Next Steps
Now that you understand the main concepts and have tried some basic examples, you can continue your Solace journey by moving on to more complex concepts and tasks:

Connect and Integrate
Discover and make use of Solace and community-supported assets to connect your apps, databases, and messaging services with the Solace PubSub+ platform:
Try out PubSub+ Self-Managed Connectors.
See our Integration Guides to learn how to use different technologies with PubSub+.
Find connectors to integrate PubSub+ with your other assets.
Learn about Solace Event-Driven Integration.

Create an Event Mesh and Set Up Dynamic Message Routing
You can link multiple event brokers into an event mesh and propagate messages through the mesh using Dynamic Message Routing (DMR):
Watch our Solace Developer Advocate walk through setting up an event mesh using DMR.
Have a look at our DMR Examples.
Learn about Creating an Event Mesh in PubSub+ Cloud.

Build Applications
There are a lot of different options for application building with PubSub+ event brokers and cloud messaging services. Here are a few examples to get you started.
Try one of our Codelabs.
Understand the best practice of publishing to topics and consuming from queues. Try one or more of these tutorials:
Don't want to learn a messaging API? Use our Spring Cloud Stream Binder.

Operate a Solace PubSub+ Environment
You may need to do to some of the following tasks to extend or scale your system:
Set up Message VPNs to create separate messaging domains for your applications.
Connect message VPNs using Message VPN Bridges
Configure a microgateway to perform load balancing, request prioritization, multi-protocol message delivery and more.
Maintain high availability (HA) with event broker redundancy, which allows a standby broker to take over if the primary broker fails for any reason.
Enable disaster recovery with data center replication. With replication, Guaranteed messages published in one data center are automatically propagated to a standby data center in a separate geographic location.
Review the Security Overview and, if relevant for your implementation, Security in PubSub+ Cloud to make sure your system is set up to properly manage authentication, authorization, auditing, and encryption.
PubSub+ Cloud automatically manages many aspects of configuration and management:
An event broker service consists of a single message VPN. For information, see Creating Event Broker Services.
For service classes other than Developer, event broker services automatically have DMR enabled. See Mesh Manager for details.
High Availability is enabled by default. For more information, see High Availability in PubSub+ Cloud.

Learn and Interact
Keep learning about Solace PubSub+ and interact with experts and other users:
Join Solace Academy to take self-paced courses and get Solace Certified.
Join the Solace Community forum to connect with peers, ask questions, gain early access to new products and features, and more.
Check out our Additional Learning Resources.