Editions of PubSub+ Event Broker: Software

The Solace PubSub+ software event broker efficiently transfers event-driven information between applications, IoT devices and user interfaces running in cloud, on-premises, and hybrid environments. The software event broker lets you leave lock-in behind by using open APIs and protocols like AMQP, JMS, MQTT, REST and WebSocket. It's available for installation into a variety of clouds, all regions of AWS, PaaS, and on-premises environments.

The pages in this section show you how to set up and run Solace PubSub+ software event brokers in a range of common cloud services and hypervisors, and also provide instructions on how to configure those event brokers for a variety of uses.

Solace offers the following editions of the software event broker:

  • Standard: Free and full-featured.
  • Enterprise: High-performance, full scale, enterprise-ready, and production deployable.

You can do a 90-day evaluation of the Enterprise edition by installing the Standard edition and entering a free product key. To get the product key, go to solace.com/downloads and select PubSub+ Enterprise Evaluation.

After the Enterprise Evaluation key is installed, the event broker will cease to function after 90 days, and all configuration will be lost unless you upgrade to the Enterprise edition prior to the 90 day expiration. Contact Solace for assistance.

For instructions for installing product keys, see Product Keys .

Compare Editions of the Software Event Broker

Features PubSub+ Event Broker: Standard PubSub+ Event Broker: Enterprise
High-Availability (HA) with Redundancy Yes Yes
Disaster Recovery (DR) with Replication No Yes
Dynamic Message Routing (DMR) Yes (for scales of more than 100 client connections) Yes
Message Replay Yes Yes
Microgateways Yes Yes
Upgradable Yes Yes
Number of User-Configured Message VPNs 1 5
Direct Messaging and Guaranteed Messaging Performance Combined 10,000 messages / sec ingress rate limit Unthrottled
Scale up to 1,000 client connections up to 200,000 client connections
Maximum Message Spool Size 800 GB

6 TB

Maximum Queue Messages Up to 240 Million Up to 3 Billion
Production Deployable

Yes (for Standard-1K and PubSub+ Cloud Standard edition deployments)

No (for Self-Managed Standard-100 edition deployments)


Next Steps

To learn about how the software event broker images are structured, see Packaging of the Software Event Broker.

Before you launch a software event broker, you should review the requirements for the resources it uses. For details, see System Resource Requirements.

To learn how to start up a software event broker, take a look at Setting Up Container Images.