Viewing Event Broker Services

With the correct permissions, you can view, and manage event broker services. For more information, see Roles and Permissions.

Information Summary on the Service Card

If your organization uses multiple environments, only the event broker services in the selected environment are visible. You can change the currently selected environment to update the list of event broker services by clicking the environment label in the top-right corner, and selecting a different environment. For more information, see Selecting Environments.

By default, each service is represented by a tile in Cluster Manager. You can also view services in a list by clicking the List View icon  in the top right corner. See Sorting the List of Event Broker Services for more information.

Screenshot showing the settings described in the surrounding steps.

On the card for a service, you can see the following information:

  • cloud provider (represented by the icon on the card)
  • service class of the event broker service
  • service status, including single sign-on (SSO) configuration status for SSO-enabled event broker services, when out-of-sync
  • owner of the service
  • if you hover above the event mesh icon  on the card (the icon appears only if the event broker service is part of an event mesh), you can see the name of the event mesh for which the service belongs
  • if you hover above the user icon  on the card, you can see your permissions for the event broker service.
  • Available information and other actions (depending on your permissions) are accessible via clicking Actions  , including:

The list view shows the same information in a table-based format, including the environment the service is part of, if you are viewing it in full screen mode. If you have small screen, or are not using the browser full screen, less information is shown. The name, state, service class, actions menu, and mesh icon will be visible, regardless of screen size.

Screenshot showing the settings described in the surrounding steps.

Sorting the List of Event Broker Services

By default, event broker services are shown as groupings of tiles in Cluster Manager. Depending on the number of services in your account, this tile view can be quite large. Instead of viewing your event broker services as tiles, you can click the List View icon  in the top right corner to switch to a list view. The list view shows event broker service in a more compact, table-based format that you may find faster to navigate. Both views offer the same ability to manage your event broker service, and can be filtered and searched.

How the event broker service are shown depends on the view you are using, and the sorting method you have selected for that view. Each view offers different sorting options. You can sort either view by clicking the Sort icon  located in the top right corner of Cluster Manager. The sorting options for each view are outlined below:

Grid View
The sort menu offers two categories for organizing the tiles of service: Group By and Sort By.
  • Use the options in the Group By category to group the services. The grouping options are:
    • None—This is the default option and leaves the list of services ungrouped.
    • Service Type—Groups the services according to the type of service, either Developer or Enterprise.
    • Cloud Region—Groups the services on the service list according to the cloud region the services are deployed in.
    • User—Groups the services according to the user that created them in alphabetical descending order.
    • Creation Date—Groups the services together by creation date in descending order.
  • Combine the options in the Sort By category with the Group By options to sort the groupings of services. The sorting options are:
    • Old to New—Sort the list by creation time (date and time) from oldest to newest.
    • Alphabetical—Sort the services in alphabetical order. If you grouped the services using the Group By options, the sorting is applied to the groupings.

The organizing selections are applied to the list dynamically and the currently selected Group By option appears at the top of the screen.

List View
The sort menu offers two categories for organizing the services on the list: Sort By and Sort Order.
  • Use the options in the Sort By category to group the services alphabetically by:
    • Name—Orders the list by the service name.
    • State—Orders the list by the service state.
    • Cloud region—Orders the list by the service cloud region.
    • Service class—Order the list by the service class size of the service class.
    • Owner—Orders the list by service creator.
    • Date—Orders the list by creation date of the service.
  • Combine the options in the Sort Order category with the Sort By options, to sort the list. The sorting options are:
    • Ascending —Sorts the list of services in ascending alphabetical order (A to Z).
    • Descending—Sorts the list of services in descending alphabetical order (Z to A).

Detailed Event Broker Service Information

After you have selected an event broker service, you see a page for the service where you can perform various actions.

Depending on the role and permissions you have, you can perform these steps:

  • Click Open Broker Manager to configure a subset of functions on the event broker service. Broker Manager is a web application that runs directly on event broker service and is separate from the PubSub+ Cloud Console. For more information, see PubSub+ Broker Manager and Pre-Authentication for Broker Manager.
  • View information about the event broker service, manage and configure the service, and test the service using the following tabs:

    • Status: View the overall status and health of your event broker service. You can also view information such as your event mesh details (if the service is part of an event mesh), the service information such as the cluster name/password, the status of authentication schemes used for the event broker service, and login information. You can also view the expiry date of custom TLS server certificates installed using the v2 REST APIs.

      Server certificate expiration dates on the Status tab of Cluster Manager are only visible for server certificates installed using the v2 REST APIs. Server certificates installed using other methods (for example, CLI or by Solace) may not show a date, or may show an invalid date.

    • Connect: Select a language or protocol to view the connection information for your event broker service.
    • Manage: Perform tasks such as configuring queues and managing clients and access.
    • Monitoring: If you have PubSub+ Insights, you can see advanced visualizations and graphs to manage and understand the performance of your event broker service.
    • Configuration: View the details of the event broker service, such as the cloud provider, region, connection limits, messaging storage, and number of queued messages.
    • Try Me!: View connection details for the Broker Manager Try-Me! tool.

Finding Event Broker Service Connection Details

When you configure an application to connect to an event broker service, the application requires the client credentials for the service and the service connection details for the protocol and language used.

To find event broker service connection information, perform these steps:

  1. Log in to the PubSub+ Cloud Console if you have not done so yet. The URL to access the Cloud Console differs based on your authentication scheme. For more information, see Logging In to the PubSub+ Cloud Console.
  2. Select Cluster Manager from the navigation bar.
  3. Select the event broker service that you want to find connection details for. If the event broker service is not listed, make sure you have the right environment selected. For more information, see Selecting Environments.
  4. Select the Connect tab.
  5. In the View by list, select Protocol or Language to sort the connection details and then locate the appropriate library.

    You can copy the details you need from the panel that opens.