Solace PubSub+ Service Plans

Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu offers multiple operator configurable service plans to support a variety of use cases. Each service plan configures the Solace PubSub+ Event Broker for a given scaling capacity.

As of release 2.2.0 the Preconfigured Service Plans are now editable by the operator. There are also additional Configurable Service Plans that can also be customized by the operator.

Service instances for any given Service Plan are hosted on VMs which can be created in two ways:

  • Operator Allocated which are controlled in Resource Config during tile installation.
  • On Demand which are triggered by service creation request, and controlled by the operator to set a quota per plan in Service Plan Configuration.

The combination of the operator allocated instances in Resource Config, and the On Demand quota per plan Service Plan Configuration is how an operator can control the maximum number of service instances for each plan.

Service Plan Configuration

Service Plans can be customized by the operator allowing to adjust the plans for both types of Solace PubSub+ Event Brokers:

  • Solace PubSub+ Enterprise or Enterprise Evaluation Edition Event Broker
  • Solace PubSub+ Standard Event Broker
Configurable Properties Applicability
Property Description On Demand Operator Allocated
  • An active plan will show up in the marketplace.
    • New service instances for this plan can be created.
  • An inactive plan will not show up in the marketplace.
    • New service instances for this plan cannot be created.
    • A plan can be made inactive only when there are either no service instances, or only operator allocated service instances. The plan will remain displayed in the marketplace in orgs and spaces if it has associated existing service instances, however, tile configurations changes will no longer be applied to these existing service instances.
    • A plan should not be made inactive when there are existing on-demand service instances, as tile deployment will fail.
Plan Name The name that appears in the VMware Tanzu marketplace for this plan.
Plan Description The plan description that will appear in the CF marketplace.
Detailed Plan Description The description that will appear in Apps Manager.
Cost The cost of the service. This causes the marketplace to display the plan as a paid service.
Currency The currency of the cost value.
Unit The unit the cost is based on, such as hourly, monthly, disk size, etc.
High Availability If checked, deployment of Event Brokers on this plan will be done in triplets across all availability zones providing a High Availability deployment. The sizing of the Event Brokers will be based on the selected VM Type and Disk Type in this plan. The Sizing of the Monitor node which requires smaller VM Type and Disk Type is based on the General Settings
Service instances A Solace PubSub+ Service Instance represents a Message VPN on a Solace PubSub+ Event Broker. The ability to host multiple service instances on a single Solace PubSub+ Event Broker for sharing the underlying resources is applicable on Enterprise and Enterprise Evaluation edition Event Brokers and is limited to a maximum of five service instances.

You will be able to configure an Enterprise edition broker with up to twenty-five service instances if you provide a 25 Message VPN Product Key.

As for the Standard Event Broker, it can only host one service instance.
Quota Sets the limit on the maximum number of Solace PubSub+ Event Broker deployments that may be created for this service plan across all orgs and spaces. Keeping in mind that this deployment is used to host one or more service instances as defined in the plan by Service instances.
  • This quota is only consulted at the time a service creation request is done.
  • Decreasing the quota will not have an effect on existing service instances if the quota was already exceeded.
Maximum Queue Messages Sets the maximum number of messages that can be queued for delivery to consumers. Sufficient system resources need to be available on the VM; see Solace documentation for specific requirements. Consider this setting while selecting a VM Type for your deployment.
  • This setting is only applied to new deployments. Existing deployments won’t be updated.
VM Type The VM Type on which a service is created. Please see Service Plan Sizing to guide in this selection. The operator is cautioned not to adjust the VM Type without considering the effects on existing on-demand service instances.
  • Increasing the VM Type capacity in CPUs or RAM: New on-demand service instances will benefit. Existing on-demand service instances will not upscale.
  • Reducing the VM Type capacity in CPUs or RAM: Existing on-demand service instances may become inoperable.
Disk Type The persistent disk size used by the Event Broker. The size of the persistent disk can be changed both before and after deployment. Increasing the size of the persistent disks will impact the service of already bound apps. However, messages will not be lost. Reducing the size of the persistent disk post-deployment is not recommended and can result in message loss, inoperable Solace PubSub+ Event Broker, and/or undefined behaviors. 1
Availability Zones Select the availability zones in which deployment instances of this plan will be located. For high-availability plans, consider using multiple availability zones for maximum fault tolerance. 2
VM Extensions Configure a comma separated list of VM extensions to apply to on demand VMs created under this plan. 3
Product Key Users of Enterprise editions can configure instances to host up to 25 VPNs if they provide a product key in this field. 4

1 Note: Please set the same matching VM Type and Disk Type if you have Operator Allocated instances in Resource Config.

2 Note: Please consider if using the same Network and AZs used in Assign AZs and Networks for Operator Allocated instances.

3 Note: To configure VM extensions on tile created instance groups, see Managing Custom VM Extensions

4 Note: See Product Keys

General Settings

The Monitor VM Type and Disk Type settings apply to all on-demand plans with High Availability enabled. A Monitor node requires 1 CPU and 1 GB of RAM, adjust the VM Type to match this requirement.

Service Plan Sizing

A deployment of Solace PubSub+ Event Broker will attempt to maximize the use of the underlying resources on any given VM Type.

The deployment will auto select the maximum client connection scaling parameter based on the following:

  • number of detected CPUs,
  • amount of detected RAM,
  • and resource required by the configured maximum queue messages

This configuration is done at service creation time.

All other plan limits will be auto calculated based on scaling parameters and the Solace PubSub+ Event Broker type.

Additional Configurable Service Plans

The Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu tile contains two additional unconfigured plans for both types of Solace PubSub+ Event Brokers:

  • Solace PubSub+ Standard Event Broker

    • Standard Plan 3
    • Standard Plan 4
  • Solace PubSub+ Enterprise or Enterprise Evaluation Edition Event Broker

    • Enterprise Plan 5
    • Enterprise Plan 6

Preconfigured Service Plans

Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu version 2.1.x and earlier contained these preconfigured service plans which were not operator configurable.

Each plan is supported by VM Type intended to match the plan name and descriptions. Without any modifications, the default settings of these plans will match the same settings for Solace PubSub+ for VMware Tanzu version 2.1.x to ensure backwards compatibilities for deployments with existing service instances.

An operator is cautioned not to make these plans inactive or alter these plans without considering the effects on existing service instances.

If there are existing service instances on these plans, the operator should use the Additional Configurable Service Plans to create customized plans.

Standard Medium Plan

A single message VPN on a dedicated Solace PubSub+ Standard Event Broker with associated properties set to moderate values.
VM Pool Standard Medium
Service Instances per VM 1
Property Max # per Service Instance
Bindings 500
Connections 1,000
Maximum Queue Messages 240M
Subscriptions 500,000
Transacted Sessions 1,000
Transactions 5,000
Endpoints 1,000

Standard Medium HA Plan

A single message VPN spanning 3 Solace PubSub+ Standard Event Brokers in a high-availability (HA) configuration with associated properties set to moderate values.
VM Pool Standard Medium-HA
Service Instances per VM 1
Property Max # per Service Instance
Bindings 500
Connections 1,000
Maximum Queue Messages 240M
Subscriptions 500,000
Transacted Sessions 1,000
Transactions 5,000
Endpoints 1,000

Enterprise Shared Plan

A single Message VPN in a shared Solace PubSub+ Enterprise or Enterprise Evaluation Edition Event Broker. Useful for light traffic and development.
VM Pool Enterprise Shared
Service Instances per VM 5
Property Max # per Service Instance
Bindings 190
Connections 200
Maximum Queue Messages 240M
Subscriptions 100,000
Transacted Sessions 200
Transactions 1,000
Endpoints 200

Enterprise Large Plan

A single message VPN on a dedicated Solace PubSub+ Enterprise or Enterprise Evaluation Edition Event Broker with associated properties set to high values.
VM Pool Enterprise Large
Service Instances per VM 1
Property Max # per Service Instance
Bindings 9,990
Connections 10,000 - ( REST Connections 6000 )
Maximum Queue Messages 240M
Subscriptions 500,000
Transacted Sessions 10,000
Transactions 50,000
Endpoints 10,000

Enterprise Medium HA Plan

A single message VPN spanning 3 Solace PubSub+ Enterprise or Enterprise Evaluation Edition Event Brokers in a high-availability (HA) configuration with associated properties set to moderate values.
VM Pool Enterprise Medium-HA
Service Instances per VM 1
Property Max # per Service Instance
Bindings 990
Connections 1,000
Maximum Queue Messages 240M
Subscriptions 500,000
Transacted Sessions 1,000
Transactions 5,000
Endpoints 1,000

Enterprise Large HA Plan

A single message VPN spanning 3 Solace PubSub+ Enterprise or Enterprise Evaluation Edition Event Brokers in a high-availability (HA) configuration with associated properties set to high values.
VM Pool Enterprise Large-HA
Service Instances per VM 1
Property Max # per Service Instance for Enterprise tile
Bindings 9,990
Connections 1,0000 - ( REST Connections 6000 )
Maximum Queue Messages 240M
Subscriptions 500,000
Transacted Sessions 10,000
Transactions 50,000
Endpoints 10,000

Sample Standard Plan Configuration


Sample Enterprise Plan Configuration


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