
Catalog is a library for all of the objects and object versions created in Event Portal. You can find the following objects in Catalog:

  • applications
  • events
  • schemas
  • enumerations
  • event APIs
  • Event API Products

All objects created in Designer and objects imported using Runtime Event Manager are automatically available in Catalog. You can see shared objects in all application domains and all objects in the application domains that you have access to. If you have access to the application domain, you can open the objects to view or update them in Designer.

This section includes the following tasks:

Using Catalog

In Catalog, you can search for objects in all of the Application Domains that you have access to.

To open Catalog, perform these steps:

  1. Log in to the PubSub+ Cloud Console if you have not done so yet. The URL to access the Cloud Console differs based on your authentication scheme. For more information, see Logging In to the PubSub+ Cloud Console.
  2. On the navigation bar, select Catalog .

Searching for Objects

You can use search terms and filters to find objects in Catalog. The following special characters are not included as part of the search term if you enter them in the search field: \, /, +, =, &, |, >, <, !, ), {, }, [, ], ^, ~, :

To search for an object, perform these steps:

  1. In Catalog, select the tab for the type of object you're searching for.

    screetshot showing the options described in the surrounding steps

  2. Click the search field and type your search term. The list of objects updates as you type to display only the objects that contain matching content. The list displays all objects that have at least one version that matches the search results.
  3. (Optional) Click Filter to apply filters to the list to narrow your search results. If you switch tabs to another object type, your filters remain in effect until you clear them. Apply filters by performing one or more of the following actions:
    • To search only within specific application domains, in the Application Domain list select one or more application domains.
    • To search only for objects with specific version states, in the State list select one or more states.
    • For applications, event APIs, and Event API Products, to search only for objects with a specific broker type, in the BrokerType list, select the appropriate option.
    • For applications and events, to search only for objects that have been added to a modeled event mesh, in the Modeled Event Meshes list, select one or more modeled event meshes.
    • For events, schemas, enumerations, event APIs, and Event API Products, to search only for shared or unshared objects, in the Shared list select the appropriate option.
    • For Event API Products, to search based on plan details, you can add additional search filters.
    • To search based on a custom attribute, click Add Filters and select the custom attribute.
  4. To open an object or an object version, select an object in the list and perform one of the following actions:
    • To open the object in Designer, click More Actions for the object and select Open in Designer.
    • To see more information about an object version, in the Object Details panel, click More Actions next to the version number and select View Details. You can click View in Designer to open the object in Designer from the Details page.
  5. (Optional) If you open an object or version in Designer, click Return to Catalog in the top left of the Details page to return to your search results.

Adding Search Filters

You can add extra search filters to help you find objects in Catalog. For Event API Products you can add search filters for service plan options. For all object types, if you have created simple custom attributes, you can add a search filter for the custom attribute.

To add a search filter, perform these steps:

  1. In Catalog, select a tab for an object type.
  2. Click Filter to display the search filters.
  3. Click Add Filters.
  4. Select the check boxes for the filters that you want to add.
  5. Click anywhere outside of the Add Filters list to close it.

Editing Objects in Designer

After you find an object in Catalog, you can open the object or a version of the object in Designer if you want to update it. After opening an object in Designer, you can return to your search results in Catalog if necessary.

To edit an object version in Designer, perform these steps:

  1. Search in Catalog to find the object with a version that you want to update.
  2. Select an object in the search results and perform one of the following actions:
  3. When you're finished updating the version, click Save Version. You can also click Save & Close if you don't need to return to the search results.
  4. (Optional) Click Return to Catalog in the top left of the of the Details page to return to your search results. The Return to Catalog option is visible until you close the object or version.

Associating Events with Applications in Catalog

When you find events in Catalog, you can associate them with an application without going back to Designer

To associate an event with an application, perform these steps:

  1. Search in Catalog to find the event.
  2. Select the event in the search results and, in the event details panel, click Add to Application.
  3. Select the Event Version you want to use. The default is the latest version.
  4. To associate the event with an existing application, perform these steps:
    1. Select Existing Application.
    2. Select the Application Domain containing the application.
    3. Select the Application Version.
  5. To create a new application to associate the event with, perform these steps:
    1. Select New Application.
    2. Select the Application Domain to add the application to.
    3. Enter the New Application Name.
  6. Select at least one of Subscribe to Event and Publish Event to specify the event flow.
  7. Click Save.

If you created a new application, you can use Catalogto go to the application in Designer to finish configuring the application.