a response.
onPublishReceipt(PersistentMessagePublisher.PublishReceipt) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher.MessagePublishReceiptListener
The callback that executes when a publish notification occurs.
onReconnected(MessagingService.ServiceEvent) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService.ReconnectionListener
The callback executed in situation when the connection is successfully restored.
onReconnecting(MessagingService.ServiceEvent) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService.ReconnectionAttemptListener
The callback executed in situation after connection goes down and reconnection is attempted.
onReplierBackPressureElastic() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.RequestReplyMessageReceiverBuilder
The configuration for back-pressure with an elastic, unlimited capacity buffer.
onReplierBackPressureReject(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.RequestReplyMessageReceiverBuilder
The configuration for back-pressure with a specified number of buffered messages.
onReplierBackPressureWait(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.RequestReplyMessageReceiverBuilder
The configuration for back-pressure with specified number of buffered messages.
onServiceInterrupted(MessagingService.ServiceEvent) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService.ServiceInterruptionListener
Callback executed in situations when the connection goes down and can not be successfully restored.
onStateChange(ReceiverActivationPassivationConfiguration.ReceiverStateChangeListener.ReceiverState, ReceiverActivationPassivationConfiguration.ReceiverStateChangeListener.ReceiverState, long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.ReceiverActivationPassivationConfiguration.ReceiverStateChangeListener
The callback executed when a state change occurs.
onSubscriptionChange(TopicSubscription, AsyncReceiverSubscriptions.SubscriptionChangeListener.SubscriptionOperation, PubSubPlusClientException) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.AsyncReceiverSubscriptions.SubscriptionChangeListener
A callback method that executes when a subscription change occurs and the broker response is processed.
onTermination(LifecycleControl.TerminationEvent) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.LifecycleControl.TerminationNotificationListener
Callback executed in situations when a receiver or a publisher goes down and can not be successfully restored.
OutboundMessage - Interface in com.solace.messaging.publisher
An interface for outbound messages and provides extended control for additional sender options.
OutboundMessageBuilder - Interface in com.solace.messaging.publisher
An interface for the creating and configuring outbound messages.


parametrizedRetry(int, int) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.RetryStrategy
Creates an instance of configuration for fully configurable RetryStrategy.
pause() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.ReceiverFlowControl
Pauses message delivery to an asynchronous message handler or stream.
PERSISTENT_ACK_IMMEDIATELY - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.MessageProperties
A property key to specify if the appliance should acknowledge (ACK) this message immediately upon receipt.
PERSISTENT_DMQ_ELIGIBLE - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.MessageProperties
A property key to specify if the message is eligible to be moved to a Dead Message Queue.
PERSISTENT_EXPIRATION - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.MessageProperties
A property key to specify when the message is supposed to expire (in milliseconds, from midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC).
PERSISTENT_MESSAGE_ACK_STRATEGY - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ReceiverProperties
A property key to specify the acknowledgement strategy for the message receiver.
PERSISTENT_MESSAGE_REPLAY_STRATEGY - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ReceiverProperties
A property key to enable message replay and to specify a replay strategy.
PERSISTENT_MESSAGE_REPLAY_STRATEGY_TIME_BASED_START_TIME - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ReceiverProperties
A property key to configure time-based replay strategy with a start time.
PERSISTENT_MESSAGE_SELECTOR_QUERY - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ReceiverProperties
A property key to specify the message-selection query based on the message header parameter and message properties values.
PERSISTENT_MISSING_RESOURCE_CREATION_STRATEGY - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ReceiverProperties
A property key to specify if and how missing remote resource (i.e., queues) are to be created on a broker prior to receiving persistent messages.
PERSISTENT_RECEIVER_AUTO_ACK - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.ReceiverConstants
PERSISTENT_RECEIVER_CLIENT_ACK - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.ReceiverConstants
PERSISTENT_RECEIVER_CREATE_ON_START_MISSING_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.ReceiverConstants
PERSISTENT_RECEIVER_DO_NOT_CREATE_MISSING_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.ReceiverConstants
PERSISTENT_RECONNECTION_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ReceiverProperties
Property key to specify the number of times to attempt to reconnect to an endpoint after the initial bound flow goes down.
PERSISTENT_RECONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_WAIT_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ReceiverProperties
Property key to specify the time (in ms) to wait between each attempt to reconnect to an endpoint.
PERSISTENT_REPLAY_ALL - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.ReceiverConstants
A valid value for the property SolaceProperties.ReceiverProperties.PERSISTENT_MESSAGE_REPLAY_STRATEGY that represents a replay strategy to get all messages.
PERSISTENT_REPLAY_REPLICATION_GROUP_MESSAGE_ID - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ReceiverProperties
A property key to configure replay after given replication message id.
PERSISTENT_REPLAY_REPLICATION_GROUP_MESSAGE_ID_BASED - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.ReceiverConstants
A valid value for the property SolaceProperties.ReceiverProperties.PERSISTENT_MESSAGE_REPLAY_STRATEGY that represents a replay strategy to trigger replay after message with a particular replication group message id
PERSISTENT_REPLAY_TIME_BASED - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.ReceiverConstants
A valid value for the property SolaceProperties.ReceiverProperties.PERSISTENT_MESSAGE_REPLAY_STRATEGY that represents a replay strategy to trigger replay after a specified time point.
PERSISTENT_STATE_CHANGE_LISTENER - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ReceiverProperties
A property key to specify to use the callback (ReceiverStateChangeListener and enable activation and passivation support.
PERSISTENT_TIME_TO_LIVE - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.MessageProperties
A property key to specify number of milliseconds before the message is discarded or moved to a Dead Message Queue.
PersistentMessagePublisher - Interface in com.solace.messaging.publisher
An interface to create and interact with persistent message publishers.
PersistentMessagePublisher.MessagePublishReceiptListener - Interface in com.solace.messaging.publisher
An interface for listeners that process notifications about message delivered to the broker (success or failures).
PersistentMessagePublisher.PublishReceipt - Class in com.solace.messaging.publisher
A class that encapsulates broker acknowledgement or failed publishing attempts, used for message delivery notification processing such as timestamp, correlation token, original message, indicator if message was persisted on a broker.
PersistentMessagePublisherBuilder - Interface in com.solace.messaging
An interface to configure and create instances of PersistentMessagePublisher to send persistent messages.
PersistentMessageReceiver - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface that abstracts behavior of PubSub+ persistent message consumer/receiver.
PersistentMessageReceiverBuilder - Interface in com.solace.messaging
An interface to configure and create instances of PersistentMessageReceiver to receive persistent messages.
PRIORITY - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.MessageProperties
A property key to specify optional message priority.
PropertyBasedConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface to enable extended property-based configuration for fine-tuning.
propertyNames() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.TypedProperties
Gets the property names for this object.
PROTOCOL_DOWNGRADE_TO - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerSecurityProperties
A property key to specify transport protocol that the (Secure Socket Layer SSL) session connection will be downgraded to after client authentication.
publish(byte[], Topic) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.DirectMessagePublisher
Sends a byte-array message to the given destination using defaults This method is non-blocking.
publish(String, Topic) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.DirectMessagePublisher
Sends a UTF-8 encoded-text message (payload) to the specified destination using defaults This method is non-blocking.
publish(OutboundMessage, Topic) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.DirectMessagePublisher
Sends an OutboundMessage to the given destination, non blocking.
publish(OutboundMessage, Topic, Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.DirectMessagePublisher
Sends OutboundMessage to the given destination, extendedMessageProperties can be included into the message, non blocking.
publish(byte[], Topic) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher
Sends a persistent byte-array message to the given destination using defaults.
publish(byte[], Topic, Object) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher
Sends a persistent byte array message to the given destination using defaults.
publish(String, Topic) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher
Sends a UTF-8 encoded persistent text message as a payload to the given destination using defaults.
publish(String, Topic, Object) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher
Sends a UTF-8 encoded persistent text message as the payload to the given destination using defaults.
publish(OutboundMessage, Topic) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher
Sends a persistent message; nonblocking
publish(OutboundMessage, Topic, Object) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher
Sends a persistent message to the given destination, non blocking
publish(OutboundMessage, Topic, Object, Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher
Sends a persistent message to the given destination, non-blocking
publish(OutboundMessage, RequestReplyMessagePublisher.ReplyMessageHandler, Topic, long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.RequestReplyMessagePublisher
Sends a request for reply message; nonblocking.
publish(OutboundMessage, RequestReplyMessagePublisher.ReplyMessageHandler, Object, Topic, long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.RequestReplyMessagePublisher
Sends a request for reply message; nonblocking.
publish(OutboundMessage, Properties, RequestReplyMessagePublisher.ReplyMessageHandler, Object, Topic, long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.RequestReplyMessagePublisher
Sends a request for reply message; nonblocking.
publishAwaitAcknowledgement(OutboundMessage, Topic, long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher
Sends a persistent message, blocking until delivery acknowledgement is received or timeout occurs.
publishAwaitAcknowledgement(OutboundMessage, Topic, long, Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher
Sends a persistent message, blocking until delivery acknowledgement is received or timeout occurs
publishAwaitResponse(OutboundMessage, Topic, long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.RequestReplyMessagePublisher
Sends a request message return response message that blocks until a response is received or a timeout occurs.
publishAwaitResponse(OutboundMessage, Properties, Topic, long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.RequestReplyMessagePublisher
Sends a request message return response message that blocks until a response is received or a timeout occurs.
PUBLISHER_BACK_PRESSURE_BUFFER_CAPACITY - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.PublisherProperties
A property key to define back pressure buffer capacity measured in messages.
PUBLISHER_BACK_PRESSURE_STRATEGY - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.PublisherProperties
A property key to define a back-pressure strategy.
PUBLISHER_BACK_PRESSURE_STRATEGY_BUFFER_REJECT_WHEN_FULL - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.PublisherConstants
PUBLISHER_BACK_PRESSURE_STRATEGY_BUFFER_WAIT_WHEN_FULL - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.PublisherConstants
PUBLISHER_BACK_PRESSURE_STRATEGY_ELASTIC - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.PublisherConstants
PUBLISHER_PERSISTENT_ACK_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ServiceProperties
A property key to specify acknowledgement timeout period in milliseconds.
PUBLISHER_PERSISTENT_ACK_WINDOW_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ServiceProperties
A property key to specify size of the sliding publisher window for persistent message publisher.
PublisherBackPressureConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for the configuration of back-pressure features for a message publisher.
PublisherHealthCheck - Interface in com.solace.messaging.publisher
An interface for publisher readiness estimation.
PublisherHealthCheck.PublisherReadinessListener - Interface in com.solace.messaging.publisher
An interface that is abstraction for the handling of a publisher instance's ability to take new messages and send them over the wire to a remote broker.
publisherInfo() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.DirectMessagePublisher
publisherInfo() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher
publisherInfo() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.ManageablePublisher
Provides access to the publisher information.
PublisherOverflowException(String) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.PublisherOverflowException
Creates an instance of PublisherOverflowException with a detailed message when the broker is unable to publish a message because the transport is full and buffer space is not available.
PublisherOverflowException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.PublisherOverflowException
Creates an instance of PublisherOverflowException with a detailed message and the cause when the broker is unable to publish a message because the transport is full and buffer space is not available.
PublisherPropertyConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for property-based fine-tuning of a message publisher.
PubSubPlusClientException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
PubSubPlusClientException is the superclass of those exceptions that can be thrown during the normal operation of PubSub+ client.
PubSubPlusClientException() - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException
Creates a PubSubPlusClientException exception with null as its detailed message.
PubSubPlusClientException(String) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException
Constructs a PubSubPlusClientException exception with the specified detailed message.
PubSubPlusClientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException
Constructs a PubSubPlusClientException exception with the specified detailed message and cause.
PubSubPlusClientException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException
Constructs a PubSubPlusClientException exception with the specified cause and a detail message of:
PubSubPlusClientException.AuthenticationException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors when client authentication fails.
PubSubPlusClientException.AuthorizationException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors when client authorizations fails, client authorizations unsupported or not enabled for the service
PubSubPlusClientException.IncompatibleMessageException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors for clients that have received incompatible messages.
PubSubPlusClientException.IncompleteMessageDeliveryException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors when a publisher or receiver has been terminated gracefully, but there are messages left in the buffer.
PubSubPlusClientException.InvalidConfigurationException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors for invalid configuration.
PubSubPlusClientException.MessageDestinationDoesNotExistException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors for messages with a destination that does not exist.
PubSubPlusClientException.MessageNotAcknowledgedByBrokerException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors when a broker does not acknowledge a message.
PubSubPlusClientException.MessageRejectedByBrokerException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors when a broker rejects a message.
PubSubPlusClientException.MessageReplayException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising message replay related errors
PubSubPlusClientException.MessageTooBigException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors when a message too large.
PubSubPlusClientException.MissingResourceException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors when a remote resource like a queue, vpn is not found on a broker.
PubSubPlusClientException.PublisherOverflowException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors when the broker is unable to publish a message because the transport is full and buffer space is not available.
PubSubPlusClientException.PubSubPlusClientIOException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors for I/O errors that occur between a messaging broker and a client.
PubSubPlusClientException.RequestInterruptedException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors when a request operation was interrupted.
PubSubPlusClientException.ResourceProvisioningException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors when provisioning of resources on a broker failed
PubSubPlusClientException.ServiceCapabilityException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for service capability exceptions mostly due to missing permissions on vpn or user account.
PubSubPlusClientException.ServiceDownException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors when a messaging broker is not reachable or service is down (unavailable).
PubSubPlusClientException.ServiceUnreachableException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors for services that are unreachable.
PubSubPlusClientException.TimeoutException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors when a time-out occurs.
PubSubPlusClientException.UnsupportedAuthorizationException - Exception in com.solace.messaging
A class for raising errors when client authorizations unsupported or not enabled for the service.
PubSubPlusClientIOException() - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.PubSubPlusClientIOException
putAll(SDTMap) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Copies the mappings from the given SDTMap and puts them in this SDTMap.
putBoolean(String, Boolean) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Associates the specified case-sensitive key with the value in the map.
putByte(String, Byte) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Associates the specified case-sensitive key with the value in the map.
putBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Associates the specified case-sensitive key with the value in the map.
putBytes(String, byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Associates the specified case-sensitive key with the value in the map.
putCharacter(String, Character) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Associates the specified case-sensitive key with the value in the map.
putDestination(String, Destination) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Associates the specified case-sensitive key with the value in the map.
putDouble(String, Double) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Associates the specified case-sensitive key with the value in the map.
putFloat(String, Float) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Associates the specified case-sensitive key with the value in the map.
putInteger(String, Integer) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Associates the specified case-sensitive key with the value in the map.
putLong(String, Long) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Associates the specified case-sensitive key with the value in the map.
putMap(String, SDTMap) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Associates the specified case-sensitive key with the value in the map.
putObject(String, Object) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Associates the specified case-sensitive key with the value in the map.
putShort(String, Short) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Associates the specified case-sensitive key with the value in the map.
putStream(String, SDTStream) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Associates the specified case-sensitive key with the value in the map.
putString(String, String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Associates the specified case-sensitive key with the value in the map.


Queue - Interface in com.solace.messaging.resources
An interface for a queue.
QUEUE_BROWSER_MESSAGE_SELECTOR_QUERY - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.QueueBrowserProperties
A property key to specify the message-selection query for a queue browser based on the message header parameter and message properties values.
QUEUE_BROWSER_RECONNECTION_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.QueueBrowserProperties
Property key to specify the number of times to attempt to reconnect to an endpoint after the initial bound flow goes down.
QUEUE_BROWSER_RECONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_WAIT_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.QueueBrowserProperties
Property key to specify the time (in ms) to wait between each attempt to reconnect from a queue browser to an endpoint.
QUEUE_BROWSER_WINDOW_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.QueueBrowserProperties
A property key to specify a maximum number of messages that can be pre-fetched by the queue browser.
QUEUE_PARTITION_KEY - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.MessageUserPropertyConstants
A standard property key that clients should use if they want to group messages.


ready() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PublisherHealthCheck.PublisherReadinessListener
Executes when the publisher transitions from a state where it can't publish to a state where it eventually can publish as a result of congestion release.
receiveAsync(MessageReceiver.MessageHandler) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.DirectMessageReceiver
Request to register an async message handler.
receiveAsync(MessageReceiver.MessageHandler, ExecutorService) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.DirectMessageReceiver
Request to register an asynchronous message handler using supplied thread executor for callbacks.
receiveAsync(MessageReceiver.MessageHandler) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.PersistentMessageReceiver
Request to register an async message handler.
receiveAsync(MessageReceiver.MessageHandler, ExecutorService) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.PersistentMessageReceiver
Request to register an async message handler using own thread executor for callbacks.
receiveAsync(RequestReplyMessageReceiver.RequestMessageHandler) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver
Request to register an async request message handler.
receiveAsync(RequestReplyMessageReceiver.RequestMessageHandler, ExecutorService) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver
Request to register an asynchronous request message handler using supplied thread executor for callbacks.
receiveMessage() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.DirectMessageReceiver
Receive the next message.
receiveMessage(long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.DirectMessageReceiver
Receive the next message.
receiveMessage() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageQueueBrowser
Blocking request to receive a next message from a message browser without removing them from a persistent store of Queue Endpoints.
receiveMessage(long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageQueueBrowser
Blocking request to receive a next message from a message browser without removing them from a persistent store of Queue Endpoints.
receiveMessage() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.PersistentMessageReceiver
Blocking request to receive a next message.
receiveMessage(long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.PersistentMessageReceiver
Temporarily blocking request to receive a next message;
receiveMessage(RequestReplyMessageReceiver.RequestMessageHandler) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver
Receive the next request message to be processed with a given RequestMessageHandler.
receiveMessage(RequestReplyMessageReceiver.RequestMessageHandler, long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver
Receive the next request message to be processed with a given RequestMessageHandler.
receiveOrElse(MessageReceiver.InboundMessageSupplier) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.DirectMessageReceiver
Request to receive a next message, when no message available, the specified supplier is used to generate a response.
receiveOrElse(MessageReceiver.InboundMessageSupplier) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageQueueBrowser
Request to receive a next message from a message browser without removing them from a persistent store of Queue Endpoints.
receiveOrElse(MessageReceiver.InboundMessageSupplier) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.PersistentMessageReceiver
Request to receive a next message, when no message available, given supplier is used to generate a response, this method is nonblocking.
RECEIVER_BACK_PRESSURE_STRATEGY_DROP_LATEST - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.ReceiverConstants
RECEIVER_BACK_PRESSURE_STRATEGY_DROP_OLDEST - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.ReceiverConstants
RECEIVER_BACK_PRESSURE_STRATEGY_ELASTIC - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.ReceiverConstants
RECEIVER_DIRECT_NO_LOCAL_PUBLISHED_MESSAGES - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ServiceProperties
A property key to specify whether direct messages published on the session are received on the same session, even if the client has a subscription that matches the published topic.
RECEIVER_DIRECT_SUBSCRIPTION_REAPPLY - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ServiceProperties
A property key to that enables reapplying a subscription when a session reconnection occurs for a direct message receiver; the value type is boolean.
RECEIVER_PERSISTENT_NO_LOCAL_PUBLISHED_MESSAGES - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ServiceProperties
A property key to specify whether persistent messages published on the session are received on the same session, even if the client has a subscription that matches the published topic.
RECEIVER_PERSISTENT_TRANSPORT_WINDOW_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ServiceProperties
A property key to specify the maximum number of messages that can be in transit (messages are sent from the appliance, but are not yet delivered to the API).
RECEIVER_PERSISTENT_TRANSPORT_WINDOW_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ServiceProperties
A property key to specify the threshold for sending an acknowledgement, configured as a percentage.
ReceiverActivationPassivationConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for the configuration of activation or passivation notifications sent from a broker to a particular instance of a receiver.
ReceiverActivationPassivationConfiguration.ReceiverStateChangeListener - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
A callback for listening for the results receiver state changes.
ReceiverActivationPassivationConfiguration.ReceiverStateChangeListener.ReceiverState - Enum in com.solace.messaging.config
The receiver states.
ReceiverFlowControl - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface to control operations on the inbound message flow.
receiverInfo() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.DirectMessageReceiver
receiverInfo() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.PersistentMessageReceiver
ReceiverInfo - Interface in com.solace.messaging.resources
An interface that abstracts access to advanced receiver information at runtime.
receiverInfo() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.ManageableReceiver
Provides access to the receiver information.
ReceiverPropertyConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for property-based configuration for fine-tuning message receivers.
ReceiverSubscriptions - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface to subscribe and unsubscribe to and from additional message sources, respectively.
RECONNECTION_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerProperties
A property key to specify the number of times to attempt to reconnect to the appliance (or list of appliances) after an initial connected session goes down.
RECONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_WAIT_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerProperties
A property key to specify how much time (in milliseconds) to wait between each attempt to connect or reconnect to a host.
remove(InboundMessage) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageQueueBrowser
Request to remove a message from the PubSubPlus broker's Queue Endpoint.
remove(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Removes the mapping for the specified key if present.
remove(String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.TypedProperties
Removes the mapping for a key from this property container if it is present
removeReconnectionAttemptListener(MessagingService.ReconnectionAttemptListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Connectable
Unregisters the callback that listens for reconnection attempts notifications.
removeReconnectionListener(MessagingService.ReconnectionListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Connectable
Unregisters the callback that was used to receive reconnection notifications.
removeServiceInterruptionListener(MessagingService.ServiceInterruptionListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.ErrorMonitoring
Removes the callback that listens for non-recoverable service interruption events.
removeSubscription(TopicSubscription) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.ReceiverSubscriptions
Un-subscribes from a previously subscribed message source on a broker.
removeSubscriptionAsync(TopicSubscription, AsyncReceiverSubscriptions.SubscriptionChangeListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.AsyncReceiverSubscriptions
Unsubscribe from a previously subscribed message source on a broker, so that no more messages will be received from it.
ReplayStrategy - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for Message Replay strategies.
replicationGroupMessageIdBased(InboundMessage.ReplicationGroupMessageId) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.ReplayStrategy
Factory method to create replay strategy based replication group message Id.
reply(OutboundMessage) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver.Replier
Publish a reply or response message.
reply(OutboundMessage, Properties) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver.Replier
Publish a reply or response message.
RequestInterruptedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.RequestInterruptedException
Creates an instance of RequestInterruptedException with an additional message for a request that's been interrupted.
RequestInterruptedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.RequestInterruptedException
Creates an instance of RequestInterruptedException with a detailed message and the cause for a request that's been interrupted.
requestReply() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService
Creates MessagingService.RequestReplyMessagingService that inherits entire configuration from this * instance.
RequestReplyMessagePublisher - Interface in com.solace.messaging.publisher
An interface for a publisher application in a request-reply messaging use case.
RequestReplyMessagePublisher.ReplyMessageHandler - Interface in com.solace.messaging.publisher
An interface to handle a reply message for the request-reply use case.
RequestReplyMessagePublisherBuilder - Interface in com.solace.messaging
A class to configure and create instances of RequestReplyMessagePublisher to publish request-reply type of messages.
RequestReplyMessageReceiver - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface for a receiver application in a request-reply messaging use case.
RequestReplyMessageReceiver.FailedReplyEvent - Class in com.solace.messaging.receiver
A class that encapsulates the details of a failed attempt to publish a reply message.
RequestReplyMessageReceiver.Replier - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface to perform reply operations for a received request message.
RequestReplyMessageReceiver.ReplyFailureListener - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface that provides an abstraction for listeners of failed message reply attempts.
RequestReplyMessageReceiver.RequestMessageHandler - Interface in com.solace.messaging.receiver
An interface to handle a request message and perform a reply or response for the request-reply use case.
RequestReplyMessageReceiverBuilder - Interface in com.solace.messaging
A builder class to configure and create instances of RequestReplyMessageReceiver.
reset() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Manageable.ApiMetrics
Resets all the statistics.
ResourceAccessibility - Interface in com.solace.messaging.resources
An interface for remote-resource accessibility.
ResourceDurability - Interface in com.solace.messaging.resources
An interface for remote-resource durability.
ResourceProvisioningException(String) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.ResourceProvisioningException
Creates an instance of MissingResourceException with a detailed message
ResourceProvisioningException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.ResourceProvisioningException
Creates an instance of MissingResourceException with a detailed message and a Throwable.
resume() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.ReceiverFlowControl
Resumes previously paused message delivery.
RetryStrategy - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface to configure automatic retry.


SCHEME - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to specify the authentication-scheme type.
SCHEME_BASIC_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to specify password for basic authentication.
SCHEME_BASIC_USER_NAME - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to specify the user name for basic authentication.
SCHEME_CLIENT_CERT_KEYSTORE - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to specify the location of a keystore file for client certificate authentication.
SCHEME_CLIENT_CERT_KEYSTORE_FORMAT - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to specify the type of keystore file for client certificate authentication.
SCHEME_CLIENT_CERT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to specify the keystore password.
SCHEME_CLIENT_CERT_PRIVATE_KEY_ALIAS - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to specify the private key alias for client certificate authentication if more then one is stored in a keystore.
SCHEME_CLIENT_CERT_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to specify the private key password for client certificate authentication.
SCHEME_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_USER_NAME - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to specify the user name for client-certificate authentication.
SCHEME_KERBEROS_INSTANCE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to specify an instance name for Kerberos authentication.
SCHEME_KERBEROS_JAAS_CONFIG_RELOADABLE - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to specify if the JAAS Kerberos configuration file can be reloaded.
SCHEME_KERBEROS_JAAS_LOGIN_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to specify Kerberos JAAS login-context for Kerberos authentication.
SCHEME_KERBEROS_MUTUAL_AUTH - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to specify if Kerberos mutual-authentication should be enabled.
SCHEME_KERBEROS_USER_NAME - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to specify the user name for kerberos authentication.
SCHEME_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to define the access token for OAUTH 2.0 authentication.
SCHEME_OAUTH2_ISSUER_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to define an optional Issuer Identifier URI for OAUTH 2.0 authentication.
SCHEME_OAUTH2_OIDC_ID_TOKEN - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties
A property key to define the OIDC ID Token for OAUTH 2.0 authentication.
SecureStoreFormat - Enum in com.solace.messaging.util
Supported truststore and keystore file formats.
SENDER_ID - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.MessageProperties
A property key to specify the custom sender ID in the message header.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.MessageProperties
A property key to specify the sequence number of the message.
ServiceCapabilityException(String, CapabilityType) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.ServiceCapabilityException
Creates an instance of ServiceCapabilityException with a detailed message.
ServiceConfigurationProvider - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config.provider
An interface for extending TypedConfiguration for service configuration providers.
ServiceDownException(String) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.ServiceDownException
Creates an instance of ServiceDownException with a detailed message for a service that is unavailable.
ServiceDownException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.ServiceDownException
Creates an instance of ServiceDownException with a detailed message and the cause for a service that is unavailable.
ServiceDownException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.ServiceDownException
Creates an instance of ServiceDownException with the cause for a service that's unavailable.
ServiceUnreachableException(String) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.ServiceUnreachableException
Creates an instance of ServiceUnreachableException with a detailed message for a service that is unreachable.
ServiceUnreachableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.ServiceUnreachableException
Creates an instance of ServiceUnreachableException with a detailed message and the cause for a service that is unreachable.
setBooleanProperty(String, Boolean) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.TypedProperties
Sets the Boolean value for the specified property name.
setIntegerProperty(String, Integer) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.TypedProperties
Sets the Integer value for the specified property name.
setLongProperty(String, Long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.TypedProperties
Sets the Long value for the specified property name.
setMessagePublishReceiptListener(PersistentMessagePublisher.MessagePublishReceiptListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher
Sets MessagePublishReceiptListener for the given instance of the publisher.
setObjectProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.TypedProperties
Sets the object for the specified property name.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.TypedProperties
Sets the String value for the specified property name.
setPublisherReadinessListener(PublisherHealthCheck.PublisherReadinessListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PublisherHealthCheck
Sets a publisher readiness listener when supported, to be used with rejecting back pressure strategy.
setPublishFailureListener(DirectMessagePublisher.PublishFailureListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.DirectMessagePublisher
Sets the callback for the instance of the publisher.
setReceiveFailureListener(MessageReceiver.ReceiveFailureListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageReceiver
Sets ReceiveFailureListener for the given instance of the receiver.
setReplyFailureListener(RequestReplyMessageReceiver.ReplyFailureListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver
Sets the callback for the instance of the publisher.
setTerminationNotificationListener(LifecycleControl.TerminationNotificationListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.LifecycleControl
Adds a callback to listen for non-recoverable receiver or publisher interruption events.
settle(InboundMessage, MessageAcknowledgementConfiguration.Outcome) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.AcknowledgementSupport
Settles a message in a requested way.
ShareName - Interface in com.solace.messaging.resources
An interface for identifiers that are associated with a shared subscription.
size() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns the number of mappings.
SOCKET_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerProperties
A property key to specify the size (in bytes) of the receive socket buffer.
SOCKET_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerProperties
A property key to specify the size (in bytes) of the send socket buffer.
SOCKET_TCP_OPTION_NO_DELAY - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerProperties
A property key to specify value for Socket.setTcpNoDelay(boolean), where true to enable TCP_NODELAY, otherwise false to disable.
SolaceConstants - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for constant property values used to configure and fine-tune API features.
SolaceConstants.AuthenticationConstants - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface of constants for the configuration of authentication behavior.
SolaceConstants.MessageUserPropertyConstants - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for constant property values to define user message properties that have a special reserved meaning or behaviour.
SolaceConstants.PublisherConstants - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for constant property values used to configure a publisher.
SolaceConstants.ReceiverConstants - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for constant property values used to configure a receiver.
SolaceConstants.TransportLayerSecurityConstants - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for constant property values used to configure transport layer security.
SolaceProperties - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for accessing properties or configuration keys used to configure API features.
SolaceProperties.AuthenticationProperties - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface that defines authentication-related configurable properties for MessagingService instances.
SolaceProperties.ClientProperties - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface that defines the configurable client properties for MessagingService instances.
SolaceProperties.MessageProperties - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface that defines the configurable message properties for Message instances.
SolaceProperties.PublisherProperties - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface that defines the configurable properties for MessagePublisher instances.
SolaceProperties.QueueBrowserProperties - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface that defines the message queue browser configurable properties for MessageQueueBrowser instances.
SolaceProperties.ReceiverProperties - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface that defines the configurable properties for MessageReceiver instances.
SolaceProperties.ServiceProperties - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface that defines the properties to configure MessagingService instances.
SolaceProperties.TransportLayerProperties - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface that defines the transport layer configurable properties for MessagingService instances.
SolaceProperties.TransportLayerSecurityProperties - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface that defines the configurable transport layer security properties for MessagingService instances.
SolaceSDTMap - Class in com.solace.messaging.util
Adapter for JCSMP SDTMap type.
SolaceSDTMap() - Constructor for class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
SolaceSDTMapToMessageConverter - Class in com.solace.messaging.util
Message payload converter to be used for publishing SolaceSDTMap as payload.
SolaceSDTMapToMessageConverter() - Constructor for class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMapToMessageConverter
start() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.DirectMessagePublisher
start() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher
start() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.RequestReplyMessagePublisher
start() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.DirectMessageReceiver
start() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageQueueBrowser
start() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageReceiver
start() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.PersistentMessageReceiver
start() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver
start() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.LifecycleControl
Enables service regular duties.
startAsync() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.DirectMessagePublisher
startAsync(CompletionListener<DirectMessagePublisher>) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.DirectMessagePublisher
startAsync() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher
startAsync(CompletionListener<PersistentMessagePublisher>) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher
startAsync() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.RequestReplyMessagePublisher
startAsync(CompletionListener<RequestReplyMessagePublisher>) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.RequestReplyMessagePublisher
startAsync() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.DirectMessageReceiver
startAsync(CompletionListener<DirectMessageReceiver>) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.DirectMessageReceiver
startAsync() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageQueueBrowser
startAsync() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageReceiver
startAsync() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.PersistentMessageReceiver
startAsync(CompletionListener<PersistentMessageReceiver>) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.PersistentMessageReceiver
startAsync() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver
startAsync(CompletionListener<RequestReplyMessageReceiver>) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver
startAsync() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.AsyncLifecycleControl
Asynchronously starts service for consuming/publishing operations.
startAsync(CompletionListener<T>) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.AsyncLifecycleControl
Asynchronously starts service for consuming/publishing operations using a callback for completion notification.
stringMessageSupplier(String) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageReceiver.InboundMessageSupplier
Creates a message supplier with a given payload.


terminate(long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.LifecycleControl
Disables gracefully the regular duties of a receiver or publisher.
terminateAsync(long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.AsyncLifecycleControl
Asynchronously terminates (gracefully) the service for consuming/publishing operations.
terminateAsync(CompletionListener<Void>, long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.AsyncLifecycleControl
Asynchronously terminates (gracefully) the service for consuming/publishing operations using a callback for a completion notification.
timeBased(Date, String) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.ReplayStrategy
Create time-based replay strategy based on the start time and timezone.
timeBased(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.ReplayStrategy
Factory method to create time based replay strategy based on start time.
TimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.TimeoutException
Creates an instance of TimeoutException with an detailed message when a timeout occurs.
toBytes(T) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Converter.ObjectToBytes
Converts the specified business object to a byte-array.
Topic - Interface in com.solace.messaging.resources
An interface for a topic.
TopicSubscription - Interface in com.solace.messaging.resources
An interface for a topic matching resource.
toString() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.publisher.DirectMessagePublisher.FailedPublishEvent
toString() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.publisher.PersistentMessagePublisher.PublishReceipt
Converts the Publish Receipt to a string representation does not include userContext.
toString() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.receiver.InboundMessage.ReplicationGroupMessageId
Returns a string representation of the Replication Group Message identifier.
toString() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.receiver.MessageReceiver.FailedReceiveEvent
toString() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.receiver.RequestReplyMessageReceiver.FailedReplyEvent
toString() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.Manageable.ApiMetrics
Prints all available statistics as a String value.
toString() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
toUnmodifiableMap() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.util.TypedProperties
Gets a Map object of all the properties.
TRANSPORT_SECURITY_DOWNGRADED_TO_PLAIN_TEXT - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceConstants.TransportLayerSecurityConstants
A valid value for the property SolaceProperties.TransportLayerSecurityProperties.PROTOCOL_DOWNGRADE_TO, that specifies a plain-text transport protocol that SSL session connection will be downgraded to after client authentication.
TransportProtocolConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for the configuration of the transport protocol layer.
TransportSecurityStrategy - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface for transport layer security configuration.
TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS - Class in com.solace.messaging.config
A class that implements basic user name/password authentication configuration.
TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS.SecureProtocols - Enum in com.solace.messaging.config
TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerSecurityProperties
A property key to specify the truststore password.
TRUST_STORE_PATH - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerSecurityProperties
A property key to specify location of a truststore file.
TRUST_STORE_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerSecurityProperties
A property key to specify type of truststore file.
TRUSTED_COMMON_NAME_LIST - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.TransportLayerSecurityProperties
This property is used to specify a comma separated list of acceptable common names for matching with server certificates.
TypedConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
An interface to get the configuration for typed properties.
TypedProperties - Interface in com.solace.messaging.util
An interface that represents typed properties.


UnsupportedAuthorizationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.UnsupportedAuthorizationException
Creates an instance of UnsupportedAuthorizationException when client authorizations with an additional message.
UnsupportedAuthorizationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.solace.messaging.PubSubPlusClientException.UnsupportedAuthorizationException
Creates an instance of AuthorizationException when client authorizations fails with an additional message and a Throwable.
UpdatableConfiguration - Interface in com.solace.messaging.config
updateProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.UpdatableConfiguration
Updates configuration property.
updateProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessagingService
Sets a modifiable service property once the service has been created.


validate() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.resources.ShareName
Validates the sharename.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.config.MessageAcknowledgementConfiguration.Outcome
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.config.MissingResourcesCreationConfiguration.MissingResourcesCreationStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.config.profile.ConfigurationProfile
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.config.ReceiverActivationPassivationConfiguration.ReceiverStateChangeListener.ReceiverState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.config.TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS.SecureProtocols
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.receiver.AsyncReceiverSubscriptions.SubscriptionChangeListener.SubscriptionOperation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.util.Manageable.ApiMetrics.Metric
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.util.SecureStoreFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.config.MessageAcknowledgementConfiguration.Outcome
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.config.MissingResourcesCreationConfiguration.MissingResourcesCreationStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.config.profile.ConfigurationProfile
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.config.ReceiverActivationPassivationConfiguration.ReceiverStateChangeListener.ReceiverState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.config.TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS.SecureProtocols
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.receiver.AsyncReceiverSubscriptions.SubscriptionChangeListener.SubscriptionOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.util.Manageable.ApiMetrics.Metric
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.solace.messaging.util.SecureStoreFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.util.SolaceSDTMap
Returns a collection of all the values in the map.
VPN_NAME - Static variable in interface com.solace.messaging.config.SolaceProperties.ServiceProperties
A property key that specifies the name of the Message VPN to attempt to join when connecting to an appliance.


withActivationPassivationSupport(ReceiverActivationPassivationConfiguration.ReceiverStateChangeListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.ReceiverActivationPassivationConfiguration
Configures a callback to receive notifications from the broker about state changes regarding a given receiver instance.
withActivationPassivationSupport(ReceiverActivationPassivationConfiguration.ReceiverStateChangeListener) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessageReceiverBuilder
withApplicationMessageType(String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.OutboundMessageBuilder
Configures the application message type.
withAuthenticationStrategy(AuthenticationStrategy) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationConfiguration
Enables/overrides the existing authentication strategy using given AuthenticationStrategy.
withAuthenticationStrategy(AuthenticationStrategy) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.MessagingServiceClientBuilder
withCertificateHostValidation() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS
Configures transport layer security (TLS) to validate host against one from a server certificate.
withCertificateValidation(String, boolean, SecureStoreFormat, String, String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS
Configures TLS validation on certificates.
withCertificateValidation(String, boolean, SecureStoreFormat, String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS
Configures transport-layer security (TLS) validation on certificates.
withCertificateValidation(String, boolean) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS
Configures transport-layer security (TLS) to use default JDK/JRE truststore 'jssecacerts' or 'cacerts' and to reject or not to reject expired certificates.
withCipherSuites(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS
Specifies a comma separated list of cipher suites in order of preference used for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connections.
withConnectionRetryStrategy(RetryStrategy) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.TransportProtocolConfiguration
Configures the connection-retry behavior.
withConnectionRetryStrategy(RetryStrategy) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.MessagingServiceClientBuilder
withDeliveryAckTimeout(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessagePublisherBuilder
Provides an option to configure a message delivery acknowledgement timeout.
withDeliveryAckWindowSize(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessagePublisherBuilder
Provides an option to configure a maximum number of messages the application can send before the Solace API must receive an acknowledgment from broker.
withExcludedProtocols(TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS.SecureProtocols...) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS
Specifies the list of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocols to not use.
withExpiration(long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.OutboundMessageBuilder
Configures UTC time (in milliseconds) as Epoch time to indicate when the message is supposed to expire.
withHTTPContentHeader(String, String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.OutboundMessageBuilder
Configures HTTP content-type and encoding values for interaction with an HTTP client.
withIssuerIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.OAuth2
A factory method to configure an optional issuer identifier.
withKeyStorePrivateKeyAlias(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.ClientCertificateAuthentication
Configures a private key-alias to be used when there is more than one private key is present in a keystore.
withMessageAutoAcknowledgement() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.MessageAcknowledgementConfiguration
Enables support for message Auto-Acknowledgement (auto-ack) for persistent message receiver.
withMessageAutoAcknowledgement() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessageReceiverBuilder
withMessageClientAcknowledgement() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.MessageAcknowledgementConfiguration
Enables support for client message acknowledgement on persistent message receiver.
withMessageClientAcknowledgement() - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessageReceiverBuilder
withMessageCompression(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.TransportProtocolConfiguration
Configures/enables the message compression factor.
withMessageCompression(int) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.MessagingServiceClientBuilder
withMessageReplay(ReplayStrategy) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.MessageReplayConfiguration
Enables support for message replay using a specific replay strategy.
withMessageReplay(ReplayStrategy) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessageReceiverBuilder
withMessageSelector(String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessageQueueBrowserBuilder
Enables support for message selection for a queue browser based on message header parameter and message properties values.
withMessageSelector(String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessageReceiverBuilder
Enables support for message selection based on message header parameter and message properties values.
withMissingResourcesCreationStrategy(MissingResourcesCreationConfiguration.MissingResourcesCreationStrategy) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.MissingResourcesCreationConfiguration
Provides a framework to configure the missing resources creation strategy using a given instance of MissingResourcesCreationStrategy.
withMissingResourcesCreationStrategy(MissingResourcesCreationConfiguration.MissingResourcesCreationStrategy) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessageReceiverBuilder
withMutualAuthentication() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.Kerberos
A factory method to configure mutual authentication when using Kerberos.
withoutCertificateHostValidation() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS
Configures transport layer security (TLS) to not validate host against one from a server certificate.
withoutCertificateValidation() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.TransportSecurityStrategy.TLS
Configures transport layer security (TLS) to not validate server certificates.
withPriority(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.OutboundMessageBuilder
Configures an optional message optionally priority
withPrivateKeyPassword(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.ClientCertificateAuthentication
Configure the password to use to decrypt the private key from the keystore.
withPrivateKeyPassword(String, String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.ClientCertificateAuthentication
Configures password that will be used to decrypt the private key from the key store.
withProperty(String, String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.OutboundMessageBuilder
Configures a user-defined property that's sent with a message.
withQueueBrowserWindowSize(int) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessageQueueBrowserBuilder
Provides an option to configure a maximum number of messages that can be pre-fetched by the Browser
withReconnectionRetryStrategy(RetryStrategy) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.TransportProtocolConfiguration
Configures the reconnection retry behavior.
withReconnectionRetryStrategy(RetryStrategy) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.MessagingServiceClientBuilder
withReloadableJaasConfiguration() - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.Kerberos
A factory method to configure reloading behavior of a (jaas.conf) file.
withRequiredMessageClientOutcomeOperationSupport(MessageAcknowledgementConfiguration.Outcome...) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.MessageAcknowledgementConfiguration
Enables required support for all specified settlement options
withRequiredMessageClientOutcomeOperationSupport(MessageAcknowledgementConfiguration.Outcome...) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessageReceiverBuilder
withSenderId(String) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.OutboundMessageBuilder
Configures the developer provided sender ID.
withSequenceNumber(long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.OutboundMessageBuilder
Configures the developer provided message sequence number.
withSubscriptions(TopicSubscription...) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.DirectMessageReceiverBuilder
withSubscriptions(TopicSubscription...) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.MessageReceiverBuilder
A TopicSubscription can be added to the message receiver before the receiver is started.
withSubscriptions(TopicSubscription...) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.PersistentMessageReceiverBuilder
withTimeToLive(long) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.publisher.OutboundMessageBuilder
Configures the number of milliseconds before the message is discarded or moved to a Dead Message Queue.
withTransportSecurityStrategy(TransportSecurityStrategy) - Method in interface com.solace.messaging.config.TransportProtocolConfiguration
Configures transport-layer security if desired, default is to use plain-text for transport.
withTransportSecurityStrategy(TransportSecurityStrategy) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.MessagingServiceClientBuilder
withTrustStore(String, String, SecureStoreFormat) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.ClientCertificateAuthentication
Configures non-default truststore.
withUserName(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.ClientCertificateAuthentication
Configures client-username.
withUserName(String) - Method in class com.solace.messaging.config.AuthenticationStrategy.Kerberos
A factory method to configure non default user name when using Kerberos.
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