Release Notes
Release Notes for Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu.
VMware Tanzu Tile Lifecycle Notice
Solace PubSub+ VMware Tanzu Tile version 2.19.0 is the last release. It has been tested with Solace Pubsub+ Event Broker LTS version 10.8.1. Thereafter, Solace will not provide any new releases of Solace PubSub+ VMware Tanzu Tile.
Note: Solace support for VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) is not affected by this notice.
Release Date: September 3rd, 2024
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v10.8.1.140 and the following updates:
- Fix for LDAP configuration bug
Release Date: October 14th, 2023
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v10.4.1.94 and the following updates:
- Updated the cf cli to version v8.
- Adds support for VMware Tanzu Application Service v3.x
- Adds support for VMware Tanzu Application Service v4.x
- Adds support for VMware Tanzu Application Service v5.x
- Migration to Ubuntu-Jammy Stemcell.
Important Notice: For users performing an upgrade to this version, it is crucial to initiate an upgrade to version 2.17.1 beforehand. This step is mandatory to ensure a successful upgrade to v2.18.0.
Release Date: October 14th, 2023
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains upgrade of the SEMP API. This an important patch to support future broker upgrade affecting HA broker deployments.
Release Date: August 12th, 2022
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v10.0.1.41.
Release Date: April 20th, 2022
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.13.1.38 and the following new features and fixes:
- Adds ability to purge services and event brokers from management via the advanced section of the administrator service dashboard
- Adds support for VMware Tanzu v2.13.x
- Removes support for VMware Tanzu v2.8.x and v2.9.x
In addition to the above features, this resolves the following issues:
- Fixed an issue where services were not available for user controlled upgrades after a stemcell upgrade (reference # SOL-64343)
- Fixed an issue where services were not available for user controlled upgrades after VM recreations (reference # SOL-63414)
Warning for users of the Enterprise Evaluation tile: if your deployment has enterprise evaluation service instances, they will become unmanageable after upgrading to 2.16.0+. Prior to upgrading to v2.16.0, all enterprise evaluation services and event brokers should be deleted. If an enterprise evaluation service instance was not deleted prior to the upgrade, it can be cleaned up with the newly added administrator purge operations. See Troubleshooting for more information.
Release Date: January 10th, 2022
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains the following fixes:
- Updates Apache Log4j2 to version 2.17.1 resolving CVE-2021-45105, CVE-2021-44832
Release Date: December 16th, 2021
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.12.1.17 and the following new features and fixes:
- Adds support for VMware Tanzu v2.12.x
- Adds the ability to restore the primary node as active after an upgrade.
In addition to the above features, this release resolves the following issues:
- Updates Apache Log4j2 to version 2.16.0 resolving CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046
Release Date: September 27th, 2021
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.11.0.9 and the following new features:
- Adds the ability to allocate TCP routes for Event Broker Health Check ports.
Release Date: August 11th, 2021
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.10.0.12 and resolves the following issues:
- Fixes an issue where deploy all would fail to run when passed large TLS configurations (reference # SOL-52983)
Release Date: June 3rd, 2021
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.9.0.28.
Release Date: April 5th, 2021
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.8.0.12 and the following new features and fixes:
- Adds support for VMware Tanzu v2.11.x
In addition to the above features, this resolves the following issues:
- Fixes an issue where health checks would fail when “Disable HTTP on the Gorouter and HAProxy” was selected on Tanzu Application Service (reference # SOL-45327)
Release Date: November 2nd, 2020
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.7.0.29 and the following new features and fixes:
- Adds an option to configure maximum queue messages per service plan
- Adds an option to configure broker log file retention policy
- Adds support for VMware Tanzu v2.10.x
- Removes support for VMware Tanzu v2.6.x
In addition to the above features, this resolves the following issues:
- Fixed an issue where the service broker could run out of memory when the CF Java Client could not refresh its token (reference # SOL-40391)
- Fixed an issue that caused the service instance dashboard to error with a 500 when the service instance is missing from CF (reference # SOL-39246)
Release Date: July 28th, 2020
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.6.0.27 and the following new features and fixes:
- Adds support for HTTP(s) REST messaging routes registered under the Tanzu Application Service system domain
- Adds support for passing VM extensions to on demand service instances
In addition to the above features, this resolves the following issues:
- Fixed error navigation links when using Single Sign On (reference # SOL-35928)
- Fixed an issue that could cause config sync to go down during upgrades if management operations were executed (reference # SOL-35406)
- Fixed an issue that could cause on demand instances to not get cleaned up on delete (reference # SOL-30712)
- Fixed an issue that could cause replication to go down during an upgrade, standby VPNs are no longer actively managed by the Solace Service Broker (reference # SOL-37490)
Release Date: May 19th, 2020
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.5.0.25 and the following new features and fixes:
- Adds Single Sign On for the Solace Service Dashboard allowing users to authenticate with their VMware Tanzu credentials
- Adds request parameter schema for service create and update as well as binding create allowing for Apps Manager integration
- Adds an option to configure the REST Service Mode for services through request parameters
- Adds an operator configurable default for REST SSL Server Certificate Max Chain Depth
- Adds support for VMware Tanzu v2.9.x.
- Removes support for VMware Tanzu v2.5.x
In addition to the above features, this release resolves the following issues:
- Addressed an issue where CURL calls hang causing deployment issues (reference # SOL-31490)
- Updated the recommended minimum disk size for management nodes from 10GB to 20GB (reference # SOL-32173)
Release Date: March 5, 2020
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.4.0.78 and the following new features and fixes:
- The Service Instance Dashboard now provides management of client profiles.
- Bosh VM logs can now be forwarded to a syslog server.
- Specific TCP ports can now be requested when creating and updating a service when TCP routing is enabled.
- The Service Instance Dashboard now provides an option to automatically opt-in to all future updates and upgrades when user-controlled upgrades are enabled.
- Application Security Groups now include the Event Broker health check port.
- HA group in-service upgrades are optimized so that a connected application has a single switchover.
- Adds operator access to the MySQL Bootstrap errand through bosh.
- TCP route request parameters are no longer reverted to default when they are not supplied.
- Adds support for VMware Tanzu v2.8.x.
- Removes support for VMware Tanzu v2.4.x.
In addition to the above features, this release resolves the following issues:
- Interrupted or failed upgrades on HA groups can now be recovered with a subsequent upgrade (reference # SOL-28539)
- Fixed an issue where TCP routes cannot be enabled on a service that initially had all routes disabled (reference # SOL-28209)
- A constraint on the monitor VM type field was added so that incompatible VM types are not selectable (reference # SOL-29008)
- Fixed an issue where CF clients used in internal components would sometime fail to connect to CF (reference # SOL-28328)
- Service broker and broker-agent logs no longer contain line breaks (reference # SOL-2367)
- Fixed an issue causing TCP routes to become orphaned (reference # SOL-28116)
Release Date: Nov 20, 2019
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.3.1.5 and the following fixes:
- Upgrades to ODB v0.34.1 to address security CVE(s).
- Fixes a service instance dashboard issue that may prevent access (reference # SOL-27678)
Release Date: October 29, 2019
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.3.0.22 and introduces the following new features and fixes:
- Operators can now allocate ranges of IP addresses to pre-provisioned plans
- The TCP Routes domain is now configurable
- There can be as many as 25 Message VPNs on Enterprise edition instances if a product key is provided
- New fields have been added to the OAuth configuration
- The Service Broker logs are now collected on the Management VM
- The runtime configuration for Bosh DNS Aliases can now be modified
- The summarized view of the Service Dashboard now shows the DNS name for each service.
- Adds support for VMware Tanzu v2.7.x
In addition to the above features, this release resolves the following issues:
- A field validation has been added to the Admin Password field to disallow invalid characters (reference # SOL-9410)
- When there were a large number of service instances, some instance names did not appear on the Service Dashboard (reference # SOL-26147)
The following changes have been made to this documentation:
- Installation and Troubleshooting pages: All services in a Shared broker must be marked for upgrade before the upgrade can happen
- Installation and Troubleshooting pages: When some on-demand service instances have been upgraded, it is not permitted to create new bindings or service keys on the instances that have not yet been upgraded
- Installation page: The relation between on-demand parallel upgrades and the maximum number of tasks configured in the Bosh director
- Installation page: Ports required for configuration synchronization are now listed in the Networking section
Release Date: August 16, 2019
This release of Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.2.0.14 and introduces the following new features:
- Authentication using OAuth is now provided
- The number of on-demand service instances that can be upgraded at once is now configurable. This allows several services to be upgraded in parallel
- The Service Plan configuration forms now have fields for Cost, Currency and Pricing Unit
- The Service Instance Dashboard now provides more information about the service including the deployment provider, service creation parameters, plan name, VPN name, and IP address(es)
- Support for BOSH DNS Aliases. Operators now have three options for the type of addresses to include in service binding credentials:
- Include IP addresses (previously supported)
- Include internal domain name (using *.solace.service.internal)
- Include custom domain name (operator configurable, E.g. *
- Operators can use the third option combined with a public certificate authority to perform client certificate authentication.
- Support an option for the operator to configure a read-only PubSub+ management user which is automatically created on new service deployments. This user can be used by systems that monitor the health of the PubSub+ brokers.
- Support upgrading service instances from standalone to high availability services.
- Adds support for Shared Services, which means that one PubSub+ service instance can be accessed and shared across multiple VMware Tanzu orgs and spaces, so that the applications in different orgs/spaces can share the same messaging service.
- Adds support for VMware Tanzu v2.5.x and v2.6.x
In addition to the above features, this release resolves the following issues:
- LDAP configuration failed when the search filter was surrounded by single quotes (reference # SOL-19869.)
- The Service Dashboard showed an error after deleting service instances (reference # SOL-21989.)
- Fixed placement rules so that the solace-bosh-dns-aliases addon is deployed on the diego_cell instance groups (reference # SOL-20997.)
- The Cloud Foundry CLI has been upgraded to version 6.45.0 to fix a security vulnerability identified by Pivotal (reference # SOL-21267.)
- More detail was added to the Web Hook section on the Installation page of this documentation to highlight the requirements of REST endpoint status codes.
- A minimum disk size of 32768 for the standard-medium-ha plan ephemeral disk was incorrectly imposed (reference # SOL-18512.)
- Client-certificate authentication is enabled by default and is now globally configurable by operators (reference # SOL-17923.)
- A Solace PubSub+ service instance may still display the “Mark for upgrade” button after it has been upgraded (reference # SOL-17636.)
Release Date: July 23, 2019
This maintenance release contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.0.1.7 and the following fixes:
- Updated the cf cli to version 6.45.0 to fix a CVE.
Release Date: March 15, 2019
This maintenance release contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.0.1.7 and the following fixes:
- Customizable service name can now accept white spaces. [SOL-16355]
- Improved scaling tier determination. In previous releases a failure to determine supported scaling tiers may block upgrades. [SOL-15795]
- Solace logo stored internally and accessed by apps manager via https instead of http. [SOL-15826]
- Service broker fails to start while some components are unreachable. [SOL-16103]
Release Date: February 8, 2019
This minor release contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v9.0.1.7 and has the following new features:
- User controlled upgrades.
- Support for the Event Broker’s 100 connection scaling tier.
- The credentials stored in the MySQL database can be encrypted and support key rotation.
- The name of the service that appears in the marketplace can be configured.
- Adds support for VMware Tanzu v2.4.
- Various bug fixes.
- Deployments to VMware Tanzu 2.3 and VMware Tanzu 2.4 need enabled internet connection on the management nodes to support required communications with the VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS for VMs) on its public domain. The tile does not communicate with anything on the internet.
- Using TCP Routes on VMware Tanzu v2.3 and VMware Tanzu v2.4 also requires the enabled internet connection on operator allocated Event Brokers.
Release Date: January 24, 2019
This minor release contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v8.13.1.30 and the following fixes:
- Handling of empty LDAP Management Groups. [SOL-14589]
- Use https for management of an internal messaging service. [SOL-14597]
Release Date: December 21, 2018
This minor release contains an upgrade to Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v8.13.1.30 and the following additional features:
- On-Demand Solace PubSub+ Event Broker deployment capabilities.
- Configurable Service Plans.
- Automation of Application Security Groups (ASGs) management for service instances at binding and unbinding time.
- A Beta Backup and Restore feature for service configuration settings.
- Webhook for service lifecycle events notification.
- Support for Dynamic Message Routing.
- Enabled Client Certificate Authentication.
- Co-located errands.
- Migration to Ubuntu-Xenial Stemcell.
- Various bug fixes.
Release Date: October 31, 2018
This maintenance release contains the following fixes:
- Service creation fails if LDAP is enabled for Application access but not for Management access. [SOL-10802]
- If the admin password contains special characters (such as : # ? / \ %), it may be exposed in the test-errand logs. [SOL-10907]
- Recover access to management route of existing HA Service if not present. [SOL-11411]
- Avoid ‘out-of-sync’ HA Service during stemcell upgrades if VM network interface is changed.
- Detection of upgrade in progress when there is no change in Event Broker version between Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu enterprise evaluation tile upgrade to the enterprise tile.
Release Date: September 14, 2018
This minor release contains an upgrade to Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v8.12.0.1007 and the following:
- Adds free Solace PubSub+ Standard edition Event Broker with new plans.
- Adds CredHub support which is available from VMware Tanzu v2.x.x.
- Adds a new orphaned resource policy.
- Supports optional username parameter at bind time.
- Removes support for VMware Tanzu v1.12.x.
- Adds support for VMware Tanzu v2.3.x.
- Supports upgrades from Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu release v2.0.x.
- Supports upgrades from Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu enterprise evaluation tile to the enterprise tile.
Release Date: August 3, 2018
The releases addresses an authentication configuration defect which can expose internal admin credentials. Additional security checks are added to the errand. The bundled Solace PubSub+ Event Broker is v8.11.0.1033.
Release Date: July 27, 2018
This minor release contains an upgrade to Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v8.11.0.1033.
Release Date: July 11, 2018
This major release contains Solace PubSub+ Event Broker v8.11.0.1029 and the following:
- As a major and renamed release, upgrades from older named product solace-messaging to solace-pubsub are not possible. It will be possible to upgrade from Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu v2.0.0 to subsequent releases.
- Product rebranding from solace-messaging to solace-pubsub+ along with renamed plans.
- Addition of configurable options for MySQL (internal, as a marketplace service, external).
- Test errand accepts self-signed certs.
- Removing support for VMware Tanzu v1.11.x.
- Removal of support for the “Community Plan” service plan.
Release Date: April 13, 2018
This release contains VMR v8.9.0.1008 and the following:
- Support of deployment to VMware Tanzu v2.0.x and v2.1.x.
- No longer supported on VMware Tanzu v1.9 and v1.10.
- Adds a test errand that confirms the deployment is completed as expected.
- Bridging to be enabled by default [SOL-2684].
- Orphaned Endpoint handling: Unbind is aborted when there are client-username owned endpoints [SOL-2516, RT-28431].
Release Date: March 14, 2018
This release contains VMR v8.7.0.1030 and the following fixes:
- HA Failure after stemcell upgrades or VM Recreation [SOL-1795, SOL-2310, RT 27773, RT 28284].
- Supports service unbind and deletion after LDAP reconfiguration [SOL-1979/RT 27950].
- Starting port as a user input may only be set at initial installation.
Release Date: Feb 23, 2018
Security Patch for SOL-2011:
- vmr-agent log password masking.
- Secured Service Broker info endpoint.
Release Date: December 22, 2017
Features included in the release:
- In-service upgrades: Starting with this version it is possible to upgrade to future versions without service interruptions for HA plans.
- Contains VMR release v8.7.0.1027.
Release Date: November 10, 2017
Features included in the release:
- Updated VMR release v8.6.0.1010.
- TCP Routes bug fix.
- Removed VMware Tanzu v1.8 support.
Release Date: October 30, 2017
Features included in the release:
- AMQP v1.0 support: With release v8.6.0 of the VMR, the tile now provides direct access to AMQP/AMQPS and via public TCP Routes ports if configured. Solace’s implementation of Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) v1.0 support is compatible with a variety of open source AMQP APIs.
- Web UI: Provides access to the Alpha version of WebUI for management of a solace-messaging service instance.
- Enterprise Edition of the Tile is available from Solace. Please contact Solace Support or your local Solace sales representative with the Subject: Enterprise Edition of Solace Messaging For VMware Tanzu.
- Contains VMR release v8.6.0.x.
Release Date: July 6, 2017
Features included in the release:
- LDAP support: Allows a VMR to consult an LDAP server for its management and app authentication and authorization needs.
- System logging support: Allows redirecting VMR and Service Broker logs to a syslog destination.
- TCP Routing support: Allows exposing solace-messaging service instances to the internet, with fine-grained control per messaging protocol.
- Contains VMR release v8.3.0.x.
Release Date: May 10, 2017
This release includes:
- CVE-2017-4975 fix.
Release Date: April 7, 2017
Features included in the release:
- Evaluation GA.
- Highly available service plans for redundancy introduced:
, andlarge-ha
. - VMRs externally accessible via FQDNs allowing SolAdmin and other management apps to access the VMRs hosting VMware Tanzu service instances.
- Tile supports deployment in IPsec enabled VMware Tanzu instances.
- Contains VMR release v8.2.0.x.
- Requires Java buildpack v3.7.1 or later.
Release Date: December 7, 2016
Features included in the release:
- Second open beta.
- The tile allows a TLS server certificate to be configured for the deployed VMRs. This allows encrypted TLS data connections between Virtual Message Routers (VMRs) and apps as well as the Solace service broker.
service plan is introduced. This plan uses the Community Edition VMR to host VMware Tanzu service instances. It is a feature-limited version of the VMR with a perpetual license.- Contains VMR release v7.2pcf2.1.6.
- Requires BOSH stemcell v3263 ubuntu-trusty.
- Requires Java buildpack v3.7.1 or later.
Release Date: October 13, 2016
Features included in the release:
- First open beta.
- The tile deploys as a Managed Service; it deploys Virtual Message Routers (VMRs) during the tile install.
- Ability to configure two flavors of VMRs: Large and Medium.
- The service plans names changed. These are the new service plans names:
: Provides a service instance on a Medium VMR shared with other service instances.large
: Provides a service instance on a dedicated Large VMR.
- Tile upgrade is improved. Service Plan Configuration is maintained across upgrades. All stored messages are still lost.
Release Date: August 26, 2016
Features included in this release:
- MVP private beta.
- Uses customer-provided Virtual Message Routers (VMRs).
- Ability to configures multiple VMRs.
- Provides these two service plans:
- Shared VMR: Provides a service instance on a VMR shared with other service instances.
- Dedicated VMR: Provides a service instance on a dedicated VMR.
- Tile is upgradeable within Ops Manager — All service plan configuration and messages are lost during upgrades.
- Service Broker uses external MySQL service.