Dynamic Producer Destinations

To route messages to dynamic destinations at runtime, use the User-Configured Header Transforms feature described above to set the following headers:

Header Name Type Values Applies To Description



Any valid destination name

Solace, SFTP

Specifies the name of the dynamic destination to publish to. Setting this header overrides the configured destination.

For SFTP, specifies the path and filename of the file. For example:

scst_targetDestination: dynamically/decided/path/to/employee-123.csv

The SFTP path and filename can be specified using a Camel Simple Language expression. For example:

scst_targetDestination: "backup/$#{date:now:yyyyMMdd}/dynamic.txt"



(queue | topic)


Specifies the destination type of the dynamic destination. When unspecified, the configured or default destination type is used.

Setting the scst_targetDestination header under solace.connector.default.workflow.transform-headers may not be possible if not all workflows follow the same direction.