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Package com.solacesystems.jcsmp

The Solace Messaging API for Java (also referred to as JCSMP) is a 100% pure Java implementation that provides an object-oriented API for delivering high message throughput.

See: Description

Package com.solacesystems.jcsmp Description

The Solace Messaging API for Java (also referred to as JCSMP) is a 100% pure Java implementation that provides an object-oriented API for delivering high message throughput. The Messaging API for Java is designed to be used as a base messaging layer, helping various client applications to communicate over the message bus of the Solace appliance.

The Messaging API supports both Point-to-Point (P2P) and Publish and Subscribe (Pub/Sub) messaging domains.

The Messaging API for Java provides many features, including:

The current release of the API supports Solace appliances running software of version 4.4.x and above.

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