Setting Up an Event Management Agent to Run Scans from Event Portal

When you set up an Event Management Agent in connected mode, you use one Event Management Agent that is connected to Event Portal, one or more runtime event brokers, and optionally, a Confluent Schema Registry. This mode allows you to run discovery scans from Event Portal and upload the scanned data automatically. This mode also enables you to send application and queue configuration data to Solace event brokers.

The instructions on this page assume you are using Docker to set up the Event Management Agent. You can set up the agent on your own following these instructions, or you can let Runtime Event Manager walk you through the set up after you finish setting up the Event Management Agent connection.

The Event Management Agent files are also available in the Solace Products GitHub repository. Instructions to install an Event Management Agent and use it to scan event brokers are available in the GitHub repository. Solace recommends using Docker to install and use an Event Management Agent with Event Portal.


For network performance, Solace recommends setting up Event Management Agents in proximity to the runtime event brokers that they scan. The computer where you set up Event Management Agents must meet these requirements:

  • A computer with at least 1 CPU and 1 GB of RAM

  • Docker
  • To use Scan from Event Portal mode, the computer requires network access to Event Portal, the event brokers that you want to discover runtime data from, and to any Confluent Schema Registries that you want to get subject data from.

Setting Up the Event Management Agent

To set up an Event Management Agent with a connection to Event Portal, perform these steps:

  1. Set up an Event Management Agent connection to get the connection details for the event brokers.

  2. Pull the Event Management Agent image from Docker Hub using the following command:
    docker pull solace/event-management-agent
  3. Download the Event Management Agent connection file. Make sure that your filename doesn't contain spaces or special characters or that it is wrapped in quotation marks to avoid OS-related filename errors.

  4. Start the agent using the Docker run command in your OS terminal. Copy the command generated by Event Portal and update the following parameters:
    • Replace /path/to/file/AcmeRetail.yml with the path to your connection file.
    • Replace each instance of [NAME_OF_THE_EP_EVENT_BROKER]_[AUTHENTICATION_TYPE]_PASSWORD with the password required by the authentication method for each event broker that the Event Management Agent connects to.
    • If included, replace SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PASSWORD with the password to connect to the Confluent Schema Registry.
    docker run -d -p 8180:8180 -v /path/to/file/AcmeRetail.yml:/config/ema.yml --env 
    event-management-agent solace/event-management-agent:latest
  5. If you are following the instructions in the Cloud Console, click Finish.

After the setup is complete, you can run discovery scans from the associated modeled event meshes.

Viewing the Event Management Agent Logs

The Event Management Agent logs can help you monitor Event Management Agent output and know when the Event Management Agent is ready. You can get the logs from Docker using the following command.

docker logs -f event-management-agent