PubSub+ Event Portal

Event Portal is a cloud-based event management tool that helps you to design your event-driven architecture (EDA).

The 2nd generation of Event Portal is now available. If you have been using the older first generation of Event Portal you can continue to do so at this time. For information about using the earlier version, see PubSub+ Event Portal 1.0.

Event Portal includes several tools to help you design your event mesh.

Other Helpful Links

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Switching Between Versions of Event Portal

If your organization is new to using Event Portal, you have access only to Event Portal 2.0 and you can't switch to version 1.0.

If your organization has been using Event Portal 1.0, you still have access to it. The PubSub+ Cloud Console displays a toggle switch that enables you to switch between the two versions. Objects created in one version of Event Portal are available only when working in that version. The ability to migrate objects created in version 1.0 to Event Portal 2.0 will be made available over the coming months.

Screenshot showing the options described in this topic.