Modifying an Event Mesh

You can modify an existing event mesh. To do so, you require the Mission Control Manager role assigned to your user account. For more information about the role requirements, see Considerations for Working with Event Meshes in PubSub+ Cloud.

You can perform any of the following tasks to modify an existing event mesh:

As part of the changes you make, the event mesh is validated to ensure that it's healthy.

Before you modify an event mesh, we recommend that you review the considerations when you work with event meshes. For this information, see Considerations for Working with Event Meshes in PubSub+ Cloud.

Adding an Event Broker Service to an Existing Event Mesh

You can add an existing event broker service to an event mesh. After you specify the event broker service to add, the event mesh is re-created. This means that events/data no longer travel across the event mesh temporarily while the mesh is re-established, however the existing event broker services remain running with no service impact.

To add an event broker services to an existing mesh, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the PubSub+ Cloud Console if you have not done so yet. The URL to access the Cloud Console differs based on your authentication scheme. For more information, see Logging In to the PubSub+ Cloud Console.

  2. Select Mesh Manager from the navigation bar.
  3. On the Event Meshes page, on the card of the event mesh for which you want to add another event broker service, click Mesh Actions, and then select Edit.

  4. On the Edit Mesh page, click Add Service.

  5. On the Add Service: Full Mesh dialog, select the service to add to the event mesh using one of the following methods:

    • Enter the first few letters of the name of your service that you want to add to the mesh in the Select services to add to a full mesh topology field to filter the list, when you see your service appear, select your service, and click Add Service.
    • Click in the Select services to add to a full mesh topology and then scroll and select the name of your service in the drop-down menu, and click Add Service. Note that the list can be long and for that reason, we recommend using the previous method to find the name of your event broker service.

    • For event broker services that are Kubernetes-based, a drop-down appears under the Remote Service Endpoint column that shows the endpoints that you can choose. Connectivity between your private endpoints is your responsibility (or your organization's) if the services are deployed in a Customer-Controlled Regions.

    Optionally, you can click the Switch Initiator to set which event broker service initiates the creation of the link before you click Add Service. In most cases, you can accept the suggested initiating links. These are the situations where you may be required to change the initiating link:

    • If the one of the event broker services has a private endpoint and the other service has a public endpoint, you must change the initiating service to be the one with the private endpoint.

    • If the one of the event broker services is a private endpoint and the other service is a public endpoint, you must change the initiating service to be the one with the private endpoint.

    • On the remote endpoint of the event broker service, if you have more than one endpoint available, otherwise the one that is configured appears.

    For more information about what choosing the initiating service, see Switch the Initiator for a Link on the Event Mesh.

  6. Repeat the steps 4-5as often as required to add the required event broker services to the event mesh.

  7. When you return to the Edit Mesh page, the event broker services you added appear in the Services in Mesh list. Optionally, you can click Mesh Actions beside the name of the event broker service (including the ones you just added), and select:

  8. Review the in the Links pane that summarizes the changes, modify as required, and then click Save Changes. For example, here we've added an additional event broker service and the blue links show the new links created in the event mesh:

A pop-up notification appears that starts to modify the event mesh. When the changes are complete, another notification appears. If you have navigated to another page, you can check the progress of the modification. For more information, see Checking the Progress of an Event Mesh.

Switch the Initiator for a Link on the Event Mesh

You can specify which event broker service (called the initiator) starts the process to create the external DMR link to the other event broker service. While messages are exchanged in both directions over the link, the underlying TCP connection is only established by the side that is the initiator for the link.

The service that starts the process to create an external link for an event mesh is called the initiator (or the initiating service). The initiator must be the service in the private region [or Customer-Controlled Region, such as a Virtual Private Cloud/Virtual Network (VPC/VNet)] that uses private IP addresses when:

  • the event broker service to connect to in the public Internet (for Public Regions)

  • the event broker service to connect has Secured Broker Management (SEMP) port enabled on the public endpoint

Connectivity between private networks (non-public networks) is the responsibility of the customer since these are what are termed Customer-Controlled Regions that Solace cannot access.

To switch the link initiator, perform the following steps.

  1. Log in to PubSub+ Cloud Console if you haven't done so yet.

  2. Select Mesh Manager from the navigation bar.

  3. In Mesh Manager, click Mesh Actions and select Edit.

  4. On the Edit Mesh page, beside the name service, click Mesh Actions and select Edit.

  5. On the Edit Links dialog, you can click Switch Initiatorto switch the initiator for any of the services.

  6. Click Apply when you are completed and then click Cancel to close the dialog.

  7. Review the in the Links pane that summarizes the changes, modify as required, and then click Save Changes.

Removing an Event Broker Service from an Event Mesh

You can remove an event broker service from an existing mesh as long as it isn't the second last one in the event mesh. If you want to delete a mesh, you must explicitly delete it. For more information, see Deleting an Event Mesh.

After you specify the event broker service to remove, the event mesh is re-created if the configuration is valid. A valid mesh must have at least two event broker services. Any event broker services that you removed from the event mesh are not deleted and remain active.

When the mesh is recreated, events/data no longer travel across the mesh temporarily while the event mesh is re-established, however the existing event broker service remain running with no service impact.

  1. Log in to the PubSub+ Cloud Console if you have not done so yet. The URL to access the Cloud Console differs based on your authentication scheme. For more information, see Logging In to the PubSub+ Cloud Console.

  2. Select Mesh Manager from the navigation bar.
  3. In Mesh Manager, click Mesh Actions and select Edit.
  4. On the Edit page page, beside the name of each event broker service that you want to remove, click Mesh Actions, and select Remove Service.
  5. Review the Links pane that summarizes the changes, modify changes as required, and then click Save Changes.
  6. A Traffic Disruption Across the Event Mesh May Occur dialog box appears. Read the warning and if you agree, click Confirm Changes to remove the event broker services from your event mesh.

The event broker services you selected are deleted.

When process to update your event mesh starts, a notification appears. Another notification appears after the event broker service is deleted. You can also see the progress of updating your event mesh at any time. For more information, see Checking the Progress of an Event Mesh.

Changing the Event Mesh Name

You can change the name of your event mesh. The name can be up to 32 characters in length, and may include any alphanumeric, dashes, and underscores.

  1. Log in to the PubSub+ Cloud Console if you have not done so yet. The URL to access the Cloud Console differs based on your authentication scheme. For more information, see Logging In to the PubSub+ Cloud Console.

  2. Select Mesh Manager from the navigation bar.
  3. In Mesh Manager, click Mesh Actions and select Edit.
  4. Click in the Mesh Name field and change the text in the field.
  5. Click Save Changes.

The name of your event mesh is changed. You can also see the name change to your event mesh. For more information, see Checking the Progress of an Event Mesh You may need to rescan for changes or refresh your browser after a few minutes to see the name change appear. For more information about rescanning your event mesh, see Refreshing the View for an Event Mesh.