Event Broker Releases

This page contains the following information about features for software event brokers and appliances:

Deprecated Features

Feature Description Recommended

PubSub+ Messaging API for C support for Solaris/SunOS

Support for Solaris/SunOS is now deprecated. Solace will stop providing builds for this platform after the next scheduled release of the C API.

For details, see the Deprecated Features list on the Product Lifecycle Policy page.


Release 7.23.0 available in June, 2022

June, 2026

Cut-Through Persistence (CTP)

Solace Cut-Through Persistence (CTP), also known as Cut-Through Messaging, has been deprecated with plans to remove this functionality from all Solace Core Products starting May 31, 2022.

For details, see the Deprecated Features list on the Product Lifecycle Policy page.



Release 9.13.1 available in March, 2022

May, 2022

OAuth/OpenID Connect for MQTT Clients (OAuth Providers)

OAuth Providers, the original PubSub+ OAuth client authentication implementation, has been deprecated with plans to remove this functionality from all Solace Core Products starting September 15, 2024.

For details, see the Deprecated Features list on the Product Lifecycle Policy page.

OAuth for MQTT Clients (OAuth Profiles)

Release 9.12.0 available in October, 2021

September 15, 2024

Machine Image Packages

The PubSub+ Event Broker will no longer be distributed as a machine image package for VMware, Hyper-V, KVM and OpenStack as of June 15, 2024. Existing instances created from a machine image package should transition to an instance created by an alternate deployment method.

For details, see the Deprecated Features list on the Product Lifecycle Policy page.

PubSub+ Container

June, 2024 June, 2024

Software Event Broker and Appliance Features (10.0 and later)

As of release 9.0, the appliance and software event broker releases are combined.

To see the features introduced in a particular release, click Select a version and choose a release.

Release 10.11.0 — January 28, 2025

This is a Preview Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

PubSub+ Broker Manager: New "Learning Center" Navigation and Content

The PubSub+ Broker Manager now includes a Learning Center feature. This update adds a new banner and updates the navigation for event brokers with single-message VPNs to ensure platform parity.

Support for 100K ACL Topic Exceptions and 5K ACL Profiles for Software Event Brokers with 100K+ Max-Connections

Software event brokers with max-connections of 100K and greater now support increased limits for ACL configurations: up to 100K publish and subscribe topic exceptions, and up to 5K ACL profiles.

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Release 10.10.1 — December 13, 2024

This is a Production Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

Broker/Event Mesh Distributed Tracing - Move to DMQ & Single Event Delete Spans

PubSub+ event brokers with distributed tracing active will now generate spans when a message is moved to the Dead Message Queue (DMQ) and when a single message is deleted. This information is critical to diagnosing what happened to a message that was not delivered.

Distributed Tracing - Basic HTTP Context Propagation

REST/HTTP messages published to a PubSub+ event broker will automatically propagate (in trace spans and downstream messages) any tracing information in its W3C context propagation header.

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Release 10.10.0 — October 31, 2024

This is a Preview Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

Global Mesh Manager Access Level

Mesh manager is a new global access-level designed to have sufficient access to configure any items related to client connectivity or connectivity between brokers. The mesh manager role is between global read-write and message-vpn read-write in terms of privilege level.

Starting in 10.10.0, with mixed-version event brokers, the Click-to-Connect wizard must be run from a broker that supports this feature. For example, when connecting broker versions 10.10.0 and 10.9.1, the wizard must be run from the 10.10.0 event broker.

Solace CLI Support for Consolidated Upscaling

A new system command is now available allowing users to increase multiple scaling parameters in a single operation on the event broker. The command is enable > configure > system > scaling > scale.

MQTT OAuth Alternate Token Passing Scheme

OAuth tokens are currently encoded in the MQTT password by prefixing them with OAUTH~ or OPENID~. This feature introduces an alternate encoding method that uses a reserved username to indicate that the password contains a token.

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Release 10.9.1 — October 4, 2024

This is a Production Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

Support HTTP proxy for RDP - Oauth Token Endpoint

This feature provides HTTP proxy support for REST consumers using oauth-jwt or oauth token endpoint authentication.

JNDI - Add Messaging (aka Messaging Content) Field for Payload Compression

A new configuration property has been added to the Event Broker's JNDI configuration to support end-to-end Payload Compression via the PubSub+ Messaging API for JMS.

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Release 10.8.1 — June 13, 2024

This is a Production Long-Term Support Release (LTS). For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description
Manager Wizard - Solace to Apache Kafka This feature adds a Solace to Apache Kafka wizard to PubSub+ Manager to simplify the process of setting up the Kafka Sender, its authentication with the Kafka Cluster, a queue binding, and a queue.
Manager Wizard - Apache Kafka to Solace This feature adds an Apache Kafka to Solace wizard to PubSub+ Manager to simplify the process of setting up the Kafka Receiver, its authentication with the Kafka Cluster, and a topic binding.
Use SMF Keepalive on Bridge Connections and DMR Links This feature provides an SMF-level keepalive in addition to the TCP keepalives to ensure that bridge and DMR connections detect failures quickly and consistently by both ends.
System Events Needed for Subscription TRB Resource Limits This feature provides improved system events monitoring for subscription TRB resources.
Proxy Support for Message-VPN OAuth Backend Connections This feature includes HTTP Proxy Support for msg-vpn OAuth Profiles for client connections
Proxy Support for Global OAuth Profile Backend Connections This feature includes HTTP Proxy Support for Global OAuth Profiles for management access.
Add Scaling Parameter for Max-Subscriptions

This feature introduces a new max-subscriptions scaling parameter which is independent of max-connections. Max-subscriptions will support values of 50K, 500K and 5M and allows users to configure a consistent number of subscriptions across all brokers in a DMR mesh, independent of the max-connections setting on the individual brokers.

If not specified at time of creation, new instances of PubSub+ Software Event Broker will default to:

  • 50K max-subscriptions for brokers created with max-connections=100

  • 500K max-subscriptions for brokers created with max-connections=1K or 10K

  • 5M max-subscriptions for brokers created with max-connections=100K or 200K

Correctly scaled new broker instances On new broker deployments where the value of a scaling parameter is not specified via config-key, the value of these unspecified scaling parameters will now default to a sensible value based on the level of the max-connections scaling parameter and may not be assigned the minimum value (as was the previous default behavior).
Allow connection retry for DMR Cluster Links and Bridges (DMR Channels) This feature allows to configure connection retry for Bridges in DMR Channels and Cluster Links
Ensure DMR links in a shared channel do not go down during conflicting attribute(s) if one of the links is disabled This features provides quality improvements in DMR links in a shared channel

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Release 10.8.0 — April 30, 2024

This is a Preview Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description
Try-Me - Make Topic Hierarchy more intuitive for Try-Me users Pubsub+ Manager's Try-Me now provides topic taxonomy best practices and topic filtering guidelines. You can build your own topics in Try-Me and learn how to subscribe to topics using Solace wildcards.

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Release 10.7.1 — March 18, 2024

This is a Production Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description
Support for More VPN Bridges Per Software Broker This feature introduces max-bridges scaling parameter which is an independent scaling parameter from max-connections. VPN bridges can now be scaled upto 5000 for software brokers. When scaling to more than 500 VPN bridges, the bridge connection must be configured to be initiated by the remote broker.
Internal Management User Account Lockout A temporary account lockout on consecutive login failures has been implemented for locally managed accounts. This applies to both ssh and HTTP(S) access to the PubSub+ Appliance host and CLI/SEMP access.
Kerberos for Kafka Bridging This feature enables the use of Kerberos Authentication with Integrated Kafka Bridge.
Add Additional Simple Objects to SEMPv2 Direct SEMPv2 requests for some objects (DMR bridges and Replicated topics) will show up as native SEMPv2 entries in command.log. Native SEMPv2 calls will result in improved performance of these objects.
DMR Improvements for Topologies Using Mixed Internal/External Links and Replication This feature provides robustness improvements related to DMR Meshes that contain a mix of internal and external links as well as replication/DR.

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Release 10.7.0 — January 26, 2024

This is a Preview Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

No new features are introduced in release 10.7.0.

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Release 10.6.1 — December 15, 2023

This is a Production Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

NTP Server List

The Network Time Protocol (NTP) implementation on the PubSub+ Appliance has added support for up to eight NTP servers.

Appliance Support for Network Time Security (NTS)

The Network Time Protocol (NTP) implementation on the PubSub+ Appliance has added support for Network Time Security (NTS). NTS allows the client to validate the identity of the server and the integrity of communication.

Integrated Kafka Bridge - GA

This feature converts Solace messages that are placed in one or more queues into Kafka and publishes them to the Kafka broker in a manner similar to a standard Kafka producer. It also consumes Kafka messages and publishes them to the Solace Broker. The objective is to be able to exchange messages with Kafka, allowing events from Kafka to be on-ramped into Solace, and provides the ability to feed events to Kafka for processing by Kafka clients and to stream processors without the need to implement infrastructures like Kafka Connect.

This feature also enhances the scalability of Integrated Kafka Bridge and enhances the tool to identify the resources required by the broker to fit the targeted Integrated Kafka Bridge configuration.

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Release 10.6.0 — October 31, 2023

This is a Preview Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

No new features are introduced in release 10.6.0.

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Release 10.5.1 — September 21, 2023

This is a Production Release. For details about the support period for this release, see see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

PubSub+ Cloud - Increase max message spool on software broker

PubSub+ Cloud now supports up to 3 billion messages queued and up to 6TB of spooled messages. This is in support of applications that require large numbers of messages to be available for replay. Increasing the number of queued messages will require additional resources; see documentation for details.

This release introduces increased memory requirements for event broker services in the Enterprise 5K service class and higher. Clusters hosting Enterprise 5K event broker services and above require an additional 8,294 MiB per messaging node. This requirement does not extend to the monitoring node in a high-availability deployment. You can view a complete list of memory requirements in https://docs.solace.com/Cloud/Deployment-Considerations/resource-requirements-k8s.htm#memory-resources. The additional memory requirement is to support 3 billion queue messages.

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Release 10.5.0 — July 26, 2023

This is a Preview Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

No new features are introduced in release 10.5.0.

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Release 10.4.1 — June 20, 2023

This is a Production Long-Term Support Release (LTS). For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

RDP - Proxy Support for RDP

Proxies are required for security and local network isolation. This feature provides proxy support for Rest Delivery Points, allowing a broker connection from a private network to REST Consumers on an external network via HTTP proxy. REST Consumers must have TLS enabled to support end-to-end TLS connection.

Global Buffer Level Warning

A new event (SYSTEM_AD_MESSAGE_BUFFER_LEVEL_LOW) indicates a sustained low level of available buffers in the guaranteed messaging datapath.

Broker/Event Mesh Distributed Tracing - Send Spans

This feature builds on distributed tracing (ingress) receive spans to complete the end-to-end tracing of events through the broker success path. It adds a distributed tracing egress span containing information on the transmission to and response from the consumer, including the outcome (ACK/NACK).

BETA: Integrated Kafka Bridge

Warning: This feature is in BETA with limitations and no production support.

This feature connects to Kafka brokers and converts Solace messages that are placed in one or more queues into Kafka and publishes them to the Kafka broker in a manner similar to a standard Kafka producer. It also consumes Kafka messages and publishes them to the Solace broker, allowing events from Kafka to be on-ramped into Solace. This provides the ability to feed events to Kafka for processing by Kafka clients, as well as streaming processors without the need to implement infrastructures like Kafka Connect with specialized connectors.

This feature applies only to PubSub+ Software Brokers. It does not work on Solace Appliances.

BETA Limitations:

  • Not supported in production

  • This feature in this release will only be supported for 1 year or until the next Long Term Support (LTS) release of the software broker, whichever is later

  • This feature in this release will not be supported on PubSub+ Cloud unless a future announcement is made to the contrary

  • Only the default Kafka batch settings are supported

  • Limited to a total of 20 senders or receivers and 320 Total Connected Kafka Brokers* on 100 and 1K endpoint software brokers and requires an additional 4G of RAM over the configuration provided by the Solace Resource Calculator

  • Limited to a total of 100 senders and 100 receivers and 800 Total Connected Kafka Brokers* on 10K+ endpoint software brokers and requires an additional 10G of RAM over the configuration provided by the Solace Resource Calculator (at that scale)

  • Performance may degrade when this feature is active

  • Fixes to this feature will be limited to future Beta/EA/GA releases and not applied to 10.4.1.X

  • When upgrading from 10.4.1 to a future release, the configuration of this feature may be removed

Known Bugs:

  • Kafka Brokers using TLS without client certificate authentication properly configured may become operational with a Solace Broker configured to use client certificate authentication

  • Configuring Basic or SCRAM authentication with a username and no password may cause the broker to crash after Kafka Bridge Sender/Receiver has been enabled

Note that this Beta deviates from the public Solace definition of beta in that the Solace Support team will provide support (subject to the limitations above) in non-production environments.

We recommend this feature to those familiar with Kafka and who have reviewed the material about this feature at docs.solace.com as a vehicle to translate between Solace and Kafka or to build a Kafka Mesh.

  • - Total Connected Kafka Brokers = Sum of all Brokers in a Cluster connected to each and every Kafka Receiver and Sender. For example, if you have broker with a sender and receiver connected to the same cluster with 16 Kafka brokers in that cluster and a different sender connected to a different cluster of 40 Kafka brokers, your Total Kafka Connected Brokers = 16 + 16 + 40 = 72.

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Release 10.4.0 — April 25, 2023

This is a Preview Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

Partitioned Queue / MQ-Style Message Groups / Consumer Groups (Respect JMSXGroupID)

Partitioned Queues are a non-exclusive queue sub-type to add context-based in-order delivery to non-exclusive queue's load balancing and auto-scaling through the use of partition keys and partitions to identify a message's context, map each individual context to a single partition, and map each partition to a single consumer instance.

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Release 10.3.1 — March 14, 2023

This is a Production Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

Pubsub+ Manager Option To Change Color-Contrast To Meet WCAG 2.1 AA Standard

This feature allows customer to opt and use the Color-Contrast compliant version of Pubsub+ Manager (WebUI) as per WCAG 2.1 AA Guidelines.

While there will not be any default color changes in the WebUI, interested customers can choose to utilize the new WebUI colors to make their WebUI version WCAG 2.1 AA Color Compliant.

HTTPS Load-Balancer Health Check Endpoint

The PubSub+ Health Check endpoint can now be configured to use HTTPS. Users that have security policies requiring the use of encryption can now enable this option on the Health Check endpoint.

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Release 10.3.0 — January 31, 2023

This is a Preview Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

Broker Support For Delayed Redelivery With Head-Of-Line Blocking

To give applications time to recover from a temporary inability to process a message, this feature allows for the delayed redelivery of messages to clients who are consuming guaranteed messages using local transactions. Delayed redelivery is controlled by a timer and is triggered by a client-initiated transaction rollback. While the redelivery timer is running, the consumer flow is blocked if it participated in a rolled back transaction, and message delivery to the application is suspended until the timer expires. A multiplier is used to allow for exponential back-off of redelivery attempts.

The entire delayed redelivery configuration is performed on the PubSub+ Event Broker.

Delayed redelivery is a Controlled Availability (CA) feature, and is only available to clients using the Solace JMS or JCSMP APIs (requires API version 10.18.0 or later). Please contact Solace to find out if this feature is supported for your use case.

FIPS Product Key

Introduction of a new product key that enables the PubSub+ software to be FIPS compliant when running on a supported FIPS host with a compatible configuration.

Declarative SEMP: Auto Shutdown

Declarative Solace Element Management Protocol (dSEMP) allows you to use a Solace declarative API to pull, apply, and remove configurations by synchronizing with infrastructure as code instead of config changes that know the current state.

This feature is being provided for early access testing of the Consumer components of dSEMP. This initial EA focuses on providing Consumer, Publisher, and related service infrastructure declarative capabilities through Terraform.

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Release 10.2.1 — December 15, 2022

This is a Production Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

PubSub+ Software Broker on Cloud ARM Server

The PubSub+ container is now available as a container supporting ARM processors available in major cloud providers. PubSub+ Standard is now available as a multi architecture image supporting x86-64 and ARM64. Customers using the AWS Graviton instance types can pull PubSub+ Standard directly from Docker Hub. PubSub+ Enterprise customers can download a container image supporting ARM processors from http://products.solace.com.

Add Stalled State to Show Bridge Output (Customer Configured)

Stalled Bridges are now shown as an operational attribute in the "show bridge" command.

PubSub+ Container Support for Docker Desktop on M-series MAC

The PubSub+ container is now available as a container supporting devices with Apple M-series processors. PubSub+ Standard Edition is now available as a multi architecture image supporting x86-64 and ARM64. MAC users running Docker Desktop for MAC can pull the new image directly from Docker Hub. PubSub+ Enterprise customers can download a container image supporting Apple M-series processors from http://products.solace.com. This allows MAC users to create instances of PubSub+ locally.

Broker Support For Message NACK

The broker now supports message NACK via Solace APIs that also have support for this functionality.

Distributed Tracing - Context Propagation

Context Propagation allows events being traced to carry "context". This context can uniquely identify the event being traced, the current and parent spans, and additional content. This allows each telemetry message generated by an event to be correlated easily by the observability backend (e.g., Jaeger) and enables the backend to better visualize the event's telemetry.

With this feature, the PubSub+ event broker can accept event context from the publishing application or API and can pass this context along to additional brokers and ultimately to the message consumer API or Application for full end-to-end event visibility.

OAuth Parsing Authorization Groups Claim as List


OAuth profiles now offer an option to parse the contents of the authorization-groups-claim as a space separated list. This consistent with the way the scope claim is formatted in a token introspection result.

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Release 10.2.0 — October 31, 2022

This is a Preview Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

Distributed Tracing with Receive Spans

Distributed Tracing provides telemetry about important events as they traverse the event mesh. The receive span telemetry provided is triggered upon an important event's receipt by the broker and provides a timestamp of its arrival in the broker and which queues the event has been enqueued. A Solace OpenTelemetry receiver is already integrated into the OpenTelemetry Collector for interoperability with a wide variety of observability backends.

IPv6 Support for Select Management Functions

The following management functions are now supported over IPv6 on PubSub+ SW brokers and Appliances with an IPv6 address configured for the Management VRF.

For management users connecting to the PubSub+ broker: CLI, SEMP

For management functions that connect out from the PubSub+ broker to an IPv6 address or a hostname that resolves to an IPv6 address: OAUTH, LDAP, RADIUS, NTP, SNMP

PubSub+ SW broker instances now support configuring Replication using IPv6 addresses.

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Release 10.1.1 — September 14, 2022

This is a Production Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

Create Collection of RDP Queue Binding Headers Whose Values are Masked from Viewing

You can define a collection of RDP Queue Binding header name/value pairs where the value is treated as a "protected" value, similar to how passwords are handled in the management interfaces in the broker configuration. This new collection is very similar to the existing collection of RDP Queue Binding headers/value, except the values in the new collection are always masked or omitted from display in the CLI, SEMPv2, or Broker Manager UI.

RDP OAuth: Default Token Expiry Configuration

REST Delivery Points using oauth-client and oauth-jwt authentication can now be configured with a default token expiry to be used when the authorization server does not return an expires in value during token grant. This will allow the PubSub+ event broker to determine when to refresh the token in cases where the token expiry is unknown.

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Release 10.1.0 — July 14, 2022

This is a Preview Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

Support for Rootless PubSub+ Containers Using Podman

A rootless PubSub+ container instance can now be created using Podman. This will allow an unprivileged user (without sudo or any other root access) to create a container instance of PubSub+.

PubSub+ Manager Wizard for Connecting to AWS S3 Data Lake Via RDPs

Manager GUI creation of RDPs to publish to Amazon Web Services S3 including Authentication, Connector setup, Subscription setup, and customization of REST targets and headers.

PubSub+ Manager - Support Copy Message Feature

Added Actions to Queues and Topic Endpoints that copy a single message from another Queue, Topic Endpoint, or a Replay Log to the selected Queue or Topic Endpoint. The message is identified by its Replication Group ID.

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Release 10.0.1 — June 21, 2022

This is a Production Long-Term Support Release (LTS). For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

TLS for Syslog Connections

Broker logging facilities can now connect to a remote Syslog receiver using TLS. The use of TLS ensures integrity and confidentiality of the logs during transport.

HA-Aware (High Availability) Cache Manager

In previous releases, the Cache Manager had to be manually activated on a broker following an HA failover. This limitation has been removed, Cache Manager activity status now follows broker HA activity status.

With this enhancement, there is no need for a broker administrator to manually activate the Cache Manager following an HA failover. This eliminates the risk of a PubSub+ Cache outage caused by cache instances being restarted after an HA failover before the administrator has enabled the Cache Manager.

Allow Configuration of JSON Output for System and Event syslog Logs

The Syslog entries for the system and event logs can now be configured to be in JSON format. This allows for efficient parsing and processing of log entries especially when forwarded to a remote syslog receiver.

Manager - Remove Cross Origin Requests Requirement From Wizards

This feature allows all Manager wizards to function even when CORS access is restricted on the broker.

Support DMR+Replication/DR Within a Cluster With A Mixture Of Replication-Enabled And Replication-Disabled Message-VPNs

When using multiple Message VPNs on a PubSub+ event broker, an administrator may only want to enable replication on a subset of those Message VPNs. In previous releases, if the brokers that were connected in an event mesh using Dynamic Message Routing (DMR), this was not possible - replication needed to be enabled on either all or none of the Message VPNs. With this feature, you can now enable replication on a subset of the Message VPNs while still using DMR to create the event mesh.

Client Certificate Matching for DMR Links

Certificate matching rules can now be configured for DMR clusters using client certificate authentication. A client certificate presented by a link initiator must satisfy all the conditions and attribute filters of one of the rules in order to be used as a credential. The conditions of a rule can relate information obtained from the certificate to attributes of the DMR link, and the attribute filters can limit the rule to only apply to a subset of links with certain attributes. This can be used to restrict the types of certificates that can be used by a DMR link partner and authenticate it based on certificate contents.

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Release 10.0.0 — April 26, 2022

This is a Preview Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

Replay Service - Configurable Topics

Enables broker administrator to configure topics (including Prefixes/Wildcards) that are eligible for storage in the Replay Log.

With this feature, the replay log contents can be limited to just the set of messages that are important enough to retain for replay, reducing the frequency of replay log pruning, and enabling replay on brokers with limited resources.

Replay Messages to a Temporary Endpoint

This feature allows messages to be replayed to a named temporary endpoint.

With this feature, an application can use a Solace messaging API to create a named temporary queue, add topic subscriptions to that queue, and then initiate a replay to the temporary queue. This is useful for applications that wish to consume messages from the replay log using a temporary endpoint which will automatically be removed from the broker when the application disconnects.

Copy One Message to an Endpoint

This feature introduces a new management command to copy a single message from one endpoint (either a queue or a topic endpoint) to another endpoint, or from the replay log to an endpoint. Broker administrators can use the command to initiate re-delivery of a specific message to an application.

For example, if the broker moves a message to a dead message queue (DMQ) because an application is unable to consume the message (e.g. max-redeliveries exceeded, or TTL time-out), the administrator can use this command to copy that message from the DMQ back to the original queue once the application issues have been resolved.

RDP Wizard for Google Run

This feature provides a dedicated Google Cloud Run PubSub+ Wizard to configure an RDP to Google Run.

Client Certificate to Message VPN Matching

Certificate matching rules can now be configured per Message VPN. A client certificate must satisfy all the conditions of one of the rules in order to be used as a credential in that Message VPN. The conditions of a rule can relate information obtained in the certificate to attributes of the client user. This can be used to restrict the types of certificates that can be used by a client to log into a Message VPN.

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Software Event Broker and Appliance Features (9.0 - 9.13)

As of release 9.0, the appliance and software event broker releases are combined.

To see the features introduced in a particular release, click Select a version and choose a release.

Release 9.13.1 — March 15, 2022

This is a Production Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

OAuth for REST Producers

OAuth / OpenID Connect has been added as a method of authenticating and authorizing REST producer clients connecting to the PubSub+ Event Broker. REST producer clients may present a token in the authorization header using the "Bearer" type as a credential during login. This enables clients to integrate with modern identity and access management systems.

OAuth for AMQP Clients

OAuth / OpenID Connect has been added as a method of authenticating and authorizing clients connecting to the PubSub+ Event Broker using the AMQP protocol. Clients using an AMQP API supporting the XOAUTH2 method will be able to present a token as a credential during client login. This enables clients to integrate with modern identity and access management systems.

PubSub+ Manager Wizards for Azure Data Lake Gen 2 & Google Cloud Storage Via RDPs

Manager GUI creation of RDPs to publish to Azure Data Lake Gen 2 & Google Cloud Storage including Authentication, Connector setup, Subscription setup, and customization of REST targets and headers.

Increase the LDAP Request Timeout

This will allow administrators to increase the LDAP search timeout up to a maximum of forty (40) seconds. This change will help alleviate LDAP search timeouts in situations where the LDAP servers are slow to respond.

Product-Key to Upgrade PubSub+ Standard to PubSub+ Enterprise

A new product-key is available for purchase that will upgrade a PubSub+ Standard instance to PubSub+ Enterprise. The PubSub+ Enterprise product-key is useful in cases where access to the native PubSub+ Enterprise binary is limited.

PubSub+ Enterprise customers can contact their account team for access to the key.

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Release 9.13.0 — January 26, 2022

This is a Preview Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

Base PubSub+ Container on UBI 8

The PubSub+ Container image is now based on Red Hat Universal Base Image 8 (UBI 8). This aligns the container with the latest version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

AWS Authentication (AWS4-HMAC-SHA256) on Rest Delivery Points

Support for AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 signature authentication on Rest Delivery Points, to enable access to most AWS services.

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Release 9.12.1 — December 14, 2021

This is a Production Long-Term Support Release (LTS). For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

OAuth for SMF Clients

OAuth / OpenID Connect has been added as a method of authenticating and authorizing clients connecting to the PubSub+ Event Broker using the SMF protocol. Clients using Solace APIs will be able to present a token as a credential during client login. This enables clients to integrate with modern identity and access management systems. This feature implements the broker half of the SMF login using OAuth/OIDC; support will be added to the Solace APIs individually. For details, see the release notes for each API.

Automatic Message Spool Defragmentation

A fragmented message spool can result in the PubSub+ Event Broker being unable to accept new guaranteed messages, even though the queues and message-VPNs are below quota. To minimize the risk of a service interruption due to message spool fragmentation, the Event Broker can now be configured to defragment the message spool automatically at a scheduled time and frequency. The Event Broker can also be configured to automatically defragment the message spool whenever a specified level of fragmentation is reached.

Queue/Topic Endpoint Bind Rate Statistic

The PubSub+ Event Broker now implements a new rate-based statistic that tracks the rate that clients are binding to topic and queue endpoints. High rates of client binds can congest the broker's control plane. This feature allows users to monitor for unexpected changes in the rate at which the clients are binding.

Reduce NAB Buffers Used by Client Egress Flows

Enhanced NAB efficiency dramatically reduces the likelihood of a NAB congestion state that blocks and disconnects egress clients due to large messages.

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Release 9.12 — October 26, 2021

This is a Preview Release. For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

OAuth Authentication for SEMPv2 and PubSub+ Manager

OAuth / OpenID Connect has been added as a method of authenticating and authorizing users connecting to the PubSub+ Manager or using SEMPv2. Users of the PubSub+ Manager will be able to integrate with third party identity providers using an interactive flow. SEMPv2 users will be able to present a bearer token as a credential to access SEMPv2 APIs. This enables users to integrate with modern identity and access management systems.

Single Mount Point for Persistent Data

The storage-group is a single location for all of the persistent storage required by a PubSub+ instance. This feature makes it easier for users to properly configure persistent storage in a new PubSub+ instance. The changes are fully backwards compatible; users that wish to configure the storage-elements at their previous locations may continue to do so.

To help users properly size the storage-group and calculate system resource requirements, a new System Resource Calculator tool has been created. See System Resource Requirements for details on how to calculate storage requirements using the System Resource Calculator and to configure an instance to use the storage-group.

IPv6 for VPN Bridges, DMR, and MNR

The PubSub+ Event Broker can now connect to other brokers using IPv6. This applies to VPN bridges, MNR and DMR, augmenting the functionality of previous releases that allowed clients to connect using IPv6.

Use HTTPS When TLS Configured (Redirect)

When accessed over HTTP, the PubSub+ Manager will now redirect to HTTPS when possible. This reduces the chances of accidentally accessing the PubSub+ Manager over a non-secure connection.

Add Configuration to Disable CORS

The PubSub+ Event Broker can now be configured to allow the user to disable responses to cross-origin requests received on the SEMP port. For users that have security policies that restrict the use of cross-origin requests, this feature will allow them to implement a strict single origin policy. Disabling responses to cross-origin requests will prevent the use of some wizard features of the PubSub+ Manager and prevent user applications that run in a web browser from making SEMP calls to the broker.

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Release 9.11 — September 10, 2021

This is a Production Long-Term Support Release (LTS). For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

RDP - Variable Targets

Allows for message-specific variables to be included in the RDP HTTP target to a cloud-native service or an application like a data lake. These metadata variables can include the full topic, a topic field, all or part of a timestamp, ids, and much more in a variety of formats and encodings including URL.

RDP - Additional HTTP Headers with Fixed/Variable Values

RDP HTTP headers can be added to outgoing messages with a fixed name and fixed or variable values to work with cloud-native services or applications. These variable values can include metadata including the full topic, a topic field, all or part of a timestamp, ids, and much more in a variety of formats and encodings including base 32 and 64.

Support for cgroups v2

The PubSub+ Container will now be able to detect the resources available using the cgroups v2 interface on operating systems that support cgroups v2. Containers running on systems using cgroups v1 will continue to use the cgroups v1 interface.

Support 30,000 Transacted Sessions at 100K and 200K connection tiers

The scaling limit for maximum transacted sessions on the PubSub+ Software Broker has been increased for the 100K and 200K connection tiers. The PubSub+ Software Broker now supports a maximum of 30,000 transacted sessions for those connection tiers.

Add Search Configuration to resolv.conf on Appliance

The search parameter of the resolv.conf file is now configurable on the PubSub+ Appliance. Users with more than one domain suffix in their network can now configure a list of domains to search when resolving a hostname.

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Release 9.10 — July 27, 2021

This is a Production Long-Term Support Release (LTS). For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description

Enable TCP keepalive for syslog connections

The PubSub+ Event Broker now sends TCP keep-alive messages on syslog connections. This ensures that network equipment such as firewalls will not disconnect "idle" syslog connections originated by the broker.

Delayed Delivery Queue

With this feature, endpoints on the PubSub+ broker can now be configured with a delivery delay time. Any messages published to the endpoint will be held by the broker for the configured amount of time, before being delivered to a consumer connected to the endpoint . The feature makes it easier to build stateless microservices - when a delay is needed, an event can simply be sent to a delayed delivery queue.

Add Certificate Expiry to CLIENT_CLIENT_CONNECT Event

The CLIENT_CLIENT_CONNECT log entry now contains the certificate expiry time when a client connects using a client certificate. This makes it easier for the broker administrator to identify clients whose TLS certificates are about to expire, so that new certificates can be supplied to those clients.

Broker Manager: Support for Config-Sync

This feature allows a broker administrator to configure Config-Sync using PubSub+ Broker Manager.

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Release 9.9 — May 3, 2021

This is a Production Long-Term Support Release (LTS). For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description
Replay after Replication Group Message ID

Applications can now replay messages following the message-ID of the last message which they successfully-processed.

The feature uses "replication group message ID" which uniquely identifies messages within an HA group and Replication/DR group of brokers. The broker includes this ID in all guaranteed messages it delivers to the consumer. Consuming applications can extract and save this ID along with the message payload, and then use it later to initiate a replay.

This is a more "fine-grained" way to start a replay than from date-and-time, and is ideal in cases where the last message-ID successfully processed is known by the application (e.g. recovery from a database crash).

To initiate replay after message-ID from an application, both the PubSub+ Event Broker and PubSub+ Event API must be upgraded. The following versions introduce support for replay after message-ID:


  • PubSub+ Event Broker version 9.9.0

Messaging API:

  • PubSub+ Messaging API for Java version 10.11.0
  • PubSub+ Messaging API for C version 7.18.0
  • PubSub+ Messaging API for Java RTO version 7.18.0
  • PubSub+ Messaging API for .NET version 10.12.0
  • PubSub+ Messaging API for JavaScript version 10.7.0
MQTT 5.0 Support

This feature introduces MQTT 5.0 support in the PubSub+ Event Broker. With this feature, the broker now supports both MQTT 5.0 and MQTT 3.1.1 clients.

MQTT 5.0 offers many improvements over MQTT 3.1.1, making it easier to build powerful IoT apps and making it more appealing as a server-side protocol for developers who want to use open source wirelines and APIs.

Refer to the "MQTT 5.0 Protocol Conformance Specification" in the product documentation for a full list of MQTT 5.0 features supported by the event broker.

Provide a message ID unique within a replication group in all guaranteed messages sent to clients

This feature introduces the "Replication Group Message ID", which uniquely identifies messages within an HA group and Replication/DR group of brokers. The broker includes this ID in all guaranteed messages it delivers to the consumers.

Consumers can use this ID to initiate a replay request on the broker. Also, a "compare" function is provided in the Solace APIs to compare 2 IDs - are they equal, or is one a greater ID than the other (i.e. "newer" than the other)? Users are cautioned that "compare" can return "fail" under certain corner cases, such as after a DR failover or message-spool reset.

Controlling when the Broker Requests a Client Certificate

In previous releases PubSub+ would request a client certificate during the TLS handshake. Clients not using client certificate authentication would ignore this request. For clients running in a web browser, the browser handles the TLS handshake. Differences in browser implementations would cause the browser in some cases to prompt the user to select the certificate to use (this is confusing for clients not wishing to use client certificate authentication). With this feature, PubSub+ will attempt to determine the message-VPN that the client is connecting to and only request a client certificate when needed. The user may be required to configure a virtual hostname mapping for the message-VPN.

New default max-sizes and alert thresholds for guaranteed endpoints to reduce risk of head-of-line blocking on DMR and bridge links

Upon creation, queue and topic endpoints now default to a max-size of 5 GBytes, and generate alerts when they are 25% full. These defaults give an administrator more time to react to offline consumers, before the queues fill up and cause head-of-line blocking on DMR and VPN-bridge links.

Verification of Hostnames for outgoing TLS for MNR

For setting up outgoing MNR connections using TLS, support for server name validation using SNI is now available. Application developers can take advantage of SNI and SubjectAltName in TLS to verify the identity of the remote neighbors. Server name validation will be done with SubjectAltName instead of the outdated Trusted Common Names. This feature makes it easier and more reliable to configure secure TLS connections for MNR.

Manager: Introduce Sessions (and Timeout) for PubSub+ Manager

Broker managed sessions for PubSub+ Manager and SEMPv2, will allow PubSub+ to implement a time-out of inactive Manager sessions and invalidate a user session on logout.

RDP: OAuth2 authentication - RFC 7523 and OpenID Connect (for Google Functions)

This feature enables sending events via REST Delivery Points to Google Cloud services using OAuth2 Open ID Connect mechanism.

New JWT (JSON Web Token) ID token format contains information about the authenticated principle.

Client Certificates Add Thumbprint and UID as Sources of Username

Two new sources of client username for clients using client certificates (in addition to common name and msupn) are being added: 1) Thumbprint, a unique hash of certificate and 2) UID, user ID.

PubSub+ Manager Wizards for connecting to Google Functions through RDPs

New Connectors section in Broker Manager with a wizard to create connections to Google Cloud services using RDPs. This release included the framework and "click-to-connect" wizards to quickly create connections to Google Functions.

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Release 9.8.1 — March 26, 2021

For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description
Increase the maximum number of messages in a transaction

This feature increases the transaction scaling limits to allow up to 20,000 messages (consume plus publish) in a single transaction. The previous limit was 256 messages.

This feature is a Controlled Availability feature. Solace recommends that before you enable this feature on your event broker you contact Solace to review your use case. Solace will work with you to verify that the feature is suitable for production use in your environment.

This feature requires a PubSub+ Messaging API that supports increased transaction scaling limits. Updated PubSub+ Messaging APIs that support increased transaction scaling limits will be available soon.

DMR - support horizontal scaling & inter-cluster simultaneously (also known as Internal + External links)

This feature allows you to build a large distributed event mesh. With this feature you can horizontally scale PubSub+ Event Brokers within local clusters, and then interconnect clusters in different clouds, regions, and data centers to create a single dynamic event mesh.

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Release 9.8 — January 14, 2021

For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description
Queue message resend counter (JMSXDeliveryCount)

Introduced an option for PubSub+ event brokers to indicate to clients whether this is the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or nth time the broker has tried to deliver a message to a consumer application.

This feature is a Controlled Availability feature. Solace recommends that before you enable this feature on your event broker to contact Solace to review your use case. Solace will work with you to verify that the feature is suitable for production use in your environment.

This feature is also available in the latest versions of the Solace client APIs with this release.

Support keep-alive detection in event brokers to detect and disconnect unresponsive clients

Introduced an option for the event broker to monitor for keep-alive messages from the Solace client APIs. This feature is available in the latest versions of the Solace client APIs with this release.

This enables the broker to detect client apps that are stalled/hung, and disconnects them from the broker, freeing up resources on the broker.

Include standard trusted root certificates for TLS validation with servers

Pre-populate the broker with standard trusted root certificates from Microsoft, Apple and Mozilla. The trusted root certificates are used by the broker to validate TLS certificates presented to the broker whenever TLS connections are made to/from the broker.

REST Delivery Point - Ability to forward credentials (Basic Authentication) in Gateway mode for your next endpoint

REST producers can now use their Basic Authentication credentials in both the event broker and the next REST endpoint (e.g., API management) instead of only on the event broker.

This transparent authentication type simplifies security governance where PubSub+ event brokers and are required to pass on the authentication credentials to the downstream, REST consumer. This feature adds the following configuration options to the broker:

  • a transparent authentication type
  • an authorization header handling option with three options (legacy, drop, forward)

It's important to note that this feature does not forward credentials over the DMR or bridge connections to other event brokers.

REST Delivery Points: OAuth2 client credentials authentication for Azure services (Event Hubs, Service Bus and Functions)

Enables the event broker to authenticate with Azure services through REST Delivery Points using OAuth2 client credentials grant mechanism for the following benefits:

  • allows you to manage access tokens using Service account (two-legged OAuth)
  • no more expired tokens
  • now credentials are associated with the event broker rather than an individual's SAS token
New Click-to-Connect wizard in PubSub+ Broker Manager to create REST Connectors to Cloud Native Services

Introduced a new Click-to-Connect wizard with a gallery of vendors / services and a New Summary page of related components for REST delivery points (REST delivery point, RDP Client, REST Consumer, Queue and Queue binding). This provides the following benefits:

  • simpler, faster way to create and configure a connection to key cloud-native services
  • an easy way for customers to see available services
  • an easier way to identify and manage related assets

In this release, we have enabled Azure Event Hubs, Azure Service Bus and Azure Functions using OAuth2 Client Credentials grant with Azure. In addition, we have enabled Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS and AWS Lambda via Amazon API Gateway.

Additional REST connectors to various cloud native services will be available in a future release.

Support larger TLS certificate files on PubSub+ event brokers

The maximum size of a certificate PEM file supported that PubSub+ event brokers now support has been increased to 32 KiB.

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Release 9.7 — October 8, 2020

For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description
Message - Increased the maximum message spool on software event broker

PubSub+ Enterprise now supports up to three billion messages queued and up to six terabytes of spooled messages. This is for the support of applications that require large numbers of messages to be available for Message Replay. Increasing the number of queued messages requires additional resources. For more information, see System Resource Requirements.

Manager: Guaranteed Messaging (Spool) Configuration - Phase 1: Stand up GM (basic config) in Broker Manager (formerly PubSub+ Manager) Enable and configure Guaranteed Messaging for an event broker faster and easier via the Broker Manager. This step increases the configuration and management breadth and coverage for Broker Manager.
Option to set max-redeliveries to zero A configuration option for guaranteed endpoints to support applications that don't ever want message re-deliveries. When message redelivery is disabled, and a consuming application rolls back a transaction or does not acknowledge the receipt of a message, the event broker discards the message or moves it to the dead-message queue (DMQ) rather than attempting to redeliver the message to the application.
Event broker's log file rotation based on number of days Customers can now setup rotation of log files in compliance with regulation, based on number of days to keep log files for different regions' needs.
Verification of hostnames for outgoing TLS on bridges​

Provides better security and improves an event broker's outgoing TLS connections (VPN bridges, DMR, Config-Sync). In previous releases, the event broker did not verify the requested hostname against the certificate returned by the server.

A new option to check Subject Alternative Name (SAN) against the hostname of the target server instead of CN, maintains backward compatibility.

Remove version information from SEMPv2 and NAB HTTP responses New events, statistics, and information on fragmentation and defragmentation activity. The results help you with defragmentation decisions and troubleshooting.
SEMPv2: Remove private-API message counts

As indicated in the 9.6 Product Notification, the redundant private attributes, currentSpooledMsgCount (for queues and topic endpoints) and MsgsLogged (for the replay log) have been deleted.

Manager: Wizards - API Token option for Manager Interface authentication to Solace Cloud Now leverage Click-to-Connect wizards when you have SSO enabled for your Solace Cloud Services. The wizards can now use your Cloud API token when creating VPN Bridges and Clusters.

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Release 9.6 — July 14, 2020

For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description
DMR - support Replication / DR

Enables the use of Dynamic Message Routing (DMR) to create a mesh of PubSub+ Event Brokers, while using Replication to backup guaranteed messages to a disaster recovery (DR) site.

IPv6 support in SMF and Solace APIs Solace Message Format (SMF) clients can now connect via IPv6.
Common port for all AMQP connections​ A common port for all Message VPNs may be configured for AMQP clients connecting over TLS. Also required is for the user to configure a virtual host mapping from the SNI field from the TLS handshake to the Message VPN name.
IPv6 for AMQP clients AMQP clients can now connect via IPv6.
RDP support for alternate HTTP method (POST vs PUT​

REST Delivery Points will allow PUT as an alternative to POST as the HTTP method used for an outgoing REST request. Application developers can now leverage additional use cases where the use of PUT as the HTTP method is preferred.

The HTTP method defined on the REST consumer will not be used in gateway mode.

SEMPv2 Method of Transfer for Write-only Configuration You can now use a new SEMPv2 (Solace Element Management Protocol, version 2) query parameter to enable the secure transfer of write-only configuration.
Verification of hostnames for outgoing TLS on RDP connections

For setting up outgoing RDP connections using TLS, support for server name validation using SNI is now available. Application developers can take advantage of SNI and SubjectAltName in TLS to verify the identity of the remote REST consumers.

Server name validation will be done with SubjectAltName instead of the outdated Trusted Common Names. This feature makes it easier and more reliable to configure secure TLS connections for RDP connections.

PubSub+ Manager: remove credentials from browser local storage You can now use a more secure way to locally manage credentials used to authenticate PubSub+ Manager with the event broker.
SEMPv2: add pollable way to get counts

It's now easier to get a count of messages (specifically the message count on a message spool and queue) in the replay log and a list of queues or topic endpoints and their message count with this new addition to SEMPv2. There will now be a message count property associated with the replay log, queues, topic endpoints to enable you to more directly get this list. If you are trying to populate a dashboard or just capture the list of queues, for example, with message counts, you will get there faster and easier with this change. For additional information about this change as it relates to queues and topic endpoints, and some recommendations to optimize performance, refer to this document SEMP-API.

This feature has rendered the following related, private attributes that are redundant:

  • currentSpooledMsgCount for queues and topic endpoints
  • MsgsLogged for the replay log

In release 9.7, these private attributes have been deleted.

IPv6 Support for MQTT Client and REST Producers and Consumers on the Software Event Broker MQTT clients and REST producers and consumers can now connect using IPv6 on PubSub+ software event brokers. This was previously supported only on appliances

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Release 9.5 —April 09, 2020

For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description
Network Acceleration Blades (NAB) support topic-routing function

Network Acceleration Blades (NAB) now support topic-routing functions and the Topic-Routing Blade (TRB) hardware is no longer active (in a low-power reset state).

This feature supports the following chassis configurations:

  • PubSub+ 3530
  • PubSub+ 3560 with NAB-0410EM-01 (4x10GE)
  • PubSub+ 3560 with NAB-0810EM-01 (8x10GE)

Topic-routing functions on the NAB provides the same function and performance that was previously handled by the TRB hardware (TRB-000000-02). In this release, TRB hardware continues to support topic-routing functions on chassis configurations that aren't capable of supporting topic-routing functions on the NAB [specifically the PubSub+ 3560 with either a NAB-0801ET (8x1GE), NAB-0210EM (2x10GE), or NAB-0610EM (6x10GE)].

LDAPS support The event broker can now connect to an LDAP server (also known as LDAPS) over TLS on port 636. Prior to this feature, secure communication with an LDAP server could only be done using STARTTLS on port 389.
Support multiple VRRP instances​ Separates the routing interface from redundancy on appliances. Users may now specify multiple redundancy interfaces and configure the behavior if any or all, of the redundancy interfaces fail.​
RDP authentication with an HTTP header​ Allows an HTTP header to be configured against a REST Delivery Point (RDP), which will be used by the RDP to authenticate with the REST consumer. The header name must be a standard authentication-related header name. If the header is configured to be a valid Shared Access Signature, this feature can be used to connect to Cloud Native Services, such as Microsoft Azure Event Hubs, Microsoft Azure Service Bus.

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Release 9.4 — January 24, 2020

For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Release
Named Queue Templates​ The Named Queue Templates feature allows different attributes to be assigned to client-created queues, based on the prefix of the queue's name.
Client-Created Non-Durable Queues Adds an option to the broker to force any client-created queues to be created as temporary/non-durable queues. When used in conjunction with the Named Queue Templates feature, the administrator can control which client-created queues are durable or non-durable.
Separate client-profile control for durable and non-durable endpoint creation Adds a configuration option to the client profile allowing the administrator to independently control the client's ability to create durable and non-durable endpoints. Previous releases had a single configuration parameter which applied to both durable and non-durable endpoint creation.
PubSub+ for OpenShift in restricted SCC The software event broker is now able to run in the restricted security context in OpenShift.
VPN Aliases

Introduces the VPN aliases feature, which can be used to migrate or collapse multiple Message VPNs into a single common VPN.

This feature is available as Controlled Availability in this release. Contact Solace to determine if the feature is suitable for production use in your application.

Additional SEMPv2 statistics objects Introduces additional Solace Element Management Protocol, version 2 (SEMPv2) client, queue, message-VPN, and global statistics. These objects have also been made available in Solace Element Management Protocol, version 1 (SEMPv1).
ACLs for share-names The share-names used by shared subscriptions can now be protected using ACLs. This feature prevents unauthorized applications from joining another application's share-group, and potentially stealing messages from the consumers who are legitimate members of the share group.
SEMPv1 support to retrieve the SEMPv1 schema The Solace Element Management Protocol, version 1 (SEMPv1) schema can now be retrieved from the event broker using a SEMPv1 request. This makes SEMPv1 management applications more portable across event broker releases and versions, by removing the need to hard-code the schema into the management application.
OAUTH Performance Improvements Increase in the rate at which MQTT clients can connect to the broker using OAuth authentication.
Support 30K enterprise connections on the software event broker The software event broker now supports up to 30,000 JMS/Enterprise connections at the 100K and 200K connection scaling tiers.

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Release 9.3 — September 30, 2019

For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.

Feature Description
Option to remove domain from username for LDAP search It allows the option to trim the domain from a username before it is used in an LDAP search during the authorization phase of a client login. Usernames extracted from Kerberos tickets are often complete email addresses. This feature allows the domain to be stripped from the email address prior to an LDAP search.​
OAuth/OpenID connect for MQTT Clients Adds support for MQTT clients authenticating via OAuth and/or OpenID Connect.​
PubSub+ Manager.- Certificate Authority management Introduces support for Certificate Authority management in the PubSub+ Manager.​
PubSub+ Manager - TLS configuration & information and stats display​ Introduces support for TLS management in the PubSub+ Manager.​
DMR on PubSub+ Appliance GA Dynamic Message Routing (DMR), previously available as a Generally Available (GA) feature on the software event broker and as a Beta feature on the appliance, is now available as a GA feature on the Appliance. DMR can be enabled on a maximum of 25 message-VPNs per Appliance.
SEMPv2 schema for system TLS and certificate-authority management Introduces SEMPv2 support for system level TLS and certificate-authority management (config, monitoring, and action APIs).
x10GE NAB Introduction Adds support for a new Network Acceleration Blade (NAB-0410EM-01-A) that supports 4 ports of 10G Ethernet.
Support for QMS Adds support for Quality Management System (QMS) storage solution to multipathing. QMS is a storage solution for High Availability (HA) pairs of PubSub+ appliances; multipathing enables link redundancy over fiber channel.

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Release 9.2 — July 31, 2019

For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.
Increased the number of ingress flows to one million (1M)Supports one million Guaranteed Messaging ingress flows on PubSub+ appliances with 8x10GE or 6x10GE Network Acceleration Blades (NAB), and ADB-000004-01 (ADB-4) or ADB-04210M-01 (ADB-3). This improves scalability of ESB applications that initiate a large number of publisher flows per connection to the appliance
Ability to Send Test MessageAdds the ability to send and receive test messages through PubSub+ using the PubSub+ Manager, making it easier to test the PubSub+ configuration and your applications.
TLS for config-sync to HA mate​Adds the option to TLS-encrypt the config-sync link between a high-availability (HA) pair of PubSub+ event brokers. When enabled, this ensures that configuration information being sent between the active and standby event broker is always encrypted on the wire.​
TLS for VMR HA link​Adds the option to TLS-encrypt the mate link between a high-availability (HA) pair of PubSub+ software event brokers. When enabled, this ensures that messages being sent between the active and standby event broker are always encrypted on the wire.
PubSub+ Manager support for TransactionsAdds complete support for displaying transaction status and statistics using the PubSub+ Manager.
SEMPv2 schema for Message VPN managementSEMPv2 schema for Message VPN management (configuration, monitoring, and action APIs).
OAUTH for MQTT ClientsOAuth for MQTT clients feature is available as a Controlled Availability (CA) feature. Certain OAuth functions, such as JWT and Audience Validation are not supported. Before you use this feature, contact Solace to determine whether this CA feature is suitable for your use-case.
Increase internal JNDI support for queues and topic endpointsEnsures that the internal JNDI on event broker can always support the same number of Guaranteed Messaging queue and topic endpoints as are available on the event broker.

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Release 9.1 — May 03, 2019

For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.
MQTT QoS0 Shared SubscriptionsAdds MQTT shared subscription to the Solace message broker's MQTT 3.1 implementation, for QoS 0 subscriptions. Shared subscriptions allow QoS 0 messages to be load-balanced across a pool of consumer applications.
MQTT Retain supportMQTT Retain allows publishing MQTT clients to indicate that a message must be stored for later delivery to subscribing clients when those subscribing clients add subscriptions matching the retained message's topic. This feature is available as Controlled Availability (CA). Contact Solace to determine if the feature is suitable for production usage for your application.
Active/Standby Role on PubSub+ appliance​When appliances are configured for an active/standby redundancy model, an explicit active/standby role (one of primary or backup) should be configured for each appliance in the redundancy pair. This configuration change is needed to take advantage of new features, such as DMR and MQTT Retain. ​​​
Configurable LACP Timer​This PubSub+ appliance feature introduces the ability to configure LACP to use slow (30 seconds) keep-alive polling, rather than the default fast (one sec) polling. The feature allows the appliance to be connected to network infrastructure that cannot accommodate the default fast polling.
Integrated Replay ServiceBeta version of the Replay feature that allows client applications to request and receive Guaranteed Messages hours or days after original delivery. Guaranteed Messages can even be delivered to applications that have not been subscribed to receive those messages when they were first published. This feature is General Availability (GA) status in Release 9.1.1 (released July 2, 2019).
DTO replacement - shared subscriptions for Direct messagingAdds support for shared subscriptions for Solace Direct Messaging. Shared subscriptions allow Direct Messages to be load-balanced across a pool of consumer applications.
capacity-monitoring-system-level-ratesIntroduces new system-level statistics for inbound and outbound messages. Separate statistics are provided for Persistent, Non-Persistent, and Direct Messages.
DMR on PubSub+ applianceIntroduces Dynamic Message Routing (DMR) for the PubSub+ appliance as a Beta feature (suitable for development and testing, but not approved for production use). DMR enables a global, intelligent, self-routing mesh between event brokers. It can be used to interconnect event brokers running in different clouds, or to cluster event brokers within a cloud for horizontal scaling.
25 Message VPNs on the PubSub+ Event Broker: SoftwareAdds support for a maximum of 25 message VPNs on the software event broker through the purchase of an optional multi-tenanting product-key. Installation of the key allows many more users, applications, or both to share a single software event broker.
AMQP-selectorsAdds the ability to use JMS selectors when using AMQP 1.0 JMS APIs with PubSub event brokers.​
AWS Support M5 Instance TypesIntroduces a number of improvements to the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) distribution of the PubSub+ software event brokers. Improvements include support for new instances types (such as M5 instances), inclusion of AWS tools in the host, Cloud Watch logs, and the ability to configure secrets using Cloud Formation.
Additional SEMPv2 API Coverage

Adds expanded Solace Element Management Protocol, version 2 (SEMPv2) API coverage in this release includes publishing support for:

  • Message VPN Statistics and Status
  • Security Certificate Management
  • Dynamic Message Routing
  • Replay
  • MQTT Retain
  • SolCache Management​
PubSub+ Manager Additional Support

The new PubSub+ Manager content in this release includes support for:

  • Transactions
  • SolCache
  • DMR Monitoring and Troubleshooting
  • Replay, MQTT Retain
  • Message VPN scoped Admin Actions
  • a new window size optimization calculator for DMR Links and Static bridges

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Release 9.0 — December 18, 2018

For details about the support period for this release, see Support Dates for Release Versions.
Integrated Replay ServiceBeta version of the Replay feature that allows the redelivery of messages and events to existing or new applications to address a number of different use cases.
TLS connection downgrade to plaintext on the software event brokerAllows clients connecting to software event brokers. to request their TLS connections to be downgraded to plain text. This feature was previously available only on the appliance.
TLS+CompressionTLS and compression features may now be used simultaneously on client connections using Solace APIs (JMS/JCSMP, C /Java RTO/IPC, .NET , Javascript, Node.js).
Disable TLS 1.1Provides controls for the Solace broker that allows the user to prevent clients from connecting using TLS 1.1.
PubSub+ Manager: Additional Support

Introduces the following enhancements to the PubSub+ Manager:

  • Message VPN detailed statistics display
  • Management support for the Replay feature
  • MQTT client connection management
  • Usability enhancements to Dynamic Message Routing configuration

Back to combined software event broker and appliance releases

Software Event Broker Features (7.1 – 8.13)

To see the features introduced in a particular release, click Select a version and choose a release.

Release 8.13 — September 27, 2018

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
Additional PubSub+ event broker support available on the PubSub+ Manager (formerly known as WebUI)

Adds the following support:

  • configuration of REST Delivery Points (RDPs) and all associated components
  • Message VPN client certificate management for outgoing Bridge client connections and RDP client connections
  • a Beta version of a new Click-to-Connect wizard in the PubSub+ Event Broker: Software, which facilitates the configuration of Dynamic Message Routing (DMR) between event brokers
Beta version of Dynamic Message Routing (DMR) for the PubSub+ software event brokers A Beta version of DMR enables a global, intelligent, self-routing mesh between software event brokers. It can be used to interconnect PubSub+ event brokers running in different clouds, or to cluster PubSub+ brokers within a cloud for horizontal scaling.
Software event broker environment health check & continuous monitoring PubSub+ software event brokers now includes commands to query the health of the environment in which the event broker is running. This gives the administrator the tools to evaluate the Cloud and VM environments in which the event broker is running and identify issues which could negatively impact the performance of the event broker. This feature also includes new commands to display detailed diagnostics of failed client connections to the event broker, to assist administrators in debugging client applications that are having difficulties connecting to the event broker.

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Release 8.12 — July 31, 2018

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
Support for JMS message​ priority in the software event broker Adds support for JMS message priority, so that higher-priority AD messages are delivered to consumers before lower-priority AD messages.
Support for compression on TLS bridge connections in the software event broker Adds support for compression on TLS bridge connections to minimize WAN bandwidth usage while still maintaining data privacy, bridge connections can now be established using compression over TLS.

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Release 8.11 — June 09, 2018

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
Support topic pub/sub for AMQP APIs in the software event broker Adds support for publishing to topics and consuming from topics using AMQP 1.0.
Support TLS on outgoing REST RDP connections in the software event broker PubSub+ Event Broker now supports TLS on outgoing REST RDP connections.
Support upgrade paths between some PubSub+ software editions

Adds support for the following upgrades:

  • from Evaluation to Enterprise​
  • from Standard to Standard​
  • from Standard to Enterprise​

where the original version is 8.10.0 or later.

PubSub+ Manager in the software event broker

New features introduced PubSub+ Manager (previously know as WebUI):​

  • Configuration of Message VPN properties for:​
    • Replication and Replicated Topics​
    • Message-VPN Client Connectivity (including SMF, MQTT, REST, AMQP)​
    • MS JNDI Connection Factories, JMS Topics, JMS Queues​
    • display of the connected AMQP clients​
  • The ability to quickly clone objects as the basis for creating new objects, including:​
    • Queues​
    • Topic Endpoints​
    • Client Usernames
    • ACL Profiles​
    • Client Profiles​
    • JMS objects​
  • Various user experience enhancements including:​
    • a wizard to further simplify the task of creating new Message-VPNs​
    • bridge management simplifications

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Release 8.10 — May 23, 2018

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
Small Footprint software event broker Adds 100 connection scaling tier; allows software event brokers to run in resource constrained environments. Monitor nodes are now able to run in production with 1 CPU core and 1 GB of RAM. Production message routing nodes require a minimum of 2 CPU cores and 4 GB of RAM.
Name Change for the software event broker Renames the Virtual Message Router (VMR) to the PubSub+ Event Broker: Software.
PubSub+ Standard

Introduces Solace PubSub+ Standard is now available for free for production use cases with the option to purchase a support plan. Solace PubSub+ Standard’ replaces the VMR Community Edition and removes restrictions on the following features: high-availability (HA), Replication, and In-Service Upgrade.

HA group can now be run in Docker for developers use-case An HA group can now be run under Docker for Windows and Docker for Mac for developer use cases.

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Release 8.9 — April 4, 2018

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
MicroGateway in software event broker Allows a Solace Virtual Message Router (VMR) to act as an HTTP load balancer, or simple API Gateway between a RESTful API Client and a RESTful API Service Provider.
Click-to-Connect Adds support for bridge management via the WebUI, including a new Click-to-Connect wizard that significantly simplifies the task of creating bridges between Message VPNs, within and between message routers, as well as between Message VPNs and Solace Cloud service instances.

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Release 8.8 — January 31, 2018

This release is no longer supported.

This was a maintenance release and no features were added.

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Release 8.7 — December 05, 2017

This release is no longer supported.

This was a maintenance release. No new features were added.

Feature Description
Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) on VMR Adds support for CLI configured Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) and for the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP).
OCSP override responder supports multiple common names on VMR​ Adds support for use of the common name on a certificate to restrict which certificates are allowed to sign the response.​
Increase total trusted-roots on VMR Increases the total number of trusted root certificates that can be installed on a Virtual Message Router (VMR). This release will allow a maximum of 64 trusted root certificates to be installed.
SEMPv1 compatibility with dual VMR and appliance management apps on VMR Changes handling of Solace Element Management Protocol (SEMP) requests to allow the SEMP version to be either missing or unrecognized by the VMR, and still allow a subset of possible requests to succeed.

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Release 8.6 — September 29, 2017

This release is no longer supported.

This was a maintenance release. No new features were added.

Feature Description
AMQP 1.0 on VMR Adds support for CLI configured Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) and for the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP).
JMS shared client ID on VMR Adds the JNDI connection-factory property, allow-duplicate-client-id.​

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Release 8.5 — August 31, 2017

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
In Service Software Upgrades for HA on VMR Starting from this release the Virtual Message Router (VMR) has the infrastructure to perform in-service upgrades to future releases of VMRs in a high-availability(HA) group.
SSH port swap on VMR​ Changes the default SSH port to 22 and the default SSH port to container to 2222.
reject-msg-to-sender-on-no-subscription-match command on VMR Introduces command to configure that NACKS that should be returned for published Guaranteed Messages that do not have Guaranteed Message subscription matches.​
reject-msg-to-sender-on-discard [including-when-shutdown] command on VMR Introduces the command to enable the reject-msg-to-sender-on-discard option for a durable queue.​
Multiple DMQs on VMR Introduces the ability to configure on each AD endpoint the name of the queue to move a message to if the message can't be delivered to the endpoint consumer
TTL timers not run when DR-standby on VMR​ Now, TTL timers are not run while a router is DR-standby, then when messages are moved to the DMQ on the active site, they will simply be deleted on the standby site through normal ACK propagation.​
Bridge users aren’t root on VMR​ Remote bridge usernames are not advertised as root.​
​ SSL on MNR for VMR​ Introduces support for encrypted (SSL) neighbor links.
SEMPv2 ‘since’ versions for VMR and appliance​ Introduces the feature for different since versions for VMR and appliance.

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Release 8.4 — July 31, 2017

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
AMQP 1.0 Beta on VMR Beta release of event broker role support of AMQP 1.0.​
Web GUI Alpha on VMR​ Alpha release of Web client UI for management of the Virtual Message Router (VMR). This feature also introduces functionality for the configuration, viewing, and troubleshooting of message endpoints.
SEMPv2 Object Model on VMR Expansion of  Solace Element Management Protocol, version 2 (SEMPv2) object model adding the possibility of configuring JNDI objects using SEMPv2.​
Configuration keys for HA triplet on VMR Provides configuration keys for use by Cloud Init for standing up VMR High-Availability (HA) triplets.
MQTT 64kb passwords on VMR​ Introduction of command to enable the reject-msg-to-sender-on-discard option for a durable queue.​
Multiple DMQs on VMR Support for 64 KB passwords for authenticating MQTT clients​. ​

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Release 8.3 — May 2017

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
100,000 Client Connections on VMR Adds support for up to 100,000 IoT client connections. These are specifically MQTT, REST, or Websocket API connections. ​
Support for ACLs with clientname substitution on VMR Adds support for client-username and MQTT client-id substitution variables in publisher and subscriber Access Control Lists (ACLs) so that clients can only publish and subscribe to topics containing their own client-username or MQTT client-id Increases ACL protection on #P2P topics, so that clients can only subscribe to their own #P2P topics .
Support for Solace Cloud-init module on VMR Adds ssupport of Cloud-init on Virtual Message Routers (VMRs).​
Client LDAP group configurable by VPN read/write users on VMR

This portion of the message-vpn command tree is configurable by users with VPN read/write privileges:

                                    message-vpn <vpn>
                                    authorization user-class client
                                    [create] authorization-group <group>
                                    client-profile <client-profile>
                                acl-profile <acl-profile>    
Event when HA mate clock is offset High-availability (HA) nodes measure their clock offsets by exchanging clock values. If the offset is greater than four seconds, a skew event is raised once; after that, if the offset drops below two seconds, a CLEAR event is raised.​
Respawn behavior for VM based VMRs on process failure Improves respawn behaviors on Virtual Message Routers (VMR) restarts.

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Release 8.2 — March 2017

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
High Availability Redundancy on VMR

This feature:

  • provides Active/Standby redundancy between two Virtual Message Routers (VMRs) in a High Availability configuration.
  • introduces the concept of majority-voting scheme between the two VMRs and a monitoring node to control activity between VMR instances, while avoiding split-brain.
  • Provides a "shared nothing" disk infrastructure, with resync mechanisms. There is no need to share a disk or SAN between the VMRs. Includes support for automatic synchronization of configuration (Config-Sync) between the VMRs.
  • Applications must configure the Solace API with a host list containing the two VMRs, so that the Solace API can connect automatically to the active VMR. Bridge and replication configuration must also specify a host list when using VMR high-availability (HA). ​

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Release 8.1 — March 2017

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
SEMPv2 VMR support for message VPN configuration on VMR

Release 8.1.0 rounds out Virtual Message Router (VMR) support for Solace Element Management Protocol, version 2 (SEMPv2) configuration of Message VPNs. As of this release, all VPN-level objects (with the exception of JNDI) can be configured using SEMPv2.

VMR as a Docker Container Package Release 8.1.0 of the VMR introduces a new packaging format for the VMR - the VMR as a Docker image. Docker is a container platform that lets you deploy the VMR in virtually any environment where Docker is supported. We've focused our Docker testing on the Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services environments for this release.

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Release 8.0 — February 2017

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
BETA] HA Redundancy for VMR

As a Beta version, high-availability (HA) is not supported in production environments. All other features of the Virtual Message Router (VMR) are supported for production use.

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Release 7.2 — May 2016

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
Solace Feature Parity on VMR

The following features previously available on the 3200 series appliance are now available on the Virtual Message Router (VMR):

  • Compression for client, bridge, and neighbor connections
  • Client certificates
  • TLS for VPN bridges and replication
  • SolGeneos agent support

The following Solace features are not supported:

  • High-Availability (HA) router redundancy
  • Eliding
  • HA Config-Sync
  • Upgrades and downgrades using the ‘boot’ command Legacy mode SEMP over msg-bus commands Legacy mode ACL rule enforcement
  • SNMP
  • TLS for REST RDP
  • TLS connection downgrade
  • TLS session tickets
  • TLS version 1.0
Guaranteed Messaging Features on VMR
  • Configurable TTL on guaranteed endpoints, for better management of stale messages
  • More flexible DTE naming (up to 200 characters, with minimal restrictions on acceptable characters), to make it easier to port existing JMS apps to Solace
  • CLI command to defragment the guaranteed message spool
Security Features on VMR
  • HTTPS/WSS support for web messaging
  • Control plane kernel upgrade, incorporating the latest tls and ssh versions and latest crypto suites into the control plane (these are used for securing CLI/SEMP/SolAdmin/LDAP connectivity to the appliance)
  • ACLs to protect DTE topic subscriptions
Replication/DR Features on VMR Out-of-order-ack and egress selector support Replication queue trimming when the replication link is down Full transactional semantics across replication links
Guaranteed Messaging Features on VMR

The features adds:

  • Configurable TTL on guaranteed endpoints, for better management of stale messages
  • More flexible DTE naming (up to 200 characters, with minimal restrictions on acceptable characters), to make it easier to port existing JMS apps to Solace
  • CLI command to defragment the guaranteed message spool
Security Features on VMR This adds the following security features:
  • HTTPS/WSS support for web messaging
  • Control plane kernel upgrade, incorporating the latest tls and ssh versions and latest crypto suites into the control plane (these are used for securing CLI/SEMP/SolAdmin/LDAP connectivity to the appliance)
  • ACLs to protect DTE topic subscriptions

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Release 7.1.1 — October 2015

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
VMR Cloud Environments

This version introduces support for the Amazon Web Services (AWS)

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Release 7.1 — May 2015

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
VMR Initial Release

The Solace VMR Developer Edition Version 7.1 is a software version of the PubSub+ 3200 series appliance which runs on general purpose PCs or servers.

The VMR is functionally equivalent to the hardware appliance with the exception of the following features, which are not supported in this release of the VMR:

  • HA redundancy
  • True guaranteed messaging persistence. All messages are lost if the VMR restarts
  • VPN Bridging and CSPF Routing
  • SSL
  • Compressed traffic
  • Eliding
  • Replication and Config­Sync
  • Upgrades and downgrades using the ‘boot’ command

The Developer Edition of the VMR is suitable as a target for application development, training, and functional demonstrations of the Solace Messaging Platform. It is not supported for production environments.

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Appliance Features (7.0 – 8.13)

Releases 8.6 through 8.12 do not exist for the appliance. Those release numbers were skipped, to unify the software event broker and appliance release numbering with Release 8.13.

To see the features introduced in a particular release, click Select a version and choose a release.

Release 8.13 — September 27, 2018

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
IPv6 support for REST on appliance

Adds IPv6 support to the PubSub+ appliance for REST producers and consumers. REST clients can now connect to the appliance using IPv6. MQTT clients can also use IPv6 to connect to the appliance (IPv6 MQTT support was delivered earlier this year in appliance release 8.4).​

Additional PubSub+ message broker support available in PubSub+ Manager (formerly known as WebUI)

Adds the following support:

  • configuration of REST Delivery Points (RDPs) and all associated components.​
  • Message VPN client certificate management for outgoing Bridge client connections and RDP client connections​
  • a Beta version of a new Click-to-Connect wizard in the software event broker, which facilitates the configuration of Dynamic Message Routing (DMR) between event brokers​

Back to appliance releases

Release 8.5 — July 31, 2018

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
Support JMS message priority in the appliance

Adds support for JMS message priority, so that higher-priority AD messages are delivered to consumers before lower-priority AD messages.

Support compression on TLS bridge connections in the appliance Adds support for compression on TLS bridge connections to minimize WAN bandwidth usage while still maintaining data privacy, bridge connections can now be established using compression over TLS.

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Release 8.4 — March 23, 2018

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
IPv6 support for MQTT clients on appliance

Allows MQTT clients to connect to the Solace appliance using IPv6.​

Kernel 4.14 on appliance Upgrades the Linux Kernel to 4.14 on appliances.
Use Subject Alternative Name from Certificate when authenticating to msg­vpn on appliance Allows Subject Alternative Name to be used for client certificate authentication.
Eliminate license keys for protocols on appliance Removes the need for license keys to enable MQTT (LIC­MQTT) and WebMessaging (LIC­WebMessaaging) protocols.
Maximum number of selectors and transactions on appliance Increases the maximum number of selectors, and maximum number of transactions and transacted sessions supported by the system to 100,000 for PubSub+ Appliance 3260 and PubSub+ Appliance 3560.

Back to appliance releases

Release 8.3 — November 2, 2017

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
Non-Exclusive Durable Topic Endpoints on appliance

Non-exclusive Durable Topic Endpoints (DTEs) allow multiple consumers to bind to a durable topic endpoint where each consumer is serviced in a round-robin fashion.

Not subscriptions on appliance Support of subscription exceptions for queue subscriptions.
Configurable cipher suites on appliance Support for configuration of acceptable cipher suites for data and control plane connections to the router by CLI, SEMP and SolAdmin.
WebUI Alpha on appliance Introduction of the Alpha version of the WebUI for the appliance.
JMS shared client ID on appliance Added a JNDI connection-factory property: allow-duplicate-client-id.
SEMPv1 compatibility with dual VMR and appliance management apps Changes handling of Solace Element Management Protocol (SEMP) requests to allow the SEMP version to be either missing or unrecognized by the Virtual Message Router (VMR), and still allow a subset of possible requests to succeed.
AMQP on appliance Introduces support for AMQP 1.0, which is compatible with a variety of open source AMQP APIs.
Prevention of #P2P snooping on appliance Clients are only allowed to subscribe to their own #P2P/v:<router-name>/<client> topics.
Support of the $SUBSTITUTION variable on appliance Adds support for publish/subscribe ACLs with the $SUBSTITUTION variable.
64 Kbyte passwords for MQTT connections on appliance Adds support of 64 KB passwords for authenticating MQTT connections.
Client LDAP group configuration on appliance Adds the ability to perform client LDAP group configuration by VPN read/write users.
500K ACL Exceptions on appliance Adds support for up to 500,000 subscribe-topic & publish-topic ACL exceptions in various combinations.
management-message-vpn CLI command on appliance Introduced a new top-level command, management-message-vpn, for assignment of the management of Message VPNs.

Back to appliance releases

Release 8.2 — July 2017

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) on appliance

Adds support for CLI configured Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) and for the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP).​

OCSP override responder supports multiple common names on appliance Adds support for use of the common name on a certificate to restrict which certificates are allowed to sign the response.
Multiple Linux Shell Users on appliance Introduces configurable system administration (sysadmin) users (who have root-like privileges), configurable support users (who have privileges like the default support user), and configurable restricted users (who have reduced support privileges)
10K flows / binds / clients per queue on appliance Increases the maximum bindings per non-exclusive queue from 1K to 10K (supported by ADB3 & 6x10GE NAB)

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Release 8.1 — March 2017

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
SSL for MNR links on appliance

Adds the option to enable encryption on Multi-­Node Routing links.

Encryption applies to both the data and the control connections of a neighbor link.​

LDAP group scaling on appliance Adds support for greater than 500 LDAP groups for admin users.
Deeper LDAP group searches on appliance Increases in the depth supported for LDAP group searches from 128 to unlimited depth LDAP group searches.

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Release 8.0 — December 2016

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
Increase total trusted root certificates on the appliance

Increases the total number of trusted root certificates that can be installed on a Solace appliance. This release allows a maximum of 64 trusted root certificates to be installed.​

Back to appliance releases

Release 7.2 — June 2016

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
Upgrade Features on appliance

In ­service SolOS upgrade – upgrade the standby router in an HA pair while the active is providing service, then switch activity to the upgraded router (and then upgrade the previously active router). Reduces the outage time for an upgrade to be comparable to an unplanned HA fail­over (under 60 seconds)​

Replication/DR Features on appliance

This feature adds:

  • Out-­of-­order-­ack and egress selector support​
  • Replication queue trimming when the replication link is down ​
  • Full transactional semantics across replication links
Guaranteed Messaging Features on PubSub+ appliances

This features adds:

  • Solace PubSub+ 3530 firmware changes to increase guaranteed messaging ingress rate to 75K msg/sec, and ingress bandwidth to 1 Gbps​
  • Configurable TTL on guaranteed endpoints, for better management of stale messages​
  • More flexible DTE naming (up to 200 characters, with minimal restrictions on acceptable characters), to make it easier to port existing JMS apps to Solace appliances
  • ​ CLI command to defragment the Guaranteed Message spool
Security Features on appliance

The security features added are as follows:

  • HTTPS/WSS support in the NAB for web messaging​
  • TLS connection downgrade ­ securely authenticate clients over a TLS​ connection, but transport the messages that follow in plain­text​ Control plane kernel upgrade, incorporating the latest tls and ssh versions and latest crypto suites into the control plane (these are used for securing CLI/SEMP/SolAdmin/LDAP connectivity to the appliance)​
  • ACLs to protect DTE topic subscriptions

Back to appliance releases

Release 7.1.1 — August 2015

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
Client Features on appliance

Adds MQTT support in the router data path. MQTT is the emerging wireline standard for IoT and M2M applications.​

Guaranteed Messaging Features on appliance

This feature adds:

  • Support for 100K guaranteed endpoints with ADB-3 and 6x10GE NAB (200K producer flows, 100K consumer flows)​
  • Support for 500K topic- to- queue mappings with ADB- 3​
  • Per client- profile definition of a "copy- from" queue, to give the administrator control of the attributes of API-created endpoints
Security Features to the PubSub+ Event Broker: Appliance

Adds improved security to appliances.

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Release 7.1 — March 2015

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
MQTT v3.1 support on appliance​

MQTT v3.1 adds:

  • REST client interface for Guaranteed and Direct Messaging. Up to 200K publishing REST clients are now supported.
  • REST delivery points for consuming Guaranteed Messages using the REST interface
Assured Delivery Features on appliance

Assured Delivery adds:

  • support for JMSXA transactions.​
  • increased capacity where the maximum number of messages that can be spooled increases to 10 billion (depending on platform) and the the maximum amount of data that can be spooled increases to 6 TB.​
  • AD redundant pairs can be configured in active-standby redundancy mode, reducing the number of IP addresses that need to be assigned​
Monitoring Features on appliance

Monitoring features adds:

  • Support for TLS 1.2 and stronger SSL cipher suites on the Network Acceleration Blade (NAB)​
  • SSL encryption for all bridge types​
  • ACLs can be configured to block publishing to queues

Back to appliance releases

Release 7.0 — March 2014

This release is no longer supported.

Feature Description
Authentication Adds Kerberos authentication of client connections.
Web Clients Increases the maximum number of web clients from 9 000 to 200 000 when you are using the NAB- 0610EM- 01- A.
Assured Delivery Assured delivery provides:
  • improved performance when streaming messages and spooling to disk​
  • maximum guaranteed message size increased to 30 MB (except on the following chassis: CHS-3230AC- 01- A, CHS-3230AC- 01- B, CHS-3230AC- 01- C)​
  • support for a license key to unlock additional performance for ADB-04210M-01-A blades​
Network congestion management Configurable egress traffic shaping on latest generation Network Acceleration Blades (NABs) that includes:
  • NAB-0610EM- 01- A
  • NAB- 0210EM- 04- A
  • NAB-0401ET- 04- A
  • NAB-0801ET- 04- A
Monitoring Adds event logging for path events for external disk array.
System Robustness System Robustness includes: 
  • improved system robustness when internal disk are failed or about to fail
  • improved system robustness when the external disk array is experiencing errors or SAN delays​ Configurable hostname for active DNS server monitoring
Increased Hardware Support Provides support for:
  • HBA-0208FC-02 on PubSub+ 3560​
  • Twinax cables on all 10 GE interfaces

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